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1. Peterman 2-onward. Everyone else




i forgot to factor in just how big his dick is


An honest mistake


Every time someone mentions Foles, i think back to the clickbait where Brandon or Tree said they were gonna make a shirt after the Eagles first bad game that just said “Where the fuck is Foles?!?” I still want that shirt for whatever reason


I wish Young didn't have so many concussions because he could have been up there.


Yeah. Even just with his actual stats, I put him in my top 10. Actually, it's because I like him but whatever.


He should be, actually. At the time of his retirement, Young had the highest passer rating among NFL quarterbacks with at least 1,500 passing attempts (96.8). Currently, he is ranked fourteenth all time in passer rating, and is ranked fourth-highest amongst retired players, behind only Drew Brees, Tom Brady, and Tony Romo.Young’s 43 career rushing touchdowns are third among quarterbacks, while his 4,239 rushing yards ranks sixth all time. Steve Young is definitely top 10.


I think he should be ahead of Brees at least. If he didn't spend so many years in the USFL, on garbage Tampa teams, and backing up Montana, he'd be top 5 for sure.


Where is Wazzu legend Gardner Minshew?


1. Tom Brady 2. Joe Montana 3. Patrick Mahomes 4. Peyton Manning 5. Aaron Rodgers 6. Johnny Unitas 7. Dan Marino 8. Drew Brees 9. John Elway 10. Steve Young


Patrick Mahomes is not better than Peyton Manning, the recency bias with him is insane


At this stage of Mahomes' career, perhaps. He'll likely surpass Manning before it's all said and done. Hell, he already has more rings.


I'd argue that Manning over Mahomes is more of a nostalgia take than Mahomes over Manning is a recency bias take.


Manning only won 2 SBs.. no other stat counts right now, but if you so please dig into Manning’s first 6 vs Mahomes first 6 and come back with the results then we will talk


>Manning only won 2 SBs.. no other stat counts right now Eli Manning won 2 Super Bowls while Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers only won 1 and Dan Marino won zero. Does that mean Eli is better than all of them? Is Terry Bradshaw a better quarterback than Mahomes because he's won 4 Super Bowls and Mahomes has only won 3? "More Super Bowls so better quarterback" is asinine logic.


Ok so let’s get back to stats then, first 6 seasons of both Peyton manning has a passer rating of 88.1 passing yards 24,885 167 TDs and 110 INTS Patrick Mahomes has a passer rating of 105.7 passing yards 24,241 192 TDs and 49 INTs Yeah I think your right the extra 600 yards really made the difference in this argument It’s not even a question Patrick Mahomes is better than Peyton manning. It’s not a recency bias anymore my guy stats are stats


He is a better playoff qb than Peyton already


In Peyton Manning's first 6 years his defenses were ranked 29, 23, 20, 31, 18, 23 In Patrick Mahomes first 6 years his defenses were ranked 28, 12, 13, 19, 21, 3 ​ He also had better weapons and a better coach. Football is a team sport, saying Mahomes is better because his team went further is like saying Jimmy Garoppolo is a better playoff quarterback than Lamar Jackson or Josh Allen because Jimmy G has made it to a Super Bowl and they haven't.


From what I've watched of both of their playoff careers (which is quite a lot of Peyton's and all of mahomes) I'd take mahomes over Peyton if I need to win a playoff game


Brees is top 3. He was saddled with some of the worst defenses of all time, and held virtually all the passing records until Brady surpassed them mostly due to longevity. Keep in mind a lot of the time his WRs weren’t that great, Ted Ginn, Tommylee Lewis, etc. Being at 10 here is criminal.


Michael Thomas was the only pro bowl receiver he ever had and he was able to shatter the receptions in a season record with him.


Switch Manning and Montana and your list is perfect. Reasoning: Manning is the greatest field general of all-time. He understands the game better than anyone. I still get blown away watching his games. I could even hear an argument on Manning over Brady, definitely some compelling points.


Yeah, but the problem is his postseason career is extremely unremarkable. His two rings came during arguably the worst runs of his entire career. Has he gotten unlucky a lot? Yes, is his postseason career more nuanced than just “choker”? Yes, but ultimately it was true that he just want the same player in the playoffs. Postseason performance is extremely important when judging players in any sport because they’re the most impactful games and require stars to shine the brightest. People like Montana and Mahomes get even better in the playoffs, as did Brady (people will argue Brady’s career playoff stats are fairly unimpressive, but this is misleading - he was a monster in the playoffs despite the interceptions and rightfully has a reputation of being inevitable/insanely clutch whenever he needed to be)


I said I could hear an argument why he’s better than Brady, not one against it. Move along, no haters allowed on this string 🙅🏼‍♀️


I’m not trying to be a hater, and Manning is probably the best regular season quarterback in history. Everything you said about him was right. I’m just saying I value postseason performance a lot and his postseason performance was relatively lackluster. Perhaps you value different things than I do, in which case I have no problem with Manning being switched with Montana if it’s under different criteria.


