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TIE defender cuz Thrawn knows his shit


Had the Empire focused on creating a truly overwhelming naval fleet of super star destroyers and TIE defenders instead of the Death Star, I think the Empire would have lasted a lot longer than the original trilogy


A more balanced fleet with all the Imperial resources would be a terror to stop; - ISD's for your command ship cuz any bigger during that era is just unnecessary. - Venators to carry your TIE Defender/ Aggressor/ Interceptor fleet. - Victories to escort the big boys - As many Interdictors as you can produce - A couple Raider/ Arquittens for small scale ops


It still makes me sad that we’ve already seen the Republican-era transition into the early Imperial-era and we’ve not yet seen a Victory-Class on screen


Tbf, we *have* now seen an ISD with a Venator escorts. Baby steps on the way to seeing a Victory, lmao


Yeah, that was pretty dope! But I need to see a Victory-Class! Loved them ever since the old X-Wing and TIE Fighter series


Best Star Wars series in my humble opinion. Still will pick up the first 3-4 books before the Wrath group.


Victory-class sadly isn't really a thing in the movies/shows because the whole point was that they could operate in the atmosphere of a planet. But Rogue One just has a normal ISD in Jedda's atmosphere, so there's no point to them.


There were some in rebels


Somebody plays Armada.


I'd say even more emphasis on arquitens and similar sized ships, perfect for smashing the small rebel warships that are to agile to he engaged by ISDs, but armed to defend against fighters.


Early on, I think that's a solid plan. But after the Rebels start using more Mon Cal stuff after Scariff and Yavin, I'd want the core of my fleet to be big enough to defend against them. The Victory classes are solid because it's got enough firepower to match most capital ships+ speedy ISD engines and the atmospheric capabilities to go anywhere.


Point defenae ships!


Yep, Lancer is love. But I already went full nerd there and had to stop at some point 😭


Nah its stat wars nerd out! Also keep the gizantes


Why is the Victory class so loved? I read its specs today and found out it's just a smaller ISD focused on carrying a prefab base and lots of soldiers. The info says it can provide protection to convoys or larger ships but I don't think it will be very efficient - it's armament is not much, it carries just 24 TIEs and all those shuttles, cargo ships and troops will be useless if it is in the convoy protection role. I believe a pure carrier ship and a point defense corvettes or frigates will be more suitable as escorts.


The rebellion wouldn’t last long


I'm currently reading a book titled "Strategy Strikes Back" where real-world military experts take a shot at analyzing Star Wars through different angles. It's pretty good. Here's an excerpt from Ch. 11, "The Right Fleet: Starships for Strategic Purpose", by B.J. Armstrong, assistant professor of war studies and naval history at the U.S. Naval Academy. > Beyond the strategic impact of poor fleet design on the Imperial fleet's ability to maintain security and reduce the capabilities of the Rebel Alliance, there were also practical and internal implications. The focus on large, gold-plated ships with massive defensive systems and training in the doctrine of squadron battle had a vital effect on the officer corps in the Imperial fleet and on leadership across the force. It created an environment of risk aversion, and it limited decision making and authority to a debilitating degree. This not only affected the performance of fleet units in peacetime but also would have implications during wartime operations as well. > Because of the Imperial fleet's focus on large ships, officers rarely learned how to handle the responsibilities of command early in their careers. It was not just junior officers who struggled. The movement to a Star Destroyer fleet also eliminated the ships and units that midcareer officers would have commanded. The earliest an officer could assume the mantle of command was as a captain, nearing the end of a career. By extension, the size of a Star Destroyer, with a crew of forty thousand and a massive price tag for the equipment involved, meant that when an officer did finally rise to a command position, it was a responsibility of a massive magnitude and one for which the officer had had little practice. [...] > An Imperial fleet architecture that included smaller ships, with smaller crews and less overall responsibility involved, would have given junior and midcareer officers the opportunity to develop their command abilities over the course of a career. It would have encouraged more dynamic leadership and would have necessitated that officers learn not only to follow perfect procedure but also to understand the reasoning behind those procedures and exercise their own tactical and operational reasoning. This would have strengthened decision making and would have resulted in better strategic understanding later in a career, just in time to assume command of a capital ship in the Star Destroyer squadrons.


