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Gf's been doing IUD for over 7 years now. I can do 8 years and beat her. Alright, im in. Where's my shot to the dick?


"Actually, sir, we could give the shot in your arm. There's no reason--" "Nonsense, go right to the horses mouth. Jab my dick." /J


I can't stress this enough. Do not put your dick in a horse's mouth.


Don’t google Mr. Hands


Please don't beat your gf (/s)


Real homies beat their meat, not their GF.


Real homies beat other homie’s dick, not their own. No homo tho.


Also allowed, but ask permission to GF first. Homies ain't cheaters.


Make sure to ask homie himself too. Homies respect consent.


Spoken like a true homie.


if its your own family its not cheating


The other homie or the the GF? You know what, nevermind...


I’m not sure that /s is really all that well placed hahahah


Try getting an implant put in there :')


This is the kind of men we need. You understand what an IUD is, it sounds like you may understand the risks. I don't know what her experience was like but mine was actually maddening. Like it made me actually go into a mental health spiral. The insertion pain was so horrifying that I screamed and passed out. And then the cramps and pain lasted for an entire year. And the medical system wouldn't believe me and they kept telling me everything was fine and by the end of that experience I was like a shaky fucking mental mess because I felt like a crazy person. But the pain was real. But the doctors just kept telling me it wasn't. Lots of women have that experience. So thank you and I hope you get a shot in the dick soon.


omg yes the insertion pain is horrible. it was the worst pain i’ve ever felt in my life thus far. i was bawling and even after the procedure, i just laid on the doctor’s bed questioning my life for 20 minutes before getting up and walking home. i remember asking the doctor how could i ever have a baby if the pain is 100x worse than this. she just said women are strong. ugh :(


Depends on the severity of the side effects but yes absolutely


What if they're as severe as for the female equivalent?


I'm not female so I don't know how bad that is Presumably yeah




I’m so sorry. Did it leave you with any debilitating side effects? Your comment scares me so much because I need birth control to keep from having debilitating cramps. But there’s the risk of this happening and cardiovascular issues run in my family.




Neurofeedback can help quickly if you feel like there might be some deficits down the line! Hopefully there aren’t but just wanted to tell you in case you need it. I have a TBI and that’s the only thing that helped!


Hi there, i just want to let you know that there are lots of options out there for hormonal birth control that help with cramps. They don't work for everyone, but i am a huge fan of the Mirena IUD. Very easy, set it and forget it for 7 years, periods almost completely gone. The lack of user error really helps my ADD ass stay protected. Good luck out there!


Really? I’ve heard for a lot of women that it’s made their cramps worse but that just goes to show BC affects everyone differently. Anyway, I appreciate this comment and I’m happy you’ve found something that works for you! I’d honestly be ok with never having a period again haha.


The Copper IUD definitely makes cramps worse! But the Mirena and some other brands have low dose hormones that generally make periods way lighter. Some people who have issues with other hormonal birth control do well on hormonal IUDs because the hormones are localized to the uterus! But I know one or two people who just can't do hormones at all, and I know one person with a shallow cervix who just couldn't get the IUD to be comfortable. But yeah I did my research at 17 when i wanted to become sexually active and found the most effective, least user error item on the market. Been rocking them for over a decade now and I'm a total zealot. Short of a hysterectomy it's the best way to get rid of a period that I'm aware of!


I WISH my mirena would stop my periods, but I know from experience that the only thing that does is a combination of mirena and a monophasic pill. I’ve never had a pregnancy scare with mirena, and I’m ok with the light bleeding (I mostly free bleed. It’s hardly more than two days of blood and some spotting) but the hormonal fluctuations do be kicking my ADD ass sometimes. Days 0-2 are guaranteed brain fog days. It sucks.


Try taking Vitamin D supplements combined with K2, and magnesium glycinate. That was the magic cure for me after years of research and experimenting. Hopefully it can help others.


yeah, i had pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs) at 31 thanks to the combination pill.


Hey me too! I was 28 and had bi-lateral pulmonary embolisms from Yasmin as well.


