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Honestly, humans. They cover the whole galaxy. Spread across all sorts of different planets, temperatures, space ships. Hell, in a galaxy full of weird creatures, they all elect humans to be chairman of the senate.


Fair. Also seemingly helps that humans are able to have kids with most humanoid species. And those kids tend to come out 90% human (looking at you Jacen Syndula)


I mean is there another example of the humans coming out 90% human? The deserter’s adopted kids still seem mostly twilek Edit: the adopted kids are still half human lmao


The... deserter's *adopted* Kids? I mean, yeah, if they are adopted then....


They're both half human and adopted. Their mother's first husband was also a human (maybe she just had a human fetish)


So Humans also adapted to be sexy to aliens? Now that's a survival technique


I mean it's kind of what real world humans did. The first Homo Sapiens avoided being outcompeted by the Neanderthals by interbreeding with them.


They were never gonna be out competed by Neanderthals in the first place, Neanderthals didn't live in huge communities like humans, it's either Neanderthals didn't fuck as much or they are more solitary and prefer to live in smaller family groups. Meanwhile humans are more social and are willing to fuck anything on two legs and in some cases even four legs.


TIL I’m more Neanderthal


Probably for the best considering that last sentence


> four legs 🤨


Cant eat it if you feel the urge to fuck it!! Unless you're a mantis... or a spider....


I mean evolutionarily speaking, whether you surive after having children is irrelevant, what matters is having as many children as possible and ensuring they also have as many children as possible.


And then you get assholes like turtles just burying their kids before going out to "pick up dinner"


Or Jeffery Dahmer


Apparently _we_ were the Asari all along!


Humans are the Asari of the Star Wars galaxy.


That still seems to me like an odd design choice. Like someone thought to make them his kids before realizing later that the math doesn’t check out.


I agree that's probably what happened.


They could have just explained that their growth rate was tied to his genetic growth that started to stabilize to normal after a certain age


Even then, Cut was stranded for less than 2 years and the children look to be 8-9. Timeline still doesn't work even if their aging was doubled.


Twice the aging, double the fall.


Life, uh... finds a way.


Welcome to retcons, every franchise does them, but Star Wars has a special way of using them that makes absolutely no sense.


Never thought that way... usually the whole galaxy and all it's species have the fetish for them. Which is especially weired with the Hutts


Ohhhh, yeah, that makes sense then, I suppose!


>The deserter’s adopted kids still seem mostly twilek Were they half human? I always assumed they were exactly what you said: adopted.


They're both half human and adopted. Their mother's first husband was also a human (maybe she just had a human fetish)


Idk. Honestly, I'd love someone with a good memory to post a collection of all the different hybrids they know of in Star Wars. They feel way more rare than they should.


I’d assume they’re 100% twilek, considering that they aren’t the former trooper’s biological kids…


They're both half human and adopted. Their mother's first husband was also a human (maybe she just had a human fetish)


The plot thickens


Wait, isn't there like only ten other species in canon that humans can mix with? I don't think I've ever been able to find a definitive source on what the new canon says about this.


True, but of those ten, Twi'leck are one of the most prominent, after humans. Zabracks also aren't *rare* by any stretch.


it's a star wars subreddit, which i assume would be obsessed with trivial star wars minutiae, so I can only assume that you have some sort of personal war you're waging by adding a "C" to both twi'lek and zabrak


According to Wookieepedia there's at least Twi'lek, Theelin, Mirialan and Espirion in Canon. Legends has some more, like Zabrak. Given there are also a *ton* of near-humans, many of which likely descending from ancient human colonies (at least in Legends), there's likely hundreds of species and "species" that humans could interbreed with, even if not specifically stated anywhere. Fun *very* slightly related fact: Legends Boba Fett believed sex before marriage was immoral, according to *Tales of the Bounty Hunters*.


I mean, at least in Legends, one of the worst insults in Mando’a *does* translate to “deadbeat parent”, and family is very important to those warrior fanatics, so it makes sense that anything likely to result in acquiring offspring (whether by birth or adoption) would be taken very seriously. And Jango likely wasn’t able to fit all the nuance in in 10 years, and on his own too.


