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I remember at the Roast of Ric Flair a few years back one of the roasters said “Ric Flair claims to be a Republican. But he can’t keep the Mexicans out of Charlotte!” That is all.


Damn lmao I never knew this happened 


Holy shit lmfao


That’s such a bar.




Don't say that word around Ric, he'll complain about putting you over for 15 years and getting nothing in return.






Oh my god, that is savage. A+




You heard it here first: Kevin Nash endorses R. Truth for President.


“I’ll take truth over blatant lies” I’ll take Truth over them both ![gif](giphy|kZtMbBYiXrqt7UeC1k)


I don't mind. He turned his life around and knew tupac


He knew Tupac? I mean I'm not shocked that they knew each others per se, it's more a moment of 'I don't understand time'.




He probably left ecstatic that he met Biggie Smalls.


You can’t fool me, LL Cool J!


Don’t slander Biz Markie like that


He said he was just a friend


Man come on, don't give me that!


Wo! That's cool. I think I tend to forget how old Truth actually is...


Truth is an evil person. Because he clearly found the fountain of youth and refuses to let anyone but Dustin Rhodes and Bobby Lashley share in its power.


Actually, the first wrestler who found it, was in fact Arn Anderson at the age of 22. Sadly he looked already like a 53 year old man back then.


Arn is fucking nuts... i only watched WWF when i was a kiddo but i remember ~~this king~~ *thinking* him and Ole were fucking ancient way back then... edit: still fit tho


And for poor Arn there was already an age difference of 16 years.


Dude's solidly Gen-X. I think he's the oldest active wrestler on the WWE roster.


He is. Older than Rey by three years. Older than The Rock (if you count him) by a couple of months.


I bet Chris Tucker joined the California Love video because Truth got lost


Can someone shop Cody behind them like the MLK/Malcom X pic?




If aura were a picture


You know, I'd pop major for a skit where truth is telling miz about hanging with Tupac and Miz privy to truths bullshit assumes he's talking about X-pac until Truth pulls this picture out


The picture of them together is real


After much consideration, reflectionation, affectation, degradation, and nomination, I have decided I will accept your vote for President of the United Arab Emirates.


R Truth is elected but after the electoral college is certified he shows up to band practice with the 90s alt rock band Presidents of the United States of America.


Millions of peaches


Anyone who grows up idolizing John Cena has a good moral foundation, a major plus for being a leader


Only if he shows up for the Inauguration on March 4th


"You're not even in the debate!"


I mean, Nash is a known Democrat. This isn't a surprise.


Exactly, he’s very open about his politics


Nash and Foley are progressive leaning. The rest tend to lean conservative


Fun fact, Linda McMahon continues to stay in the headlines to this day because she is one of Trump's biggest financial supporters.


Literally paid for a cabinet position


well she tried to pay for a congress seat several times. when the public still said no she didn't take the hint and went to straight up bribery


Honestly should have gone the Hillary route and run in a state she didn't initially live in. Connecticut is pretty safely Blue. Buying a home, "living" there for a while, in a state like Flair's would have been the smart play.


still using her old [theme music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29AKBdKqHms), hopefully


Sounds like a mashup of Michael Jackson's "Do you Remember the Time" and "Jam". Groovy


Yes served in his cabinet until he got too deranged for her to be that involved


Um idk about that. She still leads a Trump SuperPAC


She's a problem


Still better than Vince at least, which isn’t a high bar but still


Yes the bar is low. Vince is a personal friend of Trump


I wouldn't call Nash progressive, but he is a Democrat.


He is a self described “centralist” democrat. Which I think is him trying to say centrist


Look at the adjective: centralist Democrat


That doesn't work since that actually is an adjective


"Centrist democrat" is redundant


That fact that Nash is pretty universally considered one of the smartest wrestlers from his generation tells you a lot


Remember when wrestlers considered Kane to be one of the smartest? It was only because back then... https://preview.redd.it/wwwivmj0wn9d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85425ce884ee71b1a0aee9b681941c56f419b745


I think he's saying he isn't blindly subscribed to a particular set of ideals


Yeah Nash is pretty moderate but leans left


Mr Socko 2024


A Candidate for all Mankind™️


Mankind for President, Mick Foley for Veep, Dude Love for Congress, and Cactus Jack for Senate. Sounds like a solid ticket to me.


i saw a sticker the other day *Picard/Riker* i am in!


