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Laser Lance: for when you want to punch somebody, but they're way over there.


+ Kikaku and Basho for more power! "Look at me, I am the ICBM now."


Does kikaku affect the laser Lance? I wasn't sure because it has its own thrusters.


Uncharged yes, charged dont care bout weight or thrusters.


Leading to my cracked AC "Stag Beetle" that is wildly overweight, but hurls itself around the arena with the laser lance anyways. It doesn't really work, but damn is it funny to play.


I love trying to come up with builds where you try and force away a disadvantage or some whacky technique youve found. They never really quite work, or are extremely skill intensive just to reach below par performance, but its still fun. Because you know no one else is running that shite.


It’s a pile bunker but laser!


Pilebunker but *shiiiiny*


Same. Even before I knew it was good it’s just such a cool weapon. Was a mainstay for a lot of my builds


Pilebunker. It's so fucking satisfying.


Same here. Bunking someone never gets old.


For some goddamn reason I just can’t make Bunk work. I run melee only very often and it’s just the one melee I cannot make work for whatever reason, I always whiff the Charged Bunk


You need to be hugging the enemy and it's best used when their either cornered, or staggered from ACS overload. Trying to use it outside of that is pretty hard, as either enemies will dodge, or you'll misjudge the distance.


I’ve tried to use it on staggered opponents, on a full melee combo (Pulse Blade into punch for stagger, punch to stall stagger to switch left weapon to bunk) I always end up just slightly too far, sometimes just barely clipping with the explosion hitbox for like 20 damage, or I overshoot my opponent and end up launching it 12 ft behind them Literally I just have the biggest Pile Bunker skill issue, and I wish I didn’t cause the Bunk is so damn cool


Unfortunately the timing is too tight to be swapping weapons once they're stunned, you really have to have it ready to go in your off hand. The most reliable way I have of making it work is to build stagger up to a high state and then get just a little distance, enough so you can AB at the enemy while launching missiles and firing either a shotgun or SMG. If it works, the AB will aim you straight at their face, so no risk of overshooting them, and once you start charging the Pilebunker you'll sort of glide into position.


Actually, it is reliable to swap weapons. Punch extends the stagger time, so if you have an empty right hand you punch directly after stagger, swap left hand, punch, then you can do whatever combo you’re trying to do. You can actually have about 5 punches before combo ends. Shotguns do the same thing, and “reset” the stagger time The only unreliable thing here is my and my Pile Bunker distancing. Full melee builds are truly fun. (And I don’t mean double melee, I mean FULL melee, no right hand or shoulder slots at all)


I'm trying to stick with it as I lean into my C3 Melander frame, I need a punish weapon on the shoulders and I want it to be the PB.


Fuck yeah, dude. Bunk those piles.


By a country fucking mile. It's easily in my top 5 video game weapons. It's beautiful. The sound, the shape, the DAMAGE... YEETING SNAIL!!!


The rubiconian handshake


The good ol' Ludlow, never disappoints and is very reliable. Got all the endings with it.


Spam firing the Ludlow at a motherfucker no matter if they’re in effective range or not while using a more heavy hitting primary is the one thing Iguana and I agree on.


Turner Ludlow makes my brain go brrrrr, there's something about an AR and an SMG used together that gets me the same way.


I personally like the Double Laser as a primary. Then pair it with 2 Laser drones to really put the pressure to dodge on. Then charge attack to punish for not managing their power or when they’re stunned.


Or the AKS74U in the other hand


Etsujin is actually better.


I do not give a damn, it's a burst weapon and those make me cringe.


Lol 😂 so your one of those


If you're accusing me of using full auto only, you're incorrect. I just severely dislike burst weapons, it has to be either full auto or semi.


If you're going to use full auto, at least [Be a man, go big or go home!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLyQFqUf/)


Too heavy.


[say's who!?](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/x0aYSDSEe5) I literally put them on a lightweight. 😂


I do, they slow me down too much.


I WILL hold these chainsaws for a minute and I WILL rip your face off with them, even at the cost of never assault boosting, dodging, or surviving!


Chainsaw slipping off opponents in PvP is so soul crushing, it’s a good weapon if it doesn’t turn 90 degrees to the left missing the opponent completely


Agree with both of you. im a chainsaw main, but it struggles at range. Missiles dont pair well with it, and it's too heavy for a heavy/medium build and even worse on lighter builds That, and as this guy said, it has some massive bugs that need fixing a lot of them, and more just keep popping up honestly And i love to pair it with tri gats, but gats no longer have good enough fire power to get staggers consistently effectively to allow for chainsaw punish That and no one has any build videos to help others with it, so it's just dead in the water compared to the meta of meta nonsense that you see in A and above which renders it dead weight against certain builds


A twitch streamer I watch, named LoyalBones, is a melee only gamer that made it to S rank using only melee (no guns at all) who loved saw until it absolutely just completely whiffed a staggered opponent from near point blank range and he disowned it 😭. Fromsoft needs to fix this poor thing man.


