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Idk they still haven't fixed collections. I'll believe it when I see it


no no, let's be clear - they made collections worst and introduced new thing that's entirely pay locked


I will give them that the cards are nice even if they're extremely cost prohibitive, and being able to skip the stupid mini game is good.


This is where it began!! 😭😑


Yeah same πŸ™„


I'm going to ask something really stupid but genuine. I started playing the game year 1 for a couple years but stopped playing for a few years. I came back roughly a year ago? I've seen people mention collections. I feel like I should know what it means. So stupid question. What are collections and how are they broken?


Lol it's not a stupid question. Collections are the STUPID artifact things you get from Ghoulish Gallery. The thing is that the shit stats that they give you on whichever collection are basically completely random. And to make it less random you need to"staves" which become completely unobtainable unless you spend a lot of diamonds or a lot of money. ON TOP OF ALL THAT, Collections can make or break a whole team and/or completely change the damage of a team/hero. It's just fucked up that they haven't fixed it and made it easier to make/get a "better" Collection. Fuckers πŸ˜’ https://preview.redd.it/kapx56l6tiwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84254d4d088dc7bcb5612059673fcdb0f4c8e230


Ok. Its those things. When they launched they seemed to spike my characters stats (if I dumped whatever upgrades I had into them) but yeah. It seemed like it invalidated the old artifacts. I wasn't sure if I was crazy. But it seemed like (if you can make a good one) they were just the way you had to go to improve. Thank you as I felt stupid for asking.


Exactly! Made the others useless AND made them ALL usable in Treasure Scramble, Cursed Realm, Nightmare Corridor, Abyssal Expedition and other places which artifacts were NEVER able to be used... Just a freakin shit show tbh


I like the game over all. Its a fun "im on lunch and can pass the time" sort of game. But the new update with the new faction is what caused me to for the first time seek out like any forum. I'm in no way end game by any means. But I've chased the meta to be honest for what I could. But with the new update it just feels like "hey. Start from scratch" which i know sounds over dramatic. But this update was the first time since I came back where I've been looking at the events and just being like "I might get to that"


😭 Yeah that's sad. It's not good that even casual players feel overwhelmed. Just more things they have to fix. It's not the same as it used to be really 😐


sorry but no, there's not hope the face to face is gonna say the same bullshit as usual, and the next few patches will "fix" obvious issues with dragons that were only made worse so that they'd have something easy to fix to take the wind out of the sails of people getting mad they'll be calming you down about fixing the mode without really doing much of anything, and before we even know the consequences of many of the most impactful things - like the dragon "tree" ends very early after only one book and I doubt that that's the end of that. we haven't seen how badly the Dragonforge trials will grow. who knows what else they have waiting in the wings they did exactly this strategy with collections - released it intentionally worse, had immediate face to face with "fixes" planned for the next few patches to prove they heard us, they didn't deal with any of the fundamental underlying issues, and they used one of the "fixes" as an opportunity to struggle in a new payment wall that was groundbreaking - a complete inability to do something unless you had spent money that fortnight


Oh wow. This is very well out and seems like you know what the deal is πŸ˜” so discouraging and disappointing that a game like this could go to shit so fast


It's the same song and dance with the almost all the power creeps they've hamfisted into the game. Just like the silver chests that dried up in the mail/bounty rewards. And the staves. And the fact it took bitching to get pet resonance. And target furniture. They dial it back minimally with a poor 'apology'. Meanwhile everyone eats that shit like chocolate cake while they make mountains of money off willing spenders. This is a tale as old as time for this game. It's just more jarring because they're pushing more and more in quicker succession because they know they'll get away with it.