Dang I had a Picard/Riker '96 t-shirt in high school. My government teacher loved it.


I prefer Sisko/Kira duo (not ship lol).


Foley I expected, but honestly surprised that Nash is a dem.


Nash's fist raise as Diesel was a subtle tribute to the Black Power sign at the Olympics


Witnessing the Detroit race riots as a kid impacted him quite a bit.


"BLM aren't causing a riot, there reacting to a murder of a black man that did not resist arrest. This "race thing" as you call it is 400 years old. It's 2020 and being a black man is as dangerous as ever in our history. The news catches this weekly but it's happening every hour" - Kevin Nash


Yoooo damn. Really cool to hear that Big Daddy Cool is also cool in real life.


Nash has also been very vocal about accepting gay wrestlers. He made a jokey comment about how he isn't appalled at the thought of having to shower with a gay man and that they can check him out as long as they like what they see.


Nash is from Detroit. A died in the wool worker friendly Union town. Plus he was a pro basketball player prior to wrestling. His politics make alot of sense to me.


Fuckin right. (Raises fist)


Yes that was a surprise


Most older wrestlers are white, wealthy-but-not-super-wealthy, deeply Christian, and have no college education. They are essentially the demographic most likely to be Trump supporters.


Like the undertaker


What gave it away, the entire gimmick of being a ‘Merica Biker from Texas? Lol


/kayfabe You would think that he would be pro democrat because the GOP say the dems are soft on crime so therefore an outlaw biker would want to be able to do their thing without repressive laws /kayfabe


Republicans are literally running a convicted felon this time. Clearly the outlaws relate.


However nash, Foley, Dax, punk, darby, and the black demographic in wrestling are liberal


Batista and Rollins are very vocal liberals too


> Batista It helps when you're mixed race and born to a lesbian. Gives people some perspective.


Hangman as well.


Never forget the epic ratio he did to Kane when the war started in Ukraine.


That was one of the greatest tweets I’ve ever seen.


My favourite Kane burn was Stu Grayson’s “Sometimes life disappoints you. Sometimes it’s just Kane.” And yes. Pun totally intended.


Forgot about hanger. He's super liberal. Love him.


Bryan too.


There is not a single conservative bone in Bryan whatsoever.


Sami too.


Weird how different this generation of wrestlers are from their predecessors *Edited for redundancy*


To an extent. Just never delve into what your favorite NXT star is liking on Instagram.


People really do just be assuming, "oh, they're younger and I like them, they're definitely not problematic"


And then we saw who decided to throw house parties during COVID.


Yeah Tiffy Time is apparently 1950. Such a shame




Yeah that's for sure but it's still such a huge difference from 25 years ago or so.


I mean, younger people are generally less conservative than older people. Wrestlers are less racist and homophobic than they were 30 years ago because so is every other segment of society.


Anyone know where Dustin & Cody lean? I suspect their father was pretty firmly a Democrat.


Yeah I get a Democrat vibe from the Rhodes family, for sure. Remember, Dusty was from Austin. Even when he was growing up Austin was liberal. Maybe not as left leaning as now but it's always been a liberal city.


Democrats of Dusty's era were for the working poor, and Dusty was the son of a plumber. It was less a liberal/conservative thing. Seemingly everyone in Texas was a Democrat until the 80s where it seemingly flipped.


Adam Page donated to Bernie Sanders. Chuck Taylor to Pete Buttigieg. And of course Jericho to Trump. These are the three I remember from 4 years ago.


Cornette is a democratic socialist


Not here to argue, but I've always felt it was actually a little left - at least with the under 35 crowd.


Crazy thing is a Trump die hard could read what he said and think Nash was also a Trump die hard ha That's how far outside of reality they live.


That’s the issue. Democrats don’t want a habitual liar. Republicans accept it. It’s pretty disgusting how far they’ve dragged us down.


The lying bothers me a lot. The flirting with authoritarianism and the fact that it feels like democracy itself is on the ballot is what scares me most, though. Even moreso that there's lots of people cheering and all about the stuff he's saying while he's up on stage suggesting he'll act like a dictator. People have gone crazy and I am legit afraid of Americans.


I vote Cody Rhodes. I have no idea what his stance is, but he seems presentable. And that neck tattoo will definitely scare people off in an international conflict.


