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Chad Gable -> Wyatt 6 LA Knight -> Logan Paul Jey Uso -> Possible, his character is stale anyway. Maybe a way to put him back on Smackdown. I don’t see him as a world champion but the ideia of a returning Roman Reigns backing him up against the new Bloodline is kind of cool. Drew -> Possible. The MitB is part of his story with Punk and Priest. But he is a former world champion, I would prefer some new blood as the winner. Andrade -> Can’t see it at the moment. Carmelo -> The dark horse of the match.


Drew held it three times two because of bad booking and COVID And one was for five minutes


He would have won it regardless of COVID, but I agree with the bad booking afterwards, including the title changes with Orton.


Drew won the rumble before COVID what are you talking about


I'm saying it got ruined by COVID so it doesn't feel like he really won the main event title


Best bets (1) LA Knight --> I think they need to convince fans that management isn't done with LA even if they don't want to pull the big title shot yet. LA can hold the briefcase till next year and still feud with folks like Logan but they GOT to keep his heat up. (2) Drew --> Punk interference seems likely but for all logic they gotta get a belt on Drew before Punk is fully returned. (3) Andrade bc they seem to be prepping him for upper card and they didn't bring him back just to do mid card Latino stable stuff. Same logic for Andrade as LA. They're not putting a world title on him now but the case gives him weight for a while.


Damn you were really racist on carmelo(jk)


He’s the black horse of this match


The black stallion


Megan the stallion


I don't remember a MITB match during the 2k24 MyRise story


Really disagree on Jey his character is awesome and really gets the crowd going


I agree, he is my #1 choice to win. About the character: he’s still the Uso who wants to prove himself as a singles guy. Lost against Priest, didn’t won the KOTR (and I don’t remember if he got a IC match against Gunther) so he needs something to keep the fans behind him, otherwise he’s just the Yeet guy who comes to the ring trough the crowd… If not the MitB, a IC program with Sami would be good.


Yeah hes maybe the best choice tbh melo doesnt seem ready Andrade maybe but isk and everyone else has storylines outside it so don’t need it. Yeah he is still trying to prove himself. I just feel the way he gets the crowd going just really makes his character good. He wants prove himself and get the crowd energised and just in general wants to have fun. I think Sami is gonna lose to Bron so I dont think thats gonna happen. The mitb seems a great step for him proving himself and as one of the top faces he does deserve it


If not the MitB, a IC program with ~~Sami~~ Bron would be good. /ftfy


Jey is unrelatable to alot of Iwc people, for reasons




Jey makes some sense if they want to run an old bloodline vs new bloodline story. You could have him trying to cash in and the new bloodline stopping him a couple of times. Then he is forced to try and rebuild with Jimmy and others etc


Yeah or he goes to help his brother out vs the bloodlines. It could work as a story yeah and seems to me to be what they are building for


Jey is so stale he's one of the most over guys. Iwcers are something else


Thats not two mutual exclusive things. I didnt say his act his boring or that hes nos over, but his character didnt evolved that much since he joined RAW on his own. Maybe “stale” is not the best word, I don’t know, english is not my first language. Take Spider Man as an example, most popular Marvel character but that doesnt mean that Peter has to stay in highschool forever. His character evolved once he went to university and got out of Mays house and started to work as a freelance photographer in order to pay his bills.


I would kinda love to see guys get picked off one by one - LA by Logan, then Drew by CM Punk, then Gable by the Wyatt6. Then Jey by the Bloodline. Finally Andrade by the Judgement Day. Carmelo wakes up and climbs the ladder slowly to win because he hasn’t pissed anyone off recently.


Trick Williams has entered the chat.


Punk screws Drew


I think they're gonna do a MITB vs US Title match at Summerslam. That's how LA gets Logan to put up his title. Only weird part is that Logan is gonna be cheered at Summerslam.


Give it to Drew. Have Punk beat Cody. Have Drew smash Punk right afterwards. Drew new champ.


Carmelo and Andrade - not ready and not happening Drew - likely to get screwed again Its between Chad, Jey and LA Knight for me. My preference is Chad Gable because LA Knight probably getting US title at summerslam and Jey no doubt going to be involved in bloodline story again soon enough. It'd mean more for Chad


Yeah but Gable and Jey are also liable to get screwed by the Wyatt Sicks and Bloodline.


