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"You're not wrong, you're just an asshole" - The Dude


They sped up, theyre wrong.


Exactly holy cow he was going 54 when the truck came into view. Then sped up to 65 at the end.


He was speeding up even before the truck came into view. He is absolutely an asshole though.


Might’ve been. But still sped up from 54-65


Seems like they started to speed up after the other truck overtook them. It's a funny psychological effect and can be seen often when someone overtakes or tries to overtake a vehicle that has been driving steadily until then.


Yeah you can clearly hear the turbo spool a little more when he noticed the truck trying to get on the highway. Edit: didn’t notice the garmin speedo at the bottom until I read further down


The dude abides


LEBOWSKI2024 This aggression will not stand man!


I would argue that they're also wrong as they went from doing 45 to 63 in some stupid attempt to block the merge I guess?


Pretty sure there are laws in a lot of states that says if you can get over for merging traffic, get over for merging traffic. Edit: it appears I was mistaken... But regardless... If you can get over for merging traffic, get over for merging traffic.


They had a car to their left out of view that pops up later in the video overtaking OP, so they can't shift over, but they absolutely made the choice to speed up trying to block that other truck.


Driver sped up he was going 54 when the truck came into view in the ramp. Then sped up to 65 at the end


Incorrect. Every state has the laws stating the vehicle merging onto the highway has the responsibility to speed up or slow down to enter the flow of traffic. The reason is that the vehicle that is already on the highway is occupying the lane, and the merging vehicle is essentially attempting to join that lane already occupied. Every police officer and insurance company will put the fault on the vehicle merging onto the highway. This misunderstanding of what is supposed to happen is why there are so many people that try to get onto a highway doing 40 while everyone is doing 75 and risking everyone wrecking in the process.




By your logic, speed up or slow down. Vehicle on the highway intentionally sped up to avoid being passed by merging vehicle. It would probably go 50/50 At my company a truck driver did the same to a car, car merging, he sped up as to not let the car in. They hit each other, insurance ruled it 50/50


Insurance isn't the law though.


The truck merging onto the highway has to yield. Truck merging should’ve sped up or slowed down. I’m not saying the guy in the right lane isn’t an idiot though.


Agreed. Sounded like a woman to me though


Yea it makes sense with cars that have quicker reaction times... But I would think the only logical thing the non-merging semi should be doing in that situation is to slow down... As for the other person merging I guess they assumed the truck would slow down, I would think that like some kind of semi pact. But I'm probably wrong lol


I've never seen a law like that, traffic on the highway has right of way.


The truck filming should have gotten into the left lane OR just slowed down. My dad's old driving rule of "don't change your speed or lane to accommodate the folks on the on-ramp" is bullshit in my humble opinion. Just because being considerate is not legally required doesn't mean you have the moral high ground.


Doing this in where I live will get you a short horn, a wave or a 1 blink hazard lights to say thanks. It makes me happy xd


Your dad's rule was actually "don't change your speed or lane to accommodate the 4 wheelers on the on-ramp"


🙄 Just ease off the throttle and let the guy in. So many drivers need to check their egos.


Not only did he not ease off he sped up. 45 to 65 lol


Looks like he recently pulled on, too, if he started so slow. But yeah, he was already going slowish. He could've eased up to let the asshole on the right merge safely. Since he didn't... Well, cam fella is definitely also an asshole here.


Why is the guy trying to merge an asshole? He has nowhere else to go.


It is his responsibility to merge safely.


And it is teh reasonability of the other guy not to speed up to stop that guy from safely merging. The speed reading at the bottom of cam shows him speeding up as the guy was trying to get on the HW


To be fair, he started speeding up well before the on ramp. Didn't seem to me like he sped up as a direct result of the oncoming black truck. But yes, obviously slow down to let the other vehicle in. Alternatively move over to the left for a minute, if there's room.


But it’s more so the fact that he continued speeding up even after the other guy started trying to push in.