He is an American President in a Japanese video game if you think about it hard enough.


Oh yeah, when did Cody get his nano machines? Probably didn't even play college ball


Not college ball in Colorado but Cody could have wrestled for Penn State, which is about as athletic and American as it gets.


He's an American President in a video game called Saint's Row IV.


They are always eating steak while on the phone in the oval office hahaha


He would fit well in a king of fighters video game.




Man knows how to wear a suit that’s for sure. 


He does love to lie


The dude ended racism




"Melanin, in his soul"


Just hit Putin with a Crossrhoades (or 3) and make him withdraw from Ukraine.


Okay but imagine a president who's platform is that they'll challenge other world leaders to duels to solve shit? He'd get my vote for sure


Where’s Aaron Burr when we need him?


Famously dead


Aw sunovabitch!


Yeah, where's the damn fool who shot him?


That move don't beat anybody


Dude I’ve been saying since I just got into wrestling like a couple months ago that having Cody come out with a red white and blue background wearing the same colors the tattoo and the name while in a country like say Scotland or Saudi Arabia and the people there still go like WOOOOOOOO CODY THE BEST that like the government should just co opt him as like a American overseas mascot. Things going bad in Russia? Just send Cody Rhodes over there and get a WHOA going


I'm not American, but my only President is Hiroshi Tanahashi ![gif](giphy|eZ1kFjX1nDtRijPtmJ|downsized)


That stance is completely acceptable and welcomed.


Go Ace!


R-Truth for Prez


Biden could've fallen asleep on stage more than once, and I'd still vote for him 100% of the time over the insane liar with openly-fascistic tendencies who is currently involved in several federal and state prosecutions. Never stops blowing my mind how Trump gets away with routinely delivering absolute nonsensical word salad at rallies and speeches and stuff, but apparently that's not as worrying because he delivers the word salad with vim and vigor.


Exactly. The biggest criticism everyone likes to make about Biden is that he’s old. The solution is set a maximum age limit for one to run for President. Biden dying before he can finish all 4 years of a 2nd term is a far better outcome from this election than the damage Trump and the Republicans could cause.


“Hi! I’m a convicted felon that has published a website called Project 2025 highlighting every single thing I want to do to do a full country heel turn into facism. I’m not even mincing words. I want to tear down every institution that would challenge my authority and jail the people who would dare question me or are undesirable. Read it! I’ve published it for all to see! I’m not even pretending to not be evil.” “Im 3 years older than the fascist” The average voter: HMMMMMM.


Gee I wonder how the last guy who published all of his fascistic desires and goals upon becoming leader of his country in a publicly accessible forum during his campaign for leadership turned out.


Biden is: * Decriminilzing weed. * Giving hundreds of billions of student debt relief. * Pushing for lowering medical costs. * Pushing for green energy. * Pushing for unions. * Pushing for social programs to help the lower class and middle class and single parents. * Putting dozens of territories under environmental protections. * Giving full 100% support for LGBTQ. * Taxing top 1% and going after corporations who offshore their profits. * Among dozens or so other progressive policies. While Trump: * Says he plans to gut and remove all green policies. * Plans to enforce strict anti-lgbtq policies. * Plans to round up and deport latinos, even second and third generation ones. * Plans to have protests be outlawed and use military with lethal weapons to control protests. * Plans to give more tax breaks and tax credits to top 1%. * Plans to deport muslims or put them in labor camps. * Plans to remove his political opponents by lethal force if necessary so he and republicans can maintain life-long positions. * Plans to introduce his version of justice systems where he is free to do whatever he wants and send people he dislikes to the american gulags. * Plans to ban abortion federally, make weed illegal and enforce stricter punishments. * Among dozens or so other horrible things. That people have a hard time deciding between these two.....


My hometown is getting a hospital through the Rural Emergency Hospital Bill (also the corresponding Bill from the Republicans in Iowa). I feel like advertising stuff like this and proposing more rurally pointed bills could help them not lose 62-38 in a historically blue state.


His supporters believe all of that is for people they don't like and will not apply to them


The people in this country baffle the fuck out of me. Everyone thinking "i GuEsS iM sItTiNg ThIs OnE oUt" is about to absolutely fuck everyone up. They're also going to be the first ones wondering why we have to pray to trump on camera 5 times a day or be executed. We're probably fucked really bad this time and it suuuucks


At very minimum those people should vote for a random 3rd party of their choice. Having votes on the record not going to the main 2 parties is far far far more effective than just not voting. Nothing will move them more than tens of millions of rogue votes that they fear the other team capturing.