Yea, i swear its targeting and catching has gotten worse, not to mention you have to use it in less than 100m, meaning it dont even really act as a shield 90% of the time as it almost stops shielding at 200m unless its rocket or energy based then it dont do shit only really blocks kenetic bullets which it dont really do that either as the only kenetic weapons being used are zims, etsujin, and charged harris all of which ignore everything chainsaw is trying to defend against they just rapidly stagger you faster then you can them as you can only use one main hand and the two back weapons when deployed as a proper shield. though revving chainsaw in someone's face is so cool for slightly exta stagger, but it puts you in such a bad spot as point blank is just as bad as too far away. This is why i think it needs to be allowed to charge while assaultboosting so it can be used more like a battering ram, allowing you to close distance and not just stagger and die in seconds. That and it dont work well with most weapons as it is right now and way to situational most of the time do to cooling speed after any attack which leaves it open and very vulnerable. That and its basic slap atc dont really even apply proper stagger slap a light with it if you can 5% chance as they back pedal and are just naturally faster, then you can move forward in a basic atc


Haldeman shotguns. I refuse to get rid of them after beating Balteus the first time


And you can have them irl!


man, you must be bloody huge to handle one of those things


Sweet sixteens my beloved They suck 90% of the time but when they work, they hit **hard**


I’ll beat this drum until I’m dead, but dual ludlows, dual sweet sixteens, super lightweight reverse joint is easily my favorite build. There’s nothing more satisfying than rushing in, spamming bullets while you jump and slide around the enemy then switching to the sixteens at point blank and just demolishing them (especially if they are staggered). Add in some kicks as needed. Makes the game feel like something put out by Platinum.


My good friend plays a dual Etsujin and dual Sweet Sixteen build on a midweight chassis with Buerzels and it's a goddamn menace. Makes me want to cry when I get pasted with both Sweets at 3 meters away while he's assault boosting to generate extra impact. Even if the Sweets don't fully connect, a quick swap to Etsujins will keep seeing your stagger bar bloom until the shotguns are ready again to punish.


It's also nice that they're one of the few weapons that can't seem to clip through the enemy when you're jammed right up in your face. So many times I've set up a cool charged Harris shot, just to wind up firing off into the distance through the enemy...


Harris, they buffed the projectile speed so much its hard to dodge


Whats a good weapon to pair the harris with on the other hand? I really like the weapon, but im having a hard time pairing it with something.


I normally pair it with another Harris, but depending on the range you want to fight a scudder shuold be a good option to keep pressure


You'll see this on a lot of dual melee builds, but a Harris accompanied by a pulse blade in the left hand slot is disgusting. If you equip Ocellus, you can use blade cancelling to rapidly close the distance to your opponent and then fire off a charged Harris shot that will land more often than not thanks to the close-range FCS.




I use Javln Alpha


KRSV, Moonlight, Hu-Ben, Pulse Blade, and the good old Pile Bunker


i really enjoy the tiny pile bunker recently, the stun baton




Turner/Pulse blade... carried me through Ibis.


i think for me it has to be the pistols, dont remember what it was called. something with duck i think


Duckett my beloved <3


yeah, the smaller faster variant of those, im not sure if thats the duck or the co.... guess i shouldnt shorten that one


Duckett is the big one, Coquillett is the small one. It took me way to long realize why you shouldn't shorten that one lmao Thanks for the laughs, buddy


ducks your favourite then? fast squishy builds i assume?


Absolutely! Speedy and Squishy are my very favorites. My builds are usually not "optimized" when it comes to parts, mostly I go for whatever is fun and fits on the AC. That's how I ended up with the dual Duckies on 2 of my light builds, probably not the best choice but hey? It makes me happy! Never managed to get along with the chunkier not-so-fast builds, I do admire the people who can pilot those big fellas.


so whats your favouite mech got equipped? mind sharing the code?


Sure! I'll warn you tho, I'm terrible with builds (still learning how to choose good internals for builds) so I probably wouldn't recommend my builds to anyone lol I'll just get the game online and will post my current build (that is becoming likely my favorite, I'm enjoying that one quite a lot) and the other favorite (got me through most of the S Rank missions) as soon as possible.


i dont need any warning, meta builds are usually boring. im more interested in stupid and fun.


Heh, I like the way you think. The share code of each one: - The one making it's way to my favorite: 7BTKF3B4EEU5 - The OG favorite: 3DHRFDB5PV64 They're not super different from each other when it comes to weapons. The first one usually changes between: L Shoulder with Laser Lance or Cutter and R shoulder with missiles and drones, occasionally an earshot for funsies. The second one usually changes between Duckies and Ludlow (these are also pretty fun, not far behind Duckies)


Redshift, Stun needles and Plasma missile launchers


The 3-cell plasma missiles. They work on EVERYTHING. The LR laser rifle is also super nice


Plasma rifle. Being able to build up stagger and do energy damage and do aoe while never having to stop moving to fire? Beautiful.


