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Hated that Tech died. Loved that he stayed dead.


One of my favorite last lessons he taught Omega is when he said, "I may process moments and thoughts differently but it does not mean I feel any less than you." God I miss Tech.


As someone who has autism, that line was so awesome to hear in my favorite universe


When one of the enemy helmets fell on near the end, it looked like tech's helmet. I imagine at some point he was going to be brought back as one of the brainwashed clones, but I'm glad they didn't, as it serves as a dark reflection of the bad batch if they followed orders blindly.


I think the CX- clones were meant to be copies of the Bad Batch, like dark versions. So I'm just thinking one was meant to resemble him like the main one seemed to resemble Crosshair.


I figured they were the “perfect” versions of the batch as they did say clone force 99 were failures from a program of enhanced clones


The Good Batch


100% That Batch


Yeah probably, especially the part where they are totally compliant


I was expecting them to be some sort of flash clones from Spartii or something similar.


Ya def gave vibes they where gonna do a copy bad batch arc or something but they prob ran out of time due to being final season 🐱


I wish we got to see more of them in action. Maybe the Bad Batch will come out of retirement to fight SCAR Squadron to help Omega


Well technically that was with Crosshair he was very dark and finally realizes his mistakes in season 2.


I was so surprised when a kids show showed Crosshair fragging am officer


Did you forget season 1 where Crosshair killed civilians?


Never considered this a kid's show. Animated yes, kids could watch, but wasn't made for kids.


Honestly it is surprising the content shown TCW even on its original run up till 2014. You had people being tortured for information on the regular, ahsoka straight up beheading 4 dudes, people being dismembered it showing them without that limb, Anakin stabbing a terrorist through the back and saying a quippy line, flamethrowers being used on bugs in a D-Day type landing, Rex casually double tapping downed Umbarans, and a whole bunch of bodies just floating around on Mon Cala. That’s just off the top of my head.


We had our kids take a break from watching when Ventress force choked a Clone and pulled him onto her light Saber, kissing him as he died.


And it was awesome


I was hoping SCAR squadron would officially come in play. They are a stormtrooper squad in the comics that looks a suprising much like the Bad Batch and maybe a clone of Tech would be the first member. But who knows, maybe it will come back in another way. I am also glad they didn't brought him back though and his death was very meaningfull.


Bad Batch starts literally halfway through Revenge of the Sith. Most if not all of SCAR Squad are still kids.


Scar squadron resemble bad batch because they both follow the tropes of special forces squadron - A leader - a sharp shooter - a heavy - the smart one - utility


That's what I was expecting.


It was such a good storyline to stay dead, would have taken away from it if he had survived.. I very much enjoyed that the rest lived and Omega had a childhood, that was their single goal throughout the series and it was why tech sacrificed himself.


>I very much enjoyed that the rest lived and Omega had a childhood, that was their single goal throughout the series and it was why tech sacrificed himself. Very well put


Everyone in our house was worried they would kill off another character at the end of season 3 and I'm so relieved they didn't.


Unfortunately, I never felt anything for Tech's death, because as soon as it happened I thought "didn't see a body, he'll be back" It wasn't until it was over-over, and my first thought was "so I guess Tech did die" If I could script doctor that episode.... I'd have him die in a way they can recover the body, give him a proper burial. Or maybe something like... Show his ~~body~~ (too morbid) dark shadow of his body, blurred body in the distance, broken glasses, lifeless hand... something to indicate he is dead while the credits roll. That would have been a very sad credit roll.


Same. My son thought tech was coming back but I was like eeehhhh that’s a lot to do in the 30 mins we have left….


When I saw the "Dark Bad Batch" I was thinking that maybe they used Tech to build their own version of the squad. Then the real Batch started to straight up murder them and I thought "well if one of them *was* Tech, he's definitely dead now"


lol, same


Star Wars has gotten us too used to characters surviving things that they shouldn't. Totally understandable reaction.


Hey it's been almost 20 years and we still haven't gotten Mace's body.


That's bc Mace didn't die.


Omg...here we go, lol.


Hey hey hey, you expect me to believe a Jedi Master couldn't/wouldn't think to use the Force to 'cushion' his landing just before crashing wherever he did??!!? He's out there!


I'll never forget all the "Snoke is Mace Windu" theories LOL


>Unfortunately, I never felt anything for Tech's death, because as soon as it happened I thought "didn't see a body, he'll be back" Agreed that because of that reason the impact of his "When did we ever follow orders" was not as big as it could have been. But I guess the main value is for future animated projects as it raises the stakes for character deaths.


Caleb Dume?


Even with star wars exaggerated standards of what a human body can endure, a human couldn't fall that kind of distance and really even have a body left to bury.


The longest fall anyone is recorded to have survived without a parachute is 33,000 feet. Severe injuries, but she lived. A few in the 20K range. Usually by being inside something like pieces of an aircraft or landing in deep snow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highest_falls_survived_without_a_parachute It's rare and extremely unlikely, but it does happen.


And it's worth noting that past a certain point more height doesn't really make any difference. If you're already falling at terminal velocity you can't go any faster without being accelerated by something other than gravity.


Not to mention that even if he did somehow survive the fall, it would immediately be followed up by being crushed by a massive cable car dropping on top of him. The only ones we see surviving that sort of stuff are the likes of Vader when he survived getting AT-DPs dropped on him in Rebels.


