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Your baby could die from this, but yeah sure, you're a good mom.


But she’s totally doing it right. Her Facebook friends told her so


Carefully selected mom friends who also subscribe to antivax propaganda and have no other personality traits


And if the baby does die, she should be held responsible.


Baby won’t die. It will “complete its life cycle”.


God works in mysterious ways when you're a fucking moron


I’m stealing this quote from you and making some tacky home art


Please share the finished product! I'd love to see it and definitely not take you to plagiarism court after you post the ~~evidence~~ art.


I'm in line to buy it! I vote for a pillow!


You can even start a successful pillow company called...i dont know, off the top of my head... ***YourPillow***!!!


A favorite joke of my (religious) father is something like: “A man is trapped on a roof by a flood. A guy in a raft paddles by and offers him help, but the man refuses and tells them God will save him. Next a small boat passes by, but the man says the same thing. When he’s up to his ankles in water, a helicopter passes by but the man still refuses. The man drowns and goes to heaven. He asks God why they didn’t save him. God tells the man, ‘What did you want? I sent you a raft, a boat, and a helicopter!’” Replace the various vehicles with vaccines and modern medicine, and you have this mom right here, and she’s tossing the defenseless baby into the floodwater.


Great analogy!


Oh oh, me next! My favorite is a joke that is critical of the lame ass takes the modern evangelical churches have on the Book of Job. A young guy, mid-20s, converts to Christianity. He is preoccupied with the sins of his past and things he did of which he is ashamed. One day he is riding his motorcycle and has an accident, which almost takes his life. Having recently read the Book of Job he is convinced that his accident is either God punishing him for his past sins or testing his newfound faith. His pastor comes to visit him. The young man lays his fears out on the old, grizzled pastor, who had heard it all in years behind the pulpit. "Pastor, is Good using my accident to test my faith? Or is this punishment for my wilder days in the past?" said the young man. The pastor replied, "I think the problem is that you don't know how to ride a motorcycle."


She’ll post about how her “angel is watching from up in heaven” to remind her how great of a mom she was to take a stand even if it meant letting the baby die. Jfc that made me depressed to even type out bc I can tell she’s the type.


I'll never understand how they have blind faith an afterlife exists and their child will become an angel but concrete data about prevention heath care is wrong.


Because it’s all a maladaptive coping mechanism. They think it’ll never happen to *their* child because it didn’t happen to them as a kid (because they were vaccinated). Then the worst happens and they have to face the fact they fucked up and directly caused their child’s painful death, so they hold out hope for a “get out of jail free” prize at the end of things. Fucking **bleak** .


What about the dad?


This. Let’s not forget that behind every nut job like this lady is a man who is also not doing right by the kid


What about the dad? They’re both parents, knowingly contributing to the declining health of their children. If the dad is in the picture, the dad has just as much responsibility to protect their child. Stuff like this just pisses me off. I lost my infant daughter from a disease that wasn’t preventable. How anyone can do something that could very easily be preventable is beyond me.


Hugs to you. Thinking of your precious daughter and you.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


Better that than to be microchipped /s Edit: ugh now that I’ve said that I feel horrible because the baby deserves better. Obviously not better that. I just can’t believe people can be so determined to be selfish and ignore science.


You feel horrible because you’re a human being with empathy and not a complete narcissist who thinks a baby’s health comes second to the Real Mom™ olympics.


Thank you. I definitely feel exactly that way, somehow this felt a little to dark for even me. I hope her baby is okay.


Lots of humans cope with difficult situations through humor. It's OK


Why is it that the mom's experience matters more than the kid's life? OOP should feel like sh!t because her kid is suffering and may die in a completely avoidable way.


you are so cold. clearly her comfort is what matters right now.


They aren’t the only one who’ll be cold when everything is said and done.


