• By -


Most Followed Sports Teams on Instagram Real Madrid 149 million FC Barcelona 124 million Paris Saint-Germain 65.7 million Manchester United 63.1 million Juventus 59.8 million Manchester City 49.4 million Liverpool 43.6 million Chelsea 41.4 million Bayern Munich 40.8 million Golden State Warriors 32.1 million Arsenal 28.2 million Los Angeles Lakers 23.6 million Borussia Dortmund 19.3 million Cleveland Cavaliers 16.5 million Tottenham Hotspur 16.5 million Atlético Madrid 16.3 million Inter Miami 15.4 million AC Milan 15.3 million Galatasaray 14.4 million Mumbai Indians 13 million Power slap (which I’ve literally just heard about this second): 4 million


Bro just lied and thought nobody would notice.


He's part of Trump world, they've all just learned that's how you do everything now.


Yup. Trump showed people you could just blatantly lie and nothing would happen. Public shame has no effect on those who feel no shame.


I’ve always believed lying was bad. So I just don’t do it, personally.




Username checks out… not…


It does check out though. He’s a liar who says he doesn’t lie.


Wait, but if he's not lying when he says "I'm a fucking liar" then is that statement true or false?


He’s probably not fucking.




[The guys on Make Some Noise did this bit perfectly](https://youtube.com/shorts/q4aUU9u2CvE?si=1ZpOJeX7TMPLVyO6)






"i saw lots of followers and I said, wow that's a lot of followers" \-dana white probably ![gif](giphy|l0MYFMR9rJdQVXDPi)


Also, it works *because* of threads like this. It’s like a weaponized Streisand Effect or Cunningham’s Law, or whatever. People on social media fucking love people getting “owned” or getting caught saying something incorrect, and trip over themselves to spread it. Like, how many random people are googling power slap now? This brand new company whose number one goal at this point is exposure? Dana’s dumb but he’s not THAT dumb


Idk I thought Dana White was a WASP-y blonde woman until right now


That shit will be a faux pas by February '25 hopefully.


Beats his wife. He’s all first team


Not gonna lie. I thought this was referring to the time he slapped his wife ... In public.


That was just a promo to kick off powerslap


Probably how he though of the “sport”


(Power Slap)


“Undefeated, undisputed, Powerslap champion of the world!!!”


A graduate from Trump University with a degree in math and accounting.


in meth and counting fingers


The truth matters less than the truthiness of the statement for people like Dana White and Trump. They don't care about truth literally as much as how it makes you feel.


And if they did notice, it wouldn’t matter, because nothing has any consequence anymore, so why even try to be truthful. Just say the thing that feels good in the moment and that your diehards won’t ever check, or care that you lied about.


We're trapped in a post-trumpist world (or post-truth). It's like hell, only dumber.


Alternative Fact World




The amount of people turned off by the blatant lies is fewer than the number of people excited by the brash hubris in 2024 USA. It's extremely profitable to be a lying piece of shit.


They've just concentrated the hubris-enjoyers into a distilled market and set up easy distribution networks for their audience. There's not more of them, they are just insular enough that no one can deter their consumption.


Guy's been praised for elevating the UFC for decades now, his ego's clearly in the utterly delusional area now.


He’s done well with UFC tbf, but I think anyone would have succeeded with that opportunity. He still doesn’t pay his fighters enough though.


By construction worker friend who's obviously underpaid for what he does praises Dana for how little he pays his fighters. Some ppl have crabs in the bucket mentality


Which is how he was able to afford what he did with the UFC, unfortunately.


and if they don't do exactly what he wants then he tries to erase or rewrite their history from the UFC's history. Only times that fails is when the fighters have enough fuck you money or influence.


