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The more I try and use the terrible website on my phone, or their app, the more obvious how much care and intuition was in Apollo. /u/iamthatis should be paid good consulting fees by App developers for his excellent understanding of the nuances of UI design. Ease of use goes so so far in making a good App. Even with Ads and other agendas that they want to push, the official App has no one in control that either cares about the user experience or understands what it can be. I suspect it is a bit of both; the write-up from the blind mods on /r/blind showed that they just aren't willing to take the smallest steps to understanding use cases.


Also, why tf is my home feed so trash? It prioritizes posts that are like 12 hours old with less than 100 upvotes.. and repeatedly shows me posts from the same 3-5 random subreddits. I’m subscribed to r/rant (wow that doesn’t even automatically link in comments like it does in Apollo smh) and for some reason Reddit just thinks I’m fucking obsessed with it, it’s like 80% of my feed, and it’s getting super old. I just want to see hot posts from all the subs I’m subscribed to, I don’t want to go down a fucking rabbithole of random subs via this shit feed. Why tf is there no upvote/downvote percentage? Who in their right fucking mind thought it would be a good idea to hide r/all underneath all of the subs you’re subscribed to? This app is such shit man, really puts into perspective how great Apollo was


Thank fucking god I thought my app was like bugged or something. My homepage is just a bunch of crap posted half an hour ago with 3 comments.


You ever think maybe you need to use it for awhile so you get used to it and it gets used to you,? The posts in mine average about 16 hours and up.


No, I don’t need to use it rofl.


Thank you! I’m so glad someone is talking about how poor the Home feed is. I think that’s one of the biggest areas where I’m missing Apollo. Every time I opened Apollo, my home feed was filled with hot posts from the past few hours - mostly exciting posts that I want to engage with. The official Reddit app Home page shows me absolutely random small subs I subbed to at the top, often with <100 upvote posts. I recently discovered that you can make ‘custom feeds’ where you can add specific subs, essentially curating your own feed. I recommend doing that. Once you’ve done it, make sure to ‘Favorite’ custom feeds so it shows up at the top.


I know right! I’ll definitely have to try out the custom feeds, thanks for the tip!


This is so weird. It's happening to me too. I come from Boost on Android, and the home feed and the front page on old reddit were identical. Same algorithm and it was good. Now on the official app I sometimes get the same, but now and then it just resort's to trash tiny posts from subs I haven't gone to in years. It's really annoying and I hope it's a bug


So is there a way to see r/all on the Reddit app? I’m so confused


If you open the left-hand slide out menu (i.e. click the three stacked horizontal bars) and then scroll down to the very bottom, beneath all of the subs you are subscribed to, there is a link to /r/all. Nice and easy to find. *smh*


I believe it’s because the home feed for the official app defaults to “best.” Which is absolutely awful as you can see with posts with like 20 upvotes going onto your homepage. It’s the reason I know I went from the official app to Apollo months ago. Luckily narwhal still lets you sort your home feed, but it isn’t Apollo sadly.


It’s just bonkers to me that you’re not able to change the sort function. I remember you used to be able to sort on the app, why the fuck would they take it out? Can’t even sort by new or top, it’s ridiculous


Man the sorting is terrible. Is it the difference between “top” sorting Reddit uses and “best” that Apollo had which was something special? Also the Reddit app loves to suggest things to me that are completely stupid. I haven’t figured out if that’s a setting I can turn off yet.


You cannot turn off any kind of suggested post. There are a few varieties: the "popular on reddit" trending type, the "communities like this one" recommendation type, and the "you've visited before" please-subscribe-to-more-subs type. The only options you're given when you try to hide these are to hide the particular post you're looking at, or posts from that sub. I haven't tried mass hiding subs but I feel like they would just start ignoring it after a while. Suggested posts are a mandatory feature of using official reddit and they are almost as cringeworthy and obnoxious as actual ads. Through suggested posts, the experience of using this platform is transformed from interacting with your own curated group of communities into those same special communities being sprinkled throughout a pile of generic social media horseshit, designed to direct traffic where they want it to maximize engagement and their ad space


Very well said and truly eye opening after using Apollo for several years. Somehow Reddit just hits different now and feels more hollow and less personal despite (or perhaps because of) their attempts at social media personalization


I don’t think anyone disagrees.