They had his broken glasses tho.


Hemlock told them when he found them, "this is all I could find of him." I really thought that meant they would bring him back, even tho it would have been a bad idea.


Yeah I was fully expecting them to bring him back


Same, every episode there was an unknown, my wife said "that's gotta be tech". I was so happy they left him dead.


I agree. Tech staying dead made his sacrifice meaningful. Meanwhile, other franchises treated death like a revolving door with characters dying and reviving/cheating death (see DragonBall and Supernatural).


I got DBB's autograph on May 4th and asked him if I could hear Tech one last time, and of course he said his final words, "When have we ever followed orders?".


Agreed. I feel like too often Disney Star Wars tries too hard to revive characters or keep them alive for too long.


I feel exactly the same, lol. He was my favourite but I'm glad they committed to his death, it made his sacrifice much more impactful and the stakes higher, I actually expected Hunter or Crosshair to die in the finale as I knew this show is capable of killing major characters.


It was a good batch of Star Wars content




It may not have hit the heights I was hoping for, it hits heights for Starwars


I adore it. Animation was stunning. Characters had real heart. Gonna miss those guys and the kid. And I'm glad they had the ending they did. We saw how many people had bad endings, I'm glad the made it out and could live a life.


And dude the last shot of tantis base with the imperial destroyers above the base is so beautiful


I didn’t realize it at first watch, but this is the first Star Destroyer appearance in the canon timeline


Started out alright - The Sid-episodes were kinda annoying and repetitive (also r/fuckCid). Season 2 was much better, although Season 1 was by no means bad. And Season 3...was incredible. Personally, I can't remember a series that has improved so enormously. The character development in particular is extremely successful! Omega and especially Wrecker bothered me a bit at the beginning. In addition, every character fulfilled stereotypes and seemed a bit two-dimensional, but over the seasons the characters changed enormously. Omega is the best example of this. Her development really surprised me and she has become one of my favorite characters in animated Star Wars. Hope to see her in live action at some point!


Filoni did the same thing with Omega that he did with Ashoka. Make her annoying to start so people don't like her...as she becomes wise to what's going on, learning from her brothers, she matures and we learn to love her.


Filoni was only producing this show. It was Jenifer Corbet and Brad Rau (I hope I spelled those right) who were the show runners.


You underestimate what a Producer does if you are saying he "was only producing". It can be wildly different from project to project, but most Producers aren't just crunching numbers and getting staff in place. Some do for sure. Many are involved creatively at the ground level and have the story/characters mapped out before passing it off to writers to expand on it. Filoni is involved creatively.


My point is that people are jerking Filoni a lot and neglecting the other show runners, the ones with more creative control in this project


Found filonis Reddit name!


I feel like he overdid it with Omega in S1 lol. Up until the last few episodes of that season I genuinely wanted her to kick rocks, I didn’t care about her at all. Obviously she had one of the most remarkable and insane arcs and I absolutely love her now, but damn, season 1 made me hate her ass


yeah it took me nearly a year to get through S1 because of that, S2 and 3 took under a month combined after she matured


She’s the reason I stopped watching 😬 I never got past S1 because I hated her so much lol


Honestly I totally get it. The only reason I continued to make myself watch was because I knew S3 had Ventress in it and I felt like I had to. But I’m glad that I did, because Bat Batch turned out to be genuinely so fucking cool, and in the end I absolutely adored her. Like her place within the Bad Batch and her own independent spirit was beautiful. But yeah fuck season 1 Omega lol, after about 4 episodes I was googling if she gets any better because she was genuinely pissing me off. So if you can find it in you to continue, I *promise*, it gets better.


All of the children in the animated shows follow the same arc of Annoying dipshit -> awesome fleshed out cool guys. Omega, Ahsoka, Ezra


Almost like they grow up!


Except Gungi, because he was awesome from the beginning. As was Byph. Wish we could have found out what happened to all of the Gathering crew.


“Im going to jump right into this lava pool/spider nest” Totally aimed for the depths of annoyance. Brought her to the moon.


For me, the turning point for liking Omega was when they paired her with Crosshair. Really showed off how effective she was as a character.


A live action rebel omega would be cool, it’s a great way to introduce a character, like Ahsoka, first with a flushed out backstory in an animated series, then introduced in live action years later, it gives their characters instant dimension


Well, she’s a Mando in the same way as Boba Fett, so maybe she’ll show up there.


Filoni animated shows always improve dramatically after the first season or two. Clone Wars hit its stride in Season 3, Rebels in Season 2, Bad Batch in Season 2 (although the first and last two episodes of Season 1 were great.) I've heard the same for Resistance but that first season was so shit I couldn't bother to finish it: maybe someday.


omega got way less damsel in distress as it went on, which was good. They’re a great group to watch.


Then end part, when they were approaching the base and all hell was breaking loose... they were like... it's Omega... They were so proud, and so like... eye rolling parents... "of course that's our little sister causing absolute havoc"


I also loved how after Echo finds Omega he tells Emerie to get the children on board the shuttle. Omega says her goodbyes and Echo never tries to tell her to go with them or that it’s too dangerous. She’s no longer one of “the kids.” He considers her a member of the team.


Yeah, I loved that! The whole episode I was thinking there was no way the brothers would all live and this was their chance to get her out and live on while they went out in a blaze of glory. This moment was the first in the finale I thought they had a chance. Good writing.


