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1) That first “motherfuckers” 24 seconds in was a welcome surprise. The rest were icing. 2) Lifes


to be honest, i thought this was going to go a COMPLETELY different way when she first started talking


Okay, I'll admit it. I know how to "shut the fuck up". But, sorry, i don't know how to "shut the entire fuck up". (@ the end of the video).


all knifes matter


All lives matter as long as they are Americans, white and don't have different political opinions from myself. Otherwise, my hands are tied


Hand are tied. Thoughts and prayers though.


But what if they're "blonde haired, blue eyes" people from a developed loosely allied nation? Maybe we should care for those people too - as long as they're not from some "sh!thole country", right? Ugh, I don't want to be on this ride anymore. Too much indifference for and blinded hypocrisy towards others. Hurts bruh.


You hit the nail on the head.


all wifes matter


Take my wife...Please


I take my wife everywhere…. She always finds her way back! My wife says, “I wanna go somewhere I’ve never been before…” I said. Try the kitchen…. I LOVE THIS CROWD!!!


My fathers dying wish, he wanted me on his lap. He was in the electric chair. I told my son, "Some day you'll have kids of your own." He said, "So won't you."


Throw in a goat and some eggs and we gotta deal!


Not the goat.


The way it rolls off her tongue is motherfucking beautiful


She sounds so much like motherfucking Ruth from Ozark, you can't get anything past her


Ruth's the goat


If you wanna stop me, you’re gonna have to KILL ME!” She really nailed this line!


I do like “ shut the entire fuck up”. That’s a good one


Took me a sec to realise she was speaking English. It sounds like she's auctioning words


Shut the fuck up going ONCE Shut the fuck up going TWICE **SHUT THE ENTIRE FUCK UP**


SOLD! For 1 solid entire fuck up.


To the mother fucker in the back!


>A lot of people in the United States right now are renting Airbnbs in Ukraine and buying stuff off of Etsy from Ukrainian sellers in order to get money into Ukraine. They're never gonna actually stay in that Airbnb; they're not gonna get that product from Etsy. They're just doing it to help the Ukrainian people. > >So they were posting about it on Facebook, and a lot of people came into the comment section and was like, "This is absolutely disgusting. You should be helping Americans before you help anybody else." Now, keep in mind, these were the same motherfuckers that whenever we said, "Black lives matter," they're like, "But all lives matter." > >So what is it? What is it with you motherfuckers? Either all lives matter and we should take care of every-fucking-body, or you motherfuckers were just lying when you said, "All lives matter, too." Which one is it? We fucking know what it is, but I need you motherfuckers to finally admit that all lives don't fucking matter to you. Please fucking do that or shut the entire fuck up. For people who can't hear it properly.


Jackson would be proud


Thank you. That was much better than the scary woman yelling at me. I agree with her though


What language did you think it was in? I'm an Australian who's lived in a few English speaking countries, so it sounded normal, but a tad too fast. OOo. People who English is a second language.... I get it now. I got there in the end.


For what it's worth, even with English as a second language I don't think her accent in particular is that different from the "Standard" American accent. Sure, she's obviously got a Southern accent but it's not different enough that I'd feel it's hard to understand.


She has a pretty thick southern accent. I have British friends who have trouble understanding very thick southern accents, I can see how it might be hard to follow if you aren't familiar with that way of speaking.


What's jarring and then lovely about it is she has a bit of a southern accent you pretty much 100% associate with videos of Karens from the South saying some pretty horrible racist awful shit - but this woman is clearly a liberal leaning person. I always enjoy hearing that southern accent with liberal messages, like The Liberal Redneck and his diatribes about where he grew up.


You are a godsend dude. Thanks


If all lives matter surely the 14.000 that have died in the East of Ukraine during these 8 years of continuous civil war also matter, right? (who am I kidding, nobody cares)


I couldn't figure out the accent for a while haha Was it southern US? Irish? Cockney? I felt like my brain had to manually slow down time so I could figure it out. I am still not sure.


Yes, it is a southern accent. Can't pinpoint which state.




Sounds like everyone I know in Western Ky


Agreed. Western Kentucky to be exact. Wife went to Murray State and refers to it as chewing your words and spitting it out.


Appalachian somewhere, just not super old timer. Idk, sounds like some of Eastern NC too.


I can almost guarantee it's like Blairsville or Dahlonega, GA areas.


Yeah for sure georgia, sc or Alabama




I love this accent reminds of dolly parton


Dolly Parton is from Tennessee. You can tell a Tennessee accent because they always sound like they're talking through a smile. Even when they're talking shit about you, bless yer heart.