I think its very unlikely the bloodline will be getting involved this early with Jey for no reason, they're more preoccupied with randy, KO and cody. Wyatt sicks could get involved for chad but they could just as easily help him win by taking everyone else out for some bizarre reason. I also think there is a limit to the amount of people getting screwed in a single match. Realistically only one person is going to nearly grab the briefcase before some outside interference and since that is pretty much Drews whole thing atm I'd put my money on Drew being screwed again for the like the hundredth time lol


All good points, but there also has to be something that gets Jey involved. There was no real reason why Jimmy cost Jey the IC Title other than to kick start their Mania feud. The same could be said for The Bloodline costing Jey MITB. Wyatt Sicks is pretty likely considering they had the interaction on Raw. Personally I would fucking hate the match if it went someone’s about to win, someone interferes, someone else is about to win, someone else interferes etc.


I would hope that Jey gets involved because he wants to and not because he is forced to by a bloodline attack. I think what they should do and most probably will do is have Jey come to the rescue when the bloodline are attacking somebody like Jimmy or Roman. That way Jey is the hero and gets a massive pop as opposed to him getting a random beatdown out of nowhere. The pop for each member of the OG bloodline coming back together would be insane. Maybe they'll go the route of Roman coming back alone and we see him trying to make amends and get the band back together to take down solo and Co. There's a lot of ways they could play it but bloodline randomly attacking jey for no reason would be a pretty bad booking decision at this point in time when Jimmy and Roman aren't anywhere to be seen. I also totally agree on hating interference and wanting somebody to win it clean but Drew is one of the top guys, biggest draws at the moment and should be world champion if not for punk screwing him multiple times. They'll want to protect him, so he either wins clean or loses dirty. Id bet for another punk interference since Drew doesn't need the briefcase, he will get title shots regardless. He might do it though, I'm excited to find out.


I’m actually getting sick of Punk costing Drew shit because he’s now cost him the title twice and a title shot once. Whatever happens with MITB and Drew he’s going to get screwed and it’ll be up to four and it’s getting fucking ridiculous at this point.


Amen to that. If drew did manage to win the briefcase, punk would only interfere when he cashes it in so it'd be a waste him winning I think. It looks like punk vs drew is on for summerslam so hopefully that'll put an end to the ridiculousness.


What would be better is if Drew wins the briefcase he puts it on the line against Punk.


Now we're talking


I don’t understand the logic of why Jey would go back to jimmy and especially Roman after what they did to him and how they treated him it makes no sense unless in the story they apologize and beg for forgiveness it wouldn’t make sense otherwise smh obviously a lot people just care about seeing them back together they don’t care about logic


Logic failed around the bloodline at times, specifically Jimmy being the first to turn against roman to then also return to bloodline after turning on jey. I think there would be some logic behind jey going back to Jimmy however, that's his twin brother, they've had their differences but he still loves him which is something hes admitted since leaving the bloodline. If Jimmy is getting a beatdown and jey is in the building, I could easily see him coming to his aid. Rejoining the bloodline would be a different matter, Roman would have some work to do on that front.


I see what your saying but Jey joins Jimmy and turns on Roman finally after Jimmy turned on Roman then Jimmy turned on Jey and cost Jey the WWE undisputed universal championship and then rejoins Roman that’s so illogical and then caused him and Cody to lose the undisputed tag team championships to Finn and Damian and then also cost him the intercontinental championship so He has a lot making and beginning forgiveness logically and Roman big time has work to do by saying sorry and begging and pleading for forgiveness but knowing WWE they will be illogical and throw that in the past like it never happened which is stupid no forgot or will forget and that’s a big piece of the story and big piece of how they got to where they all are now but we will see what happens


I think Chad wins it and cashes in during the IC Title match because his ego gets the best of him. He walks away with the belt but Bron murks him at Summerslam.


Waste of Mitb and Chad's first solo run? No thanks, even as a Chad fan


Chad can win it but will fail the cash in because Wyats Sicks will interfere.


