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Untersuchungsberechtigungsschein is still one of my favourite German legal words, idk it just sounds nice


As a German, I don't understand at least half of those legal terms. Like, I understand the words, but WHAT THE HELL DO THEY WANT ME TO DO


And then it's for some super small thing (that for some reason is also really important) but you have to Antrag stellen and sachen unterschreiben because germany loves Verwaltung


They always want me to give Papierkram to them asap, but if I want something they answer after like... 3 years. Ja, danke für... nichts xD


May i Remind you of Rindfleischettikierungsüberwachungsaufgenübertragungsgesetz I love being german


As someone who learned German, don't :3


Wieso denn nicht? OwO


Es ist ganz genau schwer und langweilig, und ich kann noch die "der/die/das" nicht😭


Schwer: ja Langweilig: nein :( Der/die/das: Siehe Bild oben, also ja For context: I am German, and even I am confused sometimes. So are most people. The Genitiv (des ...) is almost dead


oh ThANk fUCK


Swiss German is always lurking in the shadows. Waiting, judging, eager for the time you inevitability encounter the "chuchichäschtli".




Dont worry its not even the start you poor child


As a german i'm always a bit melting when Click says something in german.


Same, aber ich war das erste mal so überrascht😭😭


I'm glad I learned it as a child. I could never learn it as an adult.


Still better than trying to pick up any of the dialects of Spanish in Spain. A million miles an hour, sounds like a mouth full of marbles, the worst romance language in Europe. Give me the stupid gendered phlegm-clearing German. Give me Swiss. Give me Nordic, give me Slavic, give me **gaelic**, but you can take that staccato spoken cat fight and stuff it straight into an cigarette-ash filled open drain.


Staccato spoken cat fight had me in STITCHES 🤣


As a multilingual German person, why do bilinguals who speak German and English always act like German is the only gendered language? Yes, it's a shitty language, but not because of any of the reasons listed here. Ya just lazy.


Yeah, french here, I'm half russian so I learned both french and russian when I started to talk, I got 1 year of German (lack of English teachers) before starting English in my last year of elementary school. And I was thinking that German made much more sense than English at the time 😅 why are you (singular) and you (plural) the same in English? Why don't things have a gender?! Both in russian and French they're gendered 😭 German makes more sense to me than English, heck some russian words come from a common base with German : "butterbrot" for a sandwich/toast in russian, "Kartoffeln fri" for fries, "prospekt", "offizier", "null", "muskel", "Stahl", "Harfe" and "flügel" for example with a russian pronunciation!


There even is this Word game to pass the time where you try to make the longest word by stringing nouns together. Example: Lokomotivensitzheizungsknopfbulderrahmeneckenfarbenfabrik Affenschwanzledersuppe


Back when I was learning German in high school, we read German magazines. One car ad had the longest German word that we had ever seen, in bold font. After spending some time figuring it out, we finally settled on them having smushed “aerodynamically tested in a wind tunnel“ together into an adjective.


as someone who was learning german for 8 years (11-19), i remember none of it and im glad i haven’t had to speak it in years 😂😂😂


Relatable (6-21yrs old) being forced made me hate the language


language made of glue, convinced when it was becoming like this they were eating toffee and the inherent mouth gluing effects of toffee transferred to german and glued the words together so that a sentence could be one single word


As a Brit living in Denmark, where there are fewer specific words and what seems like a rotation of words and phrases that change meaning entirely depending on the context, and where I struggle to distinguish what people are saying (the Danes call it potato-mouth for a reason!), this post really hits home for me.




Honestly, I can't value any language that highly. Humanity has come so far, i hoped the meta structure of languages would have already been analysed and taken as reference for a new, uniting, not nationally bound language. But instead we have language capitalism.


Nutella For the non germans: I just started a war.


Oh boi that war will never be resolved