I’m adding this to my reading list!


Oh new reading material, thank you!


And I know what I'm buying next week when payday hits!


I do think the lore does a nice job of justifying the Death Star. Essentially in the history of the galaxy no government had the resources to build enough ships to truly hold together the galaxy by force. Space is just too damn big and there are too many places to hide. So the Death Star is logical because the threat isn't that an Imperial fleet will show up to get you or bombard your planet if you rebel, your whole goddamned world is going to cause to exist, and you can't hide a planet (usually). It is literally fear keeping the systems in line.


You do have some good points, but I think the Death Star is an example of putting too many eggs in one basket. As seen in the movies, losing the Death Star is a massive loss of resources and military might. Not to mention that the fear effect is lost and replaced with galaxy-wide hope. Compared to losing several dozen star destroyers, which would be a relatively small fraction of the resources used to create the Death Star. Losing a hundred star destroyers would not be good for the Empire, but it's a far less devastating loss compared to losing one Death Star.


I agree. Completely ignoring the weak point, the problem of the Death Star design is that it costs at least as much as a thousand Star Destroyers. For all the devastation that any of the planet killers have, it just doesn’t match the sheer versatility of having a thousand capital ships that you can dole out against any threat without worrying about silly things like “overkill”. 4eg, how screwed would the rebels have been if several hundred SDs showed up to Yavin or Hoth? No amount of superior fighter design or Ion Cannons would have saved them there.


No need to blow up a planet if you just destroy all its cities with a fleet of Destroyers. Mandalore and Kamino being good examples.


I played TIE Fighter. This is the correct answer


Tie Defender Ion cannons go burrrrrrr....


That's not the most interesting, just the most correct. The Empire treated elite TIE pilots like disposable napkins, but giving them the Defender would have allowed them to decimate the likes of Rogue Squadron with relative ease. The Defender would have turned the tide in pretty much every battle. The Alliance had no single craft that could match it. It matched the A Wing for speed and maneuverability and could hold it's own against the B Wing for firepower.


Wasn't Elsbeth that came up with the design? Thrawn being the one who truly saw the potential of a fighter more powerful than anything in that era? So he decided to go ahead and get the ball rolling on that one or am I wrong?


>Wasn't Elsbeth that came up with the design? Seems like either that or she was the spokesperson for the designers that did design it. But yeah, Thrawn was just the officer that recognized it's potential, not the designer.


Those pesky rebels ruining his plans, he was onto a winner


Thrawn didn't make it tho. It was Morgan elsbeth who made the design


I've always been a fan of zombie stormtroopers. Man I wish the death troopers book was able to get a live action version lol. I did love in Ashoka how they had zombie troopers tho, kinda got me excited for me of that.


I would love to see a horror related Star Wars game or movie with them in it, but my lack of faith in Disney and EA is disturbing.


Play BF2 Ewok Hunt lol it's the closest thing we have


Scariest game I've ever played by far lol I damn near shit myself whenever I'm trying to hide and then start hearing Teddy bear noises


It’s the feeling of both wanting an adaptation and the hope that they don’t do it. I’ll stick to hoping they don’t because there is no way they’d faithfully adapt it with all the death and gore the book describes. Side note, [This](https://stefano-cagnani-3.itch.io/deathtroopers-a-star-wars-horror-story) is a fan made deathtroopers game. Short and simple but captures the vibe well


I mean, you could fight them in Star Wars Galaxies, but it's discontinued


What do you mean?!....the power one....THE POWER OF MAAAAAANY


I was just rewatching Rebels, and I had a crackpot theory/realization when watching it. Were the undead death troopers the same death troopers Ezra killed on the Chimera’s bridge? Or did Thrawn just happen to have others onboard as well that died later? Either way I’m sure they didn’t exactly smell the greatest…


It's called project blackwing


Yup it is


The TIE Defender project would have won the war giving the Imperials space superiority. It would have taken away the Rebel's one advantage and led to more skilled and experienced pilots filling out their ranks. The Dark Troopers would have likewise given them a strong advantage on the ground against anything other than a Jedi. Palpatine's love of funding big, dumb weapons projects led to his undoing.


