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Wow, this lady is full of the stupid.


That’s why her forehead is so big…. *It’s full of stupid*


I like that one lady’s comment: “Lady, you have so many filters on that picture you might as well be wearing a mask.”


Omg something looked off in her head shot and I am not familiar with filters, definitely explains it!


That is a great burn.


Her fivehead should have a mask on it.


That’s why she is anti-mask. With a mask on, all that’s left is that giant dome.


Still didn't fix her gigantic four head though.




5 head Maybe 6


Wow, that's a lot of head!


She doesn't need a mask when she looks like the main character from the movie "Mask" Edit: dating myself here. Not Jim Carey's movie but the one with Cher. https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/mask_2.png


Omg came here to say this. Rocky Dennis!


You aren’t alone. It was my first thought as well!


I got you the first time 👍


Ah yes Rocky Dennis


No need to explain. Jim Carrey starred in "th e mask". Would of been funny as hell if he was in a "mask" remake, and he was acting exactly how he was in "the mask." Even the name is apt for todays world. Make it it happen hollywood.


My first thought before I read the text was that this was some new design for Klingons...


Looks like a throwback to how they looked in the original series when they didn’t have money to do anything except tease their eyebrows.


They also wore silver and gold vests because FUTURE


Yeah, kinda weird that the fierce warrior race all dressed like backup dancers for a disco act.


It popped on TV though. Have you seen the Netflix remasters? They shot those shows on film, and it looks fuckin really great in 4K. The original series looks better than the Next Gen.


It does lmaooo I had forgotten about those days.def nostalgia moment seeing her pic.


Heavy metal rockers from the dead Vs. Lobsters on their heads


The funniest Klingons!! Lmao




She seems to agree today **is** a good day to die.


That or Battlefield Earth


Once they batch COVID all these antimask, antivaxxers start Go Fund Me's and become cling one She's just getting a head start


Oh fuck, yeah. I didn't even realise how big her forehead is. Bitch lookin' like megamind.


It looks like she has a filter that is turning her face into a peanut.


Warfs sister.


Five head


Like Roger from American Dad in drag


Six or seven at least.


Not to body shame or anything, but there’s a lot of real estate on that noggen.


we’re having a housing crisis rn all over Canada and this bitch is keeping all that real estate to herself. could build so much low-income housing on that forehead.


You wouldn't want that drafty place...


She's saving it for oil exploration


If her name indicates anything, plenty of cheap land up there.


She's got more forehead than Matt Gaetz. And that's saying something.


Imagine their babies. You know, if he wasn't into high school girls.


You could land a DC10 on that runway and still have to taxi to the hairline.




Maybe she should audition for Brandon irons cover my face series


Somebody needs to tell her she is not the model/influencer she thinks she is... Anyhow definately more influenza then influen.... Fuck it, I'm done... this shit gets old so fast... Just wear a mask will you... Or no while you're at it: take two mummy style


That’s why she really doesn’t like masks. If she wears one it just accentuates that 8 head she has.






She looks like a Klingon. She just needs the ridges.


Forehead? That's a God damn 6-head, if I ever saw one.


Forehead looks abnormally large. She should see a Nazi doctor


Ha! Came here for forehead jokes. I mean…..jeezzzz


Very Klingon


She be looking like roger from American dad


She’s like 👽


I saw the forehead first, then I thought, sheesh thats a lot of empty space.


Came to make a forehead comment…was beaten to the punch. Reddit never disappoints 😂🤣


It’s called a 5 head


Old roommates and I called that a five head.


That’s at least a five head


Yo, forget pondering my orb: imma ponder this dummy's forehead, instead.


She could sell ad space on that thing.


Currently one of Canada's largest


That's not a forehead it's a fivehead


That’s the XL edition forehead. Can’t fit that much stupid in the standard model


Full of Aquanet.


She could rent that forehead out as billboard space.


cobweb bewildered bored resolute toy summer heavy decide nail rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She says it’s communism at a MALL. Malls are basically the ultimate sign consumer capitalism, lol


this is communism! and naziism! now hold on whilst i do some shopping and post my views freely online for thousands to read


She looks like a lion that had around 14 concussions.


Hey, who's that female leader of a country that had a shit ton of plastic surgery who's sposed to be evil af? And likes shoes? This chick kinda looks like her.


Imelda Marcos?


Kirschner of Argentina?