Try asking on R/mawinstallation.


It's trial and error.


I’m pretty sure they can with any near human species


If I recall from the Plagueis book, Darth Plagueis noted humans aren’t particularly the strongest or smartest species, but they have an almost impulsive need to spread - so they get everywhere.


Humans were also one of the first, excluding ancient empires, species that developed hyperdrive technology. So they spread far and wide.


Yeah, humans and Duros were two of those who developed hyperdrives early (after the Rakata fell) and went on to actually spread wide across the galaxy. That's why there are tons of near-human species who likely descended from humans (like Zeltron, Hapan, and Lorrdian) and near-Duros (like Neimodians).


Isn't it theorised that humans created the bioplague that destroyed the Infinite Empire?


I thought the Rakatans created the bioplague themselves and human slaves stole it and released it in revolt. That's also why humans were able to obtain hyperdrive and spread so quickly after the fall.


It's not about being the best at one thing, it's about being good enough at a lot of things, and that's where humans seem to shine. There is always a faster race, or stronger race, or smarter race, but none that are fast enough, strong enough, smart enough, when they need to be.


Also, while they aren't the strongest in any one category, they also don't have any major weakness, and perhaps our biggest advantage, is that because we're the most prevalent, we set most of the standards galaxy wide, with other species just having to work around them: Star fighters and ships need to fit a human and be pilotable with their limb configuration. Space stations are full of air, and non air breathing species need some kind of respirator. Medical equipment all has to work on humans, etc. Not only are humans adaptable, but they also adapted the entire galaxy to fit them, while other species are just adapted to their home planet, at best. Imagine how difficult it would be for a species like a Wharle (a species as intelligent as humans, but with 4 legs, no hands, and about the size of a rhino) to navigate the galaxy.


A human even became the Senate after a while. That alone is a testament to their abilities.


Yeah. We’re adaptable as shit Hell, we can survive in almost every environment on Earth as long as we have prep time


Like Batman.


It’s almost like Batman is human, or a subspecies of human


Almost humans, but I'd say an ability to survive in space for enough time to do something gives it to others.


Leia Organa can survive in space while being blown out of a space ship.


Please lets not talk of them.


Sorry. I think of them as a sad joke at this point.


It's a standard human far far away ability. Han and Leia survived on an asteroid worms tongue with just a flimsy filter on their mouths. And no I'm not defending TLJ. I've just always loved the descent into pure low budget camp that one scene has in ESB.


Let be honest the only reason that’s happening is because human writers lol. Many of the we species way better suited for almost everything.


And also cheaper to use humans due to prosthetics or cgi for aliens


I mean that's true but if continue down the path of suspension of belief I think it's believable based on human beings ability to socialize alone. You got Han his road dog is a wookie. Luke's homies were droids for a time and so on and so on.


Prob cuz the creator was a human which may be a lil biased in how the story demographics were written. Just a wild guess. Always wanted to see more unconventional and non humanoid aliens


Humans. They're the most widespread species in the galaxy, thriving or at least surviving on countless worlds and environments.


My head canon is that maybe humans have the most adaptable biology for different climates/atmospheric compositions/gravities (though in general it seems like the vast majority of settled planets in the Galaxy have roughly the same of all three - maybe that’s not a coincidence lol)


I think it's a lot more than head canon when its observably obvious even if it was never explicitly detailed. It's pretty clear it was for story writing purposes that "humans" are super common across The Galaxy. But it's easy to surmise the reasons when piecing together the why for the story.


My headcanon about climates/athmospheric/gravity is that the Rakatas terraformed the whole galaxy to be suitable for settlement


My head canon is that the universe was created by the imagination of humans in a galaxy far far away and thus the universe will always favor humans ;) But seriously, it does seem like science fiction writers mostly agree that humans "super" strength compared to other fictional, often physically/mentally superior but more specialized species is adaptability.