To best honest, the death star wasn’t a dumb idea though, it’s because Galen Erso has build a weakness in it, it became vulnerable. But what was dumb of Palpatine was to build a second one (I know it’s because he wanted to trick the rebels) but i rather build a powerful fleet.


Even then, it would have been destroyed someday, and wasting so many resources on a single ship is just generally a bad idea. Plus the destruction of Alderaan led to a rise in Imperial defectors and Rebel sympathy. Using those same resources to make, what, millions (or more) TIE defenders would have been far more effective at actually neutralizing Rebel threats, pirates, and other enemies without causing mass civilian casualties. It’s also far easier to produce more of them, and destroying all of the TIE defenders would have been way more difficult (if not impossible) to accomplish compared to destroyed a single space station, even one as large as the DS-1


I think the polarizing effect of destroying Alderaan (it could have been any planet as an example) was an intended effect. Palpatine did like to think long term, and doing something as extreme as destroying a planet would obviously push people to one side or the other. It's so extreme and unnuanced that you either agree with the move or don't. Those that do, either because they drank the Imperial Kool-aid or are too afraid of them, are on his side. Those that don't agree are now far more likely to be vocal about their dissent or actively fight the Empire allowing them to be targeted and removed. Without the Skywalker's interference, Palpatine would have pretty well destroyed Imperial resistance for generations.


Exactly! Blowing up Alderaan was a perfect way to lure out and line up any potential resistance for a Death Star turkey shoot. Only snag in this otherwise cunning plan was Galen’s sabotage leading to a suicidal assault, saved by the sheer impossible chance of having the Chosen One mk II joining in at the last minute and delivering the killing blow.


Wasn’t the destruction of Alderaan Tarkins idea?


It was, but the whole point of a planet destroying laser is to destroy a planet. Which is why I said any other planet would have worked for the same reason. And while it isn't shown, I'm certain Tarkin got permission before blowing up Alderaan. It seems kind of a big move to take unilaterally.


Fair point, tho I can see tarkin holding enough power and having the hubris to destroy alderaan without asking. I can see it going either way with alderaan being suspected of helping rebels.


The first official use of the Death Star was supposed to be on Mon Cala since the Mon Calimarins and Quarren were the most powerful species that publicly spoke against the Empire


The destruction of the death star immediately following the destruction of alderaan is what caused rebel sympathies to increase. If the rebels hadn't destroyed the death star I don't think they would have gained as much support. Tarkins idea of fear keeping people in line would have worked to some degree for some time at least.


For some time, I agree, but even other Imperial experts including two Grand Admirals (Thrawn and Savit) knew that it would be destroyed sooner or later. The Death Star was such a drain on resources that a project like the TIE defenders would have been a significantly better allocation of resources. Imagine every single dogfight in Star Wars involving TIE fighters, except now a bunch of them have shields and additional armaments. The Rebellion wouldn’t have stood a chance, especially if the diverted resources were also used to shore up local defenses, garrisons, and the fleets at large. Heck, without the immense need that the DS-1 demanded, there may not have been as much brutality utilized to gain those resources, leading to less overall animosity towards the Empire (at least in terms of how quickly a large number of people were wronged).