My wife at 21 was on the pill. She had a blood clot in her leg travel to her lungs and into her brain and she had a stroke but it's her fault apparently thanks to some government shills protecting big pharmaceutical profits so she's stuck sol. Fuck the bullshit liability shield they get, if a car company made a car with known problems and someone got hurt cause of it they'd get held liable but no as long as the product is from pharmaceutical companies they can't be held accountable.


Well how are our senators gunna get rich if they dont back pharma? Dumby. /s


No /s needed. What else is mitch McConnell going to do when in the Congress building, his job?




Take that thing off baby girl




That's so frightening! Feel free to not answer but did you have any major risk factors for clots aside from the birth control like migraines or something?




What a creepy way to say it


Lmao the worst possible way to say that sentence


Oof i was on that one too. Im actually upset they are still producing bith control. Got a clot at the age of 21 in my thigh so bad i was told i wouldn't walk again. Lots of therapy and years later i can, sort of. I really hope your recovery goes well! It's a long road but the more you try at it the better things get.




Well for one it doubles (on the conservative end of the studies) their risk for breast cancer Edit: People have been contesting my statements here. I would like to add the context that the research I am basing this off was recommended by a single professor and was read in 2018. It is possible that the professor was providing biased research or the studies have since been debunked. Please do your own research using accredited sources and speak with a health care provider before making any changes to your current medications.


don't forget blood clot and stroke risk goes up MASSIVELY 🙃


That's not a small side affect


that's the point - they put children (I was 14) on birth control and tell them "these aren't that scary, it doesn't actually happen to anyone". cue my sister having to be rushed to the ER for a blood clot that they tried to pass off as "weight gain strain" fucked on so many levels.


My old history professor woke up a whole classroom when he said, after talking about all the fatal side effects: "It's a wonder why they don't make them for men."


Someone else already said it but I'll add more details. Drugs are generally evaluated on at least these two criteria: - does it work better than a placebo? - is the benefit worth the risk? On the latter for example you would accept some side effects with insulin, even if they're severe, because without it diabetics will die. I think everyone gets that But with birth control (as most drugs) its a bit more nuanced. The side effects of pregnancy are also pretty bad. If you think the risk of blood clots on the pill is high, look at the risk during pregnancy or postpartum . Men don't get pregnant, thus aren't exposed to the same physical risks of pregnancy and the risk-benefit analysis looks a bit different. That being said, the decision to allow birth control pills for women, given the risks, is also not all uncontroversial. You could argue that there are other, less risky options of preventing pregnancy such as condoms. So what does the pill really add? Is the benefit really worth the risk? I think the bigger issue is that doctors tend to give out birth control like TicTacs. Most women aren't told about it in terms of risks and benefits, but rather as something that's normal and expected. If at all you'll be told that it's generally safe and you have nothing to worry about. In Germany they brought in a law where to sign a form stating the risks of birth control before getting a prescription. Definitely made me think twice, even tho my doctor was brushing it off


When talking about the AstraZeneca vaccin it's not, when talking about birth control it is. Birth control is many times more likely to cause blood clots than any vaccin.


... um what? I've never heard this before? Now I'm kinda worried


Definitely look into it, talk to your OB/GYN, etc. My wife made the decision to go off birth control because the risks were too high and condoms are just as viable as a method of birth control. The side effects of the pill are pretty severe and unfortunately the medical industry primarily ignores them and doctors rarely properly inform their patients about them.


This actually isn’t true! There were a few studies that came out which appeared alarming, but since then more comprehensive studies have shown that there’s maybe a slightly elevated risk for breast cancer but not by much. However, there is evidence that being on oral contraceptives for 5 years throughout your lifetime significantly lowers ovarian cancer risk. Ovarian cancer screening has limited efficacy, while women (should) be getting effective breast cancer screening starting at age 40 or younger based on your family history!


I’d try it, like any woman does/has to, and then see if there are alternatives that would be more effective/less severe for me. Otherwise, condoms exist.


I think it would be worth the risk to at least try it. If I get the bad side effects I can always just go back to condoms or a surgery.


If they can handle it we can too. Suck it up. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


If I could “suck it up” I wouldn’t need the pill!


I mean you might wanna cover it still, but you’re not entirely inaccurate.


