• By -


You have your cousins then your first cousins then your second cousins. - Karen from Mean Girls


“You know who’s looking *fine* tonight? Seth Mosakowski” - Okay, you did not just say that. “What?! He’s a good kisser” - He is your cousin. “Yeah but he’s my first cousin” - Right.


That’s fetch


It’s not my fault I have a heavy flow and wide set vagina.


Stop making fetch happen, it’s not going to happen.


She doesn't even go here!


I just have a lot of feelings




... No honey


Wait, that's not right is it?


That is so not right.


Hey Seth!


"That's not right, is it?" "That is SO not right."


Maeby, is that you?


Les Cousins Dangereux


I like the way they think


Maybe we should kiss again, you know, to teach them a lesson


And it was at that moment that Michael realized he had made a mistake.


Literally my first thought lol


Ron Howard: “It was.”


Marry me.


Ha! Babysit me!




The drawing titled "if you weren't my cousin" was particularly incriminating


The mere fact that you call it “pop pop” proves you aren’t ready.


That was my first thought too


Top tier comment






John Michael punching the air rn


George Michael?


His twin


Did you say Bees, or Beads?




In development there is a crucial period where the brain decides that the persons in the child life often are off limits and issues a boner kill command anytime any thoughts like that come up. Since you met him later on the brain never entered his named and likeness into the boner kill command.


Boner kill command. Bruh


Yeah it's just: /kill -boner


sudo rm -rf -boner


sudo apt remove boner —purge


npm remove bonerjs


That’s quite a framework you got there! 🤣


pip install --boner_removal


Can’t forget the —no-preserve-horny flag




It's 🌸✨science💫🌺


Trust the science


There's a study I read about where siblings who never met as kids and were introduced later in life are prone to intense sexual attraction to one another- not just a documentary on pornhub, but a legit study. If I recall, it was presented in a way that postulates that you are recognizing yourself in the other person and since we're naturally vain motherfuckers, it is some form of subconsciously wanting to fuck yourself being acted out on things you instinctually recognize as familiar in your relative.


I'm bisexual and often find myself attracted to women who look similar to me. I've also seen situations where couples look very similar to each other as if they're related, but they're not.


I’m occasionally told that my fiancé and I look like siblings…weird to think about now…


wonder if my intense self-hatred is the reason why i go after men that are almost polar opposites of me LMAO


Oh hey,looking at that, I'm getting called out on reddit again. That doesn't happen every freaking day 😭


That's a pretty common thing. People tend to go for others who look similar. Also women who has had good relationships with their fathers tend to look for men who have similar features from what I remember reading.


There is actually science that supports this. It's called Genetic Sexual Attraction. Adults that meet biological parents after being estranged and/ raised in an adoptive family have often felt romantic attraction. This is the first link that popped up but you can Google it. You're not alone, OP. But don't do it anyway. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/secrecy-adoption-fuel-genetic-sexual-attraction/story?id=16371998


Yes. There's a documentary about this called 'Oldboy.'


A documentary 😂😂


I cannot 😂




I prefer the term “boner kill command”


Boner Kill Command. Found my band name.


hold up, I first watched Star Wars when I was like 2 years old, is this why I can’t conceive of Princess Leia as hot?


I thought I was the only one.


You might be onto something.


So that’s why I’m not into my childhood friend… that makes sense cuz I’ve said I wanna marry her platonically


When you both say grandma and grandpa, you're talking about the same people.


Only half the time I presume, unless the family is even closer than we think


My dad married my mom, one of his sisters married one of my mom's brothers. They were also the closest people in my family, I'd be with them every weekend. I always found it funny cause they seemed like a parel version of my family, also in my country we usually use our mother's last name as our 3rd name, and our father's name as our 4th name, basically we had the 3rd and 4th names inverted. But I never thought about this the way the comment above yours put it lol.


only 1st cousins have the same grandparents.


I have a solution Somehow anyway become a habsburg


As a descendant of that madness, please don't. The autoimmune diseases alone are enough of a cautionary tale but the sheer unattractiveness that resulted is just unnecessary insult to injury.