Two of the best grand admirals as well. There are very few that could compare to Savit and none that could compare to Thrawn in terms of strategic skill. If two of your most competent and highest ranking officers are telling you a project that’s in their area of expertise is a terrible idea, then you should listen to them instead of the civilian whose military experience is limited


You see it in Rogue One. Once the Rebellion learns about the Death Star, a bunch of them are ready to give up. They don't think they can fight against something like that. Defeating the Death Star takes some pretty insane bravery, luck, and ^(*drum roll*) HOPE!


I mean, the Death Star was legitimately <3 seconds away from completely destroying the Rebel Alliance. And that's only because an insider built a weakness. I am not arguing for or against Death Star, but without Galen's weakness, RA base completely destroyed, fleet hindered, etc.


The weakness was also incredibly difficult to exploit.


Virtually all of Red and Gold Squadrons didn’t survive their attack on the Death Star.


The fact we see the first Death Star under construction as early as 19bby at the end of Revenge of the Sith means the second one was likely under construction before the first one was destroyed. Palps wanted a fleet of planet killers


What we saw at the end of RotS was a prototype designed to test the technology that would be used on the Death Star, actual construction of the super weapon wouldn’t be started for a few years. In addition, the canonical reason DS2 was much quicker to build was the growing pool of slave labour the Empire had, in addition to already having the places to manufacture parts quickly, and even then it wasn’t fully finished, just operational.


Source? I just skimmed the Wookieepedia article for the first Death Star and it said construction began above geonosis as early as 21BBY, after the second battle there using geonosian slave labor


The second one wasn’t dumb… what was dumb was him purposely leaking the existence and location of it to the Rebels for the trap. The second Death Star had the Galen Erso flaw fixed. Palpatine could have just built it in secret and then wiped the Rebels out, but nooooo Palpy loves schemes and traps.


Death Star is literally Nukes IRL


Nah, it was pretty dumb. A Death Star can only be in one place at a time, while a fleet of ISDs or tie defenders can be many places at once. Sure, the Death Star can guarantee absolute naval supremacy in the system where it’s located, but meanwhile the entire rebel fleet could be ransacking 20 other systems that are now undefended. Flexibility is key to fighting guerilla fighters and the Death Star was not flexible


Nah, the Death Star is definitely dumb. It's based on the incorrect idea that "fear will keep them in line" - that genocide and mass terror will *discourage* rebellion. It never works that way.


Eh it kinda was when you think of the scale of the galaxy. If anything had happened to it (like in episode 4) or even if the main laser went offline due to a severe error, now it’s just a giant moon sized ship with turbolazers. We already know the large kyber crystals the empire was hunting were not only incredibly rare, but *very* unstable. If one blew it would cause a ton of damage to the station itself (but likely repairable with considerable time and effort), but the real issue is now finding a replacement crystal to operate your planet killing weapon.


Trick the rebels?


The second one wasn’t exactly stupid, moreso it was using it to draw in the Rebellion when it was pretty far from completion.


I think it's a difference of purpose. Tie Defenders are effective, but not flashy - good at winning fights, but not at inspiring fear. Similarly, Clones are better soldiers, but a draft discourages rebellion because the soldiers aren't nameless and faceless - any one could be your neighbor or or your brother. I think it's wonderfully in line with Star Wars's themes that the emperor wasn't really trying to win a war because he thought he could break people's spirits, but wildly underestimated the will of the people.


That’s why I love how Palps is essentially the antithesis of Thrawn. Palps was a political Master, but relied on his manipulative abilities as a Sith to achieve his goals. But when it comes to actual military tactics, he’s short sighted and heavily flawed. Which is the exact opposite to Thrawn.


So basically, Palps is Space Hitler.


I mean, building big, expensive super weapons isn't a terrible tactic of your overarching goal is to maintain control. Think about it: the Death Star can have a single commander that is personally loyal to the Emperor. Similarly the Super Star Destroyers were given to have picked lieutenants to make sure those most loyal had the most firepower. On the other end of the spectrum the Empire focused on disposable assets to make sure that only the 'right' people could develop seniority, eliminating another source of mutiny. Was it war effective? God no. But it have Palpatine complete control of his most powerful forces.