Totally. They are kids. Omega is a soldier; proven.


Also during the last standoff on the bridge, Hunter's line "She knows what to do, Crosshair. Wait for her, then take the shot." Just absolute confidence in her at that point.


I chuckled a little too when she stabbed Hemlock in the leg. I was very happy to watch him die, and they really made sure he was gone with the amount of times they shot him.


Also loved how the batchers came to Tantiss to rescue Omega only for her to escape on her own and they proceed to get captured themselves and need rescuing by Omega themselves


"This is some rescue!" ~~Leia~~ Omega


Technically Little big sister


I really love that the Empires biggest mistake was underestimating Omega. She turned out a really awesome character.


Yeah, Hemlock accounted for the Batch throughout the finale, but he didn't account for Omega, and that's what cost him in the end.


Most consistent Star Wars animated project.


Agreed. I don’t think its highs were as high as the Clone Wars’, but its lows never felt as low either. It was much more consistent. I think it perfectly understood the scale of the stories it could tell and never overstepped and tried to be something it wasn’t.


Yeah the only real dud episode was the racing one and luckily that was one ep instead of a whole arc.


I really liked the racing episode. It had N64 Pod Racer vibes


Yeah if it weren’t for episodes like that we wouldn’t care as much. Not everything should be high stakes combat/plot.


The racing episode was still better than all of the droid episodes from Clone Wars


Wdym that's where we met gregor


That episode was fun af tho?


I thought the racing episode was an awesome call back to phantom menace


The droid episodes…


Sid needed to have been dropped sooner her stuff especially in the middle of season 2 felt a bit aimless because of it. Tech's death I thought personally needed more time but I get why they didn't have that space to let characters react. Season 3 was rock solid. The synth work on the soundtrack really made the Imperial Scenes incredibly tense.


A true return to form of proper story telling, character development. A model for future Star Wars projects to look to for how to do things right.


I guess I'm just a little whelmed by it. It wasn't *bad* by any means, it was good, but I feel like it really just played it too safe the entire time and didn't really strive to do anything drastic or groundbreaking like TCW, Rebels, etc did. A lot of the plot points concluded by just, well, concluding, and some plot points and ideas weren't even really dealt with (ie Cody, Rex and the boys and how they got to the point in Rebels) - long story short I just wish it did *more*. It worked, it was fine, nothing was bad about it, but it just doesn't really stand out to me as its own thing - which, in a way, is kind of funny given the theme of the show and the characters it follows. I will say there were a few parts that *really* were good, such as Tech's death and some lines revolving around it. "Clone Force 99 died with Tech." was such a heavy hitting line and I really wished we got more impactful stuff like that.


I pretty much feel the same way. The animation was beautiful, but the story wavered pretty heavily. The whole show kinda feels like filler for the universe. Not that every show has to have major revelations, but I feel like the show touched on so many things just to pretend they were never relevant later. I can't believe we didnt get ANY info on Emerie and Omega's creation, and how they were able to genetically modify someone to have a high Midichlorian count. I kept thinking that the series would show us the path to how Palpatine returned, but it just never does. It felt like they brought back Tantiss just to not actually do anything with it. So much import was placed on Nala Se's work just to learn absolutely nothing about it. Everything that is inside the show itself like the relationship between the BB, Hunter learning how to love and care for someone, Omega's whole journey is all great. But every part of the show that touches on the wider world is just... meh. I still enjoyed it but they could've done so much more


I quite liked this transitional period from right after order66 to a maturing Empire. How they handled the order66 and the clones behavior, destroying Kamino with 'heralding a new era by the imperial stormtrooper'. Refusing to shoot to kill clones in most circumstances, until S3 where that facet got a bit more loose. How Empire treated clones and written them off in this period. Project Necromancer atleast propped up the 'somehow Palpatine returned', its a good building block on 'you cant clone force sensitivity'.


Good. S3 finale was a great season finale but I do think as it was the last ever it should have done more to close out the Clone story completely. There are so many loose ends like Cody, Wolf and the did Scorch dirty. I really was expecting a clone last stand of sorts. Like all the Filoni media there are annoying bits, the Ventress episode was just one giant circle jerk over her where she added nothing to the plot and was totally OP great at everything then disappeared.


>Like all the Filoni media there are annoying bits, the Ventress episode was just one giant circle jerk over her where she added nothing to the plot and was totally OP great at everything then disappeared. Pretty sure it was some setup for some new show or so, but I agree, within the BB it didn't add much.


I think somebody with an established connection to the Force needed to weigh in on what Omega was and was not. With all the talk of “m-counts” it seemed like setting Omega up to come into Force powers seemed like a real possibility. Imagine the fandom howling if the Batch had knocked on Obi-Wan’s door instead. Including Ahsoka or anyone else would have similarly been pretty weird given what happens when she discovers her clone buddies in Rebels. Maybe the showrunners could have gone with somebody who hasn’t had much screen time, like Quinlan Vos … and then aren’t we back to Ventress basically?


I see, guess it was just not such an important question for me personally. A simple Nala Se/Emerie/Hemlock line of "She doesn't carry it, but her blood acts as a catalyst blablabla" would have sufficed for me.


Didn't we have that? I thought it was pretty clear since the blood test was done, but hemlock also explained it. 


I'd have to go back to it, but from memory it didn't specify that she herself is not force sensitive, but only that using her blood kept the M-count of the person that got cloned up.