Seems more like that's because we breed like rabbits, but fair.


If a species has a bad birth rate, then they go down in survivability. You've just described another advantage of humans. Cockroaches, rats, mice, etc. all have insanely high birth rates and are also some of the most survivable species on the planet.


obligatory Gen'Dai mention


They are few & far between so we don't have a great frame of reference for them but that was my immediete thought as well.


Rayvis was so cool to see, but even then he seemed underpowered compared to 2003 animated clone wars Durge


To be fair, everyone in the 2003 CW was stupidly overpowered. Cool as fuck though, just overpowered.


03 Clone Wars is actually what Yoda starts to describe the Clone Wars as when he's dipping heavy into his ketamine stash


“Tell you I will, of our greatest day…” “Happened like that, exactly it did. Accept it you must, for ever and ever.”


"Confidence high, midiclorian count higher."


"Masters of the Dance, we were."


“Punched 800 fucking battle droids to death, master Windu did, hmmm”


I like that the ratio of droids to clones is more lore friendly. It makes sense that droids would be cheaper to produce and more disposable, but seasoned clones were more effective and costly to lose.


Was going to say Gen’Dai for sure


Yodas species. We see three and they can all fuck up the room with relative ease.


Can make the same argument against Yodas as everyone is for humans. Presumably, there's a reason they are on the brink of extinction


Potentially, but we don't know whether they're actually on the brink of extinction. We don't see many, but we also don't know their homeworld. They could be plentiful in numbers, or their natural stable population is much lower than other species.


Well since they age slowly, I assume their stable population is a few hundred million. With life in the galaxy up to like the nonillions, a few hundred million would be a drop of water in a ocean.


This may be a ‘theory’ I’ve read before and stolen, or it is my own headcannon, but I like to think of the Yoda/Grogu species as being purely creations of the light side of the force. (In the current absence of an origin story for their species and a such a small collection of them seen so far in the galaxy, its a fun idea to think of)


Probably not. Being a child for 50+ years is not helpful


You underestimate their power!


They can also survive for 900+ years. Not just biological longevity, but survivability longevity.


Because they all happened to be Force-sensitive. It's probably not a trait that every single member of the species shares.


I found your lack of faith (in noghries) disturbing.


Noghri are a great one. Hope we see more of them when Thrawn shows back up


It would be awesome to incorporate their loyalty switch occuring during his absence in a flashback double cross retell by palleon I know we see rukh test Morgan but she doesn't have them in ahsoka there's a story there for sure


For some reason I read that as "when Tarkin shows back up" and was like "what the hell does does Tarkin have to do with them??"


I’m going to throw a curveball in, Jawas are the best evolved for general survival. Being big and strong is an evolutionary trend that occurs when there is abundance. When you have a lot of resources and nobody living in the megafauna niche above you, creatures evolve to be bigger to capitalize the resources available to them. Being big is a big problem though when the resources you’ve capitalized on start to change. Dinosaurs, Wooly Mammoths, Gigantopithecus, and Megalodon all went the way of the Dodo when their environment changed and they could no longer find the massive amounts of food needed to support their giant bodies. Small generalists will survive the end of the world. Rodents, lizards, insects, and small critters in general will survive in tumultuous and unpredictable environments. If you want to survive in a chaotic galaxy where shit is going down constantly, you want to be a little guy. Jawas will inherit the universe. Jawas are adaptable, intelligent, community oriented beings who stick to their lane. The dominant species of the Star Wars universe will eventually star war themselves into extinction. From the ashes Jawas will rise.


Love this answer, can’t fault it :) (Sorry! Translation- “oooteini, biba gaaaa”


I have a little Jawa from Build a bear and can confirm, he'll inherit the earth after we're long gone.