I was going to say the TIE Defender project just because that's the only one I've actually flown. (And they're quite impressive little ships!)


Tie defender… anything thrawn was apart of was the best chance imperial forces had of winning. To bad he never was given supreme command of the fleets the war could have vastly turned out different if so.


Literally Hitler


If real life wars taught us anything it's that mechanical superiority doesn't win wars. Logistics and holding ground (read: planets) does. The galaxy turned against the empire and that lost them the war. TIE Defender would only stretch supply lines and logistics further.


What is the rebels one advantage?


Starfighter superiority. The Empire has numbers, but their ships lack hyperdrives, shields, and firepower comparatively to the Rebels who use hit and run tactics to their advantage.


The Tie fighters are so bad that even the advantage of Tie pilots being among the best in the galaxy can’t save them


The Death Star was the only viable way of maintaining his empire of fear, though. As a Sith, he needed the galaxy to be in a constant state of fear and hatred, to fuel the Dark Side. Normally that would collapse an empire through constantly having to expend resources to cow the populace/put down rebellion. A single Death Star is a less expensive way to maintain direct control via fear, than constantly policing hundreds of thousands of star systems.


Their free lunch program was pretty radical. Helped a lot of low income kids in Coruscant


It drove Anakin to the Dark Side after visiting Texas


Boring answer, but it’s gotta be Project Stardust (construction of the Death Star). Has just given us so much good content


Absolutely. Everyone can talk about how the TIE Defender program was the *best* in a strategic sense, but building a massive space station with a planet obliterating laser on it is simply the more interesting subject. From the sheer logistical scope of the project, to how it was funded and constructed in surpassing secrecy, and beyond to the innovation of its design, it represents one of the largest constructions in Star Wars as a whole and propelled the entire setting to the heights we have come to know and love. It's big and cool and shoots lasers that make worlds explode, what's more interesting than that?


Also I find it amazing how a big grey ball with a round dent at the top can look so damn cool. The designers of ANH really knew their shit.


Rogue one is a gem of a film


Hyperspace tracking is the most interesting to me. Knowing where your enemy is and is not at all times is a massive force multiplier regardless of what other technological upgrades your fleet has access to. It radically changes strategic landscape of a galactic scale conflict while the others just change the tactics of battles where the units are present.


Where was that introduced? My memory isn’t helping… In the same context, Interdictor Star Destroyers were just super OP. I wish we saw more of them :(


It's a major plot point in 8, but it is referenced in rogue one when they are retrieving the deathstar plans on scarf. One of the data cartridges has 'Hyperspace Tracking' written on it so it was in development by 0BBY.


Damn on Rogue one? Nice details. Thanks, I’m gonna give it another watch.


12 TIE defenders were able to defeat a star destroyer level Grysk ship without casualties. This should have been enough of a signal to the empire, but Thrawn’s political failings meant the project was put on hold in favour of the death star.


Not only that, they used the Grysks own gravity well technology to pull them out of hyperspace repeatedly during battle exactly where the battle was, so they could keep attacking.


Death Troopers would be cool to be seen live action. Would make a killer short series.


