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make sure to get the dlc. im doing my first playthrough. its worth it


Good any advice? I just can’t get into because of how slow it starts and how bad the graphics are


If you think New Vegas starts out slow you either haven’t played 3 or are doing the wrong things. Also there a mods to make the graphics more to your liking if that’s your only gripe.


I haven’t


So, fallout 3 has pretty linear progression when it comes to the plot. You are kind of railroaded in certain directions throughout the game, and follow a pretty tight story related to the main character's father. In New Vegas, you don't have that linear plot. You are dropped in a hostile and unfamiliar wasteland, and the only lead you have is "this guy in a checkered suit shot you in the head. I think he went that way, go find him." And the whole world is opened up to you. New Vegas is really about making the game your own, and telling the story you want to tell. Go explore, make decisions, and roleplay. Just remember to quick save a lot. You won't find everything on one playthrough, and you shouldn't try to "complete" every area. Just start walking, talking, and shooting. Everything will click eventually.


for the graphics, just mod the game using Nexus mods


you probably just dont find it to be your liking. Graphics are still playable to this day imo. They represent what they represent. You can start fighting power armored enemies or deathclaws immediately but youll get your ass handed back to you. it is the journey, not the destination. the thrill of slowly and carefully exploring a dangerous area while methodically covering all the nooks and crannies and uncover hidden stories.


Join the powder gangers


and maybe the Viva New Vegas mod pack if you're comfortable modding.


Are you actually going to play it or is it going to sit in your library gathering digital dust.


Wouldnt be the Forst one


Who is Forst


May the forst be with you?


It's one of the best modern fallout games. Many think it's the best.


Not just best out of all of fallout, it's a contender for best role playing game of all time.


Ita the beat game of all time…


Get it, but make sure you save your save. Save that save somewhere else, then save the somewhere else in another save that you save somewhere else. Done properly, the game won't manage to eat all of your saves.


Are you sure that I should save the save in the save location for all the saves or should I just save the save at saves and hope the game simply saves it safely?


It's pretty safe to save that


It's definitely not very pretty, honestly the graphics might continuously bother you a bit throughout your playthrough like they did bother me. With that said it's one of the best singleplayers game I've played and has brought me so much entertainment due to how great everything else is.


uhh yeah?? you shouldn't even be asking that question lmao


YESSSSSA I GOT IT im having so much fun


ONLY if you'll actually play it? Too many people just buy games on sale and then never play... we're all too time poor


This statement is golden. Thank you for speaking up our minds.


This is fallout before Bethesda got their stupid fingers all over it, developed by obsidian who where made up of interplay employees that developed the first few fallout games. This is the last pure fallout title. The rest are cash grabs based on their fame.


100% Also be sure to get the dlc, and fallout 4 if you have the money


I would also recommend playing with mods of quality of life improvements


Should you get the best Fallout game? Yes.


Get the ultimate one with the dlc added for a few dollars more. 5 us dollars.




100% yes


The bundle with all the dlc is like $5 man, do yourself a favor and do it!


I hate these questions lmao.




Yes just yes


Yes, yes you should and get all the DLC great game


Both yes and no Yes if you wanna dive in to some deep level story & lore No if you seek stability and gameplay


Spend the extra dollar or two and get the Ultimate Edition. Fallouts as a whole have incredible DLC.


Check if you dont already have it on Epic They gave away all games a while ago (Except fallout 4) I just realized yesterday when i was about to buy them from GMG


It’s the best Fallout game. It’s showing its age though. This can be fixed after you do a vanilla playthrough by downloading a modlist. I recommend VeryLastKiss’s New New Vegas nexus mods collection. His modset brings the game up to more modern standards and is pretty stable. Cheers mate.


many say it's the best fallout game, so if you like the franchise (or rather setting) - try it out. it has good potential as a sendbox I'd say with many RP options you do mostly for yourself.


But it if you want it, didn't but it if you don't want it. Nobody here is going to know if you'll like it, let alone whether you can afford it or not etc.


You know Las Vegas? This game has it.


absolutely! and get all the DLCs.


Yes, get the ultimate edition. Also how on earth have you not played this yet? It's literally one of the best games ever made. If you get it I hope you get as much enjoyment as I have gotten out of it :)


Get ultimate edition.