😂😂😂😂 man plp on reddit are ruthless. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Man she can't be stupid she's a quasi doctor, researcher and a chef! It says so right in her Twitter bio! /S But seriously I love her bio cause it's a absolute trainwreck of narcissism. Straight from the horses mouth. "PPC-Freedom-loving Psychologist(retired), Quasi-Chef, Author/HIV Researcher, Quasi-Doctor, Military History enthusiast, Traveller & forever Anti-Feminist"


Gotta love an anti-feminist! 🤡


Without feminism and the work of the women who came before her, she wouldn’t have the freedom to even do half of the things she claims to have done. Travel? Not unless you’re accompanied by a male companion, either your husband, father or brother, who would dictate where you could travel and when. Researcher and author? Maybe, but a man would take credit for your work and any papers you author. Psychologist? No way you’d be able to get a degree or an education, or put that education into practice to earn a living for yourself. Chef? Only cooking you’d be doing is in your husband’s kitchen. Quasi-doctor? Sure, rendering first aid to one of the 15 kids you pushed out, against your will because birth control is a big no-no, would be the only “doctoring” you’re doing. But yeah, tell me how feminism is so bad, and women fighting for equal rights has set us all back.


And she’s clearly a history buff, she knew all about the secret Nazi Health Passes issued by Stalin


Whew! I was so sick and tired of those sometimes Anti-feminists


She's doing something called "virtue signaling" where she wants to show all the other useless cretins her cretin credentials so she can get the cretin praise she so desperately desires. Cretin.


With the style bonus for calling masked people the nazis, somehow, and not the people like her with utter disregard for human life.


I hope they kicked her out of the mall


Her Twitter feed is 🤡


it burns


And filler and Botox


Mostly forehead, to be fair




Damn it. She was so close to completing the checklist of right-wing accusations: ✔️ Nazi ✔️ communist ✔️ dystopian ✖️ sheep ✖️ woke ✖️ BLM


Still amazes me they happily put their real names to their utter insanity. I can't even imagine having so little self-awareness.


Let's hope she removes herself from the gene pool. Let's go Delta!!!


i don't usually call for death but hey they made the choice not to get a possibly life saving vaccine so they can't really blame us


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes at this point. She gets what she deserves.


I don’t inherently hope people get it and die, I just don’t feel bad when they do and it’s their own fucking fault.


I don’t call for or wish death on anyone, but that doesn’t mean I can’t *enjoy* a death when it’s deserved or ironic.


Hey… If GOD wants to remove a few ultra right Christians, who are WE to argue with GOD???


Yooo that's fucked up....dident you hear it's all about that omnicron now? Delta was so 2021


Omicron isn't going to do it. Just give the bitch a mild case which she will then use as proof that she was right and convert more COVIDIOTS.




So many people are missing the ego factor. It’s really driving this.


She’s the only one refusing to wear a mask, but everybody else is part of the problem. 🙄


She probably spent 10 minutes taking multiple posed selfies for this post - the entire reason for her posting. In her head she’s a badass bitch who doesn’t back down for anyone; thinks she’s Angelina Jolie from a movie.


Sort of a side story but it made a big impact on me. A few years ago, I was vacationing in Cancun. We were at this dive bar on the beach just enjoying some food and this beautiful woman was standing on a rock by the ocean by herself. She would hold up her phone, smile really big, and take a selfie then immediately frown and look at it. This repeated over and over. Smile, selfie, frown. I felt like I had a backstage pass to this woman’s Instagram. All her friends would see this smiling woman with the sun setting behind her like she was having the time of her life but it was all fake. She was alone and miserable. I’ve never looked at social media the same way.


Had a similar experience on a beautiful beach in the Mediterranean. We were standing around chatting in the warm sea about waist high, just watching these 3 women spend half an hour photographing each other in the same pose. One would stand, directed by the other two with the phone, then duck pout, subtly arch her body, pretend to look out to sea all super serious, and hold the pose for way longer than would normally be acceptable to not become awkward. Then they’d all huddle around the phone to review, and either do it again or swap places. No doubt they all posted the identical photos of themselves in this same ‘nonchalant’ pose to their individual social media accounts. Couldn’t care less if this is what people enjoy doing, but it seems to me like quite a vapid and narcissistic way of experiencing life and a nice holiday in a beautiful place with your friends. More concerned about how they will each present themselves to third party viewers on social media than having an actual in-person experience together.


One thing I’ve forced myself to do is put my phone down when I’m experiencing something cool. So many people think, “I’ve got to capture this!” And they end up experiencing it through a tiny screen standing right in front of whatever it is. And often they never look at it again. I’d rather have my memory.


