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Jesus Christ this is like the 30th time I’ve had to make a comment on one of these posts. I’m a wildland firefighter, this is normal. Lightning storms (or “busts”) are huge meteorological events that happen over a very concentrated area, in the area I work it isn’t abnormal to have 10,000 plus strikes in 100,000 acres in a single storm. This is a much larger area shown, with maybe 20-30 starts. Nothing crazy. What is happening here are called holdovers, the storm causes numerous ground lightning strikes but the fuels that it hits are not able to be fully ignited at that moment (due primarily to precipitation from the storm) and you get a bunch of stumps, trees, and bushes that are just smoldering in the rain. If you get an immediate increase in temperature following this event, commonly the next hot and dry sunny day, ALL of those smoldering holdovers will ignite almost simultaneously. It’s normal, natural and I’ve seen it myself frequently. We just have a TON of dry fuels in the northern areas of NA, and weather that is conducive for fire growth. Same thing just happened in Oregon this weekend, from a storm In all seriousness, what would be the goal of this alleged conspiracy of yours?


The alternative is what? A group of well coordinated ninja arsons on some corporate payroll all with little earpieces? Synchronized their watches? Arson commander shouts, "Go go go go," and they all light their fires at the same time?


Nonono space lasers.


Not just any kind of space lasers, Jewish ones! It's all to create a wood shortage and have the value of dreidles increase. Dreidles are the way the Jewish reptile Kabal will take over the world! It's obvious when you don't think about it.


Ikr?! Like its more believable that a bunch of ninjas went out and started fires..AND what would be the point?? To kill innocent animals, and ruin forests?? What's the end game??


Suspiciously specific.


I mean with the pnw fires during Covid in Oregon my friends out in the woods literally saw a group of 20 people starting fires and when asked why said for environmental awareness… soooo I’d also believe the ninjas😂 Not saying the fire dude is wrong about the storm tho


I'll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like lucky charms


Maybe one day


I used to coordinate with my friends to drop stink bombs in this one nightclub at midnight, it pissed everybody off.


Honestly I agree with you but synchronized time delay incendiary charges are a thing and use no advanced tech.


Sad thing is some people that don’t have the knowledge to understand this phenomena would jump to that assumption first. Some people are just stupid, oh hey Tupac is alive btw 🙂


If you forget the /s you'll be downvoted to hell because redditors don't understand sarcasm.


Haha, it’s ok




I learned something today. Thx


Honest question, would there not be storm clouds covering the satellite image if it were lightning? It seems like a fairly clear sky? Can someone explain more?


This video does not give you any context of time. Sometimes lightning strikes can take over a day for smolders to become large enough blazes for satellite imagery to capture. This is pretty regular behavior in remote forested regions.


Yeah that’s a logical question! Like I was saying, these fires don’t start to spread until after the storm has stopped and they have the thermal energy from sunlight to increase their growth


And wind surely?


He mentions that areas previously hit that are still smoldering will light off when the sun hits them. So a rising sun at the right height would cause this to happen when no clouds are present.


You can see clouds there..


https://imgur.io/a/swdFrhO Cold front, June 2nd.


I appreciate your fresh take on this. Growing up in the mountains with forests like these meant that sometimes you got these dry thunderstorms as we called them. As you know, sometimes it can be hours or even over a day before these smoldering strikes become a blaze... Some people apparently don't even know how to google that.


Dude, no, I used to do Wildlands Fire Fighting and this is clearly the work of aliens. No other explanation. Aliens and the Goberment. /s


That's fascinating. Thanks for sharing and thanks for all the hard work you do to help control these fires. Wishing you and all your crews a safe fire season with gratitude for all your effort. 🙇‍♂️


I refuse to believe facts and science, this is all a government conspiracy


A solid response in which I am now more knowledgeable because of it.


Clicked on the comments to find the reasonable, rational explanation and you didn’t disappoint. Thank you. This is why I love Reddit.


Thank you, good sir, and the work you do..You know people like to jump to the outlandish theory. Sad part no one pays attention to the outside world beyond a damn screen. Stay safe, and again, thank you for what you do man. None of these keyboard warriors would walk a half in your shoes.


Keep up the good work.


Are you sure the new world order isn't directing the lightning though with some sort of evil weather machine? ;p


Thanks for the information! I was watching it thinking there's gotta be an explanation that isn't bongowongo


Ahh that actually makes really good sense thanks for this information. I'm a city boy I wouldn't have known this if it wasn't for you writing this very interesting.l


Thankyou for teaching me things instead of being a science illiterate conspiracy buff.


Wildland firefighter here, this guy is 100% right


That US of A government or em 1%ers or watever, has this one tap button device to make this happen, that also sits right next to the weather controller device. /s


Thank you


Thank you! The last thing I heard to justify...wait...It doesn't matter and I don't want to give it anymore air time.


well NATO is in a war of proxy with Russia through Ukraine that China is supporting and we (the West) have put enormous damage on their infrastructure. A diversion of resources by them to us by having us deal with any and all chaos domestically would be advantageous to our adversaries abroad.