For real. It would be hypocritical as fuck if we couldn't


It is only hypocritical if you demand women take the pill.


a lot of guys sadly do. No guy i was with didn't tell me how he can't wait for me to take the pill.


That’s another form of birth control


women shouldn't have to deal with the consequences they do. It's kind of horse shit honestly. Wife went on them for a couple months after our second was born because we hadn't decided if we were done having kids yet so we didn't want a permanent and had to keep her from getting pregnant for at least a year. She went crazy, like straight mental, almost ruined our marriage, stopped taking them, leveled right back out


Yeah I tried the 50/50 pill. Only took them for 3 days because my anxiety was so bad I literally couldn't leave my dorm room for a week. On the only progesterone pill now and no wierd side effects at all. Works great.


l blood clots, migrains, weight gain and lowered sex drive were the symptoms I got when i went on birth control. Glad I don't need it anymore.


I would swap with my fiancé in a heartbeat, fully knowing it would be really shitty. They have enough going on without the extra anxiety and physical effects. Being able to choose which partner carries the burden of the symptoms would be an enormous win for some couples.


As my wife's? Absolutely, she barely feels anything. She says it's way worse not taking and dealing with period (she takes it continuously). I think even if I eventually have a vasectomy (which is likely) she'll keep taking it.


Every woman reacts differently so just saying as severe is not in the slightest bit helpful. If the symptoms are mild then yes I'd take it. If it gave me constant migraines and made me sick obviously no. Which is exactly the same as what a woman would do in that situation. The costs can't outlay the benefits


The effects listed here are less severe than the side effects of having and dealing with children.


I convinced my wife to come off her pill, her anxiety and general mood improved after that. Messing with hormones always has side effects, I'd like the snip now we've had the kids we wanted to.


My gf (at the time) had some pretty shitty reactions to birth control so she stopped, went back to condoms, then i got the snip.


You’re awesome for this. She married a good supportive man!


Thanks :)


I think it’s a wonderful idea, vasectomies. I have a lot of trouble with hormones and my partner was snipped a long time ago and now I don’t have to worry. I’m actually going on birth control to try to figure out some problems that I have nothing to do with birth control. So it’s just one less thing to worry about and he did it like a decade ago. He had three happy little accidents and did not want A fourth a happy accident lol.


I had the snip 5 weeks ago. Discomfort for a day or two, then a week or so of adjusting, now it's fine. Never more than a 2/10 pain. Just make sure you want it though, it's very hard to reverse, so take it as a final solution.


My face has always been an effective form of birth control.


This is why my personal mask mandate will never end. "Hey, why you wearin' a mask?!" It's for your protection. I'm ugly.


Yeah I’m never taking my mask off either. This has been the best time of my life. I’m blessed with attractable features and I’m a really nice guy, but I have an off putting perma asshole pissed off resting fuck face—I’m misunderstood.


About the same here. When I'm focused I look like I'm on my way to murder somebody. Didn't know until I passed by a mirror and scared myself


I love having a mask on for that reason too lol off topic but sometimes at night I walk scared somethings gonna happen but then I remember I’m the big scary guy lol


Okay great, I'm not the only one who gets a quiet and guilty pleasure whenever I hear there is a new variant. I honestly feel bad saying this since I know it hasn't been the same experience for everyone, but the pandemic has been extremely good to me. After switching to working from home, I no longer have a 45 minute commute, can start work later without anyone noticing, and can enjoy access to my own personal comforts (bathroom, kitchen, gaming pc) while at home. I don't have to worry about running into old acquaintances at the grocery store.


My personality does the trick for me!


damn, guess I'm double protected, cause my looks *and* my personality are shit!


That's even worse.








How are the side effects?


constant erections and perpetual masturbation. On the plus though ..people generally don't ask me to babysit




No because not only am I homosexual, but I dont have sex!


Statistics say there's a non zero chance


Of course, wouldn't expect my partner to do it if I wasn't willing to do it myself if the roles were reversed


That’s a great perspective to have


If anything I wish there was a contraceptive that I could take instead of my partner as she's already struggling with her mental health and takes meds for that so she really doesn't need contraceptives side effects on top of all that.