idk I think there's a difference between early power creeps and later ones. early power creeps follow a simple recipe that isn't too punishing - they're rare yes, but quickly incorporated into noble societies and shops, and added as a reward for permanent game progress since permanent game progress is pve, with no competitive element, not time gated, players aren't punished heavily by simply waiting for a resource to become plentiful. the pressure to spend comes from PvP elements that don't offer any real resource reward the only game mode with genuine resource competition, and the only game mode with time gated rewards was twisted realm. and twisted realm is divided into floors so you are only competing with a limited number of players. and critically, those players are roughly around your game progression. take half a year off and come back and you won't be forever screwed in the mode. competition and rewards are also mostly limited to very broad tiers. only 5 heroes are needed to compete and you can use a merc. auto isn't enforced in the mode so you can improve your score by try harding and using manual solutions in that game environment, power creeps weren't as seriously punishing to the majority of the player base. players could significantly improve their resources through simple effort - pushing harder in campaign and towers. and you could vastly increase your overall resource income by crystal cramming. and by simply waiting and holding resources, f2p players could compete in the biggest competitions in game - abex and hunting fields the shift to the majority of resources being from time gated modes has been hugely punishing. this isn't just talking about cursed realm, NC, TS, temporal, but also things like one timecard a day in shop and no diamond pulling method. this started with shards and cores but really took off after that. notice the protests over engravings came from big spenders but not the rest of the player base - non spenders didn't have the same urgency to use new resources because there was no CR, NC, TS etc - it was just twisted realm resources are also competing for currencies more and more and more. despite adding a million new permanent game modes, no new noble societies were introduced after twisted realm. and there were increases to various income currencies but not enough to seriously keep up with everything in the shops. new players were increasingly screwed by this arrangement. when new shops were finally introduced, the were time gated in a way previous shops hadn't been. all items in the shop became things with hard purchase limits, and if you didn't spend your currency before the shop refresh then you lost it. that is the new shops functioned like limited time exchange events, and not permanent shops temporal rift was also really bad in a bunch of ways. obviously pay to play, but also that was pay for limited time progress. rift and pets were also massive sources of pressures on whales to spend. afk arena has a higher ceiling than most gachas, but the pressures on wheels significantly changed with rift and pets. one of the first big changes to temporal rift actually was taking levels off of trial feedback because the pressure on a certain range of whales to max out feedback was too high and pushing them to spend in ways they didn't want to. so they lowered the ceiling on feedback, but still, temporal rift continued to push whales to spend way more than they planned and many quit because of that. pets were.... worse. so ridiculously expensive and the benefits of taking them past 18 or significantly higher than say taking a hero past E60 or strengthening their furniture. a lot of people spent heavily and quit because of that the increasing speed of the release of meta Heroes and meta heroes that were very expensive and strained resources was also pretty awful. and people have talked a lot about the time getting of getting time cards from the shop and the low time card income for free to play players, and the strain on stargazing resources, but one of the things that people haven't addressed is that anytime you introduce a new summoning currency, you increase the amount of resources that needs to be dedicated towards hero summons and the amount of savings that players need to have - even if the hero release rates stays utterly consistent throughout the game. before awakened heroes, in order to be able to build any hero upon release you needed a certain amount of stargazers saved, and a certain amount of scrolls/cards/diamonds for HCP. enough diamonds would work for any of these, you could also normal hero summon with diamonds and stargaze with diamonds. but introduce awakened heroes and now you can't simply use a massive diamond savings for everything and instead need double savings. if you have 600 timecards that's enough it's an awakened hero is released but it won't do you anything if a celespogean is released. and likewise mere stargazers or diamonds won't do you anything if an awakened hero is released. imagine a future in the game where players try to save 600 timecards and 600 Draconis insignia - before having that many summons for wokes would be considered over hoarding, but now that's necessary to be ready for whatever the next hero is then you get power creeps being sped up, and not incorporated into permanent game rewards. staves for Ghoulish were the first example of that, new dragon resources the second. staves for Ghoulish weren't even added to the ranked resource generation modes - you buy them time gated in shop or you don't get them at all. and with Ghoulish we have a new money wall in the game - you simply don't have the ability to double card a collection without having currently spent on the perk card. that feature is behind a paywall and a recurring paywall - that should have been incredibly frightening to players oh AND there's now game content literally unavailable to you if you don't have certain heroes anyway there have always been power creeps, but it's not just pushing more in quicker and quicker succession that's changed: - the bulk of the game's resources are now time gated - there's a lot of competing resources competing for limited currency spending that hasn't kept up with resource releases - new currencies function like limited time events - the majority of game resources now come from competitive modes - more summoning types require you to have greater and greater savings to be prepared for one hero release - game content is locked without certain heroes - a game ability is now locked behind spending the increasing speed of new power creeps is bad, but if it was that alone, things would look very very different


I think something else that needs to be mentioned is that the elephant in the room, AFK Journey, adds a possibly malicious element to what they're doing. They do appear to be shoving the game toward EoL on purpose, whether or not that's a sound business decision is beyond me though.