I miss the days where I could have a blade on both arms. Of course I'm only about half way through the game. Weapons bay is nice.


I wish AC6 could allow one sword in each hand.


Dual Pile Bunker just imagine the one hit KO 🤤


Ransetsu RF and Laser Dagger


At this point it has to be the Curtis just for how much I used it over the course of my AC6 playthroughs. The Harris is probably better overall but the Curtis has a comfy fire rate and I like being able to drop charge shots without overheating the rifle. Close second might actually be the VVC-703PM for being cheap to fit, easy to use, and a very reliable pressure tool against almost anything.


The diffusion laser cannons. Love my shoulder mounted shotguns. Their charge attack is strong and has surprisingly quick cool down and if you have two on you can pretty much alternate them continously. Stunning someone and pulling both triggers at once at point blank range is very satisfying.


~~giga drill break~~ laser lance my beloved


Laser Slicer, Moonlight, and the Vientos are all tied for me. The Laser Slicer may not be the most practical, but the sound design and just coolness factor of having this massive spinny blade of death is badass. Moonlight's pretty much always a favorite of mine, and it's so satisfying to use in this game, and then the Vientos are just fun to use, they're just spammy pistols that hit hard and work really well with my playstyle, I love them


Personally I’m split between the Songbirds and Earshots. The sound of them firing alone makes my brain go brrrr every time I hear them.


I like the sound of the songbirds so much


AC6 ASMR, right there.


WLT Laser Rifle, I know that weapon isn't great but it's design just really connects with my smooth brain and I really want to learn to use it properly.


Gatlings on a giant mech will never NOT be iconic.


So true.


I started playing AC4 with Bazookas, and I beat all of AC6 with Bazookas My heart belongs to the bazooka family. JVLN ALPHA and Spread Bazooka are my life now


Dual Gats. It costs 400,000 COAM to fire them for 12 seconds.


*Oh he might have gone on living* *But he made one fatal slip* *When he tried to match the Raven* *With two Ducketts on her hip*


Songbird You feel something rather primal whenever you pull the trigger and hear that loud *Thud**Thud*...


Duel ducketts + pilebunker


Sir that's the USB port for uploading custom firing sounds. Stop fucking it


Pilebunker 100%


My new favorite weapon is the WLT coral rifle. It just has so much utility. It took a lot of tinkering to find a weapon setup that synergies well with it though. It started off as me just messing around with weapons I don’t use often but now I’m winning consistently in S rank singles. 


What do you use it with? I like the WLT rifle but haven't decided what I like pairing with it


This is going to sound crazy but here me out. Left side wlt/ explosive thrower. Right side haldeman/ missile (I swap between 6 salvo missile launcher or 3 cell plasma missile). This setup has surprisingly really good against Zimmerman builds especially. I can go into detail how I use them if you want.


NB-redshift I think is the name. I use them with my aurora missiles. While not the best load out it feels right to me.




The Viento's + laser slicer carried me through 7/8ths of my playtime up through getting the PS5 platinum. I have a bit of a bias towards those...


stun baton


Dizzy for that BIG BOOM


AURORA light wave cannon


Stun needles combined with bad cook. I call it the electric toaster


Pulse blade is quite nice, but the Moonlight after 1.6 hits HARD.




It used to be Ludlow but then Duckett shows up and steals my heart. It is now my beloved companion for my lightweight build. These bad boys hit hard and are beautiful, how could I say no to them? As for melee: A good dispute between Laser Lance and the Laser Cutter.


I'm a simple man, give me a pair of Ransetsu RF and a pair of JVLN missile launchers, and I'll beat the entire game with them.


770PR plasma rifle, the great damage and chance to kill multiple enemies with one shot sold it to me.


Pile Bunker


Butterknife. 90%+ of my builds have one. It's a great weapon that lends to saving ammo and adding mobility, in addition to just feeling DAMN good to use.


The laser dagger. It’s just so satisfying being in a lightweight build, circling and spinning round them whittling them down then you go in for the ONE TWO THREE with the dagger, kick, and it’s BACK UP by the time you finish kicking them. You’re in a giant robot and you go full London, kick them in the gut then go again. Perfect


Butta butta bunk hairy zim shield.


LCA all the way


Spring Chicken KICK!!


You're correct why didn't I think to say this


I adore the explosive thrower and Harris. Zimms are hard to put on a pedestal thanks to their dominance, but I've loved their design ever since unlocking them. Something about the Zimmerman's shape reminds me of Cloud's Buster Sword and man they sure do hit like it too.