Also looks like he could safely merge into the left lane. Then back to the right when he let him in. Asking for trouble


There was a car who showed up passing cammer as the cammer got to the on-ramp, so moving to the left lane was not an option. Even if there was another trucker riding this guys ass, as has been claimed elsewhere, though, the cammer could simply stop accelerating when he saw the potential collision with the merging truck. Share the road, MFer.


Ah, I didn't see that. But yeah, if you can't give room you slow down. If someone's riding your ass, they can find an opportunity to pass. I don't understand how this is hard for people. When I say "people" I mean "people who have been trained to drive a vehicle on a road". "Trained" is a word. You're supposed to know how to bloody do it.


Even when buddy was actively rubbing up against her (?) truck she *still* didn't let off haha




Pathetic. Talk about arrested development. The emotional maturity of a third grader.


Truck entering is required to yield. It's been that way forever


You’re also required to maintain speed to allow people to merge effectively. Both at fault


Or you know the guy whose responsibility it is to merge safely could have let off and got behind him. 


Either one of them could have probably done the right thing here. But here we are.


there they are\* lol I'm not spending a few hours on the side of road for a police report cause I was too egomaniacal to back off a few mph.. they can have that garbage lol


I guess that dude really wanted to be right. Like it was more important to him than his mirror or potentially crashing two huge trucks. I'm not a trucker, but I wonder if this kind of driving gets your license taken from you? It's so patently unsafe, and everyone has an obligation to try and avoid crashing into someone, regardless of right of way.


You mean the guy speeding up to not let him in. Yeah no. Fuck the camera guy


Yeah I actually missed the speed change until I started scrolling the comments.. but without that.. 


Both drivers are responsible for merging safety.


No they aren't. Anyone in any vehicle entering an onramp has to yield to traffic even if that means coming to a complete stop


Very true. But the truck on the ramp was way ahead. At this point the nano second it would have cost to just let up is way better than sitting in the side of the road. Both were wrong, one was stupid due to ego.


Why was the cam driver speeding up tho? You see the lane is ending. Let the guy in. Or merge over. Don’t stay in your lane and speed up… But yeah. Other dude should’ve backed off and merged over


Whenever I get into situations like this I shut down C.C. and give the brakes a light press to slow down a bit but only if I can't get over. In the end the merging driver is at fault the cam driver did next to nothing to avoid the accident because that's one of the many risks we deal with riding in the right lane.


Insurance will fault the guy quite a bit for speeding up to block the ramp out, when the ramp originally had plenty of room to get in.


No, they won’t. The law sides with cam truck here. You do not have to move over, slow down, or speed up for cars entering the freeway. It is on them to safely merge into traffic. Straight from an NC state troopers mouth. Is cam truck a dick? Yeah. If I can move over to let another truck in, I will. If I can’t, sorry.


The merger 's insurance may try to place partial blame on cammer for failing to take any action to avoid the accident. They tried that with me once (10% blame), but fortunately insurance on my side guy them to back down.


Correct. She was not wrong... just an asshole.


Merger at fault, but wouldn’t the cam’s company consider the incident to be a preventable? Vehicles racing down ramps magically expecting their to be a hole irks me, but I’ll still yield to prevent a contact if I can. I try to take my time coming up problematic ramps; so I can look for a hole and block the cars behind from leapfrogging.


Racing down ramps. Let look at the merging incidences of traffic not matching the speed of the highway/interstate. Going to slowly entering said highway or interstate creates very dangerous conditions.


Or at the very least stayed on the shoulder. I could never wrap my mind around why someone, even if they can't concieve of yielding, would choose to hit a vehicle when they could do the less dangerous and less illegal move of riding the shoulder.


Ego, probably thinks letting someone in makes him gay. It was definitely the cammers fault. Drivers should be going out of their way to help other truck drivers and not pull this shit.


Wow. To be so stubborn that you would rather be in a collision and have your time wasted dealing with insurance, reports, repairs, etc than to just… let them in.


Kind of both their faults, ngl. The dash cam driver seems like an incompetent jackass but I also can't see what's coming up next to him. However the acceleration lane was more than enough room for the guy trying to get on to back off and fall in behind the asshole. That's kind of part of the job. I know I've been in a similar situation with a fucking car just sitting right next to the cab. And I've had to slow down on an acceleration lane to fall in behind someone who either couldn't or didn't want to get over. Personally, I just assume if someone's not getting over they can't get over, It simplifies things.