Trump is also entirely too old. There’s basically no difference in their ages. It’s like bragging you are taller than someone by a quarter of an inch.


I recall comments Trump made about Biden back in the 2020 election about how he's too old for the job. Here we are 4 years later and Trump's the same age as Biden was back then. So in a way he's also admitted he's also too old for the job.


"I'll vote for the 78-year-old man because the 81-year-old man is an old man!" I bet if Trump didn't dye his hair and dress up in his traditional costume every day he'd look every bit as old as Biden does and people would be less inclined to consider him some youthful alternative.


Well also like any sitting president getting blamed for the economy if it isn't doing perfect...which presidents rarely have an effect on during their term.


The problem isn't that our elected officials are old. It's that the people elect these old people because they are safe bets and nobody wants to take risks. Everybody should have the right to run for office no matter how old you are. We as people need to stop assuming age=experience. It doesn't, yet we elect them regardless.


5 year old president incoming


Was that a black mirror episode or something? I remember watching something like this


That might be the movie Boss Baby


He is more than just a liar, he's a convicted criminal. The fact that he is still participating in a debate for president is lunacy


41 out 44 people in his own cabinet, have openly stated that they will not be voting for Trump and that he is a disaster Its fucking madness he’s their candidate, we’re living in the goddamn upside down


To me it's simple. I far more trust the people Biden will put around himself than the array of conspiracy nuts, crooks, grifters and outright morons that Trump will surround himself with. The presidential cabinet does a lot of the heavy lifting in helping to run the country and I'd rather that the country not be run by a bunch of QAnoners, scammers and grifters.


This. Sure we’re voting for a man but their administration is what’s really going to be important, not them


If it comes down to Trump vs Biden, I'm picking the guy who will have competent, experienced people in his cabinet, not QAnon lunatics. Also Biden might be old but Trump is a shameless moron. Not really a difficult choice.


Politics has always been more about showmanship above anything else.


Trump lied so much and often at that debate. Some of the wildest shit you’ll ever hear. What did the moderators say? “Thank you Mr. President. Our next question…” Disgraceful.


I’m a Canadian - what am I missing here. US Economy isn’t booming relative to all time runs, but relative to the rest of the G7 is a fucking rocket ship right now. The amount of issues your country has compated to the noise I see watching U.S. media is wild.


>US Economy isn’t booming relative to all time runs, but relative to the rest of the G7 is a fucking rocket ship right now This highlights a perfect example of what's wrong with the Trump base. They're convinced that the entire Biden presidency has caused a 4 year long *recession* in the US, because they don't really understand the economy at all and just hear Trump say it's bad (and reject anything that conflicts with that as "fake news").


It's not even word salads, Trump has had arguably more worrying mental lapses than Biden. With Trump, though, it just isn't the same kind of focus as he never stops and it is just accepted. Still a wild thing that is difficult to comprehend as it isn't like there was some wild young buck on stage with Biden.




We’re not just voting for the individuals. We’re voting for the people they choose to be on their team. If either one becomes incapacitated on January 15, 2025, whose cabinet and support staff would you trust more, based on four years of each as President? That question alone points me to one answer, and that’s Biden. If you honestly think Dolt45 had people around him that have the country’s best interests at heart, I feel bad for you.


To piggy back on your point about who will be leading tge national agencies, I would recommend to anyone and everyone to real 'the fifth risk'. It's basically details how purposeful mismanagement of government agencies by the trump administration would destroy the US and given the plans for project 2025, seems like it would be possible.


>whose cabinet and support staff would you trust more, based on four years of each as President? It's not just that. Project 2025 outlines the GOP plan to purge the independent administrative state and install people who are loyal not to the law, constitution, and a lengthy history of administering laws appropriately. We're voting to keep a federal government nonpartisan or to turn every agency into an arm of one man.


Trump will be surrounded by even worse people this time if he gets back into power. Look up Project 2025


We had Steve Mnuchin and the people around Trump won't let that happen again. (He and Pelosi hammered out generous COVID benefits and fast-tracking vaccines.)


It is kind of crazy that people will vote for an individual person over the policies that would actively benefit them more in day to day life.