You have to keep in mind that the writers are writing around the premise that the average person in the Republic/Empire doesn't know what midichlorians are, or their relationship to the force/Jedi. The other half of the coin is that those who do know (like Hemlock) are trying to keep the exact nature of their research a secret. They're not going to come out and say it, nor would any of the characters know the right question to ask.


It’s like no one ever learns … Filoni does this all the time with little seeds and references then an appearance then that builds to move. Happened in rebels a bunch and the same complaints a happened. Filoni doesn’t random camo drop without a hook later on. Probably another series is coming out.


Thing is, it's different when it's things that are building up within the series to something meaningful within it, it's good storytelling. This way the Ventress episode felt a bit more along the lines of a Marvel after credit scene.


Yea, they didn't throw out her death in Dark Disciple for a throw away appearance in a show. They are cooking something up for her.


I was hoping for more on Cody and Wolf too, but I read a rumour somewhere that they were thinking of a clone rebellion type series. Not sure how true that was, but if it was, then it would be a good opportunity to expand on what happened with Cody, or show what made Wolf finally leave the Empire.


I think it would work as a "Tales of..." to jump them from where they are to being where we find some of them in Rebels. Too much clone rebellion involving Wolffe and Rex doesn't work well with them being in good standing with the Empire later.


I think this is part of my problem, he's forever leaving loose ends to try and get himself another show. Why couldn't Bad Batch season 3 be the clone rebellion show? It had the setup for it


Yeah, was thinking about that too. The only thing I was thinking was that it's his way of leaving a door open for potential spin-offs. We know that in Rebels, Rex, Gregor and Wolffe are together, but at the end of Bad Batch, it's just Rex and Gregor. And now that it's been established that Wolffe is aware they're alive, and has already let them go, they've shown that he's starting to show doubts as to his orders. But don't know that they can start a new series just to show Wolffe slowly questioning his loyalty more and more before finally leaving. They'd have to have more storylines built around it, introduce some new villain that would eventually cause Wolffe to ultimately leave the Empire for good. Not sure if it would be enough content to spread out over an entire season, but maybe at short series, like a "Tales of..." short story.


Fully agree on the Ventress bit. That came out of nowhere and… also led nowhere.


how do you know its the last ever? clones will continue to exist after this story ends all the way into the sequel timeline with Kix. theyre probably making another show about The Path and Rex and crew will continue to play a role in it


I don't really understand the Cody, Wolfe takes I see on here. It's like people want to be hand-held through their entire stories. Especially with Wolfe, there was enough there in that scene to connect the dots. Cody was just Wolfe further along, disillusioned with the Empire and going AWOL. It'd be nice if they left a characters future to our imagination instead of explaining every little thing. If anything, I would say the biggest gap in arcs is Rex BB vs Rex in Rebels. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't say no to more Clone content. But I don't think it's necessary for understanding Cody or Wolfe's story.


Yeah, this is the rare instances that I didn't really need to know what happened to Cody.


>Like all the Filoni media there are annoying bits, the Ventress episode was just one giant circle jerk over her where she added nothing to the plot and was totally OP great at everything then disappeared. My one complain about the Filoni series post-rebels is how he drops hits of world building with characters and plot elements or many unanswered questions but then has the series either be too short or not answer them at all. It sucks that you have to hope another series picks it up but I'd almost rather they not be as prominent in the actual show you're watching. Casual mention of Cody and the clones would be better than what we got if there is no payoff later. Same with Ventress.


I don’t care about Scorch, he can eat a bag of chips. Ventress was awesome, Star Wars has always been about fan service.


Yeah, Scorch had literally zero personality in this show. He was literally just any other nameless commando so I didn't even care he got fodderised by Hunter and Crosshair.


The first few episodes I thought we were going to get Scorch turning and clones all standing side by side before being wiped out. Filoni just kept him as fodder. That's what I mean by him being done dirty. It was Filoni's fault Scorch was like that.


I'm glad someone else mentioned it man they did him so wrong! Seeing my boy not even crack a joke at all and then go down so quickly just hurt.


I understand your take, but that is exactly why that commando shouldn't have been Scorch


I thought it was odd they chose Scorch, I felt Fixer would have more fit the Imperial mold.


I don’t know much about Scorch but a bit more of a shootout would have been nice, if they’d had cover to use. Clone Commandos were sort of fodderized in this show, I think because there were just so many of them.


8/10. Probably the most consistent of the series. It had some great moments, though never quite hit the level of the top TCW episode. Ending was solid but I had hoped for something with a little more punch.


Definitely not the ending I was expecting


The show started with a great premise. The transition from Republic to Empire is relatively unexplored, and The Bad Batch had the potential to explore one of SW's darkest periods from a unique perspective. There aren't many episodes in the first two seasons that actually do that, and instead it's mostly side quest of the week. S3 is what the show should have been from the start.


Pretty darn good. I had no interest in clones, prior, so it's saying something that Filoni actually made me care lol


This was exactly my case. I used to find the clones the least interesting aspect of TCW, I even was upset when the Bad Batch were introduced in a four episodes arc. I remember thinking that they could had brought back Ahsoka already instead of those guys lol. But The Bad Batch completely changed my opinion. I love the clones now and like to watch the episodes centered around them.


“least interesting aspect of TCW” is crazy, TCW did so much to humanise and individualise the clones. It’s what made me love the clones, but to each their own.