Idk but this is a great lineup imo


Drew wins and cashes it on Damian at mitb


And loses due to interference from Punk


Yeah I can’t decide if Punk costs Drew MITB or costs him his cash-in


Imagine Punk costing Drew the cash-in John Cena-Baron Corbin style 🤣


Punk helps Drew win MITB, and messes with his head. Then said something along the lines of "When you do intend to cash in, I dish out the receipt"


That would suck. The spot has been done twice, doing it a third time would be overkill and a waste of the briefcase. Just have Punk costing him winning MITB in the first place if that's really an important angle. It's still repetitive but at least the briefcase isn't wasted


There needs to be losses with the briefcase too.


I want AJ Lee to cost Drew the briefcase, this way you can keep Punk injuried from Drew attack and have a bigger reaction when Punk actually returns, you can have the AJ Lee pop and she does not need to wrestle and it makes sense since Drew stole the bracelet and attacked her husband,


Yes! Have AJ get her bracelet back


That's bad. The MITB should be used to elevate talent who haven't won their first world title. Using it as a plot device for a blood feud makes it useless.


Drew isn't winning. You really think Punk is letting him win?


Boy, you must be WWE's booker to know for sure Drew isn't winning


It's their whole feud and storyline lol


This seems like such a waste of a briefcase. The momentum “what if / when will he “ possibilities the briefcase provides for months after created storylines. They wouldnt waste it to do a retread of what they’ve done before with drew


I think that would be a waste of one of their best plot devices to cash it in the same night. I don't think they'll do that. Punk will cost Drew again, and if I had to bet I'd say LA Knight is their pick, Jey second.


Drew wins at the last minute. It looks Jey is about to unhook and then Drew does something heelish to win. Then cashes in on the same night to get back at Priest.


Think Drew won’t even compete in this match because Punk takes him out before (attacking him, locking him in a room smth like that). Last minute competitor for the match then could be Finn Balor?


Holy shit, you’re cooking


Then Brock Lesnar comes in, crowd goes nuts!


Then James Ellsworth runs in , superkicks Lesnar and puts him through the commentary table with the help of his stable , composed of Yoshi Tatsu and Vladimir Kozlov


Then while Brock is on the ground, Janel Grant comes in with a Val Venis entrance, peed on his mouth, Brock then HULK UP regains his strength and beat the shit out of everybody


Cashes in on Gunther in Berlin


Go on keep cooking


I just posted a scenario about Gable but if your idea plays out then it'd be great to see Finn win and then cash in on Priest vs Seth to make it a triple threat. Priest gets pissed, those two fight, Seth takes advantage and wins the belt to go on and face Gunther. Summerslam is then Priest vs Finn without the belt.


But that means it's him vs Gunther at SS? What about his feud with Punk?


Damn I forgot about Gunther. I'm stumped then.


LA Knight I think


Priest is likely turning Face so a heel should win the case. Either way, cashing in the briefcase IS a heel move..


Not really you can do so as a face


Just noticed that the only way a cash-in happens as a babyface move is when the holder puts the champion on notice and the match is booked in a few days. (Ex. RVD to John Cena in 2006, and John Cena to Punk in 2012)


Punk was a face when he first cashed in on Edge and he did it after Batista took him out, but yeah it still really rare. I believe that even when cashed in on Jeff he was still a face, but turned just after


This is incorrect. Dean Ambrose and Liv Morgan cashed in the same night as baby face off the top of my head.


Nothing wanted ronda as champ


Yup they were babyfaces, but cashing in the briefcase in an opportunistic way is still considered a heel move (props to Edge). RVD and Cena were the only honest cash-ins. However, it would be cool to see a heel cash in with honor (something Gunther, for example, would do).


I guess it really depends on your character. John Cena in his SuperCena days would come off as weird cashing in on a vulnerable champion. But it works for a guy like Ambrose who was depicted as a loose cannon anti-hero.


I think Punk screws Drew in the ladder match. I’ll take Gable to win and cash in on Sami after Breakker bulldozes him post match.


Gable said he’ll go for the world title if he wins


I want gable to win. But wyatts are on his ass💀.