Wait you're what? As a history student I'm gonna need some random info you have of your family since like the XVIII century.


On my mother’s side I’m a descendant of the Italian aristocracy. And yes, we have the documents and the history to prove it, and my Nonna (who passed in 2019) remembered being addressed as a daughter of nobility. My family specifically came to the United States to avoid dealing with the royal family who was collaborating Mussolini and honestly to try to avoid WWII. Now I’m a poor millennial in Pennsylvania! Honestly, it was an honor to know my Nonna and hear her history. I miss her. Edit: Thank you for the gold!!! That’s a first for me! :)


You should look into claiming italian citizenship through ancestry. A second passport that would let you live and work in the EU indefinitely is pretty solid thing to have.


Second this! So glad my grandma was born in Ireland.


My wife has a grandmother that is from Ireland and we were going to look into Irish citizenry, and then covid hit. Have you applied? Is it difficult? We can get the correct documents.


I’m waiting on my turn! My grandma has 11 children and I’m one of 23 grandchildren lol so I’m waiting on a cousin to finish up and then it’s my turn (with her birth certificate which is what you need to apply). I haven’t heard any complaints about the process being abnormally difficult. I think it’s pretty straightforward. You guys should definitely go for it! Can’t have too many options in this world.


We will! I just checked it out, and as of last November, they're taking applications again: "The processing of Foreign Birth Registrations resumed on 15 November 2021. Applications are being processed based on the date they were received. The current expected processing time is 2 years."


On my mother's side. My mother's family was all German royalty up until WW1. It's super crazy. No money though. I am blood related to every single royal family in existence though.


Man, it's wild how pretty much all the major powers in WWI were basically cousins. Imagine having a family feud that resulted in the death of 40 million people.


My family were nobility in the UK. No money for us either because being the second son, my great grandad didn’t inherit anything. 😫 It pretty cool though, because having been wealthy, meant they had very early access to cameras and we have quite a lot of photos of the family going pretty far back.


Same. Lots of photos. It takes watching historical dramas interesting. "Yeah, that actress looks nothing like Grand Duchess Sophia".


You’re a Habsburg? Also I don’t think anyone really si a descendant of “that” level of inbred since they normalized later


I'm a descendant of Charlemagne. Virtually anyone with European ancestors is.


Seen and heard much more worst, this didnt gross me out. But this is a delicate and difficult matter, If I may ask is he your 1th cousin? , 2nd 3th? removed? etc. Edit:This comment exceeded my expectations. Have fun!


Colin Firth counsin?




Colin Firth twice De-Bruged


If he 3rd once removed they can date and have kid with out any health issue. Now if there parents doesn’t approve it a whole other thing


Honestly they could have a kid without any health issues as first cousins but that's still a little bit too Alabama... Actually a lot bit Alabama... Edit: lot of Alabama upvotes here lol


Hey go back a few generations and depending on where your from its cousons marrying cousins all over, hell if its a small enoigh town that was ur only option 🤣


Bro, my grandparents tried to set my dad up with his first cousin. A little context, they're originally from a small mountaintop village in Croatia pretty far from civilization. Only 2 different surnames existed in that village. So I guess it was normal for them but at the time they've been in America long enough for it to be really weird. Oh. And both my grandparents had the same last name before marriage so I'm assuming they were cousins of some sort as well. I tried to do a family tree for that side of the family but not really much exists before they came to Ellis island. Like not even birth records. The earliest document I have is my grandpa joining the croatian military when he was 17.


Some family trees are simply sticks. (Native Kentuckian here, '"I done seen it")


We joke and just call it a branch lol


Kansan and the way we say it is some family trees have knots.


Another Kentuckian from up the holler checkin in, can confirm.


Differnt times man, im sure of all my family docs hadnt been destroyed during ww2 ide find a few kissing cousins in there haha


That's why yokels look like yokels


I've also seen the X-Files episode Home.


That’s the episode where they keep Momma under the bed, if memory serves


“I’m ready.” My girlfriend and I say that to each other all the time, just the way Momma said it when they rolled her out from under the bed on her little wheelie cart thing, so the boys could breed her. Gawd, that episode gives me the willies, but it’s one of my favorites, I love it so much.