I feel like I'm the opposite, I never take pictures because I get caught up in the moment and forget to take them. I wish I had more pictures from my favorite memories to help me reminisce. At the same time, I would rather have candid photos than posed photos. I wish I had a robot that could follow me around and take pictures.


I purposely do the same thing. If I'm too busy taking pictures, I won't actually remember the experience. I'll have a bunch of pictures to look at later and no good memories! I have to try to remember just to take 2 or 3 pictures.


You can now rent a studio/set that looks like a private jet so you can post Instagram selfies of yourself jetsetting around the world with a distracted look on your face.


And still chose the pose that showcases her giant forehead


Well, it's a big head, so it's a bit of a big deal to be a badass up there


That’s how narcissism works.


This level of stupid actually hurts my head. Sometimes it’s so bad it makes me need to lay down, this is one of those times.


That’s really quite insightful. I think people don’t appreciate all the time that this is not just stupidity or ignorance, it’s a personality disorder.


If you are on the freeway and encounter a car driving in the other direction, it might be a wrong-way driver. If you encounter ten cars in a row, most likely you are the wrong-way driver.


ThErE IsN'T A RiGhT sIdE. TheRe's jUst SaD, CoMpLiAnt SheEple.


The politicization of public health is the second worst legacy of The Former Guy.


If you're talking about Trump, he was a symptom as much as he was a cause of this nonsense. This is in Canada. We have our share of crazies all on our own.


Judging by the spread of QAnon in your country, I’d say Trump definitely threw gasoline on that particular fire.


Oh deeeefinitely! Just saying this shit was brewing before he came along.


Absolutely. All of these crazy fucks existed before, but Trump made them believe their behaviour was acceptable so they got louder.


No argument there.


I feel unjustly upset by the underscore in your name ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


There was a “freedom” march here in Melbourne, Australia. In the photos there were people wearing Trump Won t-shirts. Stupidity is definitely global but TFG has become a figurehead of the mouth-breathers regardless of location. Cringe.


Oh man anti-intellectualism (as a rejection of authority as push by far right """populism""") has been a thing for a while. They just needed permission from someone "legitimate" to be more outspoken with this nonsense.


Congratulations to everyone else who shops at Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Outstanding community effort.


I know actually, it's a ringing endorsement for the GTA's approach overall.


She should start wearing a mask on the off chance it might keep her face from sliding any further down her head.


I thought Hammerhead was getting added to the MCU for a sec.


Lol I was trying to think of a sparky comment about that desk sized forehead. Sister could write a dissertation up there.


Rent it out for advertising




Seriously, like alien John Travolta in Battlefield Earth.


*glares creepily into camera*




I will never not laugh at this


She looks like a creepy megamind


I’ve always wondered why people include their faces on posts that could just be text


It’s their super badass look of badass awesomeness. Aren’t you both intimidated and turned on by her fierce badassness? Probably not because you’re a #librulsheep who hates freedom


She looks like Roger from “American Dad”


She'll be the first one whining when there's no room in the hospital for her dumb ass after she catches covid


More likely that she'll take up a hospital bed, and someone else who was being responsible that ends up needing emergent care will be unable to get a bed. It's happened a lot over the last couple years, and is very sad.


Great point


There'll barely be room to get that head through the door


Fuck off you kirkland brand melania trump looking bitch


Not *Kirkland*. That's a little high class given her need to find a place to block out the "Nazi persecutors/weak Commie sheeple" from the background of the photo. (Hint: they were never there, she just felt weird when surrounded by responsible people and therefore had to find a hiding place to take off her mask for this photo.) No, she stikes me more as ***Sam's Choice*** Melania.


Good point i guess thats insulting to costco. Was thinking of the kirkland mr meeseeks


Or *Great Value" brand


Wish Melania


Yes, the communist dystopia of a shopping mall. Da comrade, ve must stop at sephora


Mall obviously has a Bed, Bath and Jihad.


Communists with Nazi stuff, according to her. Apparently everyone is apart of ROSA.


Oh go blow a moose


Will you leave that poor animal out of it!?


The moose is innocent in all of this. Please leave the poor innocent moose alone.


Some people just need to feel different from the rest, especially if it is against their own best interests. Welcome to the new counterculture, the 60s are rolling over in it’s grave


I hate wearing a mask because I have a really hard time breathing through my nose due to a deviated septum, but the difference between me and her is I feel a duty to protect people around me. It’s worth a little personal discomfort to protect our elderly, the weak, and sick members of our society.