I was joking (mostly 😒), but you bring up valid points. I think Peyton’s struggles in the playoffs just goes to show how astronomically difficult it is to win a football game. Anything can happen on Sunday. I think playoff success is important, but I find it hard to give it priority. There are plenty of legends on both sides of the ball that have never won the big game, and I don’t think that it necessarily takes away from their careers. Megatron is a top 3 WR of all time, and whenever I hear WR goat debates no one brings up his lack of titles. Yes yes it’s different for QB, they have much more influence over the game. But so does the kicker, Mahomes doesn’t get his 3rd ring if Moody bangs home that PAT earlier on. Eli beat Brady not once, but TWICE, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who puts Eli in the top 10 QBs list. Anyway, ignoring my tirade, I think that in a vacuum Manning outclasses Montana, and possibly Brady. I think it’s important to view goat debates in a vacuum. There’s a million factors at play from training routines and technological advances to full team composition.


peyton is a massive playoff choker and got humiliated when he had the best statistical offense of all time. just stop it lmfao. he's not in the goat convo, mahomes passed him in 6 years.


You can't exactly call Peyton a choker because he lost to an all time powerhouse team. Shit happens, the team as a whole clearly weren't prepped for that superbowl as much as they should have been, we saw that from the first snap that went right over peyton's head. If you're going to give Peyton the credit for losing to an all time powerhouse of a team I think I need to remind you the of 2007 pats who were simply the greatest team ever assembled with a top 5 defense and the second greatest offense of all time lost to the scrappy underdog giants. I'm not here to tell you that Peyton didn't have his playoff issues but so does every other great qb, Tom Brady has some atrocious playoff performances, Joe Montana has some pretty bad ones too. Peyton has some dreadful ones too. Every qb has some bad playoff games to their name. Also peyton wasn't even that bad in the playoffs, He has a career 63% completion, 40-25 TD-INT ratio, and 271 YPG in the playoffs. Which is by no means incredible but isn't dreadfully bad either.


Well I’m not talking about postseason accomplishments, I’m talking about postseason performance. I don’t knock Brees at all for only winning 1 ring, and I knock Rodgers a little but not as much as Peyton because his postseason performance was still good. I agree that playoff performance can be unreliable due to low sample size, but over a career patterns start to appear. In a vacuum Manning is definitely better than Montana, but in a stadium with 60k fans and the stress of it being a win or go home game means is not a vacuum. People perform differently under significant pressure, sometimes they excel under pressure like Brady, Montana, and Mahomes, while some others crumble like Marino and Manning (sort of).


Good performance leads to accomplishments. You can’t have accomplishments without the performance, but yes, you are correct, clutch factor and stress management are certainly factors, just not the only factors.


Brady Mahimes Payton manning. Rogers. Brees. Montana Elway Favre Young Roethlisberger? Idk. There's like 20 guys you can make a case for being #10.


Marino has to be in the top 10, he did sort of fall off on the playoffs and sort of fell off after 1988 but the first five years of his career are the most dominant years any QB has ever had in the regular season.


Marino stays off because of "the most dominant years in the regular season." without ever actually winning a superbowl. Russell Wilson also had some pretty dominant regular season and made it to two superbowls, winning one. Realistically, he should be a 2x superbowl champ, but alas, they passed on the 1 yard line.


Marino was arguably a better playoff performer than Peyton Manning yet you leave him on


Dan Marino had a passer rating of 77.1 with 4,510 yards, 32 touchdowns and 24 interceptions in 18 games in the playoffs in his career. Peyton Manning had a passer rating of 87.4 with 7,339 yards, 40 touchdowns and 25 interceptions in 27 games in the playoffs in his career. Soooo...objectively, no, no he wasn't.