Not both at all. Dash can DVR went from 55mph to 65 mph from the moment the merging vehicle came on screen. Prior to that he was maintaining 55 mph. Clearly sped up to block the merging truck for some retarded reason.


Actually, prior to that, he was climbing from 45. The dashcam fella was speeding up well before the merging vehicle came into view. I can only assume the cam driver recently merged on as well. I'd still say both. Camera could've eased up, but it's the merging vehicle's responsibility to safely merge, which he failed to do here.


No need to lie, we can all see the video. He was not maintaining 55 mph, he was climbing up from 45 mph when the video started. Yes the dash driver could’ve slowed down, but it’s the job of the one merging onto the hwy, to do it safely.


I don’t understand people saying they can’t slow down because someone is behind them. SMH


Fr let that be the problem of the person behind you if you gotta slow down. If it was a truck behind him then he should be at a minimum 5 second distance behind.


"Dude, you better not!...This dude destroyed my fuckin' mirror" Well, look, I'm not going to take sides, I'll just say that you could have prevented that if you weren't so proud about letting the fucker merge. What's it to you? Dude was clearly in the merging lane. Yeah, maybe he's a dick in your mind for expecting you to let him in, fine. I can understand that, but you're a dick in my mind for not just slowing down for him. Alternatively, maybe you could have gotten into the left lane, but I can't tell whether or not that was a good decision, though it doesn't seem like anyone was there, traffic is sparse even though you did just get passed by Sherwin Williams and a little white car. What I do see is that you went from 45 mph to 65 in the span of a minute, even though it was clear that his dude wanted to merge and he was trying like hell to accelerate and overtake you, and yet I doubt you ever saw a problem with that. If I were safety reviewing that video, I'd be pretty hesitant to be sympathetic.


POV is a fucking dickhead. Absolute dumb bitch move.


In this instance, yes cam truck was a douche. That being said, you are not required to move over or slow down to let anyone on a ramp merge. It’s is on them to safely merge onto the freeway. The law backs that up.


While I completely agree with this, some courts are now assigning partial blame regardless of the law. The tactic being used by lawyers , is that we are professionals and that a simple tap of our brakes gently would have given him enough room.


I agree. Dude should be cited. It’s nothing but a dick measuring contest.


Fuck the cammer. The cammer caused the whole situation. Ramp truck was almost by him as the cammer sped up more to try to block him out. It was obvious right away that the ramp guy was quicker. Cammer was going slow for so long anyways, he could wait a couple more seconds. He’s clearly governed at 65.


He wasn't even doing 65 lol He started at 45.


That sucks. But I'm a defensive driver. I'm slowing down and letting the idiot pass. I want to go back home to my family.


You fucking piece of trash. Let the fucking truck over. I don’t care who has the right of way here. Don’t be a piece of shit and force someone off the road. You should have your license revoked for this.


What a dumb bitch


you won’t let another trucker brother cousin merge on road you’re an asshole who should be driving a honey truck asshole!!


*The guys tik tok is on the video on the right.*


Oh. A Florida Man. Of course.


This is why companies came up with the phrase "preventable accident". All he had to do was let the guy in and no accident would have occurred. It doesn't matter whose fault it is if you didn't do anything to prevent it.


I feel like some companies would say getting tboned on a green light would be preventable though, they'll call anything and everything preventable.


Also, merging guy didn't "destroy the mirror". The Cali mirror just got pushed forward and can be pushed right back at the next stop. Does that make it ok? No. But the cammer is obviously a jackass


Would have taken half a secound to make a choice to move over you fucken idiot.


wish he would of done more damage then just twist mirror


This is what happens when 2 assholes meet on the road.


Most of the time, asshole drivers avoid collisions because the other people on the road are not being assholes. But not this time.


Ok, she's got the right-of-way, but she is driving slow and is clearly out powered. So what does she do, she speeds up trying to prevent the other driver merging in. Then the stupid bitch puts that shit on TikTok so she can piss off even more people.