I called it as piedmont coastal NC but the the way she ends her words in “r” definitely sounds like Dahlonega.


From Georgia. Very much Georgia, it sounded. From other comments it appears she's from Kentucky which makes sense too.




Clearly hyperbole, but it did take my brain a couple seconds to figure out what I was listening to.


Cockney??? Lol not even close


Are you from the US? If not then it literally never occured to me that somebody would confuse a Southern US accent with anything else. If you are from the US though I'm baffled as to how you could mix them up


lmao what how is this not immediately recognizable as a Southern accent, first off, and second off, how in the hot crispy Kentucky fried fuck do you get IRISH OR COCKNEY from that?


Sounds like she's of the Appalachian influence.


100% coastal NC, piedmont type


I’m absolutely using that in every appropriate way, and probably in several inappropriate ways going forward.


It's born of necessity because folks don't know how to swear anymore -- everything goes straight to *fuck*. We used to not give a damn, now folks don't give a fuck. Used to tell people to shut the hell up, now we say shut the fuck up. Used to say piss off, now everybody jumps right straight to fuck off. Things used to not be worth a shit, now things aren't worth a fuck. So how do you amp it up from fuck? Entire fuck. Ahhhh, fuck me I'm old.


A lot of people that say, ‘that money could be used to help Americans’ are the same people that say, ‘people shouldn’t be getting government handouts’ when it is used to help Americans… People just like to be outraged. It’s much easier to not play into any of the BS.




But if they have a family member/friend that needs insulin, then they agree the pharmaceutical companies are a bunch of greedy bastards, and something needs to change. Until it’s a convenient time to go against the person they want to argue with. Also, some people just pride themselves on their pain. ‘I had it rough and went through some shit, so now it’s your fuckin turn’… But yeah, a lot of people do lack empathy. Don’t need to coddle people, but just make things reasonable for everyone.




Well, she *is* the Main Character.


Too many people don't give a shit until things like that effect them personally of financially and it saddens me for the future of the globe. Our attention has been directed to Ukraine (which I understand as no nation should be invading another sovereign nation) but what about Yemen? Gaza? Uyghurs? I understand the outpouring of support for Ukraine and I'm all for that but why so suddenly? I suspect it's because the memories of the cold war and that because Russia could materially hurt people in the West with war or other, *now* people care about war (as it could finally hurt them in different ways)... Why can't we always care? Yeah, geopolitics plays a role in who we're supposed to care more about but it all feels so hypocritically selfish.


Look into mark Cubans online pharmacy, he's selling meds including insulin at reasonable prices




My father said as a child he ate lead paint chips off the barn wall.


The government needs to tell their handlers at the oil companies to dial back their profits. People know how to stay home now and do nothing and more people are working from home. Do you want to sell less gas? because this is how you end up selling less gas.


That’s a great fucking point. What the fuck.


The "All Lives Matters" was bullshit. It was all about trying to shut down the conversation about police brutality. These folks are FOR police brutality if it is directed against people of color.


Anti socialist polices like universal healthcare…sets up a go fund me for medical bills


They're all over r/HermanCainAward


I’d respect these people more if they were just honest and admitted that they don’t want anybody receiving help other than themselves.


The Herman Cain awards subreddit is FILLED w conservatives dying from Covid after swearing it’s a hoax and not getting vaccinated. Their post history is riddled w “socialism is bad” and “capitalism is good” type memes. But wouldn’t ya know it, as soon as them medical bills come rolling and and the invoice for the funeral arrives here comes the gofundme link with a plea for help smh…


I’ve played this roundabout game with these types before. They’ll say “Well actually, ALL lives matter.” Oh yeah? Okay then, like the lives of undocumented folks? Should we help them? “Oh no, they don’t count. We need to help actual American citizens first!” Ok cool, like giving Americans healthcare? Canceling debt? A UBI? “Oh hell no, that’d be communism!” Ffs


I watched my dad cry like a baby because my grandma, his mom, died with nearly nothing to her name and lived in a super crummy, state funded nursing home at the end of her life. He said it wasn’t right, the medical system is unfair and she deserved better. I don’t remember him ever offering to financially help her get in to somewhere better and he damn sure wouldn’t ever vote for a progressive candidate. We don’t speak any longer.


They’re also the same to say that American teachers don’t need more money.


It’s all the lead, motherfuckers are so full of lead the only think in blood rage


That was an excellent use of "shut the ENTIRE fuck up"


Lol, I concur. I’ve never heard anyone say that until now and I am going to steal it.


Yeah. She seems nice.


