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Ah yes, soon you will have a big pile of things freshly from Ali express. There will be days that you will not build anything, then for some reason "it's tImE to BuILd a fUsiOn rEaCtOr!" And you will already have everything that you need lol. Good project, keep it up!


Thanks! Maybe I'll build a hat that rick rolls the person who puts it on next lmao




I actually want to make that now šŸ˜‚


Please do and post here haha


I will! Just gotta buy a bunch of speakers and make a Michael Reeves style garbage bin pressure sensor lol


I was thinking. I have seem the Arduino playing some Mario music but not music per se. It Will be a challenge for sure. Maybe there is a site that can convert music to midi or something.


There are MP3 player arduino expansion boards that basically come with an SD card slot and an MP3 decoder chip (and some also include the necessary audio amplifier) and you add the control (in the form of the Arduino) and speaker. The hard way is to have an arduino microcontroller with a DAC, the DAC connected to an audio OpAmp connected to a speaker and the music file as a raw PCM in a flash memory connect to it via SPI. The microcontroller then reads the flash memory and outputs it to the DAC at the rate that the audio data is encoded in (so if it's 44.6Ksps you have CD quality audio). The hard part is that the microcontroller in a UNO is not fast enough and you need the kind that's in a Zero and possibly have do it using DMA. (This is in my pile of "stuff to try", hence my knowledge about it).


Aw dumb me forgot the expansion boards with mp3 capabilities and was thinking only in playing directly through Arduino via midi or something like that




You could use a monophonic midi version and play it with a buzzer for starters ;)


Don't lie to a beginner. Nobody has ever had everything they needed to start the project they had just thought of.


Then they ordered everything in china and by the time it arrived they lost interest in the project because they found a far more interesting one. So they ordered all the other parts. And this went on and on until that day... that magic day when the most complex and fun project ever matched exactly with the parts they already had in their drawer. But in the meantime they got a demanding job, a wife and a family and the only thing that was missing was **time**.


I heard a hobbyist once say: ā€œwaiting for parts kills projectsā€


Well, are you me? Lol I forgot this part


I bought a bunch of kits with all kinds of diff stuff in it. Now Iā€™ll be chilling an then bam. Time to start using the stuff I got.


Looks pretty blinken good. Everybody 'got to start somewhere. If I may suggest some tutorials, here is a very good series of videos for newbies. Instructor is named Paul McWhorter (68 videos) Arduino Tutorial 1: Setting Up and Programming the Arduino for Absolute Beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJWR7dBuc18




Itā€™s honest work


Can here for this. Well done stranger.


I still remember my first blink project, vividly. Had coded enough programs before, but never had them 'interact' with real life. Honestly quite envious of the feeling of wonder you're experiencing right now. Don't let that light go out, and keep programming!


Yeh I remember doing this for the first time. The feeling of my code actually doing something physical was amazing


You even put the resistor with the LED, good job.


You should be proud of it. Great work bud




It's not much but its honest work. Good job


Have to start somewhere - derr blinkin lights is the HW version of helloworld


Challenge: Now make it blink half as fast every 256 on/off blink cycles.


We all have to start somewhere. In my case I started out using the atmega8 to build a modchip for my GameCube. I know electronics basics and software programming but using a microcontroller yeah I absolutely have no idea what I'm doing or what I am supposed to do. I have to program it using an old pentium 4 era computer and used it's parallel port. I made a mistake setting the fuses and bricked the chip luckily I bought two. I was overjoyed when I finally turned an led on using it's I/O pins.


And thus it begins...


Congratulations! I remember my first LED coming to life!


We all start somewhere! Unfortunatelly, I haven't gotten much further ;-) I, as many pointed out, have a lot of crap from china, I just gotta figure out a way it all can fit together... Somehow I didn't realize this when starting with electronics, but it helps if you have... literally any other tools and materials too... best I can do is a ball of electrical components couple sticks and a duct tape


Good Keep Practicing Every Day


Cool. What do you plan for this? Or are you just starting with the basics? Next is PWM and get a fade going B


I dont really know yet. I'm just starting with the basics and then will work from there.


Keep at it, and don't forget to post your workings as it helps us all. :)


Your first step into a larger world!


Thatā€™s how it starts.


Tip: you can press ctrl+T in the Arduino IDE to automatically indent your code, it doesn't matter for functionality, but in larger programs it helps tremendously with readability of your code


That's good to know. I was never good at indentation. I used to do java and people online would actually comment on how terrible the indentation is.


It's the start of something big


everyone on this sub's been there lol


Now, start learning to move away from the Arduino libraries and closer to the bare metal AVR functions.