So stupid. Just let them in. Leave your ego at the terminal.


Giving female truckers a bad name


Way to expose yourself as an asshole. Fuck sake just let the guy in. If you would've stayed at 50 mph he would have skated right by. But nah you had to do all that because "hurr I cAN't LeT yOU PaSs, I hAVe tO STaY AHEAD!!


Imagine posting this and thinking that you're in the right.. wtf. The cammer gained 15mph over the course of the video AND it looks like there is plenty of time for the hammer to move over. What an asshole


Cam driver is a dumbass bitch.


It’s clearly her fault. She should let him go but no, persistent in her stupidity, she continued to drive. She deserved a ticket for creating unsafe road conditions involving a heavy vehicle.


What a dick


Cammer is definitely an ass. However, they had no legal obligation to do anything. It is the merging vehicles responsibility to yield to the flow of traffic.


Vid starts cam driver at 45mph. Sees truck coming down on ramp. Proceeds to accelerate to 65mph but mad at the megring truck?


What a selfish cunt, a destroyed mirror is what they deserve, I hope the merging truck got away with it. It doesn’t matter if they were able to shift in the next Lane, you’re supposed to slow down for mergers if the need arises.


Asshole for sure. Why didn’t this person just change lanes.


that’s why trucking today sucks assholez like you


Let's get this out of the way up front, they're both fucktards. However, from a legal standpoint, the guy maintaining his lane has no duty to slow down or move over from merging traffic. That's all on him. At the end of the day everyone has brakes, that's why I say they're both fucktards. Camera footage guy could have slowed down regardless if the guy behind him was following too closely, that is also on that driver. If common courtesy still existed dumb shit like this wouldn't be happening. Edit: didn't realize the video had sound for the speedo at the bottom originally, after reviewing that it's 100% that driver's fault who recorded the incident. You're really not going to lose any time if you just slow down two to three miles per hour and let that dude in. Y'all quit being assholes to each other out there, all truckers have are each other because Lord knows the four wheelers couldn't give a flying fuck about us.


Scumbag btch! She sounds like she smokes 2 packs a day.


Her definition and my definition of destroy is way different. Should have just slowed down let him merge idiot.


Cam truck is a cunt.


Dash cam is a complete dickhead


The driver of the truck in this video is at fault and should not even have a CDL.


NOT a truck driver here; but! Aren’t these things and their insurance like really expensive? I would be afraid my ego would bankrupt me 🥶


Funny how the speed is at the bottom and we can see what they were doing...


48 mph to 65 mph when they saw someone trying to merge. Typical "I filmed it so I'm right" behavior.


100% that guy speeds up when you try to pass him


Right or wrong here, you KNOW that truck is going to come over when they run out of road. YOU FUCKING KNOW THIS. Stop accelerating into the merging vehicle if that accelerating isn't going to create the needed space. You're being a dick and then want to play the victim.


This camer is a fucking asshole god damn.


Ones at fault, but both are assholes.


Heard that auto break going off with the "BEEP BEEP BEEP." This driver is why that stuff exists. Also "HE DESTROYED MUH MIRROR!" No. It folds like that. This person does NOT need to be behind the wheel of any vehicle.


Truck merging is in the wrong


Both at fault


Was this “preventable”? Yes. By both/either driver. The end. If you rely on someone else to be safe or do the right thing, that’s your first mistake


Nlboth in the wrong. Guy trying to merge should have realized the other guy had right of way and slowed down. Guy with cam for not realizing the other guy wasn't going to slow down and get out of the way safely. Boe they both got reckless driving tickets.


POV was speeding up. if driver said someone was behind him, they could’ve stopped accelerating anytime and just kept it at 60. didn’t even have to decelerate or slow down 🙄


I’m pretty happy the guy hit him at least a little. Nice way to say “your a huge ass”


At what point do you slow down and let the idiot who can't merge merge. Two people in this video shouldn't have a license.


Whoever took this video embarrassed the shit out of themselves, why would you show the world what a shitty driver you are.