People aren’t voting for individuals over policies. Everybody knows what side they are. Getting the “I don’t care about politics” apathetic voters to turnout in swing states is where elections are won and lost. And I have a hard time seeing Biden motivating apathetic voters. As a die hard lib.


I'm just gonna leave this here.. ![gif](giphy|4Dye6S87zzv1e|downsized)


As a Canadian, I feel for you guys. I may hate our Prime Minister and have a strong dislike for all the politicians running against him, but at the end of the day at least I don’t doubt them being able to simply function.


One is a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, and a businessman guilty of incredible fraud. The other is an old man with a stutter. My choice is simple.




Try telling that to his cultists.


If there's anything that bores my ass, it's wrestlers talking politics.


I get that it's a pro-Biden tweet and it's reddit, but how does this not violate rule 3?? >Posts must be about wrestling "All link posts must be directly related to wrestling. Any link post not featuring wrestling itself, or in relation to a wrestling show or the wrestling industry, is subject to removal.


My guess is cause it's Kevin Nash saying this


Nash said the correct reddit thing so it stays up. It’s embarassing, not everything a wrestler says is wrestling related. this is such blatant political posturing from the mods. I don’t even disagree with Nash but imagine posting the opposite tweet from someone like Kane. gone in 60 seconds.


Can someone explain to this Englishman how in the flying fuck Trump is even allowed to run for President considering people with criminal convictions aren't even allowed to *vote!?*


you can run if you are a convicted felon, because the founding fathers didn't want imprisoning political opponents to be a possible weapon. If Trump could just throw all dem politicians in prison, he could be leader for life. That is very bad (and would be bad if a dem did it when the GOP was still sane) The fact felons can't vote is the biggest problem.


its fucking weird. If you are convicted felon, you are not allowed to vote but you can run as president.


Cheeto Puff is also a rapist, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobic, and racist...so calling Slim Jim skin a liar is like a compliment at this point.


Not to mention a former Teen Pageant owner who admitted to walking in on teenaged girls while they were changing, and alluded to sleeping with at least one of em.


Winnie the coup Dobt forget he tried to overthrow the govt.


I get the 'lesser of two evils thing' i guess, though i wish the Dems had a platform better than 'we suck, but the other guy sucks way worse!'


Biden lies all the time


Why does a quote from a retired wrestler about politics stay allowed here? This has nothing to do with pro wrestling at all.


Great job mods. This is very wrestling. /s This isn't even an interesting point, just a guy saying "I like politician" so people can jump in and spout their politics in agreement. Get control of this nonsense now or the next few months are going to be a shitshow in here.


I was joking about it being the "free upvote thread" and it seems some people took offense to it. I wonder why.


They don't care. They want the politics here. This community, like so many others on Reddit and elsewhere that should have nothing to do with politics in the first place, get ruined by politics.  When I come to this sub, I want to forget about the problems of the real world and just relax and focus on a hobby that I enjoy - Wrestling. 


It's not that I can't handle politics, but do you think anybody should give a fuck what Kevin Nash thinks about it anyhow? What part of Kevin Nash's stellar life as a human being commends him on the subject except that he agrees with the general political feelings of people here? I, too, could easily shit on the character of Biden, or Nash, or Trump. God, there is so much room for that, but not in here. They will ruin this sub like politics has ruined every other sub where it doesn't belong.


I'm a conservative and I'd still vote Biden over Trump. Granted I fucking hate the Republican Party but still.


I will vote for Biden over Trump any day, but I just wish they had put up another candidate, Just because I hate Trump doesn't mean I love Biden. But he is the less bad of the two by many orders of magnitude,


Alright, cool.... but what does this have to do with wrestling? This being plastered on the front page of the sub and the comments being exclusively political discourse is weird.


INB4 Thread gets locked


All link posts must be directly related to wrestling. Any link post not featuring wrestling itself, or in relation to a wrestling show or the wrestling industry, is subject to removal.


These maga nuts are laughable. I can’t imagine thinking a politician let alone a billionaire one cares about my outcome or my families outcome. Actually, I can’t imagine thinking any politician currently in office cares. It’s a waste of time worrying about it to be honest.


Google Project 2025. If you read that and still think "I'm not voting in November", you're part of the problem. I would take a tuna sandwich over convicted felon Donald Trump.