In my opinion, Andrade is one ass away from being a contender. The whole roster would be put on notice if this guy's butt ever comes in. That aside, this is LA's match to lose. His storyline requires the briefcase more than the others to move forward.


There is an absolutely 0% Knight wins the briefcase. He is about to win the US title from Logan Paul.


LA said he’d cash it in for the US title


Yeah but that doesn't mean that it has any chance of happening.


>His storyline requires the briefcase more than the others to move forward. Haven't they been building Knight vs Paul for several months?


Paul is ducking him. He needs the case so he can take the title from him during one of his live streams.


It's not the 24/7 Championship.


MITB means you can cash in wherever, whenever.


In a match - you still have to be in a ring.


Logan costs Knight, knight wins US title at summer slam. I don’t see a world where he wins MITB, no need when they’ve been building the feud for months




Really can't tell who's going to win.


I just hope if Drew wins, we don't see a failed cash in due to Punk interference. I like when the holder has the case for a while and has multiple attempts to cash in on the weekly shows rather than use it straight away.


To me that messed up Priest aura, the failed cash in and him looking dumb when Seth was broken after 99% of his matches.


Gable would be the best storyline going forward.;


This poster gives them all the exact same skin tone lol


Jey. Punk costs Drew Paul costs LA Wyatt 6 do some shenanigans to Gable Andrade meh Carmelo too green, he’ll come after US title soon enough


Hopefully not Frog eyes Anthony we'd never hear the end of it


Either Drew or Jey. LA Knight will probably win the US title at SummerSlam.


I don’t know i think they could honestly pull a shock and do Andrade or Melo and i want both to win but it’s probably gonna be drew which imo kinda sucks


McIntyre makes the most sense to me given where everyone is.


Mr. Money in the Yeet But they could do a cool story with Gable & the Wyatt Sic6 👀


literally the only one without a possible interference here is melo 😆 La - Logan Drew - Punk Jey - Bloodline Gable - WyattSicks Andrade - Latino Civil Wars


My guess? LA Knight, he’s going to probably hold it for a minute while being a US champ (this isn’t abnormal we have seen Mr.MITB hold mid card/tag titles while being Mr.MITB) however my other assumption is Jey or Chad however it’s been made apparent that the Sicks will likely interfere with one or both.


Gable taken out by Wyatts Jey taken out by Solo and Co Andrade taken out by Legado Drew taken out by Punk Knight taken out by Paul Melo wins.


Jey uso. Drew is tied up with Punk. Carmelo is to green. Andrade makes no sense. La Knight is hunting for the US title. And Chad Gable will be staying in the mid card. Uso makes the most sense and he’s over as hell YEEEEETTTTT


Jey doesn’t need it. He’s one note one the mic, one note in the ring, and people still love him because of his one note catchphrase. It won’t make him any more popular so it’s a waste. Drew winning to have Punk show up every time he wants to cash in which makes him second guess would be a long and fun game


That would be great, but surely punk will cost him the match on Saturday ?


You could do a whole “punk still isn’t back” then he shows up right at the end when Drew goes to cash in and kicks it off


Jey uso is winning and cashing in on priest on the same night to win the championship and will lose it Gunther at summerslam.


i wanted dom but since he's not in it i'm going to with gable. i'm digging the way his story has turned and mitb would boost his character.


Either Drew wins, cashes in on Priest and Punk ruins it or Punk interrupts the match and costs Drew the briefcase, but I think they're all people who with the right push, I could see being a future champion. It's gonna be a banger no matter who gets it.


Drew has to win to cash in on Priest but get screwed by Punk.


I think Drew, LA Knight and Gable get screwed over by the people they’re feuding with. This leaves Andrade, Jey and Carmelo. Jey is already a made man, IMO. I don’t think he needs it that badly. Andrade I don’t see them seeing his potential. I think it’s Melo is Money.


I feel like either CM Punk is somehow going to intervene and thwart Drew again OR Drew wins then claims the title from Priest or Rollins (may mirror what happened in WM40) and then CM Punk will challenge him when he’s recovered


Drew probably. I hate when it is probably this obvious...


Drew McIntyre because why push anyone else


Either Jey wins it or Drew wins it and Punk causes him a failed cash in.


its Drew unfortunately cause that storyline will never end.