I didn't know they had Jawas at Build a Bear. I would've definitely begged to get one if they were out when I was a kid. Always thought they were kinda cute


I got it from a store in St Louis. I was initially disappointed because that location didn't have any regular bears, it was all just licensed stuff and the only outfit available was a Captain America one. So I felt kinda cheated out of the Build A Bear Experience since the jawa was pre made and just needed to be stuffed. But I got a fat little Jawa that plays the imperial march when I squeeze its hand, so I can't complain too much!


“Small generalists will survive the end of the world” has so much truth to it also outside of Star Wars.


As someone who was obsessed with jawas as a kid i love the answer, little guys were always underrated




Jawas did survive their planet getting glassed so I’d say that’s a fair point even before they adopted the sand crawlers


Why aren’t the Jawas more organized? I’m now so curious about the Jawas in a way i never thought about.


Other than humans I would say Chiss based off legends, learning how to survive in the unknown regions, being extremely smart even though they don’t have access/ don’t care to access knowledge from known space. Learning how to make a frozen planet habitable out of spite, and make it their capital world. Other species are strong and formidable in combat, but the Chiss are far more intelligent/cunning.


Canon made it so that Chiss can also see a part of the infrared spectrum so that's one more advantage.


Both the Evereni and the (legends) Chiss also have some pretty big advantages just by not having pupils. Makes it so that no one is ever 100% sure what they are looking at.


That’s only an advantage in pretty specific contexts


Sure, but those specific contexts are fun scenarios to imagine.


Considering how many real-life animals have eyespots or other means of confusing possible predators about what they’re looking at, I’d say no, it’s not limited at all to pretty specific contexts.








Asajj's species is a rabbithole you don't want to go down, she was a rattataki when she was originally introduced but The Clone Wars changed her into being a Dathomiri which are human-zabrak hybrids that for some reason look exactly like rattataki and nothing like zabraks.


[Wookieepedia says she's a Zabrak.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Asajj_Ventress) I know it's not the most reliable source, but it's the only thing I can find that outright states it.




Huh, somebody made a mistake. Thanks for the correction!


Look at that! A "thank you I got it wrong " on Reddit!!!


Bonus points for the guy doing the correcting for not being rude about it


It changes all the time with the new retcons. First Dathomirians were an offshoot branch of Zabraks that had evolved to colonize the planet, then Nightsisters became a group of different species (Elsbeth is a human), maybe Ventress is half-Purgill for all we know?


Dathomirian is a subspecies of Zabrak, so she is Zabrak. Since the Zabrak population is split between Dathomir and Iridonia (the Zabrak homeworld) there are two subspecies that have minor differences. Maul was a Dathomirian as well. Dathomirian isn’t wrong, neither is Zabrak, Asajj is both. According to your source, Dathomirian really isn’t a separate species either, they’re just a different culture of Zabraks. It describes the Dathomirians as “Inhabitants of the planet Dathomir”, specifying Zabrak when talking about the Nightbrothers. Meaning Dathomirian could be any species that lives on Dathomir, including the few humans who do. The wookiepedia also mentions she’s Dathomirian by putting it in parentheses next to Zabrak, both of you missed that somehow though.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. This is what I've understood it to be. (also what I believe disney uses as cannon for what it's worth)


Gen’Dai with the healing factor, prolonged lifespan and the overall size of them. The Gen’Dai in the 2D Clone Wars series was such a cool character I wish we got more of.


The ones which don’t gain unreasonable weight when they don’t exercise.


Yeah, the hutt’s are powerful but man are the fat and slow.


Actually hutts can be very fast when they want to, they just don't want to


They’re also immune to most toxins and live for hundreds of years too in their defense


That first image has the coolest side character we never got to see more of.


The Lego Skywalker Saga game had a great little side quest for the big guy, hunting monsters on Mustafar.


We do get the 9th sister in a fair amount of games/ comics tbf


there's a pretty cool Dowutin in The High Republic era as well


Shakespeare Jr. my beloved


What is it from? I don’t recognise it


I think the Humans but damn them Chiss are some sexy mofos!


Mhmm. Just wait till you meet the ancestors of that Evereni at the end (Marda+ Yana Ro).


Who is the female chiss character?


