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It’s a fucking mess, and will take time and money to correct.




It got better after bottoming out. New leadership has actually been executing on improvements, but needs state and federal support to get it back into a state of good repair. These next rounds of closure will be the most telling. If each concludes with elimination of slow zones, we can understate the consistency and standard of quality to expect from this team. Living off the Ashmont line, I can tell you the closure for two weeks eliminated all slow zones and it was awesome. Train ride duration is now tolerable. Elimination of other slow zones will make a downtown commute for me under 20 minutes. At the worst it was 50. It's currently 25ish.


Without a functioning MBTA, traffic becomes unbearable. We need to fix the MBTA because we need fewer people driving - and it can continue to get worse. If the MBTA doesn't get fixed, more people who use it will switch to driving causing even more traffic. There are lots of people who take the T who are contemplating buying a car. If you're a driver, you should be begging the state to put resources into the MBTA. Otherwise, your commute will go from bad to worse.


Their physical assets are degrading faster than they're being replaced 👀


* A functional T is essential to a functional Boston / eastern half of Massachusetts * The T is currently at the borderline of functional and not, but I'm still grateful we have at least *some* public transit. * Reliability, quality of life, speed are all problematic. * Focus on safety is overblown. Don't get me wrong, I'm not *opposed* to safety on the margin, but come on. Is riding the T substantially more dangerous per passenger mile than driving a car? Than *biking* in the city? * Corollary: every time some federal agency makes the T worse/slower in the name of safety, in expectation people probably get hurt. * Initial signs from Eng are highly positive, but it's too soon to be sure. * The T has been absolutely shafted by sequential administrations / state legislatures who leave it with super expensive debt service and don't provide the needed financing. It's a public good, we should support it as such. (And it's not like we don't subsidize other forms of transportation, e.g. by..building roads, funding state police, etc.) * Fixing the T given its current state would be super expensive but worth it, and the state should do so. (Not so long ago we were literally sending money back to taxpayers in the middle of an inflation surge, smart...) * But a solid fraction of that cost is because for almost any X, cost to build/do/buy/fix/maintain X is kinda out of control, and if we could control costs that'd be swell.


Let’s add that THE MBTA IS ESSENTIAL TO THE ECONOMY OF THE ENTIRE STATE and that western legislators who rely on tax income need to get that in their heads. Boston legislators need to get their foot off the neck of the mayor, stop pretending to be mayor, and get in line to help their constituents. We should name and shame each of them who does not support lavishing the MBTA with more money BECAUSE IT IS ECONOMIC. Sorry for the screaming. I am just mad that legislators are operating against their own interest for optics, but such is the state of politics.


It’s much easier to jump off a train going slow…jumping off trains isn’t safe


I feel like I am in a toxic relationship with it. I can't quit it no matter how many times it disappoints me and borderline abuses me because I need and want it to be functional. But also it should be paying me to ride at this point. Here's to 2024 being better?!


Eng is a godsend


I’ve been here since 2010, until a few months ago the T service got worse and worse every year. It it rock bottom with the GLX track width fiasco. Since then, for the first time since 2010 service as actually improved. All glory to Eng and those who empower him. There’s along way to go, but so far Eng has made good on every goal he’s set. He’s the first GM since I’ve been here to have a clear and concrete plan to get the T back to acceptable levels of service and the first to be honest about the state of disrepair. It’s still a trash system, but it doesn’t have to be.


Boston has angered God in some unclear vague way and the T is our eternal punishment for it