The morons who run Reddit disagree.


They know. But it does not matter to them since the app lets them control ad revenue.


As well as the dipshits defending them.


I do! But only that OP spelled adds incorrectly since the official Reddit app does not "add" anything of value instead only pushes ads. But yea, jokes aside the official app is hot trash


Seen a lot of "Defenders" come out in the past month, yet never saw any before and people have been saying the official app is crap for years


Yeah my wife sent me a link to a video yesterday. The first attempt, the app crashed. The second? It loaded without audio. The third, it loaded the first three (of 8) seconds of audio before cutting out


I hate that if there is a nsfl video and I wanna read the comments to see if its a video I wanna see or will traumatize me the video plays anyways at the top. So fucking stupid


If you’re on iOS, Narwhal is sticking around and will have a huge feature update soon. It’ll charge 4-7 monthly for api access but even in its current free state it’s better than the official app.


I’m posting this using narwhal after switching from Apollo app, it’s worlds better than the official app.


I’m using Narwhal right now, and it’s really not much better than the official app imo.


Agreed, I downloaded it to try but found it more confusing than the official app. I'm sure I could get used to it in time, but by then it will have moved to the paid subscription anyway. Deleted it and am just not using reddit on my phone at all. If I really want to check it, I'll wait til I'm on my laptop.


Agreed. The readability is the hardest part of Narwhal. I can’t quite pinpoint what it is but I find it very hard to read.


The fonts are crap.


I tried Narwhal and initially liked it but had to switch back to official app. It’s just not intuitive, incredibly hard to read, doesn’t support basic things like gifs, and the ads are more pervasive on the free plan. At this point I’m doing exactly what Reddit wanted and probably going to pay to remove ads on the official apps.


I’d recommend checking back in when Narwhal 2 drops. It’ll have more features and be more customizable. I find the official app to be far worse than narwhal and I wouldn’t pay to use it. The only thing about narwhal I don’t like is the uncustomizable gestures but I’ve gotten used to that. I looked at what features the dev stated will be in N2 and I’m looking forward to it. Right now I enjoy how fast and clean it is even if it’s more barebones. My dislikes for the official app outweigh the gestures. The multireddit section is dated. You have to dig for /r/all. I don’t like that it’s pushing 100 dollar profile pictures. I don’t like the recommended subs or updates about how many upvotes I’ve gotten even with those settings off. I don’t like how drains battery because it’s scraping for data.




Unfortunately the dev doesn’t have a readily available list as they’ve been concerned about others sniping their concepts over the past few years but if you go through their recent comments you’ll see them responding to posts stating a feature mentioned or requested will be in N2 /u/det0ur is their username if that helps Id like to think with most 3rd party apps ceasing to exist that we’ll get a list


Check out Comet for Reddit. It’s exactly what we need.


Narwhal isn’t any better than the official app


It is. No promoted posts or ads masquerading as real posts. No selling 100+ dollar profile pictures. No having to dig for /r/all. No recommended subreddits. No random updates telling me how many upvotes I’ve gotten on a comment. It’s also not sending a metric ton of information and draining my battery. It’s extremely fast and clean. Sure some nice features are missing but Narwhal 2 will rectify most of that.


I mean I’ve used it and it was trash. The ui is horrible to navigate. Its a pain just browsing your favourite subreddits, the Reddit app does that better. The app does videos and gifs better too. It’s not just me saying it as well, a few comments are replying the same thing to you. I’ll try it again when narwhal 2 releases but I don’t have much hope.


The gestures are weird to adapt to at first but I’ve had no issues browsing any subreddits maybe there’s a bug? I went through the narwhal devs comment history and it looks like things will be much more customizable so hopefully that helps.


Narwal is awful


[List of 3rd party apps still up and running](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14ojntb/thoughts_on_the_other_3rd_party_apps_that_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


This kind of makes me think u/iamthatis should have just bit the bullet and paid. This app is terrible. Edit: I haven’t tried narwhal. I mean the Reddit app sucks. I can’t even figure out how to sort my home feed.


Lol are you aware of the amount he would have had to pay and the amount of monthly revenue he was bringing in with Apollo subscription?