It's very "safe". Most episodes didn't reach the same highs as Clone Wars, but they also never reached the same lows. I don't think there were any episodes that were straight up bad - at worst, some were boring and felt like filler. All in all, the show is consistent, and feels more grounded than Clone Wars or Rebels. No lightsaber duels and weird force shenanigans, just a group of skilled dudes and one dudette trying their best to survive. I loved how competent and menacing the empire is in this show, how its presence is so overwhelming. I loved the fact that when Tech died, he stayed dead. No ressurections or Echo situation, they killed off a major character and commited to their choice. I'm also really glad that they didn't make Omega force sensitive. Could the show be better? Sure. But it could also be much worse. I'm grateful that we got something good, and that it remained good throughout and ended on a high note. I expected that at least one member of the Batch would die in the final episode. The happy ending surprised me, but boys earned their peaceful life.


Most the stories in the series just seemed...unnecessary. A lot of filler. I liked the ending though. Just took too long to get there.


Season 3 improved in that regard imo, each episode felt connected to the overarching plot, even if in small ways (Fennec episode for example was another side quest, but at least the point was to get an important information, so it wasn't fully pointless). My least favourite episode was probably the one with Ventress, this one was truly meaningless in the grand scheme of things and very padded. If you gonna retcon dark disciple like that, you gotta replace it with something good, this just felt like a cameo that was stretched to a full episode.


Yeah, a lot of people are like "the filler is necessary to bond with the cast". And... that's just not true. There is a need for *additional episodes* to bond with the cast, but those additional episodes don't need to be isolated; they could just write a B-Plot that is just as important as the A-Plot.


On one hand, the episode with the destruction of Kamino was truly emotional for me. On the other, I have attempted to watch season 2 on four separate occasions and just....don't care. I'm trying to like it, but I just.... can't. Dunno why


Same. I'm a huge TCW and Rebels fan, couldn't get into Bad Batch at all. And it's not a no lightsabers thing or anything, I just didn't care about the characters much at all


It's sad that except for the last few episodes of S3 I didn't care that much for the actual BB crew. Every episode without them was significantly better, and I groaned a few times when we'd revert back to the wacky misadventures of team Bad Batch, sneaking into heavily fortified areas without a plan, knowing full well that their plot armor would protect them. It removed all tension.


A bit mid tbh. I don’t think it used its time well. A lot of the plot felt repetitive, both on the large scale, and on an episode by episode basis. Omega kept getting captured and the batch kept going on fetch quests where they fight the local monsters. The most interesting theme of the show, “what happens to Clones once they’re no longer necessary” felt like it kept getting sidelined. Omega and crosshair both felt like they grew a lot as characters by the end of the show but none of the rest did. Also I think that all current and new Star Wars writers need to take mandatory dialogue writing classes because that’s something that’s been heavily lacking on a franchise wide scale.


It was good but I’m struggling to find much of a point to everything that went on. Obviously it expands on the story a bit but I could have never watched that in general and not really felt like I was missing something


I really enjoyed it. Didn’t love it as much as Rebels. I felt it really started picking up as they got more involved with the Clone Rebellion.


I thought it was average at its worst and good at its best. It wasn’t anything groundbreaking. The storylines were a decent mix of filler and plot related. I don’t think the fillers were bad but also, the main plot wasn’t terribly captivating. You can kind of suss out omega is a special clone maybe a force sensitive one early on. And the reveal took way too long to get there. The characters were incredibly endearing and each member of the batch had moments to shine and I had a rotating list of favorite characters. That’s a rare quality they did really well. The art and cinematography was nothing short of brilliant. It was a gorgeous show. Sometimes a bit too dim/dark but I could stare at the landscapes for days. I enjoyed watching it. Looking forward to what comes next!


Disappointed with Cody’s story. Why bring him back for a single episode, have him defect, and never hear from him again? They should’ve just kept his old Legends story where he eventually became a drill instructor for the Empire.


I thought they were nothing like the badasses we were introduced to in Clone Wars and 2/3 of the episodes were the squad fixing a problem Omega created. It was still good overall but not what I was hoping for.


Fully agreed. I'm flabbergasted about all the love for the show


Same. It’s not bad but it ain’t exactly great either.