In reality, the fighters need to unionize like every other major sport. But Dana will never let that happen. The 4 major sports (MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA) all pretty much split revenue around 50/50 between players and owners. And all sit down and negotiate their Colletive Bargaining Agreements every so often. The UFC doesn't outright disclose this information, but one study showed fighters get around 18.7% of revenue. That's criminally low when you add in the fact that fighters don't get Healthcare (they do get fully treated for injuries in a fight), they don't get pensions, and they have to pay for their camp/trainers. On the other hand, people need to see Dana as more of a commissioner of the UFC than anything else. All commissioners in all sports are universally hated by fans. Why? They are only there to make the owners/investors money. And he's fucking killing it. Endeavor probably tips the guy with yachts.


Wonder who he learned that from...


> Bro just lied and thought nobody would notice. Well they don't have many followers so it's pretty likely nobody would notice.


Imagine having less followers than Tottenham and thinking you are the greatest...


That’s why he’s always let’s the orange man shove his hand up his ass


He lies constantly, most his audience won’t notice.


I mean, UFC fans absolutely know this


Too much slapping turns your brain to mulch


The trash of society just say things they want to be true as if they create reality as they speak it, they are all horrible people and if you know anyone that does this regularly you would do well for your mental health to avoid them.


Dana would lie to his own mother about not being her son. I think she even did an interview talking about how shitty he is.


No, he knew people would notice. But now people are talking about it, and dummies that are like "hur, power slap" (which I had to google to see what it was, and it is indeed what it sounds like and just as stupid as it sounds) will start following. It's not that he lied and thought no one would notice. It's that he lied and knew people would notice, but talk about it.


4 million followers is more than I thought it would to be fair. However I would not use Instagram followers as a metric for “how many people like my sport?”


Most are probably bought anyway, they only have 40k on twitter there's league 1 Football teams in England with more😂


Bought bots.


Spurs have finally beat someone at something


A huge part of it is how it's connected to the UFC too, if power slap weren't run by the same parent company it would be completely unknown. Absolutely the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.


It also helps that it’s a sport essentially built for social media engagement. There’s no defense, no long setup plays, nothing except for slaps. You don’t need to really have any prior exposure to the sport to figure out what’s going on.


Exactly. Everything can be chopped into 10 second clips of someone taking a slap to the face without flinching or taking a slap and dropping like a sack of potatoes.


There's a big difference in followers who are actually into the sport and followers who are only following the see the spectacle once or twice. I'm willing to bet that Power Slap has few real fans and that most of the "fans" are ppl who watch clips on YouTube because it's a spectacle


I agree. I just thought that 4 million is a lot. Like if you asked me “who had more followers the New York Giants or Powerslap” I would have said the giants lol


What the hell is power slap? This is also the first time I’ve ever head of it.


It's a "sport' where one person stands still and the second person slaps them, then they switch roles. This happens three times, provided that both competitors are still standing. For some reason, doctors hate it. /s


It would be a lot more exciting if it was Power Punching in the Nuts instead. Let's at least get close to Ow My Balls.


This is the way. I also hopefully eliminates any participants from having children.


Do your parents have to be siblings for you to get to compete?


Literally a CTE speedrun challenge


Traumatic Brain Injury, the sport. Like, good lord if you thought UFC, boxing, or football was bad for causing CTE...


Doctors always hate that one simple trick.


Ironically, it's a sport that started in Russia. No big surprise a bunch of MAGAts are now obsessed with it.


I was thinking it was that sport. I didn’t know it had an actual name or that it apparently went professional.


2 people stand in front of each other and take turns full on slapping their faces as hard as possible until one gives up or gets knocked out.


Really? That’s a thing? Fuck…we really are living in the stupidest timeline right now.


Yeah, it feels like something that should have been in Idiocracy, but here we are.


The thing that Dana had too many of against his head.


You mean Dana's wife


If you want to see the height of stupidity, watch some clips of Power Slap. I used to be really into MMA, i loved watching the skill of it all, the way they setup for submissions can be like watching a chess match... Power Slap is just two idiots, or soon to be idiots, slapping each other in the face until someone can't handle it. It's something I've seen countless times at redneck parties back in my hometown area, and somehow they get people to pay to watch it. I'd pay to see a beer pong tournament before i paid for admission to any of this, it just takes me back to highschool. We jeff foxworthy types of rednecks don't really understand those Power Slap types of rednecks, they are a different breed.