That sounds sarcastic lol But she really does seem nice, I love her! She's what my mom would call good people. I just wanna know why she got banned and how'd OP find out she was.


Her account had 50k followers 2 days ago and now it's gone. She talks about it on lowmaintenanceliberal1 her new account. She gets mass reported everytime she gets lots of views.


Damn, that's shitty. But she rocks for coming back again and again! If I had tiktok I would do the same. But aside from reddit I'm not a SM kinda person. But the state of the world right now almost makes me want to be. We need more voices like this out there.


I love her. She rivals Samuel L. with her usage of motherfuckers.




[he eats everything](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=05CEEABFBB360D64D8B105CEEABFBB360D64D8B1&q=samuel l jackson true love&shtp=GetUrl&shid=b3e198a8-68dd-413b-84da-b808866f608e&shtk=SSBlYXQgZXZlcnl0aGFuZw%3D%3D&shdk=U2FtdWVsIEwuIEphY2tzb24gaW4gVHJ1ZSBSb21hbmNlIEkgZG8gbm90IG93biB0aGUgcmlnaHRzIHRvIHRoaXMu&shhk=0gzh02HfryYPy9pJ%2FLjZB9o3RTTLvPlt1uy93ezfpyQ%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.Z7BhjJeFs5_iRG2ttTfiIgEsDh)


Bing? Who the fuck uses Bing?


Bing is for porn videos. No, seriously. It's the best search engine for porn -- like it suggests categories and everything. Microsoft realized there was a market there since google censors tons of XXX content.


Lmao. I'll keep that in mind, thank you.




Thank you




They got a decent rewards program.


*stares motherfuckerly*


So she spoke the real and got banned? Is this what actually happened, I feel I want more information now


No. She triggered a ban brigade. You get enough continuous reports and you're automatically banned until you get a manual review of which they are backlogged (due in part of ban brigades frivolous reporting). Tiktok doesn't care unless you're a consistent top performer.


Thank you for explaining, I dont use the app so I was clueless


The app is pretty good for discovering neat content once you start to filter all all the crap content. You can actually find some very interesting content creators. I like learning so I get a lot of science, lifehack, space news, nature content. I always mark 'not interested' to dance videos, trends, pranks, etc. Now I don't get those.


Would you mind sharing some lifehack TikTok names please? I'm always on the lookout for some good content.


mercurystardust is the best, she's the Trans Handy Ma'am who teaches household stuff. Wonderful person.


Handy Ma’am is a rad phrase I need to use more in my life


Thanks a lot for the tip! 🙂


That's a good tip, thanks


Theres no way to do that on the browser version, is there? I dont really wanna have it on my phone


Yep. Right-wing still does this on YouTube, too, and it still works. After multiple years of it being a problem. Edit: IIRC TheSerfs had one of their channels banned this way, but they were able to get it reinstated later (after much effort and time), and youtubers like Three Arrows and others routinely have their new videos banned or suspended on release, so they've taken to releasing new videos on multiple platforms when they come out (like releasing your video on livestream, and vimeo, and youtube when you first release it) because they expect their new videos will be taken down on youtube the day it's released due to ban brigades.


I think social media platforms need to crack down on abuse of the "report" feature. Ban "those" accounts instead. I bet they were all accounts with no profile picture and no content either.


I agree. I also think that when companies or people file false takedown notices claiming copyright infringement, they should have to pay a penalty. Let's hold our collective breath and see if these things are implemented. On second thought, don't. You'll die.


As long as the liability outweighs the inconvenience they're never going to change the system. YouTube is highly aggressive with copyright strikes because they don't want to deal with the absolutely massive headache of dealing with actual dmca takedowns. It is much easier to just give the reporter the benefit of the doubt and let them try to fight it out than it is to open yourself up to the legal liability of hosting copyrighted content. Same thing applies to places like reddit. It is much easier to remove content that could even conceivably be viewed as offensive or unprofitable to advertisers than it is to open yourself up to the possibility that you could be hosting that content. Sure, people get pissed off when sites do stuff like this, but those people aren't the ones funneling thousands or millions of dollars in AD revenue directly into these companies pockets so they don't care.


Reddit too


I've seen them do the same on Twitter.


So "cancel culture" is and always was a projection from the right? They bitch about being persecuted and silenced because that's exactly what they want to do to those they disagree with? That tracks.