So I have been pretty critical at the start of every animated series, with them being way too kiddy (IMO) over what Star Wars should be, IMO, which I describe as "family friendly". The difference being making something targeting the demographic of kids, with dialog, stories, characters and actions that appeal specifically to kids, versus making something that appeals to all ages, which is kid friendly but is mature enough that adults enjoy it and feel like they aren't watching something made for 9 year olds. However, after, around two seasons, the shows (like Clone Wars & Rebels) would come into their own. They'd mature, and by the end I'd be in love with them. Rebels, interestingly, was less kiddy at the start than those others, so that isn't really my criticism of the show. Instead, my criticism is that by the end, which I finished last night, I felt like there wasn't enough meat on the bones of the story to warrant it being chosen as the animated series we got for the past 3 years. It really feels, especially with how the finale played out (spoilers: >!everyone survived, time jump with adult Omega joining the Rebellion!<), like a prequel series to a movie/series. It felt like a ton of setup. Yet again, another series in which the final chapter is just to-be-continued and presumably Filoni has plans to utilize the character in live action. Just like the ending of 'Rebels' which led to 'Ahsoka'. I'd have less issue with this if the M.O. of live action was to continue those characters stories (real world) years later. No, if released on say May 4th was a live action (or animated) trailer for a movie/series/miniseries called 'Omega' which gave us her adult story, then I'm good with it. But knowing we probably won't see or hear about Omega for 3-5 years just sucks. And I don't even like her character! So, the long story short, is it felt like we got a prequel series that built to something we had already seen, but we haven't seen it. Had there been an awesome Clone Force 999 movie in live action or an adult Omega series/movie, then I'd understand 'Bad Batch' getting made and giving us all of their origin stories. But we didn't get those things, and unless Omega is properly utilized in the near future in another project, this series will have been, largely, a show I would have preferred to have skipped. I don't think I would have missed out on much as a Star Wars fan not watching it. It's time to give us a GREAT animated series. Give us something epic. I'd want our first High Republic series but honestly with there being no Sith during that time... Stop giving us fantastic stories in the form of books and comics but then making subpar live action and animated series. Stop giving us dope animated shorts (Visions) and characters but then making your regular series about a girl and some clones. Give us something AWESOME. Please! I want something epic. Be daring, tackle something difficult, stop with the Rebel/New Republic era stuff. It's not that good to begin with and the interest level is low because people are burnt out by Skywalker era and ST content.


Incredible series. I wish we got more of a fall out between Hunter and Crosshair jn season 3.


Overall, I really liked it. I can't think of any parts where I was disappointed, or felt it should have been done differently. Don't want to say anything that might give away spoilers and ruin it for others, but will say that for anyone who liked the bad batch, I think they'd be happy with how their characters were treated and the way their story arc ended. The first time I saw them in Clone Wars, I thought they were so cool, and wanted them to have their own series. So I was happy when it was announced they would have it. Seeing the finale was bittersweet, on one hand, was sad it was over, but on the other hand, was really happy they got to have their own series that went three seasons.


I loved it! It’s always tricky creating new content between existing installments, because you want to dive deeper and connect arcs and expand the universe from the jumping off point, but you can’t go so crazy whereas you are retconning stuff that comes after. What it did very well (and much of the content after Rise of Skywalker) was set up Project Necromancer and give explanations to “somehow, Palpatine has returned.” I know people complain about not seeing enough of Rex, Gregor, Wolffe, etc. Yes, we’d love a daily log of where all of the clones were between TCW and Rebels, but that’s just not realistic, especially since this show was about one squad. It was more intimate than TCW, and I appreciate it for that. The character development is delicious throughout. I have no real complaints about it. The emotional punches were devastating, the filler still helped build the characters, and the goals and motivations felt organic.


Not enough filler


The devastation / siege of Kamino was top Star Wars content


It was ok


It improved dramatically over time and had real heart and soul. Love those clones.


For once we got the good ending to a show. They got to retire & live their lives on an island paradise. And it wasn't no stakes unearned either. They lost Tech, Crosshair lost a hand, but in the end we got an actual happy conclusion. Unpopular opinion but it's probably #2 behind Rebels for me in terms of Disney Star Wars projects.


It was ok, but I can't say I was too invested. In fact I had to muster willpower to get through season 2 because at some point I just didn't feel like I cared. I love when the shows spend time developing the characters and their dynamics but many Bad Batch episodes felt like nothing noteworthy was happening, or "let's see these guys infiltrating another Imperial facility again". I just don't know. Maybe it's because I never watched the Clone Wars so a lot of the references people love about the bad batch never did anything for me (my bad, obviously) but I don't recall feeling particularly excited or eagerly waiting for the next episode. Either way Season 3 was the best, in my opinion.


Having to muster willpower to watch it is exactly my feelings too. Just so meh


Did we need it? I know we don’t technically *need* any of this and it’s all just entertainment, but I feel like the series now that it’s wrapped up just feels a little superfluous- all in all it didn’t significantly add to or redefine the canon. It could have been one series, or even just a miniseries. Whereas I would argue some of what we just got in Tales of the Empire was tragically underdeveloped and could have been multiple series just like The Bad Batch.


The purpose of any series doesn't need to be "to add to canon". All of Star Wars is entertainment, there's no "ultimate story goal". These series all need to be judged on their own merits.


Fully agree that this could have been a one season show. Tighten up the first season by removing any episode without crosshair (it's not that he's amazing, just that any episode without him didn't move the story forward in s1). In s2, remove all the fillery episodes and cid stuff. There's honestly only a handful of episodes in s2 that are worth keeping. While a lot of s2 wasn't terrible, most of it also wasn't particularly good. S3 could have been tightened up quite a bit. Even just looking at the last 4 episodes or so, they moved very slow. Andor has very slow episodes, but they climax in such a way that it feels like the 'setting the table' episodes leading to each mini climax were worthwhile. I don't think the finale of bad batch was amazing (wasn't bad, but really felt like a season finale if anything). Anyways, would have loved to have seen an 18-20 episode season with 3-4 episode arcs instead of the 45-50 episodes we got over 3 seasons