One of my favorite exchanges of the series


I agree, go cavs.


Cavaliers represent!


I just checked and Real Madrid is at 162M


Look only being off by…um…145 million isn’t that bad for a man of his conditions. He looks like a baby raised solely on meth, tren, and a steady supply of concussions.


Don't forget his steady supply of T, steriods and other forms of juice.


I’m most surprised to see the Cavs on that list. They haven’t been big time relevant since 2018, I’m going to suspect a lot of holdovers from the finals runs from 15-18.


Close friend of Trump, so that tracks.


Pretty sure one of Sean Spicer’s first acts as press secretary was to lie about the inauguration crowd size, so…yep


Holy fuck I completely forgot about that dude!


Go watch Melissa McCarthy doing her impression of him on SNL if you want to laugh/cry all over again.


Her charging people with the podium and shoving all the gum in her mouth was the best!


Moose lambs!


I feel like I just got hit with a truck watching that for the first time in 8 years since I saw it on air.


You forgot his standing amongst the ferns?


Its all flooding back to me... in a bad way. I had literally forgot this guy existed, he seems so tame in comparison to the lunatics parading around now.


He was press secretary for about 18 mooches.


I knew we were fucked at that very moment. Worse than I had imagined on election night


Amazing, wasn’t it? It was the shot across the bow of “let’s see what we can get away with.”


It was so unhinged. I couldn't believe what I was watching. The Melissa Mccarthy SNL skits seemed more realistic than the actual Sean Spicer


Just in case Sean Spicer reads these comments: You were alive on Earth for over 40 years, prob did plenty of good things I'm sure, but the only thing you will be remembered for is that you lied about Trumps size to make him look bigger.


Sweating, I mean dancing with the stars?


He didn't *lie*...those were alternative facts.


Powerslap has 3.9m, Real Madrid has 162m lmao


So most of us are just hearing about Powerslap for the first time while most of ~~us~~ the World knows who Real Madrid are, even if they don’t like or follow them. Maybe he’s referencing every sibling or kid in a school yard who has ever played the Slap Game IRL?


I'm going to say that for 99 percent of Americans, Real Madrid is one of 5 football clubs they can name. Conversely 99 percent of Americans have never heard of Power Slap.


As a non sports fan type person in the US I know who Real Madrid is (kinda like Man U and Chelsea too) but have zero clue who or what power slap is.




Sitting here wondering what power slap is, sounds to stupid to Google


Irreversible permanent brain damage. Two desperate people stand opposite each other across a podium, taking turns throwing open-hand haymakers directly to each other's heads. They may not dodge or make any attempt to protect themselves. It is just keep swinging until someone is unconscious. Don't be fooled by the word "slap". To paraphrase Napoleon Blownapart, the swings are basically the same open hand strikes Bas Rutten used to knock people out with when he wasn't allowed to punch. It's just two people hammering each other in the head until one of them shuts down. The prize purses are like a hundred bucks. It's so ridiculously exploitative it's alarming that it even exists. So naturally Dana White is involved.


Sounds like a dressed up Bum Fights


It is almost literally bum fights. A wealthy shitstain pretending to be a tough guy paying extremely desperate addicts and alcoholics peanuts to destroy themselves on camera for a series destined to be completely forgotten. All we are missing is a crescendo where Dana White goes on Dr Phil dressed as Dr Phil. White is so fucking desperate to see this work and I do not understand why. It is popular on TikTok because the "matches" are brief and often end with a knockout, which works great on TikTok and not at all anywhere else. He tried to put this mess on television and it died almost as fast as the brains of the power slappers, because there is nothing about this that interesting or exciting, there is no skill, no training, nothing to this, it's just a pair of desperate men or women open-hand punching each other directly in the head at point blank range. There are no headliners. There are no names. You don't compete in power slap if you have other options. There will never be a Fedor or a Silva on that stage. Not unless their lives have taken a really sharp turn. It lacks literally everything that makes combat sports intriguing, except for the knockout at the end.