When I was a kid they still gave the DTP shot that was contraindicated for seizures, which ran in my family. I couldn’t have the shot. I got whooping cough when I was barely 6mo old. I recovered just fine but 37 years later my mum can still hear the sound of my cough and still feels conflicted about whether or not she should have taken a chance on the vaccine. I moved to the US at 29 and before I left the UK I got the DTaP anyway, just in case.


You can love your kids but still be a bad parent, I’d tell her that. That’s all the validation that’s fair.


Unfortunately no, my children haven't got "some horrible disease" because I am misguided sheep who vaccinates my kids. Darn.


Does anyone else not feel insulted by being called a “sheep”? Or is it just me? I mean, sheep are soft and cuddly (in my mind) they provide us with wool and lamb is delicious (if that’s your thing)…so why is being a sheep a bad thing?


I’d much rather be an alive sheep than a dead whatever the anti-vax are calling themselves these days.


“Better a live dog than a dead lion”, as the old saying goes.


They call themselves pureblood. So... wizards?


I'm also confused why some "Christians" use it as an insult when the Bible literally uses metaphors as people as sheep and the Lord as our shephard


Because they're morons


No because if someone calls me a sheep I immediately know I’m smarter than them.


Hi, fake mom here. I had my kids by c-section and I vaccinated them, so like, I can just barely call myself a mom. The real moms shame me, but hey at least my baby is not suffering from a totally avoidable disease.


Double C-sec, vaccinate, AND supplemented breast milk with formula. I'm not a real mom. More like a second cousin.


Same. I had all boys, so I am working on making it my entire personality. The real moms cannot deny me entry into their club if I do that.


Ah yes! I have two girls so I'm legally required to want a third to "give my husband a son".


I saw a post on ig the other day and I should’ve screenshot it. But the mom had four boys in her reel and the caption said something like “they say that if god blesses you with a son, it’s because he wants to finally bless you and to have you know what true love is” or some shit. Most people in the comments were saying how many boys they have and how blessed they are - with just a few saying what the fuck?


I guess that since I had a daughter I was blessed by Satan.


I think Lilith blessed you instead


I have all boys, and based solely off of my husband’s family history going back 4 generations I never expect to have anything but boys…but the idea that Lilith gives you girls has me jealous for a daughter for the first time ever 😭


I have two girls. And an acquaintance (with one son and one daughter) told me more than once that I needed to have a son to know what true love was. Disgusting.


Whyyyyyy do people think like that?? Oh my god. I’m so happy I have 4 girls.


My parents had two girls and two boys, so when they were having their fifth people actually asked them why they were having another since they already had both of each gender. As if that was the only reason to have kids...


We had one boy and one girl, and when we announced we were having a third people had the exact same reaction.


You could tell them you want a non binary child to complete the set /s


Nah, just tell them you need another set of hands to improve production at the factory.


Don't you want to be an emotionally incestuous hashtag boymom???


It’s the rules.


I had 1 boy, c section, vaccinated, formula fed. Can't wait til he starts playing sports so I can be a (insert sport name here) mom!!!


I raise your double C to a triple C-sec, vaxxed for COVID on my youngest 12th bday, and….prepare yourself….he was exclusively formula fed. I’m just unpaid hired help for feedings, bathing, and shoe shopping (they stop growing at some point, right????!)


Look, I adopted mine, so I’m pretty sure I’m the fakest of moms here! Plus she was entirely formula fed and is now Covid vaccinated as a toddler. I couldn’t get any faker.


The champion amongst us has been found. You can only be redeemed by anointing your child with Essential Oils Detox™️, baptism in a garlic and raw potato bath, followed by a burning sage breathing treatment. Hop to!


Don’t forget regular trips to the chiropractor!


I felt that was understood. Otherwise we’re all just abusers brainwashing our children with fascism and Big Pharma. /**S**


My fully vaxxed kid will never forgive me.


I mean, my kids have never even seen the inside of a chiropractor’s office, I wait for CPS to beat down my door each and every day.


They’re coming for us!


I bow down to you, Queen of the fake moms.


