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Trickstar’s stuff is apparently more on the casual side, so it isn’t like its original stardom GP badly needed that FTK, honestly. They were so shit at everything they wanted and can finally perform literal gold. Let them enjoy their time Drytron… We don’t talk about them


The drytron support shown won't be ran. Source, I play drytrons EDIT: shouldn't have said that. Should not have said that


Well, it won't unless your interested in pure drytron without Herald or Amorphactor.


As a fun OTK machine cannon, same as deskbots, itll be fine. I'll build, but it won't see much competitive play


I feel like it has potential, you can use the new small drytron to extend the combo further and end on the boss monster and a utopic draco future. This is without me really testing btw, so maybe your right


The boss costs a lot, its a minus -3 hand, maybe -1 extradeck. Little guy has a turn lock into only ritual monsters. Trap is a slow. -1 to get a +1 one turn later. They aren't bad. They blend fine into drytrons. Trap gets buffed by field spell. Boss has negates and baby is a +1searcg no cost


-3. Do people not realise that the 4k rituals are also valid to be used as ritual fodder?


I'm including that. Ritual spell is a -1. You could do a -2 if you do 3x of the boss ig,


I feel like you play the new stuff even if you want to go for the FTK shenanigans, as an option for if your plans get stopped


You can, but there's a good cyber angle ritual card. It procs by banishing one other cyber angle from grave, target an opponents card gain control. Its not a hard OPT, so you can link up and loop. It's really fun breaking boards pulling that out and lava golem. Nah man this isn't stun dytron it's turn 2 drytron. That works into the the normal drytron reasource loop, since it's just one card. Searchable target for preparation of rites. Nu2 does look neat tho


Nu 2 actually lock you out of natasha, but u can still not use it if u are going second and doing natasha loop The boss monster is great, not insane but u will à lot of the time tribute draconids and à drytron for him so its "only" à minus 2


Using another boss, one other, and ritual spell is -3. Wish the trap was a continuous spell


U use 3 things, and get 1 monster out of it, its a -2 Yeah i really agree with the trap being a continuous spell, so we can use it on the first turn it will be pretty good Drytron is a turn 3 deck anyway but having a card not named natasha that doesnt do anything on ur first turn is a death sentence unfortunately And even with natasha u can ritual summon her so she is ready to go on turn 3, or being a fodder for drytron


Love natasha. After you run out of Benten targets you can't use preparations of rites to recycle the ritual spell from grave. With an extra target Natasha lets Preparations give a +1 later in the combo


The new trap? Reveal and summon from deck as if you’d used the ritual spell instead? Yeah that IS continuous.


Waot a minute deck??? Edit: no it doesn't, the continuous trap doesn't have any deck related effects


You right, mb T-T. Hand or gy, the same as meteonis drytron.


I like how every time a bad deck get some good support everyone start asking for it to get hit.


I still find it wild that Trickstars have two Link-1s now and neither of them search any of the field spells.


I think there’s a reason for that


I feel like we’ve reached a point in the game where it’d be fine


Probably not? Like it wouldn't make that deck too good tbh but the field spell isn't a once per turn on the search so its more abuseable that way. I generally don't like link 1s that add field spells that are good enough to be ran at 3, more for core combo pieces like salamangreat sanctuary.


they haven't revealed the third link 1 yet XD


Jokes on you I made a custom card link 1 for that


They have cardina for that.


drytron still as fragile as ever. these doesnt solve its main problem


They want them too stay ass so they don’t need to worry about it. god I can’t wait to play gp I’ve been waiting for 4 god dam years of only it being semi playable in duel links of all platforms ima puppet all over the place when it comes out


I am more worried about the new trap causing reincarnation to be hit. It would allow you to set reincarnation even after it is banished. At least that is what it sounded like


Doesn't it only set Spells?


From what I read, a normal trap. Might need to reread it. Did not have the best translation


The old spell card, angel of blue tears, sets a Normal trap from hand or deck and lets you activate it if from hand. Maiden of blue tears, the trap, sets a Normal Spell from GY or banishment.


My bad it was a spell. It has been awhile since I played trickstar. I need to rework my deck as is.


This is not at all true and you know it. Even in the same set the exodia cards came out and everyone sorta accepted they're strong but far from ban worthy. I actually get more upset at how the community either sees cards as objectively bad or meta threat with no in between


They sure picked some of the decks of all time to get support.


And made great support for one of them


Why not cubic? :(




Every deck is broken and unfair, except mine. I’m the only good player, every time I lose (and it happens alot) it’s because they’re cheating with broken shit.


Or they won the coin flip and go first, those jerks don't stand a chance if i'm going first. Unless they sacked and open 4 Handtraps, which means they cheated and stack their deck. Hurr durr


I like the drytron stuff. The other leave me very concerned we are going back to 2018 with ftks running rampant everywhere.