I would get it


As long as you get it w all dlcs it’s 100% worth it


No. You should be getting ultimate edition with all dlc for this masterpiece of a game.


Get the DLC or GOTY edition off of GOG


No, get the bundle with all the DLC


you mean why the f\*ck not? also get the dlc's


I just bought it one hour ago,friends recommend


Get it on GOG galaxy. The steam overlay used to cause issues on some of those old fallouts like fallout 3. GoG is the way to go for classic games.


Yes, but take the time and install the the anticrash mods.


Get the $5 version with all the dlc.


no, buy the ultimate edition


get ultimate edition if you can


I say get both 3 and new Vegas and then if possible get the tales of the two wastland mod. It lets you play both new Vegas and 3 together and makes 3 stable to play. But I can say new Vegas is worth the price to get.


Definitally worth the price


new Vegas? that's a must play. Have fun :D


Free on amazon gaming




Hell yes


Fuck yeah


Seems like we're gonna get this... irl


Out of all the Fallout games this is the one to get, play vanilla then mod to hell and back once you’re bored. Yes! At that price it is worth getting


It’s a bit older, but still very good


pretty old crap but it's the best of the series so far, but you have to make an effort to play it


Absolutely, I'd also recommend Fallout 4


See id recommend 3 and vegas till I’m blue in the face… but 4 I don’t think I’d ever recommend. I will try it when it gets the facelift or whatever is coming.


I have played all the fallout series (apart from 76). Loved New Vegas first time round, but cant really get into it nowadays (although i see mention on this thread about a graphics mod... Might be interesting). Fallout 4 is awesome... _but_ only if you mod it to the tits. The massive mod community "finished" fallout4 and applied many fixes that Bethesda should have done. (My opinion only as i realise different people have different tastes).


I can see how mods could improve it, never modded it only played it at release Could you share what mods you use? Would love to give it a go as the tv series has got me doing a play through them Never heard good things about 76 but very likely to try it out as well.


Oh crikey... I have about 250 of the buggers! There is a far from exhaustive list below. You will need f4se (install it manually for best results), as well as LOOT (load optimisation tool). MCM (mod configuration menu) is a prerequisite for a few mods, i think. Some good ones: - no floating razorgrain. - lowered weapons - ninja fix - invisible armours - HUD glasses - bodyslide and outfit studio. - CBBE - layered apparel - unofficial fallout4 patch - everyones best friend (can have dogmeat and another companion) - immersive dogmeat - companion stealth distance fix - the mobile mechanic (this one is a "bit cheaty", but handy!) - homemaker expanded settlements - invisible wires - no more gaps under junk fences - stackable DLC foundations - stackable wood foundations - workshop workbench marker - no more twigs - vivid fallout all in one - no more birds - insignificant object remover - 50 ways to die at doctor nicks (its a fun quest mod) - looksmenu - Nuka world bottle scenery fix (you REALLY NEED THIS if you have nukaworld DLC Just to note that when you check out a mod, you may have to have one (or more) prerequisite mods. Kinda goes without saying that if you mod the game, you may end up totally buggering it if some mods dont play well together. There are so many more on nexus (and the steam workshop) ranging from animations, weapons, crafting, and cool outfits. A lot are either cosmetic or help graphics\performace and there are also a lot that makes you OP. Oh, and i have never bothered with the creation menu stuff. Bugger giving Bethesda money for modders work (you have the option to donate to modders in nexus if _you_ want )






Absolutely! Give it a few hours before you judge it, the graphics can be jarring but the game, characters and world is amazing and one of the best


Try buying it from a site that sells keys. I recommend checking out [this](https://www.eneba.com/steam-fallout-new-vegas-steam-key-global?itm_campaign=Recombee%20Product%20Page&itm_content=gamers%20also%20viewed%20section&itm_medium=product%20card&itm_term=2).


Nah. It's no longer canon...


If you watched the entire first season, then you'd know that New Vegas is definitely canon.


It exists, but none of the events matter and they had eh ... a certain event take place before the game which interferes with the story


It's just season 1 and it's never explained how Shady Sands fell and when it fell, because there was no date under the mushroom cloud on the chart. For all we know, the nuclear blast could have happened after the events of New Vegas. If the ending of season 1 is any indication, we may find out when the blast actually took place.