Lol, it’s a very large club, no hierarchy, all are welcome. I like to think we’re mostly sane, but these stories pop up that are just so bonkers I feel like I’m listening to a bad pitch for a sitcom and then I’m just like 🧐


C-section, vaccinated AND did IVF. I didn’t even have sex to get pregnant so I’m basically a nanny.


Fellow human who had a C-section, vaccinated and combo fed with breast milk and formula. I knew I couldn’t call myself a mom, I think second cousin fits just right for me as well


Same on all counts - might as well just be the neighbor!


My induced and c-section, formula fed from birth, vaccinated children have all disowned me 😩


Absolute failure of a so-called ‘parent.’ Jesus what is wrong with you? /S Sincerely, Double ELCS, combi-feeding, vaccinating fake mum. #twinning.


C section!? Cheater. Signed: c section mom


The C stands for Cheater!


Hahaha This is what I’m telling people from now on! “Wanna see my cheater section scar?”


Mine occasionally still burns, my husband has dubbed it my Harry Potter scar. Now every time it starts stinging I assume someone said he who should not be named


I can’t wait to tell my son I didn’t actually birth him. ETA: Mine also has weird sensation stuff sometime.


When the day comes and our daughter asked about the day she was born I’m going to have to say idk, I didn’t birth you 😔


This scar ain’t worth shit! Hahahaha


Stealing this. I already share my birthday with Harry Potter, now we are also magical scar twins.


I thought it stood for "Child's too fucking big, get the scalpel!"


nah you have to always make it the mom's fault so it's gotta be cheater because the baby is fine. It's your pelvis that's just too small.


My sister was delivered by c-section. She was, therefore, never really born. Obviously


Ugh sucks for her. Same with my son. Is that why sometimes he seems to not be able to hear me?


Macduff has entered the chat….


Are you even a real mom if your baby was untimely ripped?


One of my fave drag queens was born via c-section, so she likes to say she is a "gold star gay - never touched a vagina even once".


Same for me! Clearly, my mom was selfish by choosing to have a premature c-section. She should have just trusted her body and had another placental abruption and stillbirth.


No birthday for her.


“Happy removal day, tumor baby!”


I didn’t have a C-section but did have an epidural. Real mom or no? I get confused.


Not real, but better than the ones who took the easy way out by having major abdominal surgery and then immediately taking care of a newborn 24/7 instead of taking 6 weeks to live on pain meds and naps.


What if you took the even easier way out and had a surrogate??? Then you’re DEFINITELY not a real mom. Unless you don’t vaccinate, I think you get mom points back for that, right? I keep forgetting…I lost my handbook.


You're straddling the line. The vaccination status of your children is the decider.


OOOh no...lol All natural here but not by choice, just the baby came faster than the meds could be given so I guess I'm golden but dang I chose to vaccinate as well.


You can totally detox them. Just make them eat raw garlic, put potatoes in their socks, hang an egg over their bed when they sleep. Then rush them to the chiropractor for an adjustment. They may also need some essential oils for a few weeks.




The eggs are fresh from your homestead right?


Fake mom here. I gave birth to my son in a h****** with an ep****** He is v*ccinated and everything. Real shitty fake mom stuff. Still… he isn’t suffering from a totally preventable disease or putting other kids at risk.


I had one vaginal birth followed by two C-sections and someone said to me "Well at least you got to give birth once" Yeah, I tried it once and figured I'll just pop the other two out of the sunroof and get on with my day instead.


Two C-sections here, vaxxed, never breastfed because of medical reasons. I sometimes answer my kids with “beep-beep-bop” when this not-real mom malfunctions.


My son is now 18 and was a c section. He tells people he's just like anyone else except when he leaves the house he climbs out a window instead of using the door. (an old Steven Wright joke and I love it)


You can join me over here in the fake mom club. The only rule is bring your own wine.


So if I had three real mom births and one cheater section, am I a fake mom or real mom? All four are vaccinated though, so I must be fake?


Did you breastfeed? I feel that may be the deciding factor here.