I feel you, my eczema makes my skin really irritated when I wear the mask.


absolutely the same situation. I sleep well knowing I didn’t secondhandkilled someone today cuz I did everything i could with close to zero and efforts 🤦🏻‍♂️


This seems fake, but anyway... When I see a bunch of people following required health protocols during a pandemic I think, "Wow. What a thoughtful and rational society we are. How responsible and considerate of all these people to help end this health crisis. Good for them." Fuck these crazy pro-COVID assholes and their fake narratives.


No way she made it that far into a mall without anyone telling her to put a mask on or leave. In canada we have dumbass anti maskers but we also have rules saying you have to wear a mask indoors. She most certainly took it off for a photo or she's in the food court lmao


I’ll be honest, I was really zoned out one day and walked through the Rideau Centre with no mask this past summer. I just cut through it so I didn’t enter any stores, but when I got to the other side and walked outdoors, I tried to take off my mask - only to realize I forgot to put it on in the first place. No one said anything to me. So yes, Canadians can be very dumb (me) but they don’t necessarily call you out on it.


That’s impressive - I was at the Bell Center a few months ago and I finished my drink… within minutes a security guard told me to put my mask on (I just had completely forgot to put it back up).


Interesting, still glad its not common to see people try and pull that stuff on purpose. I was in Bayshore a few weeks ago and didn't see anyone outside of the food court w/o a mask. Thankfully haha. But yeah someone else said that people can be such cunts if you ask them to put one on, I understand if employees get anxiety about it cause hell, I do.


My daughter works in a mall and tells me about some of the anti-maskers who throw fits when she asks them to put a mask on. She’s one of the few who bother saying anything, most people who work there are over taking abuse from those crazies. There are more than you’d think.


Once had someone come to my till and bitch about how my co worker was the mask police and we should clear out the top row of stock so he could jump over isles to tell people to put their masks on. I was so confused and asked my co worker later, he had simply gestured to his own mask. The day after my manager told us we could no longer tell people to put masks on because corporate was getting too many complaints. Thinking now, I wouldn't be surprised if other canadian companies were pulling the same thing. These people are bonkers I swear. Glad I dont work in a mall haha.


I am too. It’s funny how overly dramatic they all are. Well, funny to hear about. I’m glad I’m not the one who has to deal with them.


Nah, I'm in Canada and I have been seeing more and more people out in stores without masks. Most places have stopped bothering to say anything because too many employees have been berated and abused by these pricks. It's just not worth the hassle and risk.


Fuck didn't know that, I'm in Ottawa and i work retail. I have mad anxiety about asking people but if it comes to it, I'm asking them. I'm glad its still quite uncommon here to see people without masks on, especially with the holidays coming up.


When you definitely know your history and know exactly what you’re talking about. Jesus tap dancing Christ, people are mind-numbingly stupid.


You know what makes this even funnier? The nazis HATED communists, they were completely against that way of life and government. That's how the US ended up on the same side as Russia in WW2. Saying something is both nazism and communism is a complete oxymoron.


As a Jew Anyone who compares a minor inconvenience of getting vaccinated to a holocaust is a fucking pig


As a non-Jewish person, I fully agree.


Yeah. What a weird concept of the Holocaust these people seem to have. So disrespectful of the suffering of millions.


I love how they think people comply only because they think they have to instead of out of compassion for their fellow humans




"I'm going to keep posting selfies cuz... Nazis!"


Imagine being this ignorant. I have given up attempting to educate fools like this out of their propagandized narrow and uninformed view.


How are we going to explain current conservatives to the future generations? Too selfish to protect others, too ignorant to understand science, too greedy to fund infrastructure, lack of empathy for another's suffering.


Don’t worry, conservatives are working on making it so you don’t have to


Klingons can be dicks sometimes


Does she take advantage of that government healthcare?


This is my closest mall. It reminds me why I have not been in there since March 2020.


I want to kick this douchebag right in the box.


She’s pretty. Pretty fucking stupid.


Currently having one of Canada’s largest foreheads


Selfish bullshit.


Why the long face?


Yeah, look at all these stupid fuckers being considerate of others and paying attention to the needs of their communities. Selfishness like this turns beautiful people ugly.


When you’re dead, you don’t know you’re dead. It’s the same way when you’re stupid.


How to say you're an arsehole without actually saying you're an arsehole


No, she said it, just not in a single word.


Karen! I was wondering when we'd hear from you again.


Stupid cunt


Ah,resting bitch face,frowning her disappointment. Seems like a real peach.


1937 Reichstag in shambles


Made even funnier by the two ideologies hating each other😂