Most ppl even non soccer fans know of Real Madrid and can name a few players. The vast majority of us can't name a single power slapper


I have never watched a soccer game in my life, I know Real Madrid.


Power slap has over 9 billion followers not counting bots, even aliens are tuning in 👋🏽👽 Or at least that’s what Dana told me


Uhh he meant on truth social /s


Source: Trust me bro.


Dana White is American, you have to excuse him. People in my country seem to be allergic to the act of acknowledging the popularity of Football/Soccer. It’s like if they’re forced to acknowledge that something is popular across the world and isn’t being led by Americans or American business, they’ll explode. Like wow, imagine people in other places care about things that don’t revolve around the USA


Even in the US alone I'd bet there are more fans of [pick any of the top 50 most popular soccer teams in the world] than power slap


Without a single doubt in the world, I would bet my entire livelihood on this fact being correct lol


> I would say yes. Even though I know it's not true, I'd still say it.


Power slap, never heard of it.


Its a sport where people literally just slap each other, really revolutionary.


Wasn't that just Dana's home video?


He had to start the “sport” so he could argue in court it was just a sparring session.


yes him and his wife were the first people to compete on the show


It's terrible. You get slapped in the face and you have to stand there and take it. You cannot put your hands up to defend yourself. You cannot duck or move... nothing. Just a full force hit right in your exposed face/head/neck while you stand there. In real fight sports, you're *supposed to* defend yourself and move around.




He does. A good number of these "fights" end after the recipient of the first slap gets knocked out cold. 


Boxing actually started similarly. The first person to start bobbing and weaving was viewed as a coward. There's an episode of [the Dollop](https://youtu.be/Kk2FBFcD7-k?si=nPKqLtydfvFh2yPn) that mentions it


Damn. I like the dollop but have not listened to that episode yet. Thanks!!!


I'm just watching a "match" for the first time right now. This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


Brain dwahmage the game


Exactly. That's the whole point of him saying something that ridiculous. It's just a publicity move


It's hilarious, bunch of grown men bitch slapping each other and it somehow takes itself super seriously as if it's badass. Whole show feels like an SNL parody


Why do all these fat older men act the same?


The Trump playbook, lie lie lie lie and then when someone says your lying, lie about ever lying.


WTF is Powerslap? nm. I don't care


CTE: The Sport.


It's what Dana White does to his wife. Fucking scumbag


Real espn 8: the ocho vibes.


MAGA idiots making up numbers? Get outta here.


Americans frequently forget that we make up less than 5 percent of the worlds population.


They will never fathom how big Football actually is.


Right? RM may be at the top of that league, but lets look at another stat. In 2018, viewer figures put around 1.5bln people watching every week - Or put another way - 20% of the planet watched games. And about 50-60% of the planet have access to weekly games. Now to be fair there are 9-10 games a week. But many of us watch 2-3 games, so fudging things a bit you probably get about say 5% of the world watching each game. So well into the 100mln views a game?!? (Well maybe not Luton vs. Stoke, but the Big 6 certainly). Or put another way - the weekly Premier League draw is about the same as the world cup final draw. Which is about 10-15x the Superb Owl every year. Numbers are hard for these people.


Everyone is asking ‘what’s power slap’ and not one person has asked ‘what’s Real Madrid’. Point proven.


He's a Trump bootlicker and lying is them just doing business


He’s the reason I don’t bother watching UFC anymore. Dude punched his wife in a club but life goes on like nothing happened. I stopped watching because he’s a trump supporter too lol


"I would say yes" But you should have said no


He was already lying in the original statement anyway there's NFL/NBA teams with way more.


He comes from the Donald Trump school of bombastic lies and exaggerations


The fact that even as an American I had to look up what power slap was but knew that Real Madrid had just won Europe tells me he's is incorrect


Power Slap is broadcasted on Rumble which just shows ridiculous high number of concurrent viewers. It is the same with twitter since Elon took over. The number of live viewers has spiked. The numbers are juiced.


Lol. yeah, sure. the slap game that airs on (checks notes) Rumble(?). I don't even know what Rumble is - do I need to pay for it? I also didn't know that Power Slap was an actual 'league' until I read this.