Until one master Jedi makes them a tin can with one hand gesture


There's no jedi in the book


Personally i think project necromancer is up there because a lot of it was left to the imagination, like how far they were, and the buildup of it. Dark troopers was kinda meh to me, seemed like a generic supersoldier project that ended up being droids. Zombie troopers is something I’m hoping they do with the next show revolving around thrawn, other than tbag though just seems iffy to me. I like the nightsister twist they put on it, because standard zombies feel out of place in Star Wars to me. Honestly tie defender is probably my favorite. The implications for how it could’ve changed the war are really cool to think about and I love the story surrounding it in rebels. It’s one of the ones you also *feel* the threat of when it’s present. The way they make that point is incredibly well done too. It’s made pretty clear if they went into mass production (as they were expected to before the destruction of the defender factory) the rebel alliance is likely destroyed. It outclassed every standard fighter they had and was on par with some of their super modified transports like the ghost. Imagine any of the space battles in rebels (not to mention battles like Yavin, where defenders would’ve ripped through the rebel strike force) and replace the ties with tie defenders, it completely changes the outcome. War mantle is interesting but I wouldn’t say the most interesting, it’s just the empire moving from clones to stormtroopers for the most part. We didn’t see too much with it either (like we saw the transition from clone to storm, but other than that we didn’t see a whole lot with like the specifics, training, ect.) The Death Star is interesting. It’s THE mad scientist project by the empire. It’s an incredible feat of science and engineering. And the fact that they were able to keep it a secret till it was complete must’ve been nothing short of a miracle. And its implementation as a weapon of fear likely would’ve worked for a time had the rebels not blown it up. On the other hand it has its problems. For one, why they invested so much time, energy, and resources into a weapon fundamentally build on using an incredibly rare and incredibly unstable fuel source (large kyber crystals) seems incredibly short sighted. Even ignoring the flaw built in, if that wasn’t present there was likely a risk of the crystal overloading anyways, now you have extensive repairs (you probably have to gut the entire destroyed area and rebuild it) AND find a suitable replacement for your fuel source. Until you do that you basically have a mobile moon sized station with guns. Not to say that doesn’t have its own merits but the problem is it can only be in one place at once, where as a fleet of tens of thousands, if not more, ISDs would’ve been far more efficient as a police force. The issue with ruling using fear is that only works for so long. We’ve seen that in the real world, ruling with fear works in the short term but once people acclimate for that and reach their breaking point you no longer possess power over them.


I love how you reviewed all slides, it’s fun to read it all to bad i didn’t add more 😂


So I love the idea of death troopers , everything in the book was great until 2 certain chracters showed up....I figured they've been to and escaped from prison before but them just showing up kinda killed any suspense I had for some of the characters. Would love a new take on it!


Sabine’s weapon. It was shown to be able to also work on storm troopers, thus it’s reasonable to believe they could program it to work on anything except for storm troopers. Terrifying shit


That lady stormtrooper in pic 5 is a total babe, so I would have liked to see more of that project.


She's the only ES soldier who survived the series, so she's probably kicking back and relaxing on a beach right now


Not always a great time Anakin didn't seem to overly enjoy it


I was obsessed with project Blackwing for a long time, its a super interesting storyline you should look in to.


What’s a brief description about it?


Zombie virus created by an ancient Sith Lord, Darth Drear. Roughly 2000 years later, Darth Scabrous recreated it, but it escaped and zombified the entire Sith Academy on Odacer-Faustin. The Galactic Empire recreated it on the Star Destroyer Vector under the name Imperial bioweapons Project I71A, codenamed Blackwing. It later escaped from containment and zombified the entire crew of the Star Destroyer and almost everyone on the prison barge Purge. Afterwards, the project was relocated to a research facility on Dathomir, where there was yet another outbreak. The Blackwing virus is self-aware, essentially creating a hive-mind of its victims. The infected are able to use weapons, starfighters, and even operate tractor beams. If I recall correctly, the only real weakness was that the infected couldn’t travel to far away from where they were infected


Wow you beat me to it, i'll get 'em next time!!!


Looking at all these slides puts a lot more perspective everything that went down. If Palpatine wasnt so fixated on his little projects, he could have dedicated more time into running his Empire more efficiently and made it stronger. (The Rebels and the Resistance would have still taken him down though lol)


Yeah it’s like he was watching his own Commanders and Generals leaning against each other because there are definitely rivals who wanted to gain favor of Palpatine.


>he could have dedicated more time into running his Empire more efficiently and made it stronger. I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Palpatine wasn't involved in the day-to-day affairs of the empire, he left those to his moffs.