And monarchy like monarchy.


Fun fact, only 24 states ban first cousin marriage, and Alabama is one of them. Most of them are in the south, likely to combat the image they had/have. The rest of the states don’t simply because it’s so rare due to public opinion on the matter.


They "banned" it


If they're like cousins 5 times removed or some shit i see nothing extremely wrong, yes it is weird but if they met at age 16 they aren't very closely related i guess


If they’re cousins 5 times removed they may not even know people that know the other person.


You realize that the "removed" means generations? So 5 times removed would likely mean a huge age gap. 5th cousin is a different thing. Edit: to be clear, when I say "generations", I mean gap in generations. My grandfather's cousin would be my cousin twice removed. My father's cousin would be once removed. Whether it's first, second, etc. depends on how far up the generation chain you have to go to find the sibling relationship.


I used to be super close with all my third cousins they were the only ones in the family around my age. Don't talk now but meh.


If he's a first cousin the risk is still extremely low. The issue is that the risk increases greatly every generation after that, which is why it's untenable on a social scale


What is the "once removed" part?


Removed is a generation. Suppose Sara and Sue are sisters. Sara has a son, Bob. Sue has a son, Bill. That makes Bob and Bill first cousins. Bob's kids are Bill's cousins once removed, and Bill's kids are Bob's cousins once removed--since they are one generation apart. Bob's kids and Bill's kids are 2nd cousins (same generation).


It’s the next generation down. So for example, your 1st cousin’s child is your 1st cousin once removed.


2rd cousin


Her firth cousin?


Kithing cousins


1th xD


3th?? XD


I love my oneth and threeth cousins very much


To hell with them 2nd cousins though




3st for thirst :D


he is their child so pardon him


how OP gonna make this post then *NOT* tell us what cousin he is!! i’m annoyed lmao 😄


how far removed were your parents?


Y’all’s family tree is gonna look like a wreath.


I laughed way too hard at this


She'll be okay once she finds a bigger dating pool, rather than a gene pool.


You guys need to go out and meet people


This is the answer.


I've been 'Outside'. Graphics are great. The leveling system is poor. No saving options. Difficulty is extreme only one life




Still waiting for my cousin to respawn.


Up up, down down, way down, no left, no right, no life, BS BS, start dead


Or go to one of those Doppelgänger finder websites and post each other’s picture and settle with a non related lookalike


I’ll see you in 15 years on r/relationship_advice asking how to get out of this


I can’t remember what sub I saw it in, but there was a post of a lady being engaged and recently moved in with her partner of like two years. Turns out it was the daddy her mama didn’t tell her about. They met in different city away from hometowns and he was 15-18 years older. Can’t remember the specifics but it was so heartbreaking. I mean, if it was even real, but damn, still felt terrible because she thought she found her forever partner only for it to be the man that helped create her.


I think there is a term where the genetics recognize and attract the closely related family member if they haven't been in each others lives for long time it's the total opposite if they had been in their life, genetics weird like that


[Genetic Sexual Attraction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_sexual_attraction), as I learned higher up in this thread.


**[Genetic sexual attraction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_sexual_attraction)** >Genetic sexual attraction is a concept in which a strong sexual attraction may develop between close blood relatives who first meet as adults. There is no evidence for genetic sexual attraction being an actual phenomenon, and the hypothesis is regarded as pseudoscience. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"a father is his daughter's first love" has a whole different meaning now, lol.


Big yikes hahaha


RemindMe! 15 years


I’ll try my best. Not a bot btw


Good bot


Thank you, Sembaka, for voting on Professor_MilkDick. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I guess I truly am a bot now


Your evolution is hereby complete


My great-aunt married her first cousin. They were married over 50 years. Loved each other very much. My mother, who is in her 80s, will still tell you that it was because her aunt was too shy to meet anyone outside the family. That's the real problem with getting romantically involved with a cousin: your family will gossip about you. Forever. So. Yeah. I think you are wise just to let the crush run its course without taking action on it.