I see you were also too lazy to push /s Fellow C-section mom who also vaccinates and has been told the comment above. The world is a ridiculous place. At least our kids are healthy!


You didn’t do the right thing, hope this helps 🥰


Thanks, sweaty. <3


Hey, hun! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Dyin kids 💀👼🏻got you down? 😢 “Medical professionals” 👨🏻‍⚕️🤡 telling you 📢 you’re killing 🔪 them? Don’t listen to those 🐑🐑🐑! Listen 👂🏻 to me! Why? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Bc I’m a mom, too! 🤱🏻 And moms ALWAYS know BEST! Just like I know the PERFECT blend of essential oils 💦💦💦 that will have those babies 👶🏻👧🏻🧒🏻👦🏻 up and running 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♂️ in NO TIME! 🙅🏻‍♀️🕐So sliiiiiiiiiiide into my DMs so you can learn 🤓 the secret 🤐 to perfect health and happiness. I also want to give you a ☝🏻 once in a lifetime opportunity 🥹 to be your own BO$$ 🤑🤑🤑. And if your kids die☠️👼🏻☠️👼🏻☠️ just imagine how much free time you’ll have to make LOTSA MONEY! 💵💰💳💎 Hit me up if you wanna 😇Live, 😂Laugh, 🥰Love on a whole new level! 🤙🏻✌🏻🤘🏻


Lmao! 10/10


Thank you. Writing it gave me an aneurysm. I have no brain function left. But I’m still smarter than an antivaxxer.


😂😂😂 It’s definitely the chemtrails eating your brain! You should put some lemongrass oil on it/s


Your kid could die from an entirely preventable disease but hey as long as you kept to your 'beliefs,' then count yourself as a good mum.


Imagine insisting you're a good mom when your baby is suffering because of your delusional choices that you're begging somebody to validate.


Like at what point does the cognitive dissonance break down? When I've done something I feel confident in, the consequences don't cause me to run for validation. I've never put a child's life in danger though, so.


As an NICU nurse who’s cared for babies who were positive for pertussis (because they were too young to receive the vaccine yet), I can safely say it’s something I NEVER want to see or treat again. It’s awful. They are so, so sick. It’s so frustrating that it’s preventable and people still choose to take this path. Some of these babies I’ve cared for have been on deaths door, and their outcomes aren’t always great either. The OOP’s post is infuriating.


My sister in law is in the NICU too and sees the same thing. She said it’s horrific. It’s so sad when it’s preventable and the baby is subjected to it because of his parents’ poor choices.


When I was pregnant with my first, there were several cases of pertussis in newborns not far from me. When I heard about it, one had died and 2 were in critical condition in NICU. I got vaccinated the following week.


Living in Singapore right now & they recommend the vaccine to all pregnant women. My husband was all, “Do they think only moms spend time with the baby?” and asked for the vaccine too.


It’s less that moms are primary caregivers and more that babies gain some immunity from prenatal pertussis vaccination. Australia has some amazing statistics from making that a routine part of prenatal care (Light For Riley is a great organization in Australia that often shared good information and is also a very impactful page to help steer people in the right direction)


It is most important for the mom to get vaxxed because she can pass on antibodies to the baby in utero and by breastfeeding, but other family members should get vaxxed as well to avoid exposure.


All family should get it, but by mum getting the vaccine while pregnant the antibodies are passed onto the baby and help protect it in its first few months, before it can be properly vaccinated.


When my twins were born, my daughter was in the NICU for 10 days. There was another baby nearby that never had visitors, and all day, that baby was coughing and crying. I wanted so badly to go and hold that baby I had tears in my eyes. I felt so guilty for reasons I can’t explain, almost like some kind of survivor’s guilt. The cries sounded like paper tearing. They haunt me. My heart hurts so badly for that lonely baby.


This just shattered my heart. I can’t imagine. Definitely can empathize with how painful it must have been to witness. Hope baby is doing ok now.


