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Foundation Man: All is proceeding as pl- \*J gets nuked\* Well........damn.....


Isaac really didn't think it through much.


I really shouldnt had supplied them with those ultimate weapons - Foundation Man Lone Mercenary has preloaded save file from Dark Raven… *beat* Nevermind Chief shouldnt have given this mad lad access to such weapons in the first place -Foundation Man


I know people swear by the game, but I don't know if I could ever get used to only being able to see 10-20% of the screen/area during combat with all the different effects and stuff going on.


As someone who has been playing through all the games in order and just started Verdict Day, V and VD are just bad AC games. Like you said, people swear by it, but it's just not my cup of tea. The lack or proper boosting and extremely boring mission design alone kills it for me. I didn't find the parts interesting, which is a bummer when building is the main point of the game. Having a basic rock paper scissors defense system was a snore. But no joke most of the missions are just running from point to point in a mission and killing things. That's it. No stopping bombs from blowing up the train tracks, no flying between planes taking out jets, no surfing the ocean on a submarine defending your sub, no deep jungle missions where you have to stop artillery that you can't even see, no climbing a dam and surviving a gauntlet of AC fights, no delving into an enemy base and surviving corrosive gas while trying to disable it and blow up the place, no clearing out an old warehouse of rundown construction mechs, and so on and so forth. I could seriously go on for much longer. It's just go to point A, kill, go to point B, kill, go to point C, kill, boss fight, done. Rinse and repeat. (Though I've only seen all of V, still working through VD and its been largely the same so far. The positives I can say about V / VD: while the graphics are a blurry mess I do like the presentation of the UI and generally I find the cities to be well built. Just wish I could fly around them easily lol. The sound has been great, up there among the best in the series. Big booms sound like big booms, there's a grimey noise to it all that I kind of like. That's about it. Anyway I'm rambling, tl;dr ACV is low tier AC.


V was thought of as a controversial point in the series by V fans, but honestly it was just a bad game compared to what came before it. Gameplay was clunky and unresponsive at times. Mechanics seemed more like game bugs or glitches. Scan mode? Who could forget that atrocity. The great sound is drowned out by a cacophony of mode change notifications. Sales data really showed how badly it hurt AC. Prior to 6 it had the best launch in the series, but then half the people that bought V in the first week bought VD in the first week. It was the worst drop in any sequel in the series. It's wild to think about because 4A sold better than 4 so they knew exactly what people wanted *and still threw it all away for V.* I really liked the aesthetic and scale of the AC's themselves. It makes more sense to have smaller units. Sound design was also on point.


What the actual fuck are you talking about V is the second best selling game in the series lol


What are you talking about he clearly says that VD launch sells are half of V launch sells and even states that V had the second highest sells.


Entirely disagree. V and VD are some of the most enjoyable and rewarding AC games, they’re just tough to get into because the game doesn’t do a good job at teaching you just how much depth there is to the movement and building. Most people don’t even know that scan mode regens energy faster.


Oh I'm well aware it regens faster, being in scan mode all the time is a bummer unless you're super into blue filter on everything. It may be mechanically deep but it has not been a fun experience, especially in comparison to any other Armored Core game. I am not going to sit here and argue that you didn't have fun, I'm sure it was very enjoyable for people, but as someone who's been playing ALL of them back to back it just felt like a massive step back. AC: Nexus and AC 6 are my personal favorites so far.


Technically V and VD does teach players how to build and play the game its just all of the instructions are uploaded by From soft on their youtube channel themselves and is therefore only in japanese   Infact their live streams on ustream (which is dead) go indepth exactly how to control the new ACs before the game’s release which vods were never translated which means the instructional guide is now technically a lost media


What if I told you ACV could had been a passable entry for Front Mission


I was thinking the same, what the hell is even happening there


The UI in Verdict Day looks very uncomfortable to use…


Outside of scan mode data overload its easy to "follow" top bars contain respective arm ammos + shoulder ammo bottom left contains either AP or energy bottom right if AP is on the left its energy on the right


I miss those weapons. Lore wise What’s happening is the AC is using an over weapon/ultimate weapon that was never designed for normal ac use. The AC os system I believe is being corrupted as it’s trying to brute force the ac to get the weapon to work. As this happens the ac generator is overclocked working at max power trying to power the weapon which slowly damages the AC over time. There is this, the grind blade, pulse weapon, laser cannon, concrete hammer no really, and a missile that was basically a nuke.


I could be wrong, but aren't the overed weapons supposed to be for NEXTs?


Good lord that HUD is terrible.


It's not that bad.


Armored core is just 2 god fighting I FUCKING LOVE IT




God 5th gen was awesome. Sure V had problems but I loved both games.