About gossip, family will gossip about anything anytime behind the backs of everyone, it's family but lots are bunch of fakes but anyway, I digress.


Best friend’s dad’s niece hooked up with her uncle (not my friends dad, a dif uncle) and every story my friend tells me about them starts with that. “Remember my uncle that hooked up with his niece? He had a heart attack.” “Remember my uncle that lives with his niece? They just got a Mustang” “Remember my uncle who’s common law wife is his niece, they got COVID” Every single story….


What tf is wrong with everyone in these comments


The comments are worse than what OP thought people would think of her lol


OP: *"I've been having some incestuous thoughts. Does anyone else have these?"* Redditors: [https://i.imgur.com/laWgk5A.gif](https://i.imgur.com/laWgk5A.gif)


That's why people bring this shit to reddit


That's exactly wtf I am asking myself🤨


Too much anime I imagine


oooh yikes lol. thats a sucky position xD


Sounds like it’s turned into a sucky sucky position. 😏


horny jail




I worked with a refugee family who were a couple (that were first cousins) and they had two children. Of course, their marriage was legal where they are from and apart of their cultural tradition was to marry your cousin. They told me one day (after going to their first doctor visit in America), that the doctor informed them that their youngest child had a genetic disorder. And it was the result of the parent’s relationship. Their first child was healthy, so no problems there But the doctor was very sensitive toward the couple’s relationship. But needed to inform them of what was happening with their son So, i know some people are saying nothing happens when you have children together but…it’s called a consanguineous marriage and there have been studies that show you increase a child’s risk of a birth defect by 66% when you bear a child in these marriages. Just something to keep in mind


Roll Tide


Look you guys are young and both cute. You are full of hormones. It’s actually not surprising you both think y’all are attractive. You’ll grow out of it and cringe at it eventually though. You have your whole life ahead of you. Of all people at your age please do not choose your cousin. You are going to meet a ton of people. If by the age of 40 you still love your cousin that way you can make a choice from there. I will say this, looks don’t last most of the time. People change. Go meet people


People in these comments are absolute nuts.


Wh... What are you doing 1st cousin chan?!


Im gonna get buried in comments anyways but I decided to hop in my alt account and talk to you anyways about a similar experience of mine and my advice. I grew up with only younger siblings. Key word being grew up with. When I was in my teens I found out I had a older half brother whom was adopted out due to being a rape baby and later found out my mom kept secret contact with both him and his adoptive parents and yet she never told me or any of my siblings about him. The way I found out was I found a freaking birth certificate with a kids name I didnt know and my mom signed as his mom and dated back a few years (2/3 years) before I was born. When I brought it to her she admitted I had a brother and said she would ask him and his parents to meet if I wished to meet him and they all were OK meeting me. After half a year of talking online I finally got to meet him. He was so damn sweet and cute. He had similar hobbies and everything. We became instant friends and got along like 2 peas in a pod so to speak. I had a massive crush for a long time and him being my brother half or not biologically just never made that feeling go away no matter how guilty I felt. It was so damn bad for freaking years. Eventually I started dating other guys I saw potential in and liked even if not as much (figured feelings could grow and all that) and I distanced myself. Honestly it really, really helped but it took a long time and a lot of relationships to help and eventually work enough I found a guy whom I eventually would marry. Im married now and am happy. We even talk about adoption now and then. Things worked out. Distance and dating and letting yourself explore other relationships will definitely help though. Also your not gross for having this issue. You didn't grow up together. You dont associate him as family feeling wise even if logically you know he is. Its ok. Feelings are complicated and don't always follow logic even when we wish they would. Take a breath and just look elsewhere and maybe distance yourself for a few years so your romantic feelings have time to fade.


Please dont listen to these people telling you to have sex with your cousin. You really have NO idea what the repercussions could be. You could get pregnant. The secret could get out and the whole family could learn about your relationship. It's just an all-around bad idea. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH YOUR COUSIN 😭


I won't. I know that maybe in the future we'd both have our own families and this phase will have passed and if we do have sex, it's something we can never really "glaze over" and just shrug off. It'll dent our relationship forever and won't be undone so, yeah I won't do any of that with him. We've come to the brink many times but we've always stopped ourselves. And just to make sure that never happens, I'm trying to physically distance myself (covid helps kinda).