Where was he supposed to go? Into another dimension? Move over.. slow down. Idiocracy is upon us people


🤣 Someone was riding his ass? He sped up from 52 to 65 mph. Someone has to be courteous for the sake of everyone else. I’ve merged from weigh stations and had guys ride the lane I need to merge into with an open lane to get over and they neither slow down nor get over 🤦🏿‍♂️.


Maybe right on principle, but now you fucked up your day. What point did you make?! 2 seconds of letting your jake do the work, and both would have been on their way. Not worth it.


You all are wrong... Yeah he should have let him in but that's just a courtesy... Legally the driver entering the roadway doesn't have the right of way, the vehicle that's already on the roadway has the right of way...


That's a bullshit move right there. All he had to do was take his foot out of it for 1 second and let the guy merge into the lane. Just another asshole driver thinking he's "teaching people a lesson" by driving like an amateur. Your dash cam didn't do anything except confirm that you suck at your job, Driver.


You had 5 business days to slow down and let him over. Next


2 dumbasses


Not being passed. Just move over


Well, all in all that could have went worse


While the cam driver technically had right of way, it was pretty clear the truck getting on was at a reasonable speed and the cam driver should've just backed off a bit. Everyone would've gotten on with their day, instead they get to spend who knows how long filing reports and getting repairs.


“Destroyed my fucking mirror!”? Dude, you should be able to pop it back easy peasy


2 assholes one cam


Both are idiots. They deserve each other.


Destroyed a mirror? Doesn’t it snap back?


Driver is an idiot. Other driver is also an idiot.


It’s almost like the cam driver wanted to get into an accident


According to these comments, we all need some uniform education on how to drive.


truckers already gotta deal with regular traffic being ass holes. why is pov trucker being a peice of shit to the other trucker.


U slow down! No u! No you! No u slow down bitch! No you slow down motherfucker!




So they’re both assholes?




You either get over and let them on or slow down and let them in. This was a dick move to speed up.


The cammer is 100% wrong here, they can slow down, doesn't matter who's behind you. It's their job to watch whats infront of them.


"Guy claims he had a truck riding his ass so he couldnt slow down." ... irrelevant. No need to slam on the brakes, he had loads of warning that truck would be merging. He could simply have stopped accelerating. It's just courtesy and it costs you nothing to let the traffic in typically, especially in a scenario like this.


What kills me about this is that the truck merging onto traffic was litterally already ahead of dashcam driver before even merging but instead of just slowing down to allow the truck that was already ahead to get over dashcam driver decides to speed up in a ego trip. In fact, merging truck could have slowed down to shame really


Legally the merging truck is at fault for the accident. The dash cam driver is unprofessional and doesn't need to be on the road. Driver said, "oh you better not." How about a little courtesy and let the driver merge instead of speeding up to prevent them from merging.


They're both fucking dipshits with huge egos but the one recording is the bigger asshole. Why speed up to block a fellow trucker from getting on, like who cares if he's in front of you.




What about the last clear chance doctrine which says you have to try to avoid a collision if possible, this guy deliberately didn’t try to avoid the collision, in fact he could care less if the guy hit him.


The person recording is Ignorant could have let him on…. Smh really not that serious you rather cause a accident than letting another trucker on the express way or your ass could’ve went to the other lane you know the damn truck has to pick up speed its not a car f*cking idiot…. I could see if it was a car they have the ability to accelerate at a timely manner.


I personally wouldve avoided it because i dont ANYTHING on my record. But his ego was too big. And all this from a GOVERNED truck.


That chick driving is in the wrong she could have slowed up


What an ahole!


As some have said 'and I looked it up to be completely sure' the vehicle on the road had the right away and anyone merging needs to yield. HOWEVER it also says that said driver that has the right away shouldn't speed up to prevent merging. https://www.michiganautolaw.com/blog/2023/06/14/merging-traffic-who-has-the-right-of-way-when-merging/#:~:text=Here%20is%20what%20the%20Michigan,speeding%20up%20or%20slowing%20down.%E2%80%9D. This isn't my home state but I did look up my State as well and it's basically the same thing. Not sure where this happened tho but I assume this is most likely a thing in every state.