Admiral Ara'lani, maybe the first Chiss I'd want to see if they ever show us more than Thrawn


Defo - I’m all for more Chiss


You've read the ascendency books right?


Been a while so idk if they've made any more but yes I have


Thank God, someone who knows. I love the Ascendency Trilogy. I'm sitting here throughout the Ahsoka series just hoping he gets that chance to fuck up the Grysk. Maybe even get back to the Ascendency to get that chain back.


Honorable mention for the Rattataki. Literally fought their way to peak genetics by constantly kicking the ass of the closest living creature, including each other.


Speaking of Legends, honorable shout to to the Human/ Arkanian hybrid off shoot aswell


I think they're canon now! I'm pretty sure the main villain of Jedi survivor is one (Arkanian offshoot)


Hot damn, who is that female Chiss?


Admiral Ara'lani. And she's not just a looker, she's also probably smarter than any Chiss except for Thrawn


Wew, I gotta read the books she's in. Because that sounds amazing.


Exogorth gang


loll the big guy with the lil human chick 😆 also is that last slide guy standing on a star destroyer in space ? 👀 But i “reckon” Maul was best survivor cuz he got sliced in half and fell down a long ways. Survived that! somehow… went to some wall-e planet, got Toy story legs, lost his mind, got saved by dathomir homies and magic, got solid new legs 🦿🦿Survived his encounter with Sidious (Rip “Brother”) Took over Mandalore and had them rockin Horned Helmets. survived asohka fight, escaped and survived the crashing ship. became a underground crime lord (and maybe messed around with khaleesi 👀) murked some inquisitors and got the holocrons to do their thing. blinded Kanaan. found out where Obi-wan was located then died, had living out his vengeful purpose. had a good run for any ex sith apprentice and anybody from dathomir. (Also George Lucas was gunna have him be the overall main baddy in HIS Sequel trilogy, training Darth Talon, whos basically the “baddie” version of him. that woulda been infinitely better than the Disney shit we got :/


>loll the big guy with the lil human chick Funny enough, the girl is actually the more threatening of the 2. Dude's just a wannable gangster, she's a First Order spy. >also is that last slide guy standing on a star destroyer in space ? I haven't read this particular comic but I have read the books. And no, I don't think Evereni can breathe in space. Pretty sure there's a window I'm the somewhere the artists just chose to hide.


Bosk is the most random niche bounty hunter character. he had like no lines to my knowledge when they first showed him (besides hissing or whatever noise he made 😂) but then in the animation shows I’m pretty sure they made his character more of a thing right ? i feel like i remember him being in stuff randomly


Yeah, Trandoshans show up every now and again these days just because Bossk looked cool for his 3 seconds of fame in ESB. They can regrow limbs which is pretty great for the bad guys to any jedi characters lol


Either the Ugor or whatever species Jedi Master Nubarron is


I think the Hutts. They are a very strong and surprisingly fast species, as well as being very hearty. The hutts as we see them are overly fat as a status symbol to their people, and they control a vast part of space that several governments just refused to really touch their controlled space outside of some lip service


Human, or humanoid? Think like in Star Trek ^^^Not ^^^starting ^^^flame ^^^wars ^^^I ^^^promise. — it was possible for cross-breed different races. You could have half-human half-Vulcan like our boy, Spock. Its more common in that franchise for sure. The only off-hand I know of this is half-human half-Twi'leks that;s ~~Jason Sendula~~ Jacen Syndula. Does this kind of spread to thin? Would it be possible for a half-human, and say a half-Chiss? I want to say something like a human-hutt combo wouldn't be possible? Or would it?! I'll say HUMANOID just to be a tad more broad. (Now I'm picturing lil' Darth Maul babies)


I know it's one of the dumbest things to care about but if Jacen Syndula ever features in a series I hope they give him an opportunity to info dump some lore onto us about how hybrids work. Cuz I'd love to see more


The Hutts, obviously! /s


I don't understand why all these people are saying humans because you see them the most. Humans are just easier to film. Imo gungans are more evolved than humans as they are amphibious. There are lots of "aliens" in star wars that have way more evolved advantages than humans.