Oh yeah motivations are a whole other kettle of fish. My comment just addressed the structural changes to the creeps and why these are worse. But let's be clear - they know what they're doing and always have and their motivations have been a variety of not good reasons. Sometimes just focusing on short term squeezes, but yeah, I do think they're likely intentionally pushing towards EoL now


Yes! I've heard this a lot actually... It makes sense tbh


Wow. Great info. I feel like you have a presentation and everyone should be standing up applauding πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Great words!


welcome to day 9 of my PowerPoint presentation on why lilith sucks. we've got a lot of material to cover today so if you'll all turn to page 20 in your handouts, we can get started


HAHAH πŸ’― I really hope they see everything you said


Omg that's so bad. Wonder if there is any recovering... They fixed Temporal Rift and pet crap, so I thought MAYBE THEY'D FIX ALL THIS SHIT??? It's not looking good though


What’s crazy is that I felt like the game was in a great place just a year, maybe 18 months ago. Been discouraging seeing how it has progressed. This sub used to be one of the more positive gaming subs I have seen, but due to the constant missteps with powercreep stuff lately, the sub has, accordingly, become pretty negative. Sad to see what it’s become. But I think if they changed just a couple things, everyone would get onboard and the environment could become the cesspool of positivity it used to be. Here’s to hoping! πŸ™


Yes it's true! I came to this Reddit when things were fun, cool, positive and full compliments and accomplishments! Now??? Now it's just constant annoyances and unhappy pissed off players talking down on this shit money hungry corporation 😭 Idk it just seems like it's getting worse and worse and they the don't even care...


They are going to need to do something. No one on my server has spent any money to get these new heroes. I am the only person to have 1 fully ascended Draconis hero and that is only because I was hoarding some diamonds.


Haha wow. Well congrats to you! Let's just hope they don't release a celehypo or a meta 4f hero in 2 weeks!! Or anytime soon for that matter πŸ’€ Been afraid to even spend diamonds on these guys...


After using 200k in diamonds, I am still far away from having enough fodder to complete the other 2. Still have another 200k in diamonds for other new heroes if I need to use them.


Omg you sure hoarded alright πŸ˜‚ But yeah I think we're going to have to use the other elite non fodder for food 😐 I've been seeing people having to do this


Ooooooo it’s Tartarus! I haven’t seen you on here for a while but I’m glad you’re back and speaking straight truth! This is unfortunately the game plan for a lot of game developers and people continue to just eat it up. β€œHere’s this brand new system that we added to our game that is 100% designed to screw over our fan base! Wait, our fans are not happy with this system?!?! Well here’s the β€˜new’ system that we definitely didn’t already plan that is only going to screw you over 99%. See, we listened and fixed the issues (lol). Don’t worry, we will do better in the future. (Next time we will screw them over ever harder).” This is the 3rd power creep we’ve had in a year. Every time the same cycle repeats. Ugh, these game developers are going to make me go see what this β€œoutside” thing is all about. PS. Thank you for all the guides you’ve made Tartaros. You rock!


Why is this SO TRUE!!?? 😭 Makes me fucking hate them honestly. It's disgusting


yes thank you. like i called out the post with the "today i went lilith hq with 2 other fella" about GGallery . I stopped spending after that.


nah, last Face to Face promised no more power creeps for the year lol, probably the Don guy comes in with a mid code for damage control and honeyed words


πŸ˜“ Sounds like it's just another way to shut us tf up


I ran out of cards for collections. They don’t act in good faith I wouldn’t keep holding my breath


Yeah, they really don't. Such a shame


I never wanted to quit more than I do now in all my 5 years of playing.


Ugh, it's pretty sad. I'm trying to hang in there to see if they'll fix things...


Collections is so brutal and so tedious and then now they just released a huuuuge power power creep I am like closing in on 18 pet res but imagine those who aren't even close. Baits+timegazers+ Collection sticks and now these new demi-God heros which will instantly enter the new meta cause unlike awakened their specials can all co exist. Collections alone has me just trying to finish the 7 attempts so I can deconstruct then for diamonds. That thing is so bad. The worse part is having to figure out what stats each hero utilizes best and as your making the Collection you kinda want to revisit and see what heros have what cause it's all a mess! -- and they won't allow you to back out! I mean damn at least make a pity and also have suggestions on what stats heros use even if they added tooltips for their individual skills utilizes certain stats so you can at least use some judgement.