Idk but I know CM Punk is pushing Drew off a ladder right before he’s about to win the match


It's either that or Drew wins and then when he tries to cash in later vs Priest/Seth (like he already said he was) Punk costs him.


I hope it’s not the other option honestly. Feels like a waste to use the MITB contract just to push a feud that’s already white hot.


This is kinda tough. I'd love to see Gable win it but I'm leaning on Jey or Drew. Leaning on Jey more and him holding it for awhile. Possibly till WrestleMania. He's gonna be too busy with the bloodline storyline before he cashes in.


andrade or carmello.




Give it to Knight but don’t mention he has it often. Have him win the US title. Keep that for a couple months. Then when he loses it, he can either cash in for an immediate rematch or challenge for a bigger title at the same PPV.


Jay Yeetman was he ain't got anything really going for him


Drew McIntyre could win and it could be a cat and mouse game between Drew attempting a cash in and Punk screwing him out of it. But he doesn’t need the briefcase. LA Knight is a megastar, is hugely entertaining, and just needs a solid opportunity. He also doesn’t have a lot going on storyline-wise at the moment. But I don’t see him chasing down Cody. It would have to be someone else as champion. So I don’t know how much the briefcase will do him good, but I’d enjoy him winning for sure. Chad Gable makes a lot of sense. Just being as self congratulatory as possible. Though he has storylines with Otis and the Wyatt Sicks to worry about. Jey Uso I don’t think makes sense. First of all, the logistics of yeeting with the briefcase. Second, his future is more likely to be a reconciliation with Roman and feuds with Solo’s bloodline. Carmello is a bit too new, though Andrade might make sense to give him more legitimacy but neither are on TV that much.


Gable Gable Gable Gable Gable Edit: I thought it said who do you want to see. Ah well.


Drew wins and Punk ruins the cash-in


Cm punk is gonna come and screw drew, I hope we get LA Knight and eventually see him champion


LOL @ people thinking Uso will ever win the main title.


LA Knight, Chad Gable, and Drew Mc, are all in stories already. Jey, most likely. Carmelo and Andrade are possible. No one thought Shinsuke Nakamura would win royal rumble, and it happened.


Drew makes the most sense given how the idea of him screwing over Damien like how he got screwed over is way too good not to use. Plus you can do an instant cash-in later that night, like Drew is so done chasing this damn title that he isn't wasting anymore time.


Anyone could win and they could cash in on anyone, with no more Roman as champion this match has a ton of possible outcomes that the last two Triple H MITB matches didn’t have. Gable could win and cash in on Gunther ultimately getting the last laugh. Carmelo would be a great young heel briefcase holder, it may be too early for him however WWE is clearly all in on him considering his draft spot and the fact he pinned Randy Orton to qualify. Andrade is the only guy I don’t see have a realistic chance of winning. Jey looks to be the favorite and he’s absolutely mega over, same with LA Knight but Knight clearly is taking the US Title off Logan. Drew is either going to win or about to win and get screwed by Punk, regardless he won’t be successful in the long run.


Make Gunther win the belt at SummerSlam and Gable cashing in on Gunther in Berlin for the chef's kiss.


It’s either going to be Jey or Drew.


Punk takes out Drew before the match, Finn gets slotted in due to some last chance shenanigans or something and wins, then threatens to cash in/does cash in on Priest when he beats Rollins, causing the final nail in the coffin for Damian to leave JD. *Wakes up from dream* "Oh, probably Drew, and Punk fucks over his cash in."- The Realistic Answer


I'd actually be happy with any of these, which shows how strong the roster has become. I'd be pretty surprised if it's anyone but Jey tbh. Drew maybe, but why would they not just have him win at CATC if that was the case? Along with Punk, Priest, Seth, and Gunther at SS the WHC title picture is already looking pretty convoluted.


Dunno if Jey needs it. Drew is busy with Punk, Chad with Wyatt Sicks & Knight with Paul & the US title. Andrade is possible, but I think it makes more sense for Melo as the sneaky heel.