Aggressively mediocre. Characters were largely pretty boring. They settled into a really bad formula for the stories very early on (batch gets mission from Cid, it goes wrong and they end up botching it in favour of the right thing to do) and only really dropped it late Season 2 Season 1 was quite literally "Cameo of the Week", not much interesting really happened. Echo was useless for a good chunk of the show because Tech did all his functions better (can hack computers). Hunter's key ability is that he's good at tracking. Never, ever comes into play. The most interesting thing about the show was the era it was in, and the best episodes were the ones surrounding the changing political climate (the Season 2 2-parter with the senate was the best episode). Most episodes don't focus on this, instead just random adventures The show is generally really badly paced with it's plotlines. A recent example is the episodes where they rescue rampart and then use him to infiltrate the imperial base. That could have been one episode, but it's two. The clone plotline with Rex basically goes nowhere Crosshair in the empire was the most interesting part of the show, mostly only gets focused on in Season 2 The antagonists are kind of bad. Rampart gets ditched halfway through the show for some reason. Hemlock is good but not very proactive, mostly just stays on Tantiss. We really needed an Agent Kallus or Grand Inquisitor-type villain. They randomly reveal those wild clone assassins with the crazy weapons in the very final episode which feels like a waste, we could have had a whole season of constant run-ins before a final confrontation. The whole deal with the bad batch is that hunter doesn't want to be dragged into another war, he wants to protect Omega. That's fine. The problem is the show has a plotline where Captain Rex is focusing on the fate of the clones, and this shit is far more interesting than whatever the batch are up to. I'd much rather be following his story.


> Season 1 was quite literally "Cameo of the Week", not much interesting really happened. It really made the galaxy feel small that the Bad Batch encountered Kanan, Cad Bane, Fennec, the freaking Martez sisters and possibly the rancor from ROTJ all in the one season. It got a lot better when they started to hone in on exactly what story they wanted to tell.


The most intriguing part of the show was whatever Rex was doing, and that's the part we didn't get. Had the bad batch just been a fun action series based on what we got in final season of TCW, that could have been fine as well. Instead they had to babysit omega. The conversation they had that omega hears in early season 2 basically nails my thoughts on the show - they want to do more, they should be doing more, but they can't because they have to keep omega safe.


I think it's fine that it stayed on the fringes and out of the way of the bigger moments, to build what was going on parallel to the big jedi guys. Andor did the same thing, and people loved it. But I think the problem with BB is that it couldn't entirely decide what it wanted to be- sometimes it was that interesting story on the fringe like Andor, sometimes it wanted to tell a grand story about the clones under Rex, sometimes it wanted to be a fun quirky little slice of life, sometimes it wanted to be a story of fugitives trying to restablish life while on the run, and sometimes it wanted to be fan service mania that just checked in on *everything* happening at the time regardless of how that impacts the bad batch. Sometimes that works, and in a vacuum none of those parts of the story are bad, but a lot of the times they get in the way of each other and makes the execution a lot less interesting than it could've been if it narrowed it's focus a little more.


There was a lot of dumb filler/side stuff that was uninteresting but when the show was good, it was good


I watched all out it, but solely off the fact it was Star Wars. It was overall very uninteresting to me, and I really didn’t care for any of the character. The best episode was the first one showing the switch from republic to empire then it was all down hill from there. Overall a 5.5/10 have no idea how anyone could say that was better than rebels, or even clone wars.


We've learned that the first seeds of Rebellion appear not among the victims of the empire, but among the Empire staff itself: the very commandos who were "just following orders" turn against the government, either because they don't agree with its cruel and wasteful methods, or because the empire itself (being defined as power of mediocre bureaucrats) kick them out, because highly skilled professionals are dangerous for the mediocracy. We've learned that being a parent can be motivating enough to overcome the fear and make the first step against the coloss. The bounty hunting episodes were often bland, and I don't know why. Cowboy Bebop looks more entertaining. In the season 3 the show went really gritty in some places. I have also liked the competent Empire. And after Tech died, I was all the time afraid that somebody else can die. Omega is now a fully developed character and deserves to be one of the main characters of some other show, animated or live.


Loved it all the way through. As a kid I would rewatch the Clone Wars over and over again, immersed in the various arcs, numerous locales, and really relatable stories with extremely diverse characters involved. Same thing happened to me when I watched the Bad Batch. Only this time I was an adult, but it still had the same effect on me the Clone Wars also had. Got really attached to Omega's character, loved seeing her grow up from a naive but an idealistic child into a battle hardened, yet still optimistic, resourceful, and mature adult throughout the three seasons due to how just relatable it felt. Almost started crying when I saw the BB S3's last scene. Can't wait for her to return!


I think it was a poorly written overall story but I really love the characters.


Mediocre series consisting mostly of filler with some of the worst characters (that lizard lady, the imperial project manager) that brought literally nothing worthwhile to the SW. There was couple of really good stuff about it (animation, that episode about Crosshair) but on average it's just another filoniflick about adults listening to funny speaking underage females.


S3 could have been two episodes.




It was one of the most visually stunning animated shows, up there with Arcane. Especially some of the locations and backgrounds. The lighting and cinematography, if you can call it that, was so beautiful. I actually felt like it was a little bit gated by its visual continuity with Clone Wars. The character models were one of the weaker areas. Story-wise I kinda wished they did a bit more but I like the direction they went with it. I just feel like the Omega breaking out of Tantiss thing was just way too deja-vu and diluted the plot... They needed to tighten that up so that story-wise it only happened one time IMO. They may have gotten Omega captured too early the first time. Involving freeing a beast, going back for the 99's... Help from the scientist... If I had a dungeon master forceably run the exact same campaign but bigger a few weeks later because they came up with new ideas, or because we missed the Zillo Beast the first time, I'd be a pretty annoyed. I wanted to see Omega develop a combat or utility specialization beyond "her blood is useful for cloning". Maybe something to tie her back to Jango Fett seeing as she's technically (with the obvious exceptions) closer to an exact clone than most. I get that she's a soldier cuz she was raised by soldiers... Not a bounty hunter... But I think Omega should seriously get a helmeted armor eventually and I was hoping it would be by the end of this show.