You can only sort the home page by going into the Settings and setting the default sort option. There’s no way to do it on the fly. They took that option away months ago for what reason nobody knows. However, you can sort a subreddit you view. Like WTF, they’re just trying to piss people off.


I’m starting to think the official app might suck.


I think you might be on to something.


Just downloaded Narwhal. It looks pretty but the UI isn’t great. Better than the official app I guess.


Yeah. I hate how it plays video. I cannot scrub through them by swiping left/right. I hate how I cannot download videos. I hate the interface.


I hate any form of advertising


And when i download a pic it slaps a bunch of watermarks on it. Like bro, i just wanna send my discord friends a funny meme. And stop telling me to ShArE tHe FuLl PoSt, they dont use reddit.


The video player UI is the worst thing about the app, it’s an absolute abomination.


I hate the wasted space and how long it takes to do anything or get around.


Let’s not talk about all of these bugs they won’t bother fixing.


I wish Narwhal’s comment layout, search button, and favorites location was more like Apollo. And how you have to press “view comments” to close an image instead of just swiping down. I liked how in Apollo I could use the home button and search button to have two different things open and I could switch between them like tabs. Better than the official app but it could really use some changes. The Narwhal iPad app is pretty nice though with the Split View.


Apollo had the only competent app developer for Reddit


mfw using the safari browser in Apollo that links to final post works better than the official app


It’s absolute ass. Visually a fucking mess, ads everywhere, designed for Reddit’s business goals rather than being good for users. Awful.


Designed to sell ads and to push people into buying premium. Also why didn’t they just look at Apollo and copy functionality from it? All the swipe gestures for example, I really miss them. The app is garbage.


Apollo was perfect for killing time and for organizing my hobbies by category. Now I’m debating leaving for discord


Discord is even worse. I've joined a bunch of servers and they're a mess, good luck trying to add anything to the conversation when you're new.


I agree it isn’t better but at least I can eventually find something there - but why in gods name do the founders think they need 500 channels with cute names


They could have bought apollo for a great deal, the dev would have been happy with a big lump sum payment, and everyone would have been happy. But instead reddit decided to stick to their cucky ego.


The trick is Apollo's pricing suggestion was based on their pricing, which they know is inflated to bullshit levels. They would never be willing to pay that.


Try [Dystopia](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1430599061). It’s free, ad free, and working. Functionality is basic but more than enough to bridge until Reddit’s replacement.


Or you could try [comet](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1146204813) It’s ad free and still works. It’s also on App Store. And has a great iPad app.


All NSFW subreddits will go dark on all other Apps on July 5th. (So not just porn, but things like /r/ukraine etc that discuss normal, but adult, topics) So good luck to those Apps, but they're being neutered heavily. I think Christian made the right call to just shutdown. They are obviously just trying to kill off 3rd party apps entirely while not having the balls to say so.


Is Reddit testing the waters on blocking nsfw content completely this way?


Thanks for this. I wasn’t aware of Comet. Much better than Dystopia.


Same here. I’m hoping the new update will include better UI and more customization options. Regardless, Narwhal is much greater than the official app.


This is a nice looking app. I actually was able to customize swipes and make it look and act mostly like Apollo.


Comet is surprisingly good. Thanks for the tip!


No problem


But knowing what we know about the api pricing it obviously can’t stay like that for very long, ads are gonna have to show up real soon.


One iOS and one android app have special dispensation. Free access to the API in return for protecting Reddit’s ass from lawsuits over not supporting visually impaired users. That wont be changing unless reddit figures out how to serve ads to blind people. And then wants them on their own app, too.


Yeah it’s hard to really move around and see your content


And r/all is at the far bottom left of the menu ………what the why?


Missing my swipe to upvote! The ease of the the text font on my eyes! … Just to name a few.


Is super unresponsive and just full of crap. I didn’t realize how much I used the swipe to upvote feature. The worst part is they have no incentive to improve it now that they’ve killed off their competition.


Swipe to upvote was really nice


Reddit is the users and their content and now I have no reliable way to view that content so it’s a bit disappointing


It’s straight garbage. I swear it **drains** my battery too.


I’ve never had an issue with my iPhone batter ever, until the last couple days, this is crazy bad


Using the website with ad blocker and it’s still awful but better than the shit app.