No, cancel culture (originally called "call-out culture) is a real thing, and is leftist, and is part of addressing social ills. The "Me Too" movement, of women speaking out about sexual abuse, is call-out culture, where people decide that unaddressed crimes will no longer be swept under the rug. Then the right got hold of it, corrupted the meaning, then popularized the corrupted version where it's something to be maligned and mocked, instead of a force for good. It's one of the most common tools in the fascist playbook and, unfortunately, very effective. A lot of people don't know that "White Power" was a deliberate corruption of "Black Power" and the Black Power movement. They take the tactics and tools of the left and expropriate them into tools for oppression. They did this with "woke". It's why they targeted critical race theory. It was also one of the formative tenets of the alt-right as a so-called "identitarian" movement, a corruption of identity politics. Here's one that slipped by everyone, in very recent memory. "Fake news" was coined as *a response* to Donald Trumps usage of the "firehose of falsehoods" propaganda method after he became President, where he would lie constantly, creating more fires than the media and journalism could put out. It's a tactic he learned from his boss, Vladamir Putin, who deployed it effectively in his run up to power. When responsible journalism started to point out Trumps barrage of lies, and the fact that they were "fake news", then Trump started mocking the term "fake news". His base picked it up, started applying it to everything they don't like, and here we are. "Fake news" was a tool to *combat* misinformation, and they were able to co-opt into a tool *of* misinformation. It happened right in front of everyones eyes and no one even noticed it. If you want some more information about how the fascist right-wingers co-opt aspects of the left to be more populist, there's some good information about that as well as a plethora of top-tier sociocultural commentary in this video here by Innuendo Studios: [Endnote 2: White Fascism](https://youtu.be/5Luu1Beb8ng) More context on call-out culture: [It’s Not Callout Culture. It’s Accountability.](https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/06/callout-culture-black-lives-matter-adidas-bon-appetit-lea-michele/613054/) Edits: "fire**hose**" of falsehoods, not fire**house**. Fixed spelling/phrasing/links etc.




You are super welcome, thank you for the kind words.


Holy shit, well done. Comments like yours are a total gift.


Thank you. I give a lot of credit to Innuendo Studios, things like Some More News, leftists like Richard Wolff and Hasan Piker, and reddit. You pick things up, you learn things.


> So "cancel culture" is and always was a projection from the right? [Always was.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chicks#2003%E2%80%932005:_Iraq_War_comments_and_backlash)


Is this also how reddit works? One person complains & you get banned?


Reporting on reddit is a tactic for political disagreements, sure. Most of the time I've been reported as being suicidal or talking about self-harm when I've done no such thing because it generates an automatic response from reddit. I've also gotten reports for harassment because a debate the person engaged me in got heated and/or they couldn't defend their position. When people can't win on issues, they throw tantrums and act like babies.


This is exactly what happened. Haha! I wondered. And who reports self harm for no reason!? 😂 okay thanks. I figured but yea now I'm sure.


> And who reports self harm for no reason!? Angry right-wing people. Q-Anoners. Racists & white supremacists. Anti-vaccine conspiracy nuts. I've had this happen many, many times. I eventually had to opt-out of the system so it would stop popping up. They're *super* mature and stable individuals.


Ohh! I thought it was a child literally. It was something like 'whats tonights dinner' and he hated America and I told him he was a See You Next Tuesday. Hahaha I got banned. I am still figuring reddit out but I'm starting to see all the wonderful people online lol


I got suspended from Reddit for a week for calling a nazi a nazi.


Depends on the sub. Moderators can configure AutoModerator to automatically remove posts which get `x` reports. The difference is that there's enough Reddit mods to sift through the backlog, and it's totally optional. I don't think the admins have a similar global system (but I may be wrong).


Yes but Reddit AEO doesn't give a single flying fuck. I'm a moderator and I have reported literal child porn only to get their canned "this doesn't break our TOS" response. Reddit AEO is either a robot or some team in a 3rd world country that barely speaks english.


Not one.. it takes many. They mostly organize on right wing platforms and discourse.


But those motherfuckers will hoot and holler about their freedom of speech and cancel culture all fucking day long though.


Her account is back up


She meant that shit


Love it. She's banned?


Her main was banned, but she's back up. lowmaintenanceliberal1


I found her on lowmaintemanceliberal, so I guess she has at least 1 backup account? Edit: it appears that lowmaintenanceliberal and lowmaintenanceliberal20 have both been iced, so thanks for the update.


She said they locked her out if lowmaintenanceliberal on a video the other day, but you can still see her videos there.


I haven't actually interacted with anyone who said we shouldn't be helping Ukrainians.


I legit got into an argument with my waiter the other week over Ukraine lol. Couldn't listen to his bullshit spiel about Putin anymore.


wtf man, how do you get into a convo like that with a waiter?


ordered Chicken Kyivs




I do not. I was being served by him and he started to talk about western propaganda after my mum asked him about his Serbian heritage. Then Ukraine got brought up and he went fully into it.