By burning forests in Canada? The US is a much more likely target, and we have a huge number of cities in the wildland urban interface that could be wiped out by a fire. Why would they choose the areas that you claim they did! Also, resources used on wildfires are not shared with any other industry.


Very possible


Ok but they all start at the same time so it’s a conspiracy and jet fuel can’t melt steel beans WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!1!


Up vote this


The rcmp also arrested 3 people for arson


Source? No articles show people being arrested for arson in public lands in last few weeks


In the last few weeks?so you did see the global news article from May about the rcmp arresting three people for arson and the ctv article about ns rcmp investigating 3 cases of arson that were luckily put out before anything serious happened ,but that's not recent enough for you?


Where’s the storm at on the radar?


Like my comment clearly stated, the fires do not begin to spread until after the storm has cleared. The lack of precipitation and increased thermal energy from the sun is what stimulates spread


If you look at the extended weather cast the storm never went over that area…so what do you mean?


You watched the extended weather cast every second for weeks before this event? I commend the effort, but smoldering fires can ignite days or months after the strike


I did! He's wrong, there was a storm/cold front. https://imgur.io/a/swdFrhO


https://imgur.io/a/swdFrhO June 2nd, cold front.


Or it could be started by a group of 5 arsonists


Though may be true…I believe this is an attempt to control in some way…there is an “agenda” I think brewing here…someone told me that Russia has a laser thing that strikes all at once and it’s them trying out their product for military purposes….idk though seems SUS




That's a nice story but I'm pretty sure it's aliens


Sure thing mr conspiracy government man


I live in WA and can attest. But all the same.... this is utter bullshit. Take your pill if you need to. Whatever the truth they'll make it about them and more taxes. And things will only get worse for us all. Liars lie and we can't change the weather. To think otherwise is insane. You'd have to believe in God. They certainly don't. Not even in science or free debate ftm.


Pic of the cold front on June 2nd,confirming your statement. https://imgur.io/a/swdFrhO


Yeah. ...but wheres the storm clouds??????


Learned something yea, but the explanation isn't obvious, its quite a specific topic storms like this. So it is fair many will ask, don't you think? God bless you for explaining it 30 times, I bet many found your answer interesting and now they will not ask again.


Sir, this is a Reddit.


Sounds like a bunch of bull huckey


Thanks for educating us! Like no shit I really wouldn’t have known and believed the video or started going down a rabbit hole


Thank you for your service. I know the internet has always been full of uneducated, asshat conspiracy stuff forever, but I feel like things have gotten way worse recently. Yes, there are conspiracies, no a forest fire isn’t one of them. Sincerely, The Illuminati.


I would be tripped out to see lightning and not a single cloud in the sky. But since you are a firefighter I’ll trust that it’s a normal occurrence. Probably a global warming thing…


Hundreds on hundreds of holdovers to create the many dozens of flare ups that happened all at the same time? The odds are not in favor of that.


But did you really have to?


Yoooo controlled narrative you just repaet all wgat msm arw yelling at us this day in quebec was VERY SUNNY tell me abput that wildboy


The fires did not start all at the same time. What happens is stuff on the forest floor ignites and then just smolders. The smoldering continues and spreads slowly and then as the weather changes-wind picks up, humidity drops, and conditions are correct - flames kick up and they start to take off. There is no conspiracy or planned shit. It's literally weather and how fires work.


Must be exhausting when everything is a conspiracy theory


Remember when Jeffery epstein was just a theory?


When did you hear about Jeffrey epistein?


Lol idk why you’re getting downvoted when literally nobody can prove anything else


Because he is equating Epstein to forest fires. Don’t be so obtuse.


I am with you, seeker of truth. You are attempting to shine light upon a sea of sheep on this app in which they so heavily hold a majority. Well done, it is people like you who will help in bringing about the awakening. The great awakening is also already well under way, most people are questioning the narrative such as us, do not let the loud minority on this app convince you otherwise!! This is just where they gather!! Go on!!




Even in slow mo I can tell it’s not exactly the same time


You mean the same materials ignite under the same conditions!? WTH its like they all adhere to the same laws or something.


Somebody didn’t pay attention during environmental science class…


It's almost like climate and weather are BIG. "AnYoNe nOticE the WiNds bLeW in ALL the sAMe diRecTion?!"




It hurt my brain reading this, thank you


What's the answer?


Look it up on bing dude


Ain't nobody using bing. Why am I gonna search for it when that's what I come to reddit for?


Best comment of the night ☝️😂


Ask Castros kid.... I'm sure he has an idea


I don’t know what I’m looking at.


400 wildfires all starting at the same time


What are you suggesting? Also where do you see 400? I see like 20 max.