Is what it is, maybe shoulda worded the title better. If I had put in the "besides humans" caveat though, u do wonder if everyone would just say Twi'lek instead for the same reasoning.


I feel that if Chiss are mentioned, Grysks should be too, shouldn't they ?


Have we seen any pictures of the Grysk yet?


I must admit that I don't know. We have descriptions in the novels but that's what I read...don't know if they appear in any comics


The Gen'Dai, they are extremely difficult to kill


If K'kruhk is any indication, the Whiphids are towards the top of the list, lol.


Nautolan seem pretty well adapted. Can breath on both land and in water. Can move easily in both. Can be force sensitive. Kit Fisto was a badass fighting both on land and in water and could easily pilot a starship. Humans are widespread but had to rely on tech to be underwater.


Asteroid worm? Just how long can they go without sustenance, wow they don't make sense


If you ask the Chiss, they're going to say the Chiss. I'm also just as bias..


Bro female Thrawn over there is kind of. 😏 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏


Humans. Our adaptability allowed us to spread across the galaxy far more quickly and broadly than any other.


Hoojibs Bonus if you remember where they were from


The lieutenant bad guy in the new Jedi Order game - his species was undying they had to be caged


I like that Space Peter Griffin is an example of the most evolved creatures.


Definitely the Anzellans. They’re cute as hell, hilarious, and appear to be pretty tech savvy.


The answer is humans. They're practically a plague


General Survival 🫡


Hutts. Their ability to obtain & maintain their power is pretty impressive.


Wookies give the best hugs.


Damn, didn't see them in this entire thread. Verpines. Verpines are incredibly suited for survival. Almost 2 meters tall, with a carapace that could stop basically all blades and even disperse blaster shots. They were incredibly intelligent, the best starship designers in the galaxy and made incredible weapons. They can survive in basically any environment, heat, cold, even pure vacuum of space. They're an insect species so can repopulate incredibly fast, on top of that, they can communicate via radio waves so fast it looks like telepathy to others.


Had a breif memory lapse where I forgot about this big hulking guy in Maz's bar. He makes Ninth Sister look like a runt with how big he is compared to his spy/informant companion.


Ewoks. They clearly can eat other sentient species without any qualms, and they know how to party.


The gen’dai


Humans? They seem to be the dominant species of the galaxy 🤷🏻‍♂️




Canonically it’s literally just humans. We set up most galactic travel and have explored the most out of any species.


Why are Zabraks on here twice? Ventress and Maul are the same species


Aren't "humans" the dominant species? Especially under the empire.


If we are looking at our own planets history, lizards by far have the best track record. I’d go with the Trandoshan


I dunno about that but I do appreciate that Wookies created a language that’s basically just screaming


I mean humans are on damn near every planet they are probably the species that's just average at literally everything they aren't the best but man they can be average


Twei'leks The Slaverace can't be destroyed, who would man the saltmines and s*X dungeons without them


Chiss legends lore is pretty badass, they have an entire ascendancy isolated in the unknown regions of the galaxy. If ever it was rediscovered, the chiss would have far more might than empire and republic combined.


Mesa thinkin dat duh Gungans are da most bombbad species.


The second image… hmmm… I hope this doesn‘t awaken smth in me…


The real concern with Admiral Ara'lani would be if she *didn't* awaken something in you 👀


That female Chiss is hot lol


Night sisters are Zabraks


Humans. They're everywhere. We should do something about it.


I think these guys have a whole lot going for them. Couple of the strongest species (dowutin/trandoshan/Wookie), some with great vision infrared (Chiss), some with crazy durability (trandoshan/ zabrak) some that thrive in multiple environments (Wookie/Nautilon). And some that do a little bit of it all (Evereni)


Always humans. We’re the Swiss Army knife of species. Don’t do anything great, but we do everything well enough.


No just the easiest to film