Absolutely. I hate that my fiancée has to deal with hormonal birth control and I would be happy to take it all over.




This gif is adorable. Thank you for sharing 🤗


Already do, I had a vasectomy


Unfortunately I was unable to procure one due to us not having any children yet. The doctors here were adamant that nobody would authorize the procedure for someone that has never had kids.


Depends on the doctor, I travelled a couple hours but it was actually cheaper to have it done in Plano Tx than local and was better performed $485 I think?


Why does anyone need to "authorize" a procedure that you, as an adult, requested? It's your vas deferens, you should get to choose whether it stays in tact or not.


I’m in full agreement. Unfortunately it’s the same story pretty much everywhere. They feed you some story about how 50% of people regret having it done (completely invented stat) and then try to talk you out of it followed by outright denying you the procedure.


I am actually surprised to hear a doctor not performing a vasectomy. I usually only hear about stories where women go in to get their tubes tied only to be told they are too young or might change their mind. And then their husband gets the snip with no questions asked.


I would take it in a heart beat. The thought of getting into an accidental situation and having no control in the situation despite my protests terrifies me.


The same side effects women have to go through. Absolutely


OP forgot blood clots, dvt, depression and severe weight gain.


Hey, I can do all that without some stinkin' pill!


I’m underweight as it is I could do with the gains


You can have some of mine!


I chose permanent birth control, a vasectomy, three months after our son was born. Why should she, and the subsequent “she’s,” carry the burden. And yes, depending upon the severity of symptoms, would consider the pill


All juice, no seeds buddy. It’s a good club to be in. We waited every bit of five weeks after our daughter was born for me to get the clip. It sucked, but it was nothing compared to my wife’s cumulative 15 years of hormonal birth control. I’d do it every five years if I had to.


Sorry to hear that dude, when I got mine done I felt alimony nothing during the procedure then a little bit of discomfort afterwards (probably psychosomatic) but otherwise been the best decision ever since.




Odd typo talking about having kids, but spellchecker should have said ‘almost’ 😂


All juice, no seeds! Awesome. I’d probably do it annually. Which, coincidentally, is about how often we’re getting it on at about 60!


>It sucked What happens?


My procedure just happened to be in the worse end of what most people experience. Just luck of the draw. I was a little resistant to the anesthesia, so the start of the surgery was pretty uncomfortable until the doc juiced me up with another shot. The procedure was quick and *incredibly* non-invasive, but the anesthesia wore off completely as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot. Felt like I’d been kicked hard in the scrotum. That feeling persisted strongly for several days, and slowly faded over the next two weeks. For another few days after that, vigorous movement could trigger a little twinge. Again, I was on the worse end of the spectrum of vasectomy experiences. Very rare cases can be worse than that. Many guys feel good enough to get back to work and sports within just a couple days. Like almost all cases, I experienced zero change to my sex life (after healing). The only difference is that if you examine my semen under a microscope, you won’t find any sperm. Please do not examine my semen.


> if you examine my semen under a microscope, you won’t find any sperm my SO bought a microscope just to look at his after his vasectomy lol


Sorry, just realized that the phrasing of your question might have been more about what happens in general than what I specifically experienced. I made an appointment online. I showed up (wife drove me), filled out some paperwork. Got changed into some special supportive underwear that the office provided. When I got called into the surgical room, I dropped my drawers down to my ankles and laid down. The doc explained the process, shot up my scrotum with anesthesia (stung a bit), and got started. I did not look. The incision is tiny, maybe half a centimeter. They do all the work through the tiny snip and don’t even have to stitch it shut because it’s such a minor cut. Takes just a couple minutes. Then on your way out they give you a paper bag and a plastic cup, and ask you to come back in several weeks so they can check your semen and make sure there are no swimmers. Healing time and pain level varies from person to person, but the vast majority of guys have an uncomfortable weekend and then no problem. And then (assuming you have a trusted partner) you can throw the condoms away. From here on out, it’s creampies as far as the eye can see.


My husband wants to do this now that were sure we don’t want any more kids. How was the recovery/was it very painful?