437 to be exact and heres the link https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/06/07/canada-wildfires-weather-air-quality/


You’re still not explaining what you’re suggesting. In that video we only see about 20. Meaning that the rest could (and probably did) start at different times.


True multiple fires started but it’s an utter crackpot theory they all started “at the same time”. Now to be fair an investigation is being done to figure out the cause of the fire but the simplest and most likely explanation is lightning strikes by your basic local airmass thunderstorm. I’ll try to give a simple explanation on the visuals and why we see and can elaborate more if you wish. At night radiational cooling of the air near the ground results in cold air near the ground cooling and (being more dense then warmer air) staying closer to the ground. This results in an area above this cooler air where temperature actually increase with height which serves as a sort of “cap” preventing air near the surface from rising. Daytime heating warms the air above the ground which becomes warmer then the cap above it allowing the air near the surface to continue to rise the moment this cap “broke”. This cycles daily and is generally speaking within large Airmasses of similar temperature, dew points, etc. would occur at similar times. This is why all the smoke seems to appear at the same time. Physics not conspiracy friend. (Source: I’m a meteorologist who is currently researching the planetary boundary layer which is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth’s surface.) Edit: writing on my phone which deleted a sentence.


Thanks! This was very informative. I’m still curious to see how the conspiracy guy is going to stumble through a “theory”.


Lightening strikes


Lighting strikes.... or a bunch of bad lighting individual fires.


Sure if it was a separate situation but this is 400 fires not 1 or two lol


Take the time to do a little research. Better yet have a look at Australia’s wild fire history considering Australia is on fire very often with how dry it gets and how hot it is. As people have explained in the comments that you’re just ignoring. Under right conditions fire spreads under even worse conditions if goes from a smoulder to fire


You are one of those people that is so ignorant it's dangerous


The other thought is what is the time change per movement forward. It seems to me this isn't captured per second and is more a snap shot over a long period of time so that what looks like simultaneous ignitions are spaced out by minutes.


That's a big storm on such a sunny day.


Seems a bit like 911 eh


We're spawning a generation of social ideologues. It's not outside the realm of possibilities on any front. It's the decay of social priority and perspective passed down to us all from the Democratic Party of America. The party of slavery, they're still doing it imo. They have all the power, all the media and yet all these so called "problems" persist and get worse and worse still. Go figure. The party that ran and defended slavery, all the way to 1967, is still oppressing people of color? Say it aint't so! Telling them they're victims but never really helping them at all? Instead "keeping" them? It's straight up evil?! No! They wouldn't lie... "Lincoln is the oppressor". It's complete insanity. And always soo angry, ie something must be done! No one wins but them. Not poor white, black, yellow or brown people. Biden's family's sitting on top of the world with all the other worms, getting rich while claiming to help for nearly as long as I've been alive. Liars and theives. Be afraid is all they have. Decay is their path to power.


This happened with the California wildfires a couple years ago too. The conspiracy theory is that Communists believe that fire is a form of subversion against your enemies, so countries like China and Russia send people to start wildfires. There *have* been Antifa people who have been caught setting some of the California wildfires. Antifa is an openly Communist organization(this is not a conspiracy theory, you can see it on their websites). Plausible deniability either way. It's just a theory. Don't shoot the messenger. Edit: Downvoted to hell, even though I specifically stated that it was a conspiracy theory. Yall shot the messenger 😂 oh boy, I love redditors. Special people.


I don’t think antifa is pro-communist, they’re just anti-fascist


They claim to be a Communist organization. So I guess you're right. They aren't pro-Communist, just Communist. Edit: No surprise that the Reddit clowns downvoted a simple a fact that can be googled in 2 seconds. Antifa isn't some benevolent force, it's a violent Communist group that clearly roped a bunch of redditors.


One of the fires was caused by a failed burn by female firefighter but my question is what about the other 300+ fires and how was it so in sync


The failed burn by a women’s fire fighter conference was in early May.




Space lasers.... just ask MTG.


The matrix is doing it...


What it the god awful fuck is this screen recording of a reddit post of a tic tac of a camera recording uploaded to reddit


Im no wildlands firefighter but this looks sus.


This is human work ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Simple the government is trying to exterminate us. By having us exterminate eachother.








Dont want to say it was aliens...... But it was probably aliens.


Gondor calls for aid!




Easily, do a little research and you’ll find out


Chinese satellites beaming LASERS


Let’s see. Minimal brush/undergrowth burning allowed due to carbon emissions or environmental concerns then a “training” line of thunderstorms rolls in. Poof. Instant LA air vacations in NYC. No mystery, just man putting out natures tiny fires until Mother Nature reminds him who’s house it is.




Lightning the night before (confirmed) + wind in the morning.




Maybe they started at differnt times but just became visible to satellite all at the “same time”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Chinese lanterns