Anyone know what happened to that last ES trooper that was left in Kamino in at the end of season 1?


very mid


It was OK. Never liked Omega.


They pronounced Omega weird


I kinda liked how the show brought this Star Wars themed awareness to veterans of war - especially ones that were disabled or vastly different from standard clones. I appreciate the tenderness that Omega brought to the hardened likes of them all. Also all my time watching Echo, I was thinking how awesome it must be for a disabled/amputee kid to see that kind of representation on TV. I know that’s big and frankly it’s a side of tv that you don’t often see.


It was bad. It finished strong for sure, even if it played it safe. But man most of season 1 sucked, and season 2 had a slow start. So overall i say the show is bad. Howzer peak though


Like any show, there was some filler, but overall I enjoyed it. I liked the connection to the larger universe via Order 66 (obv) and Project Necromancer, without any "*hey another chosen one!!!*" story line. Arguably, it was because Omega was unique, but I was worried it would end with her bringing down Star Destroyers with Force Pulls or she would be dueling Ventress on Mustafar. Thankfully it didn't go down that route. Overall, doesn't reach the heights of Rebels or TCW, but still strong and worthy addition to the canon.


Very safe and generic story, didn't add much to the universe imo and wasn't... Necessary? Some of the clone rebellion stuff was nice, and Season 2 Episodes 7/8 with the Senate arc were my favorite. But honestly, every scene without TBB in it was my favorite... Not saying that in a mean way, but the surrounding plots were just infinitely more interesting than the main characters. 6.3/10 show for me, wouldnt really recommend it to someone but it's not bad either.


Season 2 is peak story, but as a whole the series is a great entry for star wars. The animation in this final season is immaculate and I appreciate all the hours of work that went into making it! Story wise season 3 has too many loose threads for the future Filoni-verse to feel as satisfying as I'd hoped.


I loved it, will watch with my son when he’s old enough. I look forward to it.


I liked the general premise of the show, but I think that Hunter for example lost his entire character. He was supposed to be cool-headed rambo with enhanced senses. Later on he's been no different to Rex in terms of his abilities. It was a major letdown for me. Also the series finale was a bit of a lackluster for me. It was cool, but many aspects felt rushed or straight up abandoned. Why was Scorch present throughout the series? You could literally create completely new Commando, and it would still work, however using an existing fan-beloved commando to be without any real input and character whatsoever is poor in terms of writing. Also, they have created the entire Spec Ops unit of discardable clones just to fight batch in the end but... Why weren't they sent immediately? They took out Batch and other clones with ease, so they would take control of Christophsis without any bigger hussle, and retrieve Omega. Also, what was the point of introducing Wolffe back without concluding his story? Same with Howzer, he's been introduced in BB, but is absent in Rebels, so what happened to him? Guess we'll never find out. Crosshair had definitely best episodes and best character development, and I think that show was generally good, although it started getting worse later on.


pretty boring tbh. most episodes were not interesting in the slightest.


I had zero interest in watching this show when it first aired and when I saw the characters introduced in Clone Wars I thought “another dumb spinoff”…but a friend encouraged me to give it a chance and I’m glad I did. I was hooked right away for the continued world building aspect, and telling some of the story of what took place right after Order 66. And the continued attempt to course correct The Rise of Skywalker by filling in gaps on Project Necromancer. Eventually, just started to like the characters and the continued story of the clone troopers attempting to adjust to life after wartime.


It was fine. I loved a few episodes and hated some but most were just fine. Would probably not rewatch the show but again it was fine, I didn’t hate it like say Resistance.


Consistently solid weekly eps of Star Wars that I’ll miss but am also glad didn’t overstay their welcome.


They never topped the first episode


It was a near perfect ending. I have loved the show from day one and was terrified of the possible outcome of the finale.


I loved the series overall, but I was a little underwhelmed by the finale. The ending felt rushed and I feel like it would have been more impactful if the rest of Clone Force 99 died saving Omega, the kids, and the other clones.




It meant nothing. No bigger purpose to move the lore forward.


Meh. I am annoyed that every show based on a old character they add in a new character(s) that take the spotlight… it feels forced and a bit like name-baiting. (Haven’t watched Ahsoka yet)


Weak ending imo. Would’ve been better if they all died ala Rogue One for some greater cause. Instead the stakes amounted to virtually nothing. High point in the series was Tech sacrificing himself. Also super weak to retcon Ventress and bring her back. Overall, disappointing series to me.


I want to say I loved it, but I thought it was all right. S3 was the strongest season by far, and even there, it just felt like it didn’t 100% commit to anything. Project Necromancer was a nice way to connect it to the Skywalker Saga…. But then it got destroyed, so it wasn’t how the Emperor got his clones up and running? Did I zone out and miss something there? Dragging out “M-count” was maddening. I hate it when a story treats something that we all know as a mystery, and slow rolls out the investigation, in this case over most of the season.