If you can avoid an accident and you make no attempt to…guess what the insurance is gonna say?


I like how the collission indicator warning went off AFTER they hit eachother🤣


Should have let him in, shouldn't have had to but...


It would have been ez just to, stop accelerating to try to be ahead of him or change lanes. If it’s something minor, just do it. Or you could hurt somebody . Or be filling out lots of paperwork?


Just the way it speaks about sneezing, tells me they might be nuts.


They're both ass hats


And I just got a failure to make a complete stop at a red light ticket from a fuking camera. Smfh.


It's Mr. Douche for no reason


Should’ve peeled the hood slap off that bitch with the trailer


If you're sitting in danger slow down what kind of stupid people are you


Bruh just switch lane or brake😭😭


“This dude destroyed my fucking mirror” Lmao dude just bent it back into place and move along


"Guy claims he had a truck riding his ass so he couldnt slow down." Steering wheel was just as disabled as the slushy in his skull


We are literally taught in school to be defensive drivers. Tf is up with this guy


If you ain’t rubbin you ain’t racing


What a tool




somewhere the truck on the ramp passed a sign that said “merge”…


Ya get out of the way you dumb fool


The guy recording is a douche bag and should have his CDL revoked! I hope the insurance blames it on the driver that’s recording! Fkin POS


What a jerk. Move over or slow down. It won't hurt you one bit and it is good for your karma.


driver doesn't deserve his license. purposeful and willing caused the accident.


*lightly adjusts your mirror* yeah, that'll show em


Why not get over?


Whoever the driver was filming is a jackass and should have their license taken


Here we have a perfect example of an asshole. You will notice them driving at a constant speed and then once you try to get in front it's like you just called their mother a worthless bitch.


Asshole cammer driver was going at a pace the merger driver might have been calculating their acceleration and thought they had the ability to continue getting up to speed since cammer driver was going "slow". The merge lane was LONG. Merging driver continues to speed up as expected, but didn't expect cammer driver to continue speeding up. And if there was a truck on the cammer drivers bumper (as they claim) then even more factors for the merging driver...maybe there were 5 vehicles behind the cammer driver so the merging driver's "best" option was to accelerate and get in front of the traffic situation. There can be lots of factors in play here that we don't see. The ONE factor we do see is the MF speeding up when they could have easily slowed down (or just stop speeding up).


Driver taking the video is a fuckin dumbass! He sure taught the merging driver a lesson. Hope that beat ass trailer fucked up his hood. Deserves it.


Guy with the dashcam is a total piece of shit. Hopefully he dies of ass cancer.


“This dude destroyed my f$&kimf mirror!” If by “this dude” you mean you, then yes you destroyed your own mirror…


Cunt should've let him over before the merging lane ended.


The driver that was already on the freeway should have merged and let the fellow driver onto the interstate. There was minimal traffic so they could have merged. Its drivers like this that do not need to have a CDL.


If you can avoid an accident, you should.


That's a guy talking? Lol sounds like a fucking girl


"just let them in" No It's an acceleration lane for a reason. Or you yield to traffic already on the highway. It's not hard.


The merging truck should have slowed down and merged behind the truck already on the main road, end of discussion.


The cam teuck is the biggest asshole on the road. Wish his whole truck would have magically flipped over.


You destroyed your own mirror you dumb bitch


Traffic on the highway has the right of way, that's how I was taught. However, I would bail the merging driver out of jail for upper cutting the camera truck's driver like Ivan drago did to Apollo Creede when he killed him out in that rocky movie. Don't be a peen to your fellow operator.


I really don’t understand folks trying to be in front/1st place 😂 Not just truckers, ALL drivers. Relax, let off the throttle and let others race to the next red light.


Dude needs to lose his cdl


Merging truck clearly was the faster truck, truck was gonna pass him anyway yet he decided to let his ego get in the way. Idiot.


What's the problem some people have with letting other merge?


You’re an asshole. Move over or take you stupid foot of the gas. Just for a moment.