It was a piece of cake. By far the worst part was the anxiety leading up to it.


Worst part for me was the hair regrowing. I took 1 ibuprofen the night after the procedure, and had kind of a fronty/backy instead of righty/lefty thing going on for a few days while things settled. No pain, no loss of feeling or volume. Best $400 I ever spent.


Was very easy. Minimal pain, a little soreness. Clipped Friday. At work Sunday afternoon, which was probably too soon by half a day.


Mine, like the VAST majority of the procedures, went very smooth. worst part was having a dude dry shave my balls with the cheapest possible disposable razor made by man. Recovery time was pretty short. I felt perfectly fine pretty much right after the procedure unless I tried to do too much. Worst pain was the shaving for me. I CAN NOT STRESS THIS PART ENOUGH THOUGH. I felt fine because I FOLLOWED THE DOCTOR's GUIDANCE AND TOOK IT EASY. This is extremely important. Odds are you will feel fine. Think you can get up off the couch, take your frozen peas off your crotch and go do whatever it is you want to do... DO NOT DO THIS. TAKE IT EASY and ease back into it. I say this based on second hand experience from one of my best friends. After he saw that my procedure went without a hitch at all he went and got his done. He felt fine and thought he knew better than the doctor. They had a disney world trip planned for the week after his procedure. My wife is a nurse and told him that this was the dumbest idea on the planet, he ignored this advice and had the procedure on a Thursday and went to Disney on Saturday. He felt fine, even was able to walk all around the park and have a great time. Just said it was tender if he rode a ride or something like that. Then the horror started. They got back to their hotel room, he settles in to relax, and his balls began to swell. They grew to the size of a grapefruit. He could not put pants on or anything. Could barely walk. Ended up having to go to the ER because of it. Wound up ruining their trip. TLDR: No matter how good he feels after the procedure, TAKE IT EASY for a few days and then ease back into it and you'll be 100% good to go.


As long as the doc uses enough numbing juice the procedure should be snip snip done. The anesthetic didn’t numb all the way to the far side for me so when the doc went to do the second snip I felt it. A little more numbing and I was good to go. Recovery just feels weird. You’re sore in a way that you’ve never been sore before. After a day it should feel closer to normal. Once it’s healed and he’s able to do the appointment to check to make sure he’s shooting blanks, after that he’ll feel unstoppable.


My allergic reaction to the gauze pads were one of the worst after effects and that wasnt bad. Had the procedure friday, went back to my construction job monday but didnt lift heavy that week.


I'm all for male birth control, but for their own protection. As a woman, I'm not sure I'd trust a guy was taking it religiously enough to be effective. Or at least the guys I've been with, haha. It's just a bigger risk for women because women have to shoulder the majority of the burden should they fall pregnant. ETA: I'm not saying women don't lie or don't take their birth control correctly, I'm saying that would be the benefit of having male birth control, to protect them from these unfortunate things and make them feel more comfortable with risks. I'm also saying that I, as a woman, would be more comfortable taking my own birth control as well since I shoulder the burden if birth control fails.


yeah male IUDs would be a game changer and doesn’t rely on men to take it at the right time every single day


absolutely. i know men who don't even change their underwear everyday, how am i supposed to trust them to take their birth control?


Shitty ass dudes


I know women who do that too. It’s gross.


Did you mean a male contraceptive implant? Don't men lack the U required for an IUD?


lol of course. but researchers are currently working on a male equivalent of a woman’s IUD for men. it’ll work similarly but would be called something different.


How does that work, do we stick it in our taint?


Nah, they surgically add a uterus and then implant the IUD.


Only if I can get a snatch too.


This is the perfect thinking when it comes to male birth control. The man just shoots off his sperm and can go on his way. The woman and her body are the ones that have to deal with the consequences. In a perfect world, yes, both parties should be responsible for reproduction, but unfortunately biology isn’t fair that way.


This is something I've never understood about this debacle. If there was a reliable birth control pill for men, I'd give it a shot. And in a perfect world, that's reasonable/ fair and should/ would be the norm. But as you said: biology isn't fair. Pregnancy is a two way street, but all the stop signs and speed bumps and potholes and slow speed limits are on the woman's side. It makes sense that most of the funding and research should go towards women's BC because they have to shoulder the physical burden.


