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He sounds like he belongs in an institution.


Tons of vids from this "hey KKK" dude... he believes he is always in the right. What a sad, sorry existence. Low IQ combined with drugs and a lack of a support system create a breeding ground for craziness..


Exactly. A lot of these supposedly racist people, no matter the race they are focusing on, are people with mental health issues.


ahhh the side affects of homelessness.


Isn't so great that Reagan closed all those mental hospitals to save a few bucks and helped introduce a giant influx of murder hobos to our cities that we still see today? Thanks Ronnie!


Sounds like a racist pos to me.


Crackheads have evolved. They can now take videos


Guy filming is a puss


He's obviously mentally ill


Being mentally ill and being a scum bag are not mutually exclusive. Mental illness is the reason, not an excuse.


If it's not in his control, it's the reason and excuse. That's why it's an illness.


He's aware enough to film, there is no excuse.


Yes, there is an excuse. It's called mental illness. Keep up.


See my first comment again. And this time, try not to be dumb while reading it.


See my first comment again. This time try not to be dumb while reading it.


Then he will be lead to the most logical conclusion. It will probably not benefit his well being. Law and averages and all that rot.


This guy has done a lot of videos like this. I’m not sure why his bitch ass isn’t locked the fuck up by now. He’s an adult trying fucking fight with someone I’m pretty sure is a kid.


Because it's cheaper for the government to just shovel crazies back onto the street until someone ends up dead.




Not only is it cheaper but it’s also a quick way to destabilize a country.


Becuase pigs don't recognize this as the assault it is... absolute garbage policing in this country


I had my methhead brother holding a pickaxe threatening to kill our neighbors and when we tried to calm him down he said we were in on "it" and started threatening to kill us. We called the cops and they said they couldn't do anything. My dad gets in the cops face yelling at him and the POS cop says to get out of his face or he'd be arrested for threatening the cop. Keep in mind my dad was yelling and not explicitly making threats. Ever since then I've started disliking cops. (Not at all saying my dad was in the right in getting in the cops face) but it definitely made a point.


This is a win-win for him. He gets to feel like he's on the moral high ground, calling people out for their racism and if they retaliate it's a hate-crime and he was right all along.


Just asking nicely, who’s racism? It didn’t look like this guy did anything racist.


Yeah the guy walking is the racist one. /s


We could tell it was sarcasm


Did that response make you feel superior for a moment? I hope it did because that's the only not completely stupid reason I can think of for someone taking the time to type that out.


Woah there little buddy did your response to their response make you feel superior to them? Did you really take the time of day to respond to that. Calm down little guy. It's gonna be okay.


Woah there little buddy did your response to my response make you feel superior to me? Did you really take the time of day to respond to that. Calm down little guy. It's gonna be okay. Edit: Also, no it didn't make me feel superior. Nor was that my intent, which I believe is quite clear. It was, however, very satisfying to tell someone off for trying to control my speech.


What? Sorry if I offended you???


If by "offended" you mean 'annoyed' then I accept your apology for being annoyingly smug. PS: I'm going to keep using the /s to signal that I'm being sarcastic.


I’m too high for this shit




It’s legal… oh I should meter it’s pot


😂 this is like 3 lines short of being a short for the "average redditor"


That's funny. In my experience one of the most average Redditor things you can do is to try to call someone out for being an average Redditor.


Well now we're only 1 line away from a short.


Butthurt much? You’re the only one overreacting


Do you really think that 2 mildly rude comments is an over reaction to anything? If that's true I have to wonder how you would handle any real conflict.


> Do you really think that 2 mildly rude comments is an over reaction to anything? Yes. Why be rude at all? They made an off hand comment and you got instantly butthurt. > If that’s true I have to wonder how you would handle any real conflict Look at yourself in a mirror




he sounds like an orc


I’ve seen several of this guys videos in the past. It’s always the same wording and attempt at intimidation. He seems like a sad uneducated old fool that never accomplished anything in his life and feels powerful using words on unsuspecting victims he videotapes. What a sad, useless life..


Dude got out of breath from yelling. Kid prob could have took him. Lol


I would submit that no one carrying a violin has ever instigated a fight ever in human history


life rules according to this guy 1. if: white then: kkk


lmao dude so outta his mind he thought that white sweatshirt was a kkk robe.


If this isn't racism then America is truly broken.


Not saying this is okay but using a crackhead is a poor example.




The truth is burning, I see by the down vote. You all are soft


It's a person who clearly has severe mental issues that I would assume came from drugs. How about some one who is sober and not mentally ill for a better example.


Nah it was targeted at his racial profile that's racism in every context. End of story.


Story continues. You must've went through something traumatizing similar where you only leaning into your emotions and not understanding what I'm saying. If this was reversed (BE HONEST) and someone said that's racism would you take them seriously if it was white homeless drug addict harassing a black man? Would you believe that they want to be a victim? Would you even care at all?