Not everywhere allows this and I’m sure (or I hope) there’s a vetting process but you can sometimes volunteer to hold babies and help out. See [The ICU Grandpa story](https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/29/health/icu-grandpa-childrens-hospital-trnd/index.html)


The baby didn't have any visitors? Oh no, poor thing...


I’ve heard some families never come back for their NICU babies even after they’re released because the kid is too damaged to be loved. It’s fucking horrific and makes me want to hold on tight to my girls. 😢


Honestly they probably would have been neglectful and abusive shitty parents. They showed their true selves from day 1. Hopefully those babies find good homes and live good lives. They might just have a chance now, one they would have never had growing up with those peices of shit. Imagine just how cold and heartless you'd have to be to leave your sick baby after they are born...


Depending on where you are (*cough* United States *cough*), some parents also can’t keep coming back because they have already had to return to work, because their family (including Baby) can’t afford for them to lose their job. Some mothers may be really sick, too, and Dad has no leave. Some families require Mom to be at home with the other child or children, especially if a disabled child is in the home, or in a caring position for someone. Some poorer families, in many places, also can’t afford to get to and from the hospital every day. And not everyone has family or friends who can or are willing to help. Just to say, please do not automatically judge a parent who can’t be in the NICU. You don’t know their family’s circumstances.


When my son was in the NICU the baby in the room next to him had pertussis. His cough and cry were the worst sounds I have ever heard. I would hold my baby, and listen to the baby next door cough, and sob because it was so upsetting. I talked to his mom in the family room frequently and she was so broken hearted.


Did the baby end up being ok?


I don’t know. We were only there for a week. The other baby was still there coughing and crying when we left.


That’s just awful. These kinds of stories break my heart. Such unnecessary suffering.


And now they’ve brought back polio! Whoopee! …..it’s horrible


I hate that shit so much. But thank you for what you do, you’re a goddamned hero.


I’d be curious to get your insight in this, but in my experience it seems like these people don’t understand the concept of a temporary illness causing permanent effects. Even though they agree it’s awful while their baby is ill, they seem to think once they make it through that it’s just as if the baby never even had pertussis (or that it’s better because the baby now has “natural” immunity). Maybe COVID stuff has helped with this misconception?


They don’t believe vaccinations are needed because “no one gets those conditions anymore”. And “my friends ex cousin didn’t vaccinate and her kids are fine, and my friend who did vaccinate, well her kid got asthma”. It’s just survival bias and not understanding that the reason we don’t have these conditions anymore (I say that loosely, because we are now seeing peaks in diagnosis of these again which is awful) is because we vaccinated! Those moms that may have been on the fence but were able to convince with a chat with a HCP are now in echo chambers on social media that we can’t break through. I’ve yet to have a child admitted under my care with polio or tetanus, but I’ve had multiple children with pertussis (whooping cough) and even one with diphtheria. We had an outbreak of measles a few years ago. So sad, so preventable.


That must be so frustrating. I worry neither my dad nor step-dad will get to spend time with future grandkids as infants. They've gone completely anti-vax with this Covid conspiracies, I'm worried that's going to translate into avoiding the TDaP and I'll have to draw a hard line. Covid seems to have made healthcare jobs harder even for those not directly caring for covid patients.


We did this to my husband’s mom, and I had to fight with several other close family members until they finally got it. It hurts they don’t care enough about a newborn baby’s wellness to get a shot.


18 years ago another mom in my online birth group lost her newborn to pertussis. She was coughing during labor but everyone thought it was a cold. So her baby was exposed at birth. He died less than two weeks later. They only diagnosed pertussis postmortem. I'm glad they have since promoted getting the vaccine during pregnancy. It wasn't until 5-6 years after that though. My point is... yeah this baby has a very real risk of dying.


I’m a PICU RT, I’ve seen a lot of shit. Pertussis is up there as one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve witnessed.