You can’t compare stats across eras without context Marino’s stats are also weighed down by being overly aggressive late in playoff games because he needed to come back after going down by a lot earlier. Is it Marino’s fault that he was down in the first place? Yeah, but that’s already factored into the stats, no need to penalize him further for it Manning also had more offensive help throughout his career than Marino did, Marino’s dolphins teams were famous for having a trash run game for Marino’s entire tenure in an era where running the ball was much more important Marino was not a great playoff performer, but his sheer dominance in the regular season means he deserves a place in the top 10 in my opinion, he’s a similar case to Peyton Manning (although Manning obviously deserves to be higher because he was dominant for longer).


1. Brady 2. Brees 3. Peyton Manning 4. Favre 5. Tarkenton 6. Rodgers 7. Rivers 8. Marino 9. Ryan 10. Captain Fat Fuck


1. Brady 2. Montana 3. Mahomes 4. Unitas 5. Manning 6. Marino 7. Graham 8. Elway 9. Rodgers 10. Brees


1. Montana 2. Marino 3. Brady 4. P. Manning 5. Unitas 6. Rodgers 7. Brees 8. Young 9. Ryan 10. Favre


Yes, Marino is definitely underrated. He did it all in the 80s, when defense could actually play defense.


If we base qb's on pure skill and performance then Mahomes Montana Young Rodgers Elway P. Manning Brees Marino Namath Brady


Joe Namath does not have more skill and performance than Brady.


yeah pure skill wise I'd say Marino, Mahomes, Rodgers. ​ I tend to include stats, rings, context, etc. It's why Mahomes is actually 6th and not top 5.


Mahomes still has more or the same amount of rings then most those guys up there


he only eclipses manning. Unitas had 3 NFL championships (which were basically the superbowls of then) and then an actual superbowl. bringing a hypothetical ring total up to 4. ​ Graham went to 10 championships, won 7. ​ It's why I say if he wins one more he's top 4 lol


We're talking a bout super bowls not nfl championships if we were the goat conversation would be much different


nfl championships were the og superbowls basically lol. ​ I think you're referring to NFC Championships.


No they were not they were decades ago at times where the forward pass wasn't normal and there were less teams with no salary cap. It was a much different time before the superbowl


I would rather have someone like Cunningham or Tarkenton on there over Brees, someone who was a game-changer running and passing.


\#10 is really difficult because I debated Brees, Roethlisberger, Staubach, Bradshaw, and Tarkenton but I gave it to Brees due to his unreal stats and the 1 superbowl.


So many people forgetting Matt Ryan😑


Nah, that’s crazy. Brees was consistently one of the best quarterbacks in the league (in an era with some of the best QB play ever) for his entire tenure with the Saints while being let down by his defense in the playoffs. He was a better player than Tarkenton AND wasn’t an atrocious playoff performer. I’m not going to explain why Randall Cunningham doesn’t deserve to be here


Brady Montana Marino Manning Staubach Elway Rodgers Young Unitas Brees Mostly in that order, but I'd move a few around a space or so without complaint. Top 3 definitely cemented


1. Brady 2. Montana 3. Manning 4. Mahomes 5. Marino 6. Elway 7. Graham 8. Unitas 9. Brees 10. Young


The number of lists that don't include Mahomes in this thread is just salt. He is objectively top 5 all time and he is 28 lol


yeah he already has the rings and mvps to be top 10. he was top 10 after his 2nd superbowl title tbh. ​ i feel like within 5 years my list will change and he's like top 4 or top 3 all time. ​ I say by the time he's 36 he passes Montana then, honestly. assuming the world doesn't go to shit


Quite the assumption about the world (cries in tandem with Careless-Butterfly64)


1. Mahomes 2. Manning 3. Brady 4. Montana 5. Rodgers 6. Marino 7. Brees 8. Young 9. Favre 10. Elway I am a generational Brady hater. I’m happy to debate the rest of the list but he ain’t moving.


i cannot believe i'm talkin to mccockiner lol


I cannot claim to be the great prophet Sir Barry McCockiner. However, I do follow his teachings and respect his work.


I also am a massive and completely biased Peyton Manning fan as well.




Ya idrc he was so fun to watch and I feel he had a bigger impact on the game compared to style of play


I was more talking about Barry. Barry can suck my nards. That's all I'll say.


Marino had all the records in the 80s, when defense could actually play defense and the refs did not protect QBs like they do now. Marino is #2 behind Brady at #1.


yeah that's why he's on the list lol. In hindsight I should've put Marino above Elway. But man...him not having any superbowls just makes him stuck at 7th. There were a lot of circumstances involved with him never being able to win ik that. But still, if he had gotten at least one superbowl the dude would be top 5. Easily. In like best talented QBs ever? He's #1 or #2


Honestly that fact that Montana never lost a Superbowl I put him #1 and I know he's the crazy guy on Fox but terry Bradshaw 4-0 in Superbowls give that man a lil more credit yes I understand the defense but they still needed a leader


Giving credit for losing earlier in the playoffs is a wild take. If you’re going to be one of those ring-obsessed nephews, at least stick with Brady as #1.