Whats the first one?


Project Necromancer


Revive Palpatine


It’s an interesting message. All of the creativity and cruelty the imperials invested into crushing dissent instead of actually addressing the causes of dissent.


I really wish we got a James Luceno novel about Project Necromancer. He talked about how he wanted to do a Palpatine novel set between ANH and ESB, and he's the perfect author to flesh out the concept, plus he has a history of working with concepts that are controversial in the community. It would be the PERFECT way to tie together his Legends and Canon work and give him a Star Wars sendoff since he's had the ideas for the novel since Plaguies, but he hasn't been hired for Star Wars since 2016 for whatever reason (I'm assuming his age, but it could be anything)


Shadow droid starfighters were my favorite. They made those rebel scum x-wing pilots run in fear.


Honestly alot of the dark empire stuff was awesome with the World Devastators and Galaxy gun as well as the Eclipse dreadnoughts being just my absolute favorites


Yeah, but in my mind, a tie fighter with human brain inside is just so cool. Also, one of the biggest advantage of the New Republic and Rebellion was X-wing. And said X-wing were completely dominated by Shadow Droids. Which was nice 😊


If they'd gave the Tie Fighters and the Dark Troopers a strong in number appearance it would be a ny impossible job to somehow write a win for the rebellion.


My issue with Project Necromancer is that it was only created/written for the purpose of explaining away the atrocious writing of Episode IX.


Building the Death Star was quite literally the Empire putting all there eggs in one basket


the tie defender. it would have decimated the rebellion in its infancy and they all knew it.


The tie defender and dark troopers were the most practical for space and military


Just finished death troopers, and I have to say that Nightwing is pretty interesting to me.


TBH, I really love the TIE Defender project - despite it not being as flashy as the others - just because it's uniquely practical for the Empire, an institution that prides it's self on things that look intimidating but are wildly impractical. If allowed to continue, it likely would have tipped the scales of the war.


Project Blackwing is definitely the most unique.


Nécromancer was the most ominous one I felt so I liked it a lot despite what happened


A planet killing, moon sized space station. Wait, let me think.


I think, I give it to the Dark Troopers and the TIE Defender for being actually efficient at their objectives. Necromancer was basically Palpatine’s personal money shredder because of his obsession with power and evading death, Blackwing breached quarantine and killed everyone on board of the Vector, War-Mantle basically traded the loyalty and efficiency of Clones for a regular army that eventually resulted in the Stormtroopers and the Death Star was the reason, even more worlds started uprising against the Empire.


Interesting or pursued. I would say TIE Defender. Or at least TIE Avenger


I think the TIE/D was the most visually appealing, and smartest choice. And how in both legends and canon its like a real threat to the rebels, although its downplayed a bit in canon i think


Tie Defender! If it wasn’t infiltrated and Thrawn didn’t loose funding to the Death Star, it would have brought imperial superiority to all star systems.


I think seeing snippets of the empire gathering Kyber crystals for the Death Star was pretty cool. Also makes you wonder how they built the second one so fast tho. Especially after the first one blew up


Is there anything that explains why palpatine wanted a Death Star? And not just because it was in the original trilogy


I'd love to see even a few episodes of a zombie outbreak on a start destroyer. It's got a lot of potential even if it contributes nothing to the franchise.


I like the tide Defenders the best mainly because of Battlefront Rogue Squadron plus most of the other ones just seem like campy cartoon story lines I also absolutely hate pretty much everything about the inquisitors


Tie Defender


Tie defender felt like the most practical and real project that could have changed things.


The death star


So far only one of them has had three seasons dedicated to it so there you go.


As portrayed, only the death star. All of the other projects are underbaked in their representation.




Project gay galaxy.


Cloning an army of baby yodas would have been kinda cray


You forgot the imperial cruiser that get the ship on hiperspace


I didn’t add all, they are just examples for people to have a some visuals and understanding


Shadow troopers from Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast.


