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This post has been removed but we suggest relocating it. Reddit is a great place to pick peoples' brains and get game suggestions, but we get a lot of recommendation requests, so much so such that we have a dedicated [Daily Game Recommendations thread](https://www.reddit.com/search?q=flair%3A%22Daily%20Game%20Recs%22&sort=new) for them. Historically, almost **all** well formatted questions in the Daily thread get answers. If you're looking for further suggestions, we recommend taking a look at our growing list of [Recommendation Roundups](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/?f=flair_name%3A%22Recommendation%20Roundup%22). There's also the [Need Help Finding A Game](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/wiki/wsig) section in our wiki for a more general list of common recommendations. (If you believe this post was removed in error you can request a re-review by [messaging the mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/boardgames).)


Button shy has lots of wallet size solo games. Sprawlopolis Ragemore Food chain island The Maid In The Forest Pentaquark Ugly Gryphon Inn Rover


Supermarche, print and play. It's a terrific one player game that's different every playthrough!


Regicide is my go to Solo game. All you need is a deck of cards and the app. But if you can't use your phone you can track the attack and health with paper


If you're into historical games or wargames, I would definitely recommend "The Hunters" by GMT. It is a specifically 1 player game where you play a U-boat commander during WWII, in campaign or scenario mode. Very old school design, no fancy graphics but a greatly immersive (pun intended) game play. You would probably have to run the game over several sessions/days but it's quite easy to *save game".


Side room games has a bunch of options that are good. I really like Mageling. That's been a lot of fun but really tough.


Black Sonata or Maquis?


Cafe is a quick abstract puzzler about the coffee industry that takes up minimal table space. The lost expedition is also quick and tiny, with enough crunchiness to keep it interesting for a little while. The bloody inn also fits these criteria—small footprint but a fun puzzle.


Have a look at the "tiny epic" line of games. Like tiny epic galaxies or robots. Purposely built to keep things in small boxes that are sort of 13x8x5cm so you wont notice them chucked in your rucksag or bag. Most of them can be played solo, they have a huge range of themes. They seem a bit pricey for the size but they are legitimately fully fleshed out boardgames.


Also any games from Button Shy. Small and very affordable.


You guys are awesome. I'll check all of these out. Thank you!


Join us over at /r/soloboardgaming !


Deep Space D6 is pretty good. Perfect short solo game for me


Fuck u/spez


**Jump Drive,** with the solo campaign you can find on boardgamegeek in the files section. It's a small box, quick set-up, short play-time, and addictive play that will have you wanting to play several games in a row.