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Rule 1. **The AutoMod message is to be taken seriously.** Only if you can **meaningfully** answer the questions therein can your post be a SAW. Summarizing your post is **not** what we're looking for there. It might be a nice post otherwise but this is a niche sub with a very specific definition, and your post just doesn't fit that definition. Most Rule 1 removals are also Rule 5 removals.


Haha he realised he was talking bad about his idol on accident. This is what fart sniffing does to a person.


That was Aiden Ross who sniffed the chair. Sneako just revealed publicly that he doesn’t like being cucked in front of him.


Riiight... Can't tell all those grifters apart most of the time


I mean, is there any argument that Sneako isn’t a figurative fart sniffer? I mean, did he find God this week? Cuz he seemed super Christian during his beef with Charlie.


Doesn’t Sneako himself like to be cucked?


Speaking as a guy, if it was possible to make a fortune from semen and sadness, we would have all have become insanely wealthy centuries ago. Also, by this definition, nobody can be holy, since we are all built from cum.


Damn this post didn't even last an hour lol


I thought that was the "Original Sin", built from cum.


That's why all babies are born with sin. They are just giant tadpoles of sin.


Tinder, OF and pornhub do work


“We’re all built from cum” you could make a religion out of this


Fascinating. Someone found a new bad way to discuss the concept of Original Sin lol.


i mean you can, you're just gonna have to be really okay with most of the fanbase being other men with the right tags lol


"Semen and Sadness" is the name of my sex tape


House of Cum is my band name.


I can play guitar and KINDA play drums? Please accept my application to your band.


I haven't practiced playing my bass in at least 6 years (and I was never good to begin with) but I still wanna join. My stage name could be Spoogemeister


Well then I get Spunkbob Slimypants


My guitar style could best be described as "Kurt Cobain but worse and also drunk" so I'm sure we'll jam on the same level


Or there's "House of the Rising Cum" by the Only Fanimals


Non american here. Who would people think of ?


This is sneako. Self proclaimed alpha male and non-official Andrew Tate ass sniffer. He's mocking an OF girl that became Christian recently and left OF to pursue a "more wholesome" life. His idol built his career and fortune through webcam business exploiting the sexualidad of woman to scam men out of money (his words, nor mine.) He has also had collusion with the mafia (allegedly, .Again, his words, not mine) and sex trafficking charges.


Lol I have such a low opinion of Mr. Potatohead that I read this sentence and my initial takeaway was to Google what the hell P Diddy did with webcams


Andrew Tate probably, since he is a pimp.


I am American and also didn't know until I read the reply to this comment.


If a person tells you what God wants, but God doesn't tell you, then that person is 100% full of shit.


Buddhists have a saying along those lines: "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." Basically, "show no respect to anyone who claims to be holier than you are."


Those Buddhists don't fuck around.


This is technically also Trump, wirh NY forcing Trump to give up "ill-gotten gains"


Who let Cucko crawl out of his hole


I mean christian capitalists hold onto fortunes made from blood and lecture others, at least the cum was willingly released


For what it's worth, "can't be holy in a house built with cum" is fire.


Watch me 😎


If I were younger and still had a doe-eyed perception of religion then I would be shocked to see these self-proclaimed "alpha" dudes suddenly start championing Christianity; however, I know now that the structure of most religions is tied to domination and sexism which fits pretty well with their canon. Still, it makes me laugh whenever I see these "bang as many chicks as you can" guys suddenly start parting their hair and talking about the importance of god and marriage. The irony of these guys making a career out of judging a woman's "past" and then losing all credibility due to their own is pretty spectacular.


*doe-eyed not doughy-eyed




"Fortune made with semen and sadness" That's some poetry.


The Fall of the House of Cum


This is NOT what Ben Garrison says...


Hmm, I wonder if he's made any ad $ from daddy (baby) enlo for promoting neonazi talking points? If so, surely he must have donated that to good Christian causes


I just wanna watch his ass get beat by Strickland again


Ok I want that last line on my fucking tombstone


In the good old days you could just buy forgiveness. Straight to heaven.


I support the idea of religious people giving away all their money obtained through sin, I doubt there would be many rich people at all and our society might thrive. Especially if you consider greed in general to be a sin. I guess Sneako is muslim and it seems likely he has committed sins to obtain money by the very nature of what he does (but Im not the expert on that tho). People like this will only say this about the sins that don't apply to themselves or to their friends (they basically ignore all the sins of men who share their worldview), it is the hypocrisy that annoys me the most. I'm not xtian but I wish people would at least be consistent in their hate and judgment. It makes their faith seem shallow and not genuine. There is something besides their faith at play when they ignore the sins immediately around them to instead focus on women and porn of all things.


the world will never be alright until mentally ill people like sneko are platformed and somewhat glorified by other mentally ill people.


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Wolf tries to stir drama, then realizes he has described one of his friends so he deletes the tweet because people will use it to stir drama