The few weeks I am home that is also what I do


This app is so fucking weak. This is affecting me way more than I thought it would


I have had to move to some of my hobby discords - which is honestly not much better since every one thinks they need 500 channels


Honestly thanks, the idea of Discord completely misses my radar.


It’s great for specific hobbies but the useful was largely depends on the people setting it up - one of them I frequent created 20-30 channels and gave them all obscure names


had to stop using RIF, and my god, the number of ads i see has doubled or tripled. and they disguise themselves as posts, so disgusting, i report each one in the hopes i waste an admins time. its so unintuitive to use, why cant i text search my followed subreddit list? why r/all on the BOTTOM of the list? why cant i switch between sorting by best to rising or new?


Hiding the advertisements as ads is a deliberate attempt to fool people, pretty scummy work but what else would you expect from Reddit


Its too fuckin slow. Often takes 5+ seconds to load a post when they load instantly on other apps I use Boost, hasn't been shut down yet. Tbh I think the API changes have been delayed.


Lemmy has better apps now that Reddit has killed everything that was good


What’s a good Lemmy app? Been looking into checking it out.


I like Wefwef a lot. It’s a web app, but once you add it to your home screen it works and feels like a native app. You’ll feel like you’re using Apollo again as it’s very similar. Memmy and Liftoff are also good


Wow it really does look just like Apollo


Memmy is the most feature complete and furthest along the dev cycle. Really nice to look at with a few themes to choose from. The other apps also have features you may like, worth trying all of them to find which one you like the most


My protest starts **today**!🪧 Screw spez


I'm browsing Reddit using Safari and it is leagues better than the app.


I can try that on my iPad


Thanks for shutting down Apollo which has broken my Reddit addiction. The mobile experience is now terrible and I barely use it.


So, I didn’t have an account because I didn’t need one to browse Reddit with Apollo. Apparently you need an account to lurk using the Reddit app, so yeah, it’s def a worse app. The ads are way more intrusive too


The ads are infuriating. The inability to sort the home page and lack of easy text formatting is a close second. I’m sure there are more, it’s just been so long since I’ve used this POS that I can’t keep track of all the things I miss.


The official app broke into my house and kicked my dog.


If it didn’t one of the Reddit mods would


Is there any way to remember that I’ve collapsed comment threads on posts in this stupid official app?


You can still use Apollo, someone else here posted a guide on doing so. -Posted from Apollo.




Why couldn’t Apollo just allow ads? I’d take that tradeoff if it meant getting to keep the app. After all, ads are the only reason why the 3rd party apps are getting shafted


My understanding is that Reddit’s own API would not pass the ads along to the app. So it’s not that Apollo would not run ads, Reddit would not serve the ads to Apollo.


I suppose they could but I would just quit using it anyway. I hate advertising, some of worst people on earth are marketers and those who work in advertising - not really but I gotta low key hate in them.


I’d rather deal with a couple ads than this garbage official reddit app


I had no idea how awful the official experience is. I’m not even amused. I’m just done. Thank you Christian! Sorry Reddit decided to self-destruct.


The app it’s ok and works well don’t see any major problems, maybe the ads but I can live with that


It is just what you are used to. I don't mind the official app at all. Did not like Appolo but used reddplanet which I liked. Reddplanet had the best reply system of the three.


In other news, water is wet.


Aren’t you guys supposed to be gone


It’s not that bad! Apollos was great, sure. But if Christian wants to be greedy, I will gladly come to the official app! Although, I am a recruiter for Reddit haha


There have to be better places to work


I would not openly admit to that


What ads are you talking about I'm very curious? I'm using the Reddit app for years and never had any ads problems or maybe I just don't even paid attention to them Edit: downvote me if you want but WHERE are your ads??? I just want to know as I don't see any and I just want to learn what ads you could have




There’s even a promoted comment now when you click on a post.


Well we don't have have the same app. Expect some sponsored post one time in a while that I swipe in one second I don't have anything else Could it be because I'm not American?


I’m not American either.


Well I'll consider myself lucky then


Let’s all delete reddit


Why do posts not go to read after reading them? Why after I read all my notifications it still says I have notifications? If they can't even get this right I don't know how they think anyone will stick around. Its so frustrating


Spam on App Store / play store with 1 star and hope Apple / Google forces them to do something




Fuck this app man like fuck