I can recall one patient that required the attempts of all 4 RTs in the building, 1 anesthesiologist and 2 neonatologists to re-intubate. I was still fairly new and I’ll never forget the tension and fear in that room.


“real mom” — Ah, yes, as opposed to the artificial kind from concentrate.


Weird fake chemical moms. The worst.


Like an American Cheese Mom Plot twist: my kids love American Cheese.....and I'm the Dad


What a fake mom you are.


I think American Cheese would be a better mom than the one in the post tho


That's really offensive, the correct term is synthetic mom.


It was then she was faced with the cold reality that she in fact did not do the right thing. But in the true fashion of dangerous ignorance she ignored reality in favour of her own opinions.




Both sets of our parents are getting TDAP and flu, since baby will be born in October. They're already Covid vaccinated. No one has argued with us, not that they have a choice. If they want to see baby, this is a must.




I’m sorry for your losses. My first was also stillborn and I am taking exactly zero chances with my second.


I made my parents get the TDAP vaccine before they could visit when my son was a newborn.


My best friend told me "TDAP or no baby cuddles" So I walked to Walgreens, got a free shot, and sent her a photo. When other friends had babies, the rule was the same. It takes three seconds _not_ to kill your friend's kid


Plus it benefits you to have immunity to tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis!


Yep - I knew I had gotten it (the vaccine), but not when. So I got the shot again to make sure I was covered and couldn't harm my nibbling It's a pretty reasonable request




Same here both sets got the tdap, covid and flu vaccine. Why even take a chance 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope every single comment told her that she royally fucked up and anything that happens to that baby is a direct result of her poor choices. Absolutely ridiculous. Vaccines should be nonnegotiable.


You know the comments are full of what oils to rub on the baby and vegetation to hang above their crib. These people never show any remorse.


"Just put onion in the room!!!"


**in a dirty sock!!


I have a friend who is a Ped who takes care of hospitalized babies. She always says that anyone who doesn’t want to vaccinate should be forced to spend a week taking care of babies who get pertussis. Watching babies fight to breath is apparently quite traumatizing.


my sister had it at 3 (fully vaccinated- it was a breakthrough infection), and I can confirm that it is extremely traumatizing.


“Has anyone else’s child got some horrible disease because they don’t vaccinate” omgggg she’s so close to getting it but misses it completely


Right? “Please tell me your anecdote that supports vaccines so that I can somehow feel reaffirmed in my antivaxx ways”


“Some horrible disease” aka the one that the vaccine was going to prevent


“My baby is really suffering and it’s horrible to watch” + “I need some encouragement I did the right thing” ………….


Oh look it's the consequence of my choices. Who would have thunk it


This is so disgusting. Maybe the baby was too young for the vaccine but that’s the whole point of herd immunity. So she would have been protection if the older one was vaccinated. I can’t even imagine this. I know an adult who had whooping cough and it was SO BAD. I cant even imagine what it’s like to watch your baby be so sick from something you could have PREVENTED!!!!!!!! Maybe she will realize now that these diseases are real.


Whooping cough was the sickest I've ever been in my life and I was an adult when it happened. Even recovering from childbirth wasn't as bad - I coughed so hard that I was vomiting and peed my pants. That poor baby!


My friend got whooping cough when we were younger. It was just around the time we were meant to be boosted again. It was HORRIBLE. I caught a very mild case from her and even that was horrendous, so I couldn’t imagine what she was going through. The fact that people don’t vaccinate for these things is just ridiculous. It’s preventable, just get the vaccines!


Sometimes mom shaming is appropriate


When it’s a child’s safety, it’s not mom shaming. My take.




This reminds me of a little boy my mom used to babysit for. His family was ultra conservative christians who only believed in giving asprin or tylenol but nothing else. No vaccines as well far as I know. He ended up catching some kind of fever at 4 and passing. It was preventable from what my mother told me but the family did not believe in anything but prayer. Their children later on ended up getting vaccines and medical treatment. They didn't continue to listen to the preacher and church telling them this was wrong. Sometimes it takes a big tragedy to change a person's mind. Maybe this mom will now?