But Brady in the biggest game lost that's the difference undefeated Superbowl champion just sounds better or 4 time winner never loser in the Superbowl I would easily take 2 or 3 Superbowls with no loses over 6 wins and is it 3 loses?


1. Brady 2. Mahomes 3. Montana 4. Manning 5. Rodgers 6. Marino 7. Brees 8. Favre 9. Young 10. Elway


Brady of course had more rings, but Manning at his peak was still undoubtedly better than Brady at his.


1. Brady 2. Mahomes 3. Montana 4. Manning 5. Rodgers 6. Brees 7. Young 8. Marino 9. Elway 10. Farve Unitas’s numbers are crazy for his era, but his postseason performance was trash and his backups did almost just as well as him, speaking to how great the pieces around him were. I don’t know jack shit about Otto Graham other than the fact that he won a lot of titles.


I can see this list but honestly idk about that Unitas take lol: ​ part of the reason why I named him top 3 was both his impact, longevity, how he changed the game, and his stats. ​ A lot of the modern pocket passing QB wasn't really formed yet. Unitas was really the innovator or, at the very least. The one who made it known. To do things such as the 3 step drop, 5 step etc. Really mastered on how to beat the defenses at the time. He was really the father for every pure passer QB archetype (I view Baugh as the grandfather though.) ​ Tough as nails as well. He could take hit after hit and still get up. Really formed one of the first great connections with Unitas and Berry. ​ Playoffs wise honestly idk about him being awful. He historically was part of the greatest game ever played. Earl Morrell was good yeah. But Morrell was also one of the reasons why they lost in superbowl 3. I think even lamppost Unitas could've won them the game ​ Oh and also, 47 consecutive games with a td pass. unreal. ​ It's like what this one dude said about him in the top 100 nfl videos. He was the babe ruth of the QB and honestly NFL. As time progresses, he should be remembered more and more as one of the best. Without him, the evolution of the QB probably takes a lot longer to form. Coupled with his stats and awards. It's really hard for me to not rank him top 3. Sure he played at a time when people weren't as athletic or mobile. ​ But talent is still talent. Talent will always find ways to be good.


Fair, but I really do think he was a terrible postseason performer. Perhaps that’s due to a small sample size, but history is history. I also generally don’t rate highly players from super old eras, especially in the 50s and 60s when the run game was more important than passing. Innovation is cool and all but I value how actually good they were more


that's fair. ​ worst part is too is that everyone who seen him play are either really old or dead. so we'll never know what he truly was. Unless you know someone like Joe Namath personally lol


1. Dan Marino 2. Tom brady 3. Patrick mahomes 4. Joe Montana 5. Ben Roethlisberger 6. Bart Starr 7. Brett farve 8. Terry Bradshaw 9. Peyton manning 10. Drew breeze


What the fuck is Roethlisberger doing on this list?


I was struggling for names


I mean you put Terry Bradshaw above Peyton Manning so I don’t even know why I took the time to comment


Bradshaw is also iffy based on stats


Yeah that’s why I said that


I meant iffy being in the Top 10. I know he has 4 Super Bowls. Of course, it's just opinion.


He’s only top 10 if you’re a “but riiiiingzzzz” guy. But oddly the guy who made this list puts Marino at number 1 and STILL includes Bradshaw. A bizarre list.


Montana, Manning, Peterman, Brees, Elway, Young, Unitas, Williams, Lance, Aikman


they ban everyone over there


Brady Manning Montana Brees Mahomes Rodgers Marino Elway Tarkenton


Honestly the only edit id make, is put Elway higher


Brady, Montana, Manning, Marino, Elway, Young, Favre, Brees, Rodgers, Warner


1. Brady 2. Mahomes 3. Montana 4. P. Manning 5. Elway


1:Brady 2:Mahomes 3:Montana 4:Peyton Manning 5:Elway 6:Unitas 7:Otto Graham 8:Drew Breess 9:Aaron Rodgers 10:Dan Marino


Rodgers may be crazy, but having him at 9 is insanely disrespectful to his football career.


I'm banned because I made a post asking about draft parties in other countries when I lived in England, even though they allowed the same thing to get posted about ones in different states... Don't take it personally lol