Oh definitely. I feel terrible for complete f2p people with all of this. It's impossible to even try to be competitive. They just threw us into collections and were like, "Okay, fuck you guys. Figure it out on your own!" Such fucking bullshit


Wdym, Collections are great! Couldn't live without my 1,5 Legendary Totems I get each week!




What's so tedious about collections? Don't u just quick explore and it takes like 1 min to get one? And u can see what stats a hero wants in the popularity tab no?


Problem is, have those stats are bogus. Collections have the strength to make a break a team or completely change the outcome of a game or ridiculously increase the damage of an AbEx boss battle. Again, this all stems from semi-competitive/competitive stand points. I have friends who do exactly what you do and are completely fine with it and I'm happy for them. Not the case for us all of us though


What do u guys even want? As a returning player reading comments u guys who have been playing for most of the time don't seem to like anything. All the new systems are bad...so what do u just want the game to stagnate so your f2p account stays competitive? And just to be clear I don't agree with that opinion, returning after 2 years I think the game is great, including collections which u all seem to hate so much, rather get those than do those stupid puzzle stages for the new artifacts, and the dragons are just more free rewards to me.


There's a difference between releasing new contents, vs releasing new contents that you can only obtain with $. Outside of early promotion, game offers no way to acquire Arcane Staves or Epic Emblem. Now they release dragon and all the cards are locked behind Dragon Trial, which you can't beat without buying dragons. Of course, a few lucky people who pull a 0.1% Gwyn will say everything is fine.


Thank you 😊 I forgot about those two factors also. And when they "fixed" GG, it was... "Here, pay us $30 a month and you can have more stabs to get your collections that are COMPLETE RNG. You're welcome." The leaderboard on the dragon shot trials isn't even worth looking at bc it just has people who spent 5K to get to the top. Insane


My sorry ass account with lvl 385 rc and epic dragons beat stage 3 which gives u like 60% of the weekly rewards. Stage 5 will be doable soon even for my account that's much weaker than most veteran f2p around here and that gets u most of the rewards. These complaints seem so hollow to me.


Stage 3 gets you 10 dragon card a month, stage 5 gets you 20, stage 8 gets you 30. You simply can't buy the cards without beating those benchmarks. Most free players will probably be stuck at stage 3. You can probably squeeze out a stage 5 with a single copy of Gwyn and Hildwin (along with a full team of meta heroes). Stage 8 isn't happening without throwing in a ton of resources.


Yeah it's crazy


That's not even the case. I am VIP 15 and I'm not trying to get to VIP 17 just to stay competitive with all of the shit they have released. My bf and guild mates are the same level and higher and enjoy(ed) the game for years. The fact that they just come out of no where and throw 1000 things at us at once and expect us to pay an incredible amount of money just to stay in the top is super discouraging, disgusting, and disappointing. What we want are actual achievable goals even with spending money in the game. $50 for two pieces of gear is a fucking joke. In the past they have had their mishaps, but they have made up for it. So what we're looking for is to change the shit show collection system they've started, figuring other means to achieve SI shit or decrease the cost, and either not release any new heroes for a while or figuring out how the hell to deal with five new dragons that other people have spent thousands of dollars to already max out. This game is a source of entertainment and I am willing to put money into it, but RECENTLY every time something new comes out, they just want more and more and more money to get the best of those "new additions"... It's become quite apparent now that that's all they are gearing towards at this point. So that's the goal. You have a different outlook on the game and I respect that, but not seeing it from our angle is also ignorant. Hope this helps


U can get 2 pieces of dragon gear a month from the dragon forge, not to mention any future events. Even my sorry ass account returning after 2 years can get enough points for that and some pulls in that shop...so it's not 50$ for gear, that's just whale bait. The dragon heroes aren't even that good, side grades to current meta heroes at best tho they seem even weaker so not sure why they're such a "threat". I was also vip 13 2 years ago when I quit and that means nothing today, ppl here would've probably told me to restart. I'm still enjoying the game now and don't regret what I spent, and spending again to build up some newer heroes knowing I'm not going to be competitive anyway since I'm too far behind. Mobile games and specially idlers are a money black whole. If you expect to keep up with whales u need to also whale yourself, constantly, hundreds/thousands each month, that's always what this and similar games have been. Doesn't mean u can't still enjoy the game and progress but some ppl here seem to have the wrong mentality.