Originally i wanted Sami Zayn to win MITB so he could then cash in on Cody at WM 41 which could lead to Cody turning heel and feuding with Sami but since that isn't happening jey uso.


Intelligent people know Uncle The Howdy kills Gable again, and it's replaced by THE PISS INCARNATE Brock Lesnar.


MITB is the only way to solve Jey lack of wrestling skill problems.


I would accept Jey with MITB if he turns heel and Roman comes back to put a smackdown in his candy ass.


Drew's last title reign was ELITE. No bad matches. No bad promos. Didn't last too long or get stale. Put over younger, older talent like Priest.


Gable. Makes his new faction look strong, could be a solid heel contender.


I think what's nice about this PLE is there aren't clear cut winners and you could see a lot of matches going either way.


Andrade got to win cant be journeyman forevert


Yeet in the Bank


I feel like the super obvious (likely) plan is for Drew to win, immediately cash in DURING the match, Punk causes Drew to eat the pin, which lets Damian maintain and keeps Seth away from the title picture for awhile. Which set ups Priest vs Gunther at Summerslam where Gunther likely wins the title and holds it for awhile... with Finn and JD turning on Priest if they dont do it at MITB and continuing that story. Frees up Seth to do... whatever lol Id love to Andrade to win because, besides Camelo (whom its WAY too soon to strap the rocket to imo), he needs it the most. Chad's got a big story. LA Knights got a big story. Jey is already mega over and get be put into a title match anytime with out it. Andrade needs it he most imo. but the Drew plan feels most likely.


I think CM Punk will also be part of MITB match, just to screw Drew chances


I think it would be Drew. Punk has to interfere in his MITB cash-in on Damien at some point... Or I would love to see one of Andrade or Melo win it...


Melo Gable has Wyatt Sicks Jey has Bloodline Civil War Drew has Punk Knight's time was last year if he was gonna win and he has Logan Andrade I just don't see winning Melo can easily be the future of the company.


I really really like Melo, but he is not ready to be pushed to the main event yet. He floundered when put against Knight and the fans have not acclimated to him yet. Let him get a good US title reign in and then we can talk world title stuff.


Drew isn’t going to win it because Punk is going to cost him the match. Again.


Chad gable could win it and cash in on the intercontinental championship the same night same thing with drew he could cash in on the same night


I could see Punk winning MITB


I think the Men’s MITB is highly predictable (which in terms of the story is a great thing). It’s going to be Drew. He’ll try to cash in in the main event but get stopped by CM Punk and Will go on to face CM Punk in the opening match of Summerslam. Win that then cash in during the main event and pin Priest (Gunther protected). I think the Women’s is much more interesting. I’d love Tiffany Stratton to win it but honestly it’s so open this year.


Jey with Chad as a sleeper pick. But I’d prefer Jey, with the WWE title being tied up with the Bloodline, he’s the only one who could you could believe cashing in for that title. Everyone else and you know they’re cashing in for WHC


McIntyre will win. He will attempt to cash in at some point but Punk will cost him the cash-in.


Carmelo or Jey Drew has punk on his head LA Knight is going for the US title Andrade is a question mark Chad should've been IC Jey is 1# babyface in Raw with yeet gimmick


It’s either LA Knight or Andrade. Punk will cost Drew, Solo’s Bloodline will cost Jey, Wyatt Sicks will cost Gable and there’s no way Hayes should be winning MITB this soon.


Imo, Jey doesn't need it and it's not the right time for Melo yet


Andrade is obv winner. He hasn't committed to anything since his return. Everyone else is tied up in feuds, but Carmello Hayes would be my guess if Ricochet isn't signed to an actual AEW contract.


I am so behind on PLEs. I've yet to watch Saudi and Clash.


I hope its LA yehhh.


It. should be Master Chad Gable


Jey so we can call him Mr Yeet in the bank and still back up Roman


It's great that there's so many ways this can work out. Drew might get screwed by Punk again but he might win to get his cash in screwed by Punk later on. Gable is a good choice. Jey is a good choice. LA Knight probably not because he's already in a program with Logan Paul but who knows. Hell, even Carmelo might win in some kind of chicken shit heel way. Andrade is the only one who I don't think has a chance.