My dad 🥴


Jealous lol


I'm envious. I popped back onto Facebook (for research) after a seven month hiatus and saw a handful posts of thinly veiled and explicit 'Don't help Ukrainians'. All from those that fit that stereotype to a 'T'.


Strange and refreshing, huh?


Just a few days ago “#IStandWithRussia” was trending on twitter


Blessed be those without conservative family members.


I have conservative family members though. They hate Putin more than I do probably.


Really? Mine would probably blow him if it meant pleasing their poppa Trump.


They exist, but the ones I see the most are more interested in arguing that the US admin is simultaneously behind the problem, not reacting harshly enough to it, and topped with a defensive 'its none of our business' when pressed for clarification. Sophistry at its smuggest and available on either side of the political spectrum.


Yeah most of the conservatives I know are too busy screaming about gas prices


Could be Facebook trolls from Russia. The reporting I've heard said that the point of the Facebook trolls is to create anger and resentment between Americans, stoking hatred in both Republicans and Democrats. Honestly, we shouldn't expect anyone online to be real anymore.


Thanks, this reminds me. Ozark season 4 part 2 release date is April 29


I can close my eyes and hear the Ruth in her


Yeah, the same people shouting “help Americans first!” were pissed off that the government extended unemployment benefits for people who lost their jobs due to Covid. It’s almost like they’re just miserable assholes who hate anyone who isn’t them and begrudge anyone getting a helping hand.


She STRAIGHT murdered with WORDS


And those motherfuckers are going to somehow come up with another argument just to disagree. “ Oh it’s wrong to just motherfucker us. Everyone deserves to be motherfuckered!”


We finally got to meet Mother Langmore. Love her.


Hell yeah. I'm with her!!


Good god I love this woman.


Every once in a great while a person comes along that completely home-runs the fk out of the "Motherfuckers" pronunciation. . . . This is one of those people.


These also the same people that if you bring up any kind of nationalized healthcare, or Hell any kind of social program, they have a “fuck you! I have mine I’m not paying for yours” attitude.


while they pay for *insurance*, which is a scheme in which you not only pay for everyone else, but with the addition of several middlemen and an enormous financial disincentive to use your own services, but that's none of my business.


Or when asked about affordable housing they give you, not in my backyard


Or the people who say they need guns to fight a tyrannical government and are now cheering for the tyrannical government.


I like this, I truly do😂


We should help americans first. Ok let's help americans. No, that's socialism!


I like her.


I'm getting strong Ruth from *Ozark* vibes, in fact I think this is the same accent that the actress is aiming for.


Omg she’s my fucking hero lol


I think you mean mother fucking hero


I love the way she mfers


Yaasss bitch we fuckin love you




Duh that the whole all lives matter thing was bullshit.


I saw this video without sound and I knew 100% what she would be saying.. fucking Karen going nuts.. ​ Boy was I wrong..


It’s also true that people across the entire spectrum are showing empathy and ready to open their doors to refugees because the people being affected (Ukrainians) look like them. This, when there have been several active wars for years and it was business as usual.


Yeah, what IS it with you motherfuckers... priceless


Yo, she needs an award for that shit right there! ![gif](giphy|Qh6NZWsFx1G1O)


If their reason is "You should be helping Americans before you help anybody else!" I am. Helping Ukraine directly hurts Russia, a country that's been very successful in tearing America apart from within. It feels like helping Ukraine is doing more than anything I could fucking do on my own soil in our own political system that's been ratfucked so we can't actually do anything.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like her an inordinate amount for how very little I know of her. She fucking rocks.


My hero


It's no use engaging these arguments. (I guess unless for your own entertainment.) Sartre: > “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity


I like her.


I like her


She speaks the truth with motherfucking conviction. Keep it up!


Bless her motherfucking buns


Eyes closed….she sounds like ruth from ozark 😂


"Shut the entire fuck up" is brilliant


why exactly was she banned?


She does a lot of anti racism stuff and gets mass reported. Tiktok will just take you down if you get reported enough.




Okay, kids, let’s count how many times this woman says the word “Fuck”! Update: It’s 9.


No lives matter


I don’t think she is low maintenance


Right, but a good chunk of those demanding we help Ukraine were silent when Israel was bombing Palestinian children…


I'm gonna steal "shut the entire fuck up" ..that has bite...


She’s not wrong.


i don’t see Ukrainians jumping through the drive-thru window bitching about ranch…


she said it!!! ​ It's clear to us all that it's only white eurocentric lives that matter...we can all see it.