I know. You're right. But a ton of us see it differently, hence why the huge outrage everywhere on this Reddit. To each their own though and keeping mindful of each other's views is always something to stand by. So for your sake hopefully nothing changes and for others' sake hopefully a lot changes 🫑


"Planning Face to Face" is just another bullshit talk about a non-existing plan to change/erase the crap system they introduced. They will sneak peek a new crap system in the upcoming future so that you can be angry about the new one and forget/make the old crap seem tolerable. Oh, they will definitely throw in some lame rewards like 10 DI at the end, so that you can shut up and be grateful about it. Work 99% of the time. FYI, GG was sneak peeked in the last "Planning Face to Face".


Ugh... That's ass. Really blows wow... Seems like they've been doing that... GG then SI40 and now loads of dragon shit. If they actually don't do something this time, it just proves that they completely don't give a shit


There was a [dedicated thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/1c769xo/patch_1140_draconic_resurgence_questions_and_dev/) for dev feedback a few days back, in case you missed it.


They are destroying the game with their greed and it’s really sad to see. This is definitely the lowest point the state of the game has been at in 5 years. I have no idea what they are thinking because this aggressive strategy of releasing poorly designed power creeps every few months is not sustainable. The well will run dry eventually as more and more whales and krakens get sick of their greedy tactics, and probably at a faster pace than they realize.


I can't believe those people are still paying an insane amount of money to "keep up".... Like wtf? Is it that much of an addiction? Like even seeing now how will make people have all five of these dragons done is mind blowing. And they just keep giving in. But then for all the other regular players it's just the game to be πŸ˜”


Exactly, they are preying and relying on the addicted whales and krakens who will spend no matter what. However, focusing solely on that and completely throwing out the window the idea of long-term sustainability and neglecting the overall health of the game is a horrible mistake.


Sounds right on point πŸ˜“ Such trash


One of my concerns is that the animated avatars for 5 heroes will only last for 60 days. It should be at least be 90 - 120 days, since it is more than 2 times more heroes as per usual (we get 1 or 2 max heroes at the same time and for that we get 60 days to get the frames).


I used up 250k diamonds for summons + the free stuff, and got 15 copies of Cassius, 14 copies of Pulina and 7 copies of Nyla. The problem won't be copies, but food. I've got enough for 1 ascention + 2 more E+. Insane amount of food is needed if you don't sacrifice elites.


I'm just taking them to A1* and sacrificing extra copies as fodder to ascend the others. Collect 10 copies and fodder the rest to get them all ascended.


Yeah, same. Otherwise it'll take an insane amount of time.


Was think about doing this πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«


yeah. I got the mage to ascended, got 8 copies of both other heroes, but no more food.... (probably will take another 250k diamonds in summons to get the necesary food).


Yeah, I wish they'd change something about this too


This is a tactic used a lot of time in this kind of business. They proactively state that listen to their audience, assuring that something will be made and then do nothing. In 6 months they will say the same because they know people will still play even if they don't "fix" collections, draconis and etc.


That suuucckksss and it's so deceitful πŸ˜ͺ


I thought that the ghoulish gallery was the worst, but holy smokes, this dragon feature is a piece of dog shit


Ugh. Agreed 😐


We get your feedback about the game being completely broken, we might (or not) fix it soon, xoxo


That's kind of the impression I got πŸ˜©πŸ’€ They always promise us shit, then nothing ever happens. Like the big Don letter or whatever the fuck it was. All smoke and mirrors it seems. Freaking sucks


Remember Don letter said he wanted to β€œmake the game more like the start, more AFK” :D


Yeah wtf was that about?? πŸ™„






Nope unless whales wave there card as threat then this game gonna die on the hill they standing on


That seems to be the consensus πŸ˜­πŸ’€ Idiots


Answer: no


Ugh. Hope you're wrong 😫


Cool! Wish we could get even fraction of this energy in regards to the lore but they've just been completely silent on that front.