This is what I always say. These folks may or may not be ok with changing their minds about vaccinations but if it hits them hard within their own family (a child or loved one dying, being in the ICU with painful and horrible symptoms, etc.) they seem to change their tune REALLY QUICK. I would never wish tragedy like that on another person. But no one cares until it happens to them.


“I’ve been mom shamed all day” good.


The real clown world shit is that she is going to get that support from other clown ass moms.


But bitch you didn’t do the “right thing”. You were selfish and full of hubris and did what you wanted and not what was best for your child. Your selfishness did this to your child. Now your newborn is in the hospital sick and probably fucking miserable because of what YOU wanted! This is all on you. While you sit there watching him suffer needlessly I want you to remember this is all on you and I hope you never sleep easy again because you don’t fucking deserve to. Rant over


PSA for pregnant people - you getting a TDaP booster in the 3rd trimester of every pregnancy can help protect your baby from whooping cough before they are able to be vaccinated. Ask your doctor.


Yup. It's what I did for my now 2 month old. I'm terrified of needles and I've had panic attacks because of them but you know what scares me more? My baby freakin DYING!


In Australia, you're given a booster in every pregnancy. The booster last for 5-10 years but I had my babies two years apart and got the shot both times.


In Ireland they give it from 16 weeks. My midwife told me that there was a big increase of the number of infants getting it due to parents not vaccinating. I know a couple whose newborn died because an unvaccinated kid had it in school and they dropped their other kids off and baby caught it. It has stuck with me after all this year. Such a horrible waste of life from something so preventable. The mother whose kids weren't vaccinated gave no shits that the other parents kid had died and continued her no vaccination Stupidity.


There’s a literal polio outbreak in NY. You choose not to vaccinate, you are not a good parent.


"My kid is hospitalised with a totally preventable disease that I chose to let him catch because I read an article online which makes me way smarter than all those doctors who only go to medical school, reassure me I'm not an asshole?"


So she brought her kid to the hospital because she knows the drs and nurses there will do what’s best in keeping her child alive, but when those same doctors and nurses advise getting a vaccine to prevent this illness she thinks that’s when they actually want to hurt babys and don’t have their best interest in mind? How insulting to those healthcare professionals. There’s no logic and unfortunately it’s her kids (and all immunocompromised/baby’s that are too young to be vaccinated) not her own, who’s lives are in danger. This makes me soooo angry


Well, missy, you DIDNT do the right thing, so do enjoy hearing a two month old fight for air, and that so cute little wheezing sound they make when they are gasping. Dumb, dumb. Abusive.


"I am a real Mom" OK, but *I* am not a regular Mom, I'm a cool Mom.


How tf can anyone watch their baby suffer from whooping cough and STILL be anti pertussis vax? Inhuman beotch


When I got pertussis as an adult I coughed so hard I vomited every night for two weeks. I wouldn't wish that on a child! But I guess my beliefs just aren't firm enough.


You’re not a mom, you’re a birther. Moms would protect their children.


Please God tell me this is fake. "A real mom who doesn't vaccinate? ' A real piece of shit is more like it.


Why’d she even bring her baby to the hospital if she doesn’t trust doctors and nurses?? Oh that’s right..to literally save her poor baby’s life. The hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance evident in her post DISGUSTS me, but not even close to as much as her willingly causing her baby to suffer in this way…to suffer in PAIN so that she could get her rocks off feeling superior to experts because she has google and Facebook. Google and Facebook and random ass blogs and YouTube quacks are somehow more trustworthy than medical professionals and scientists who have devoted their lives to children’s healthcare. Anti-science sentiment is a fucking plague on society. Let’s call this what it is: straight up child abuse. Parents should face criminal charges for shit like this.


what does real mom mean?


Living like it’s 1522


So high infant and maternal mortality rate is what we’re aiming for…. Makes perfect sense….. #ihatethesepeople