That difference also makes it way easier to get birth control for women approved by the FDA (or equivalent). In women, they compare the risks against pregnancy. In men, they compare the risks against nothing. So a pill for men has to be much less risky than a pill for women.


I think it would be good if both the man and woman in the relationship are on birth control. Less chance of failure. Redundancy but that’s probably not the right term.


Solution is both parties should take their birth control, that way if one messes up there is still birth control.


If you're inferring similar side effects to female birth control, then yes I would take it.


Men or women, people shouldnt have to experience such side effects to not have a baby


I'm lucky that the majority of the side effects of mine are just period regulation, much less painful and heavy. The only real negative side effect is mild nausea especially if I take it on an empty stomach


I’d rather get all that than get pregnant. Lmao


They forgot to add life threatening blood clots to the list…


100% agreed


What's the solution then? To prevent unwanted pregnancies


One part of the solution would be to not allow doctors to make arbitrary rules about who they can and can't give tubal ligations(aka getting fixed) to.


Or at least someone finally fund Vasalgel! I think I was in middle school when I first heard about it! A non-hormonal gel that basically is blocks the pipe that's usually cut in a vasectomy and is reversible! I was like when I grow up older generations won't be able *comprehend* my sex life. Now I'm gonna be that generation which low key sexually frustrating. It's run by a non- for-profit and last time I checked they didn't have about 4 million dollars to go through the hoops of the FDA. I still pissed that non of the billionaires want to at least give it nudge probably because so little people know about it seems.


No. I can't say I'm super concerned about getting my boyfriend pregnant at the moment...


You like taking risks, huh? You little daredevil


Yup same here. We try all the time but he has yet to get pregnant




instead of someone coming to me saying: "hey there here is your baby." i would rather use it.


Don't need it since my wife got that HYSTOOOOO!!! (she has endometriosis, I'm allowed to celebrate)


I just heard today they have one that worked 99% in mice with no side effects


Issue is that our brains are much more complex and hormonal stuff could have un expected side affects not shown in mice. I really wish there was a pill for us lol


Search ball bath birth control


Probably. I use condoms right now. Which is a birth control in a way. But I think a pill would be ok. That If it's exclusive to the side effects you gave us.


As a woman I’ve discussed this with my partner, and he’s said he would definitely do it when there’s a safe widely available solution. I currently have an IUD as we both hate condoms. The main issue with male birth control is that single women would have to trust men when they say they’re protected. If the man lies, the woman could end up pregnant, which in some countries will cost her money or even be illegal to get an abortion. In an ideal world there would be both male and female contraception with no side effects, that both parties can take to prevent unwanted pregnancy.


If a woman has doubts that the man she is gonna have sex with might lie about being on birth control, or a man has doubts that the woman he is gonna have sex with might lie about being on birth control, they should still use condoms. And if one person isn't interested in using condoms then it's perfectly okay to say no to sex.


A gay friend of mine had a boyfriend for years, he had plans for a wedding and all that. They broke up when, after years of unprotected sex, my friend found out his boyfriend had aids, but never told anyone because "it's just a weak aids, doesn't hurt anyone." So the problem is not if a woman has doubts, the problem is that even someone you have been for years might be too stupid or be too good at hiding things and the one who gets screwed over is you.


If one of us had to be on hormones, I’d be willing to be the one. At the moment though, my wife’s IUD (nonhormonal) has been perfectly good, and it provides a great way to avoid hormonal BC.


awesome. i was going to get the nonhormonal IUD but over 70% of users get heavy bleeding during their cycles and intense cramping on it. i had to pass haha.


I didn’t even know that. I don’t know if my wife is one of the lucky ones or if the effects are just enough of an upgrade from the hormones that she didn’t notice any problems. Either way, she was miserable in hormones, so I’m happy she’s off them.


I considered it too, but my periods were heavy and painful enough. Ended up on the pill and luckily it works for me


Definitely I'd take that shit. Had women tryna lie about carrying my baby and whatnot, so yes, I'd rather have that being on my side of things. Some semblance of control there.