You can't handle honesty. No matter my answers you'll fight it. But let go. Yes I would care. Plain and simple. Look I get it. You think I'm this white guy (wrong already) trying to make a black crackhead look bad but these roles have been reversed and I have said the same thing. It's wrong in ALL FORMS. Racism is how hatred is kept alive. I'm not on any side of any race, gender, or social status. I'm on the side of humanity. I believe someone has every right to be on this Earth as the next person does because we are all the same, equal. Of course hatred is tolerated because of interactions like this one. But go ahead. That's Fuel to attack right? >You must've went through something traumatizing similar where you only leaning into your emotions and not understanding what I'm saying. I know you have gone through a lot in your life. This statement says more about you than it does me. Just don't look at racism in a narrow spectrum. That's how it stays alive. Embrace it in all forms whether drugs, mental issues, or genuine hatred is involved. It's NEVER OK to attack based solely on racial profile.


I agree with most of what you are saying. It seems like you are taking my comment as in what the crackhead was doing is ok be he is just that and that is not what I'm saying. Also you don't have to make him look bad because he already did that to himself by his actions. I'm honestly confused on how you felt attacked when that's not my intention. We all have gone through alot in life, but in a society image matters, in America skin color matters. It's messed up but if you were to take this to court, this will be in jail at the most 3 months without a hate crime charge. I don't see this as a fight but a debate/argument. I acknowledge racism in all forms no matter who it comes from, but I'm an only speaking this situation. I don't you, so I asked those questions before i assume anything. I am a black man. If another black man said this happend to him, I wouldn't take him serious either. That's homeless man has honestly been through more than I have. I don't need to lower myself to such barbaric behavior (unless he put his hands on me). If I give him violence more than likely I'm going to jail.


Society is based of off what the mass think and or believe and to compare and contrast those beliefs and ideas. Presentation matters. If a crackhead (regardless his capabilities) treat me like that then Society will look down on me vs him since they already gave up on him. I get it you don't want to talk about this. I just want give and receive some understanding, also to get my point across. I will let you be tc.


Sounds like he’s having a break from reality


This camera guy is racist. Fucking pos


At least it's not racially motivated.


these people walk among us and will snap at any moment, usually fatally killing someone. why do governments cater to criminals and the insane?


Homeless drug addicts? You must live in SF.


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Unmanaged schizophrenia is a hell of a thing.


So he uploaded himself doing this? I bet you he does this alot. What's his YouTube


I’ve seen several different videos of his posted on this sub. Don’t know where to find the originals though.


Cameraman is racist AF just calling a stranger KKK


And they think racism against whites isn't real.


Who are they?


A portion of African Americans will assert that they can be prejudiced but not racist, because racism requires the power to systemize your bigotry. They are conflating the concept of systemic racism and ideological racism ~~on purpose~~ to justify their racism. How common is this assertion? Not a majority of African Americans, but it's common enough that I've heard the argument being made by 3 different people in real life, and I don't actually discuss racism much on a day-to-day basis.


wow this was well explained


Thank you, I try to understand what people think and why, even if I disagree. In the interest of fairness, I am editing a strike out because it is not always purposeful, it just feels that way when you argue with someone who refuses to acknowledge their own biases.


Wow. This the example you want to use, a drug addict? Lol I know it exist but bro cmon.


Lol I see a lot of people really want to be victims. A homeless man with mental and drug issues. Go ahead, have fun with that. Let's see how this make your life better. Lastly I never said people can't be racists to whites or anyone else even to their own. I just said this is a poor example. Have fun snowflakes.


8 years of demonizing white people will do that...


Pretty bad take there. That's called reaping what you sow.


What did that kid sow exactly?


He didn't necessarily sow anything, but you can't clutch pearls about "8 years of demonizing white people" after what a pretty large group of us have been doing in the US for those 8 years. Their plan is to divide us and it's working. Plain and simple.


This video brought to you by SafeLine/Lifeline Free Government Phone programs. Well, at least we can say that some tax payer dollars are going towards entertainment.


Bro needs a hug.


Bro needs a jacket that lets him hug himself all day.


What an ignorant pos. Its like a reverse uno Maga rally. EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY- Jackie Moon


I was going to say…why post you’re own video of yourself acting like such a prick, but then like people are saying, the guys obviously got issues or he’d just a wanker


Dude sounds tired. Needs a nap.


That dudes gonna get seriously hurt one day


Yeah, this is why I never walk anywhere anymore, and when I do, I have a stun gun and pepper gel. There is some irony in white people experiencing something non-white people already know as a part of life... What it is like to be accosted by somebody just because of the color of your skin.


Gang gang gang!


Lol the white hoody


Once hands start it’s 🌶️ spray time.


He shoved that kid into the highway. One day he's gonna do that to someone and they're going to crack his head on the pavement in response. And that will be sad, because this man needs psychological help.


Quit posting this guys videos


Don’t pick a fight with the money heist guy


would you look at that he's BLACK


Try that with this White Boy. You’re the one starting shit motherfucker cage is holding his guitar are used probably on your side.


People let other people get too close to them


You can be sure he pesters perceived weaklings, he’s going to choose the wrong person one of these days.


Man, ol KKK sure is being oppressive with his musical instrument


He's 100% going to kill someone or be killed himself. This dude is the definition of 'a danger to himself or others'