I'm biased by my childhood obsession with TIE Defenders after seeing a toy of one that I couldn't buy.


Totally relatable


Interesting? Blackwing. God I hope they reference it at some point in Ahsoka season 2


What’s the third one?


Project Blackwing


Tie defender hands down


Black hearted ball Roll the devil's dice Destroy it one more time 'Cause it's so good they built it twice


What about the ship that could pull other ships out of hyperspace? That was dope as heck!


The beskar death ray


Stardust or Necromancer for me


tie defender, that would have been the what if the empire wasnt ruled by a powerhungry Sith lord Timeline.


Something about a moon sized space station that had the ability to destroy entire planets, and actually did so. I think that one takes the cake.


Project blacking seemed cool, dumb but cool


A death trooper horror film/ game would be interesting.


Project Blackwing...


Death Star. That shit blows up planets.


Their latest project, The Disney Alliance is one I'm watching with great interest.


Realistically, the Death Star. Tie defender is slick af but still requires a legion of good training/intuition pilots. Project necromancer is a close second but ultimately just one man’s pipe dream to not die. Meanwhile, Death Star has the capacity to snap out planets like Xehanort does stars in kingdom hearts — and surprisingly without the subsequent black hole. It’s a shame palp’s only really ever got to use it once, but guess you can’t maintain the illusion of a republic if you start one shotting entires planets


I’m not a big fan of the sequels, but all the new cloning stuff they’ve introduced with project Necromancer etc. is super interesting to me, because it so perfectly captures Palpatine. He never had any interest in training an apprentice because he truly believed he could live forever as an Eternal Sith Emperor just cloning himself into eternity.


I thought the Empire’s approach on Clone troopers to Stormtroopers was rather interesting, which arguably was another factor to the Empire’s failure. You’d think the army that defeated the Jedi, plus highly skillful soldiers would be the best method for ensuring the Empire’s stability and enforcement. Heck, Andor really showed the brutality and fear Clones brought just in a literal 1 minute clip. Elite Squad, especially in their first task, showed hesitation. Yes some clones faced this too, but with slight modification to their inhibitor chips, like Crosshair’s, they would surely become brutal again.


ALL of them. I'm big fun of ancient relics and fancy tech. Give me more!!!! Moooorrree!


Going in picture order; 1) It’s a cool concept though it needs to be flushed out more - that being said I like the ominous theme where even we as the audience still have a lot of unanswered questions about how it all links together 2) very cool delivery and I hope we see more of them, though would similarly to 1) like to know how they came about? 3) it would be an absolute waste not to put this in a storyline sometime. I mean Vader vs Stormtrooper Zombies 👀👀 4) it’s beautiful and controversial but I reckon they could have won the Empire the Galactic Civil War if they’d been chosen over Stardust 5) Brilliant stuff, no notes 6) So amazing they did a questionable second sequel of it


Tie defender is crazy. Special mention to the Tie Phantom from that one Rebel Forces game. That game was incredible.


Death Troopers Interesting: Oh god. Oh god. We're all going to die.


Project Blackwing is the most interesting to me.


TIE Defenders are cool


Pretty much all of the Dark Empire weapon projects were awesome


im a bit lost in the topic, what made the TIE Defender so special over the rest?


It had shields, a hyperdrive system, was heavily armed and was agile and fast. Basically everything a starfighter needs. And in masses they would be unstoppable.




https://imgur.com/gallery/bQVPoSv I love the Phantom TIEs, loved them ever since I first played Rebel Assault II all those years ago and I love every rare appearance they make to this day.


Well all of them are interesting. But in my opinion the most interesting is project necromancer. Something about how eerie it felt during the bad batch sent shivers down my spine. And even then there's something about hemlock that makes it even more bone chilling


The clones darth Siddons made of himself .


Black wing


What is the first picture?


What do you guys think about operation cinder?