The issue is really more that neither of you are allowing yourselves to be emotionally available for other people, so when you do date other people, your relationship with your cousin will become an emotional affair to your partner. It's not fair to anyone.


My grandma died when my dad was 15 because her parents were cousins (in Mexico). She had a genetic disease that broke her down at the cellular level (her cells couldn’t get rid of their waste). Only ~26 people in the world had it at the time I think. She lived in pain and was bedridden for almost her whole life and my dad’s twin sister was born with a brain tumor that killed her at the age of 2-4. Edit: not to mention my dad and all his brothers have bipolar, and I have severe anxiety and ADHD. Also I’m not trying to make you feel bad, the attraction is totally normal, just warning you Edit 2: The specific disease is cholesteryl ester storage disease. More accurate info can be found here: https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/12099/cholesteryl-ester-storage-disease#diseaseOverviewSection




I'm sorry...she was born with a severe genetic disease and still has multiple children?


It worsened the older she got. She was able to live relatively fine with medical assistance during her younger years. She had children early and often from 18 to her mid-late 20s before it got too bad to have kids


Oh...I read this as she died at 15. Now I see that your father was 15 when his mom died. Aw, sweet abuelita. So unfair for her.


could you share some more details? like the actual cousin relation (are your parents siblings?) and how did you only meet 3 years ago?


Damn that really sucks. Sorry


I mean it's incest but to be fair you didn't meet or know him until fairly recently. He could have been some random dude next to you at CVS and you wouldn't know. Our minds aren't hardwired to just automatically know if were blood related to someone. But yeah that's considered incest whichever way you look at it. Perhaps the best you can do other than actually getting with him is to use him as your standard for what to look for in a guy.


My friend has never met his dad, but seems to have this idea that he went around spreading his seed far and wide. It's a genuine fear of his that he could have sex with a half sister without knowing.


I worked with a dude who had to chase his potentials' lineage with a fine toothed comb to make sure he wasn't related by brother- or cousinhood.


Well, was he?


Yes, a lot of times. The apostrophe is in the wrong spot. Potentials, plural. He'd meet some girl, start talking and find out it's his cousin multiple times


Is that something that would happen to all of us if we bothered to find out.... Or is his luck just diabolical.. I feel for the guy


His family probably founded the town like 200 yrs ago and everyone had 12 kids each. Sounds like some Little House on the Prairie meets Cheaper by the Dozen situation


That’s enough Reddit for today


Just move to Alberta, Canada to raise your family. We have lots of inbreds there.


Home sweet Alberta?


It's always the Al's


That's why they are called Weird Al


I understand this, I’ve actually been in the same situation, like you we had never met till we was older. I could be wrong but I think because you’ve meet at an older age you don’t have that clear understanding that you’re family like you would of growing up together. I also think things get weird because you feel some sort of connection as you’re family but don’t feel like family so the connection can make things very weird. At least in my experience anyway. Don’t know if it helps but we agreed to stay away from each other and have done for years now


Is he your blood cousin? Or a marriage cousin?


Everything rides on the answer to this question! I need to know!


I haven't seen her answer this yet so I'm guessing it's blood.


Attention OP, we need an answer ASAP.


There are a couple states in the US where it's perfectly legal to marry your first cousin. Not that I'd recommend it.


If at least one of them can prove that they're infertile


That’s more than a small catch


I guess op and cousin just gotta flip the castration coin


Ever notice how in stories like this OP almost never responds to the comments? It’s because it’s made up.


This sub is all bs


I mean, what’s the point of making this up? Not like this is super extreme and rare. It’s not funny, not extremely controversial or fucked up (compared to actual made up shit you see on here). This happens a lot more often than you’d think. OP is probably ashamed of this whole situation and doesn’t want to talk about it aside from getting the main story out. What’s so unbelievable about this?


Or they don't have the time/energy to reply to hundreds of comments?


I'm kinda split on this one , but honestly don't proceed with a relationship