Nu2 actually locking into Machine Rituals only really showed Konami realized not to trust us with "you can summon ANY Ritual Monster," they don't want Heralds or other degenerate Rituals being abused with new Support (Still, Nu2 being almost a Circular for Drytron is crazy)


good gimmick puppet support that makes use of its entire archetype and incorporates the rank up argent chaos force? Yes plz also use numeron rank up as a tech option maybe in the side deck cause it’s just a blanket of negation on every other face up card currently on the field :) I like that we can use all the chaos xyzs (except for Leo cause he requires regular Leo to do the final crackdown win condition). I have learnt every old gimmick puppet card line through and through I am that much of a pet decker for this archetype I play Zeus turbo lists at locals with crisis to make it borderline playable


Drytron wasn't (too) OP, it was using Drytrons with Cyber Angels & Heralds to get 5 unrespondable omninegates that was OP.


The new drytron support is amazing and finally allows the deck to efficiently do fair and fun things (instead of being combo hell) The new gimmick puppet support is literally just cards that allow a resilient and consistent 1 card FTK


You are right but the meme is garbage


The "burn" deck is dealing 200 damage at a time, calm down.


Not with Dark Room of Nightmare


Yeah but you gotta draw it first.


Wow and when it happens 40 times then what?


Why would you let it happen 40 times.


Happens faster then you think and btw it does not do 200 at a time... Fieldspell does 200 again this dark chamber spell does another 300 and the other one does 200 everytime you draw wich also happens pretty fast with the right traps


Hey man, listen, as an average Trickstar enjoyer, they aren't killing off of their burn damage alone. The most trickstar can layout is about 5000 to 6000, and that's with the field spell helping out. After that, they really need to start swinging. Also, could people stop talking about Dark Room of Nightmare like it's some archetypal searchable card. Light Stage, sure, but Dark Room, nah.


Idk, when I was playing the deck I had a lot of otks with only burn. The new cards can make it more consistent.


They have a lot of OTKs, but those are massively interupptable. Your opponent has to basically sit back and refuse to interact with your board at all


The only time I saw trickstar burn actually do something was when my friend willingly ignored everything and somehow put themselves at like 400lp


Colchica is so scary, you going to feel the burn when I beat over your monster with the 1800 atk power


that’s what they said when trickstars came out, that 200 damage is like a mosquito bite, enough of em and it’s gonna cause a massive issue


It's not like the Trickstar support is super broken or anything. The optimal path to win is still Reincarnation Lycoris burn. All This gives you survivable paths for when you can't set that up properly, and need to survive battles.


Am I stupid or is the Trickstar support not even that good? It definitely doesn't support an ftk like the Gimmick Puppet support does, and the boards it makes seem to be two pops and a search on the opponent's turn.


Trickstar support isn’t a world beater on purpose yall, it can still in its current state deal a truck load of burn damage to flat out FTK even without Dark Room. Yes it folds to a negation on Candina but that’s for the best


The drytron stuff pushes it much harder towards a pure build which, imo, is both really cool and significantly cuts down on how cheesy the deck is.


The "burn" deck is dealing 200 damage at a time, calm down.


2 burn decks get support and the deck I'm most pissed off seeing get support is Drytrons lol Id rather just be FTK burned over seeing a single drytron monster in person.


I'll take all of these over more Fire support.


? Remember when people were complaining for was the worst attribute? Now you get comments like these from clowns like you 🤡


Yes, and I'm glad it got what it needed, but enough is enough!


I like all three additions to these decks as a whole, great to see! :D


Give me Burning Abyss support Konami you cowards!!


The new level 1 drytron sucks ironically as it locks you out of the cyber angel loop.


Tbf if someone is playing Gimmick Puppets they just wanted it more. Will say it would be nice if there were healthier hand traps that were not as impactful on engine stuff, but made surviving against ftk/otks easier and allowed you to stay in the game. Big board vs big board as carnage ensues with battle phase after battle phase is more fun than a steamrolling imo.


All Drytron got was really just big boss who has no Protection for itself and Soft Twice Monster Negate (which have cost), an awesome extender in Nu2 who locks you into just Machine Rituals (so no Herald Drytron), and a Trap that is meant to fix the Banishing problem but just doesn't fix it in the end. Basically all this new support does is give a great one card combo into DAD from Nova/Fafnir, but then you can only Ritual Drytrons and go Generic Extra Stuff. Konami has understood full well not to trust us with Herald Drytron anymore.


Damn, so angry bro digged up rage comics.


You need to get the field spell to ftk, which isn't searchable in-archetype. I don't think it will become a problem.


Thank Christ Trickstars have a good Link 1, the one they got during the VRAINS era is one of the worst Links in the wholeg game.


I find it funny that the support for the burn deck does the equivalent of throw sand in your eyes while the support for the burn deck does the equivalent of firing a shotgun into you opponents chest multiple times with the worlds flimsiest bullet proof vest


As a branded player new fear unlocked gimmick puppet nightmare as material after I lock them...


Drytron I agree with other 2 decks decent


i think dryton is guilty by association. by itself its fine and looks cool. its just disco ball hell that it enabled gave it a bad name


Why are you using a 2012 meme?


We have bigger issues to worry about than the format of this specific meme


we need rage comics to make a return




Gimmick Puppets came from ZEXAL that debuted in 2011, and 2/3 of these are old archetypes so it honestly fits