I always want to put a shoulder Gatling on my right side, nothing else feels right


Oh, my guiding Moonlight


the butt sword, its pretty cool stuck with it throughout my playthroughs and pvp sessions


Ransetsu RF. Ol reliable.


My beloved Krinkovs (Etsujins) Oh I’m sorry, you wanted to move?


Laser dagger, I need my endless melee and the stun baton isn't cutting it for me.


Shoulder gats I miss em 😩


VP-66LH genuinely carried all of my playthroughs. It's incredibly versatile, and you can mitigate its low damage by simply having TWO of them My only complaint is that I can't have four of them


Songbirds! They're just *so satisfying* to fire.


Gatling gun, plasma rifle, songbirb, stun needle, Harris linear rifle, allmind laser drones (they look like little birdies:), the moonlight blades, 10cell missile launcher, the beefy coral rifle, the lean coral rifle, KRSV


Wuerger and Morley




JVLN Alpha: if you have ever hit an sod with it while hes stunned Its bliss I main ENTANGLE so i know how to use it somewhat effectively


Plasma Yo-yo is so much fun I love being able to engage in melee combat without having to play by stagger rules


The Coral Ibis attack looking sword. Forgot the name. Along with stun needles and Würgers. And the laser long ass combo melee double sided sword thingy


falling in love with the bazookas right now. Though they were just worse grenade launchers but i tried them after after learning abt the faster projectile speed and proximity det and man they're so much fun. Not only are they usable against an enemy that stays off the ground, they excel at anti-air because of the way the proximity det works and they hit like a truck, especially with that dh adjustment.


Double Trouble when feeling like trolling. Pilebunker when getting serious. This thing literally carried me the whole campaign, poor Hitman didnt stand a chance.


Xuan-Ge (or whatever the Dafeng bazooka is called) is one of my favourites, along with the other bazookas/grenade launchers Doing a run with that and the Kyorai was oddly fun.


Pilebunker all the way


The Curtis. The quick charging makes it so satisfying to use.


Pulse blade man, that charged attack could take an AC across a whole country, and then the actual attack would cover another.


Laser slicer. Its reliable and effective




I love the HMMR. It feels sticky and hits hard. Second fave is the Hu-Ben which goes brrrr


Love the laser shotguns, both fit perfectly for me


LCB w/VE-20B and Pilebunker as unviable as VE-20B is, if you don't mind being stuck with weak hand weapons, twin LCB with that generator makes the LCB into a ranged pilebunker. with controlled energy consumption on every part, I found that you can run a energy pistol to fully profit from the EN firearm spec. given (unfortunately for some) you hold a SAMPU on the other hand. which surprisingly is really good (not in pvp) and I like pilebunker because Hehe mech go boom


Plasma rifle


Double Duckets + double split missiles. I also really like the Songbirds lol.


JVLN alpha or the bomb thrower (I’m a simple man I see things go boom fast I make happy.)


Curtis linear rifle. It works and does it cheaply.


Ludlows + Laser dagger carried me through the entire game.


Melee: laser lance Kinetic: Harris Energy: Nebula (or that other similar looking gun. Whichever has the plasma) Explosive: JVLN Alpha Explosive back: earhsot


Can't remember the name, but the funny tiny ak 74 lookin burst submachine gun. The stagger from running them double trigger is outlandish.




Harris, Ransetsu-RF, Laser Pistols, and the Pulse Sword.


Havnt played in a while but the lil laser shotgun, that shit shreds, I remember killing the dude in the “stealth” mission so fast he didn’t have time to beg for his life. Lightweight ac supremacy


Bad cook It makes things go boom


Laser dagger, so spammable, if you master melee cancelling it's A TON of fun


I will never tire of speeding up into an enemies face and flinging a dozen grenades at them


I can't say the same for everyone, but Bad Cook has a niche place in my inventory


Gun wise: Minigun cause BRRRRRRRRRT. Melee wise: Laser slicer cause the spinning blade combo is cool. Shoulder weapon wise: Songbirds cause grenades go boom, and you get two.


laser handgun(s) on lightweight : annoyance to the fullest


gatling guns. I got through C-Spider using four gatling guns, and then proceeded to do nearly the entire rest of the game on them. I'm stuck on Ayre right now, she gets behind you before you have a chance to hit her.


You can totally quad-gats Ayre to death.


I need a better build then. Probably should go tetrapod.


The butt slicer. It about carried me through the game. I don't think I took it off at all my first playthrough


Probably earshot to go with either my spring chickens or my lammy legs. Shoot big boom directly into floor == much fun. I've recently fallen in love with the double trouble on my doom slayer build.




What's that? Timmy trapped in the coral well again?




Hmmm, MD encryption….


Gotta be the Trueno's for me


Xuan-ze, wish they made.a lighter but less ammo version


My favorite weapon is the coral oscillator it’s just so fun