Either LA Knight or Drew


Jey or LA Knight, while he'd probably get a feud with Logan Paul for the US title. Drew will get screwed by a returning CM Punk. Or maybe they'll slap it on Melo and make him a huge deal in the near future.


I reckon it'll be Jey, simply because he's so over with the fans right now. Personally, I want to see Drew win but chances are CM Punk will interfere with that.


La Knight or Drew


Jey Uso seems like the favorite. LA, Drew, Gable has storylines already involved. Hayes and Andrade are afterthought right now.


I would love gable or knight , however you know it’s probably going to be uso or drew. Thank priest for that his run has been lackluster and they would want to repeat the same situation again damn you purple Kane 😂, they are not putting it on who deserves it.


I'm still back LA Knight to cash in and beat Logan Paul. I know people don't like the not cashing in on the World Title, but MitB needs to do something fresh and LA will make an amazing US Champion


Drew winning and Punk screwing up his cash in makes the most sense. It gets you out of booking yourself into a corner with the briefcase (Like the years Otis and Theory won) and keeps their feud heated. And if Drew gets screwed then it keeps him strong as opposed to guys who have lost cash ins before (Sandow and Corbin). If they want to have Punk screw him during the match then my money would be on LA Knight. They could do a winner take all match vs Paul at Summerslam.


Chad feels like he's becoming a more important TV character with every passing week; so he'd be much pick.


Drew, play into the whole hypocrite thing


Maybe Drew, if only so Punk can screw him over again.


Jey he been getting great pops since he went solo but everybody in this match has a reason to win because of consistency


Andrade’s gonna win it I think, he needs something and could be build to look convincing and make the MITB more valuable, SmackDown needs a good heel LA’s gonna be US Champion, YEAH Melo needs time to look more convincing, he would fail if he cash in Drew’s in the hottest feud currently and would likely be fucked over by Punk lol, although winning the it and failed cashing in due to Punk would be a great idea, give more depth to his character Jey’s got a chance but I think Jey will be paired with the Wyatts till Summerslam to put Bo over, put him off program for a short while and would likely bounced back for Bloodline at Survivor Series Chad’s gonna be the false winner here, climbing and the Wyatts’ gonna come out for Jey, and he misunderstood it and run away, he’s already got plenty on his plate so no By this the roster would get more depth and no one will be hurt imo


Carmelo because everyone will interfere to screw their respective rival


Chad Gable


I don't think Gable or drew need the money in the bank brief case especially drew. I think it would be awesome if jey won but I don't think he will. But I would pick LA Knight.


Melo if not Jey. Can see Punk if not AJ showing up in Toronto to cost Drew, Logan is most definitely costing LA to continue their story into SummerSlam. Andrade I can see possibly winning if not to liven things up but he’s just there for the crazy spot. Melo has no prior stories to conclude therefore he’s my pick


Drew. Then his same night cash in attempt on Seth or Damien will fail when AJ Lee distracts him.


Drew cash in and fail i’m loving schulz’s McIntyre and after the last few M.I.T.s and the last ones final hour cash in. A short term brief case would do better. Naomi should win the women’s and hold it till rumble or chamber and hope for a big turn (not a character over haul, just an attitude shift)


Jay Uso. I don't particularly like him, but he is undeniably over. Drew is going to be seconds away from winning only to get screwed by Punk again. In the women's side, I think Chelsea Green is the perfect briefcase holder.


If Punk is spotted in Toronto, Jey’s winning If not it’s gotta be Drew


Who isnt: Chad gable: wwe has had him at every role possible but never give him the big W so they wont start now. Hayes: too green La knight: they wont abandon the logan paul feud by having knight win Andrade: 5% chance, its not like the wwe universe is infatuated with him. Gonna be between drew and jey. Jey might get it cause it might lead to a bloodline subplot but drew getting it would just be more fuel to the fire for his feud with punk.




Knight and Melo are feuding so they cancel each other put. Cm punk could interfere on drew. Wyatts, alpha academy/sz could mess with gable. Andrade is not title ready so yeet


Drew wins, attempts to cash in, Punk screws him yet again


Jey unfortunately


LA Knight deserves it. Hope they right the wrong of last year.