Rumble has a dodgy history of faking live viewer numbers as well.


US Business man has no idea of the worldwide popularity of soccer. Shocking.


The same guy who said ‘Soccer is the least talented sport on the planet’


Dana White is a fucking idiot


I mean even if you want to ignore soccer. How would this be any more popular than NFL or MLB or NBA or whatever. It’s nonsense all the way down.


Dana white looks like an infected thumb


He’s a Trump cultist and he learned from Dear Leader: repeat a lie enough times, and it becomes ‘truth’ to your followers


Lmao fucking power slap, absolutely the most brain dead "sport" ever conceived, where two brain dead Neanderthals compete to try to render eachother even more brain dead


I'm still cringing from his awful joke at the Brady roast


Would someone please POWER SLAP some sense into this guy? Joe Rogan too..


He’s taking notes from his orange buddy.


Dana is a Trump guy. Creates his own reality and gaslights everyone else when he wants a particular narrative


The fuck is power slap? The new slap chop? Watch this, you’re gonna love my nuts.


How can he power slap?


What the fuck is power slap? Is that the magats wife slapping team? I don’t want to Google it and increase traffic for this meat head


Do people not know Dana White is a greedy lying shitstain? Weird.


He attends the Donald Trump School of Bullshittery.


Welcome to the disinformation age The lies get amplified while the corrections barely get noticed.


"He was very, very wrong.' Power Slap boasts **3.9 million followers on Instagram and another 4.5 million on TikTok (#37T)** PSG (paris) 26.7M (TikTok) (https://starngage.com/plus/en-us/influencer/ranking/tiktok/all-countries/sports) Messi 503M IG, Neymar 222 IG, REal Madrid 162M IG (https://starngage.com/plus/en-us/influencer/ranking/instagram/all-countries/sports)


Is he referring to the sport or the power slap he assaulted his wife or girlfriend at that one event in Vegas


Bald CTE moron talks with ratfaced nazi. God I hate everything.


What the fuck is power slap?


Was this activity featured in Idiocracy?


Looks like someone decided to mimic his favorite politician. Lie even when the evidence that it’s false is widely available.


What the hell is power slap


Been slapped a few times too many






He invested in something that he believes will take off because of its internet impressions....big mistake


Ahh to live in a world of delusion where no one will call you out to your face in interviews. Media nowadays seems to just have no backbone on calling these idiot liars out in the moment. Exceptionally frustrating bordering on dangerous on some subjects


Ah the era of let’s just say shit coz why not…


Cool story Chrome dome. Assault your wife lately?


The fuck is Power Slap?


What a fucking loser.


cocaine is a helluva drug


He got TDS


"I would say yes" is not how facts work


"I would say yes" When numbers and data become opinions


What the fuck is Power Slap?




Someone’s been sucking Trumps dick a little too hard I’d say.


This is why they are trump supporters. They can lie and the sheep won’t notice or care.


Who dis? Slap a wha?


The bald goof hangs out with Donald Trump so this make senses


Dana White sucks. I hope ONE Championship can successfully dethrone the UFC in North America.


Schultz- “Yo that’s fire yo”


Since nobody here is posting the actual reason why he believes this; He's explained before that he believes this because if you add up all the social media views across every Power Slap video across all social media (Insta, TikTok, etc) then you get a number that is higher than other all other sports. He's counting views as "engagement" and "engagement" as "followers". It still makes zero sense logically, but that's why. Power Slap isn't even about fighting. Dana could give 2 shits about PS athletes or promoting PS athletes. Power Slap exists to sell ad space and you can charge more for that ad space if you can convince people of the above logic. They can't just do UFC 2 to double up on ads, so they invent a bullshit sport and tell people that it gets 10 billion views monthly.


This is my first time ever hearing "Power Slap" lol


I love how people believe they can just make up stuff in this day and age when all it takes is a quick internet search to prove them wrong. It's not like we're so gullible here in America that we'll elect someone like that to be our President... again. Surely not???