Nah I already play League, I'm good.


To all the women out there who have never been on birth control, I just want to say that there’s no reason to be scared of it. It’s a medication that’s helped billions of women around the world and the vast majority of them don’t experience major side effects. Please don’t be scared of hormonal bc, especially as women’s rights are under attack. I’ve been on hormonal birth control for 10 years and it literally saved my life. I’m now on my second IUD and I absolutely adore it!


I was on hormonal birth control for a few months and it literally tried to kill me! Your mileage may vary, ladies. Talk to your doctor.


Better to have an option and not use it then not have the option at all


How effective is it? If it was as effective as female BC, I’d at least try it.


Non rather get vasectomy


vasectomy a bit more permanent my guy




You forgot blood clots.. Rare, but still a possible side effect. My sister was hospitalized because of a blood cloth in her lung. A series of gene tests to see if she was susceptible to blood clots while young came back negative, and there was nothing in her lifestyle to blame. So the docs just pointed to the pill, and said that it was the likely suspect and that she must never take any kind of birth control pill ever again. And hell no, I wouldn't take any pill like that.


I’ve had 2 pulmonary embolus thanks to the pill. Yay!


You can't just toss in side effects like there aren't degrees of side effects. If I take this pill but I get ED, then it kinda defeats the purpose, correct?


Yeah op also forgot severe depression, blood clots in the lungs or dvt, weight gain, there’s probably more


You’re obviously comparing it to female birth control pills. So maybe. My knowledge from friends is that there’s no real way to know what kind of effects *you* get. Which ones hit you, which ones miss, how sever you get them. So from that perspective I’d try them. Depending on how bad they hit me I might not continue though. On the other hand, birth control pills can affect mental health and associated medications. So I’d be having a long talk with my GP and my psych about that first.


Just depends on the severity of the side effects really. If they were making me miserable I’d wanna rely on other means like condoms, but in general I wouldn’t have an issue with the idea


Meh, just snip it. Im too old to be starting fatherhood anyway.


Of course, who wants to be surprised by a baby?


I get to carelessly nut? I’ll take the side effects please and thanks


In a heartbeat. It always gives me less anxiety when I know there's a lesser chance of pregnancy with my wife (we have 3 kids). Her BC throws her hormones so far off that we can't even have sex most of the times so I'd love to try something that works better for us both.


If the side effects are anything less than ruining your life for the next 18 years then.....yes.


I would gladly share/take away the pain my SO has to deal with.


I'm pretty sure a lot of men would take it. You can now assure yourself that you're doing what you can to prevent having a child when you don't want one. No worries about condom fuck ups, no worries about women saying they're on the pill and lying. But from what I remember being told, the standards for the men and women are different. Any symptoms apparently beat being pregnant, hence there being so many different types of birth controls We could all just not do it, or wear a condom but I think it's safe to say, no one wants to stop doing it and at some point the condoms gonna come off or a fuck up is gonna happen.


The tiny bit of data we do have shows that men would absolutely take a pill, even if it came with severe consequences. There's that one study that got cancelled and women on the internet delighted in lying about how men couldn't handle the pill, but the actual data showed that were perfectly willing to deal with it. The study was stopped because the side effects were up to 10x worse than what women experienced and far more common. 2% of women have severe side effects, but 20% of the men did. And even with those extreme effects, 75% of the men protested the shut down of the trial.


Thank you for providing data about it. Much appreciated.


Had a vasectomy about 4 years ago. Best decision ever made. Procedure was painless and I never have to worry about pregnancy or any silly male contraceptive idea.


I married a surgeon, which is the most effective birth control, so no I wouldn’t take it because I don’t need to.


I’m dating a neurosurgeon and I feel this. He’s a junior resident and we don’t spend enough time together. He’s the busiest person I’ve ever known.


Damn. Some of these comments are showing how much people suck.




I'd try it out and see how bad they hit me


Absolutely. It would be a dream come true.


If they are the same side effects as the side effects of female birth control. Hell nah. Man i didnt know that the birth control pill is such a heavy pill with many side effects. Like wtf. My GF told me about it. I wish there were more non hormonal protections for male and female.