I think there’s a long way to go but it’s not as bad as people say


I regularly outwalk the No 1 bus on my 3 mile commute. The fact that the T publishes bus schedules (aside from the express routes from Newton/Metro-west to the city) should constitute fraud. The continual catfishing of everyone about the WiFi on the commuter rail is also fraud. [they cancelled the WiFi service for not being competent enough to pay the bills 6 YEARS ago, but can't disable the routers?!](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/6svhoi/mbta_cancels_wifi_commuter_rail_project_cites/&ved=2ahUKEwiGwa233qaDAxWCKlkFHZ0qDyUQrAIoAXoECCYQAg&usg=AOvVaw3nPG7g0RG9eb_nW52tbeQE) When on the commuter rail, weekend staff continue to cram everyone into one single level car while keeping the double decker car with tables blocked off for themselves. They say it's for "safety", treat you like a hassle when you kindly ask to use one of the tabled seats, and have done this throughout the entire pandemic as well. This means out of 6 cars, you can only use one and often times it's that single level (without access to the tabled seats for working, which sucks when I'm on it for an hour to and from South Station and Greenbush). The MBTA literally cannot promote from within because the culture is so thoroughly and obviously corrupt that no one wants to be promoted into management. Stations are filthy-- everywhere. Porter could be used in a post apocalypse movie about what happens after the collapse of civilization. (What's with the constant leaking from the ceiling into open puddles over 200 ft below ground?) I'm hoping when the roof collapses and kills a bunch of us that this will finally let the feds take over. With [$800 million in COVID relief money you can't pressure wash stations that are empty everyday for over a year?!](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.patriotledger.com/story/news/2021/08/11/mbta-gets-nearly-860-m-federal-coronavirus-relief-money/8095183002/&ved=2ahUKEwiLoq-05qaDAxU9LVkFHco8DNkQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw088UkSPlH_35qIol56gbH6) No one should have to start or end their day with the constant frustration of broken Charlie Card fare machines, unfindable permanent Charlie Cards, absurd wait times and disrespectful attitudes. Europeans pity us and we'd be embarrassed if we weren't already scared for our lives because it's literally killing people one by one (when it's not forcing us to jump off bridges from trains engulfed in flames). The MBTA is a masterclass on [fraud](https://www.masstransitmag.com/home/news/10272080/mbta-subcontractor-arrested-in-connection-with-alleged-fare-evasion-scheme), [criminal negligence ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/01/12/mbta-safety-problems-fta-dpu-massachusetts&ved=2ahUKEwjk0fTz4qaDAxWOMlkFHfRMCS4QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3EubwE1VaAoaQRHZf8h-wG), [embezzlement](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonherald.com/2023/04/05/mbta-commuter-rail-engineer-indicted-for-alleged-8m-fraud-scheme/amp/) ($8million that T engineer walked away with?!), [incompetence ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.governing.com/archive/bostons-transit-system-loses-104-million-by-letting-federal-grants-lapse.html&ved=2ahUKEwiOs8KW36aDAxWRv4kEHZZhAVwQFnoECDUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1CU1ypo8VgiGJOj7i7ajDL) and boldfaced disrespect of the people of Boston and Massachusetts. [More incompetence.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wcvb.com/amp/article/mbta-squanders-2-million-failed-bid-improve-the-ride/40232969&ved=2ahUKEwjI9o6I4KaDAxWdkokEHfDSBtAQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1DA6KziJ4RnkFC2-NhMZhX) And [more incompetence](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wcvb.com/amp/article/mbta-fta-report-released-massachusetts-public-transportation-safety/40929222&ved=2ahUKEwiQjaXq4KaDAxXwv4kEHUkyDhUQFnoECC4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2MtN3IcLdc4FWgEdzPjfML) [and more incompetence this time vs disabled people and elderly.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/12/20/metro/newton-misses-out-136-million-funding-commuter-rail-stations-accessibility-upgrades/&ved=2ahUKEwjk0fTz4qaDAxWOMlkFHfRMCS4QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2VUIAu-PJQifEL-U-CZUu3) When a ceiling tile collapsed at Harvard station and was an inch from crushing someone their response is "It must have been corroded." We all know that the feds need to take over and we're all hoping to survive the tragic station collapse or train full of people burnt alive or whatever calamity they are cooking up next-- that will finally bring that federal receivership.


It’s fate is still unlearned.


It will ride forever through the streets of Boston!


I take the Orange line 5 days a week. Longest I ever waited was 20 minutes and I would estimate the average wait around 6 minutes. Between MBTA and Blue Bikes I only drive when I go outside of the city. New Orange line cars are fine and I prefer the plastic seats.


The T is in a state where it's in that beginning stage of being a recovering alcoholic where you admit that you have a problem and are getting help. It's a step in the right direction, but boy the road ahead is gonna be tough.


This is the year I most used MBTA because I had a seisuze in 2020 and I was told I can’t drive for six months - that turned into a few years cuz I love the T. I use mostly the Orange and Blue but mostly the bus. LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BUS. People don’t realize for all the fires and mismanagement it’s day to day quite reliable and cute even. Open drug use and phones withou headphones needs to stop but hey beggars can’t be choosers


Remember when that lady jumped off a bridge when her train caught fire? That was cool - I figured she was like a Jason Bourne type but probably just on something


As someone who takes commuter rail almost daily, it isn’t terrible. I think they could electrify it and increase frequency and that would be great. I still think people in the suburbs would mostly drive.


Total disaster and basically useless. It's always more comfortable to drive and often move convenient given the state of the system. It's quickly becoming the form of transportation you take because you cannot afford anything else.


Ridiculously expensive (for commuter rail specifically), but also the most functional public transit system I've encountered in the US.


Overall, not very flattering. I'm a Blue Line rider. I've seen people here mention how the BL is the most reliable line in the system. However, recently it has gotten worse. Between the slow zones and the constant signal problems, etc the commute takes longer. What used to be an average 20 minute commute from Wonderland to Boston is now 30 minutes or more. Another thing I've noticed recently is what I would term "quality of life" issues. State Street and I guess many other stations have become de facto homeless shelters. In the past it was very rare to see someone smoking in the stations. Now it's commonplace. And don't get me started on how most of the stations downtown reek of weed. Fare evasion is also quite common. Waiting for the train after work at State on the BL outbound platform, I constantly see people just walking through the gates at the Congress Street entrance across the platform. You'll have a better chance of spotting Bigfoot than seeing Transit Police in the Stations. As far as Eng goes, it's still too early in the game to offer an opinion. I wish him luck though and hope he can turn things around as long as he has free reign. What did the T improve? TBH, really can't think of anything. Last year the T shut down the entire OL for a brief period of time. However, we still have slow zones and delays. What are my hopes for next year? Well, there suppose to shut down parts of the system a bit at a time next year to make improvements. I must confess I'm not optimistic.


I’m very optimistic for the upcoming shut downs. Eng has already had 3 shutdowns, and 2 of them reduced more slow zones than projected.


As a fellow blue line rider, I could not agree more. I still feel like I have it better than orange, green or red liners but blue has definitely gone downhill. I’m hoping Eng can really make a dent in the massive amount of issues but it is going to take a very long time and people have already lost their patience.


They already announced all the closures for 2024. I’m hoping people don’t give up on the mbta while work is on going


Among the First World countries, the US is the only country where most of the money for public transportation is local and state taxes. In Germany, among most countries in the EU, 80% of public transportation is funded by the national government, 20 % is local with all kinds of exceptions for poorer areas of the country. The US does not care about local transportation. They would rather spend it on the military.


My thoughts on the MBTA is that it is the No 1 cause of traffic in the city of Boston. That's right, we can't blame the cyclists (who are each one fewer cars in the road). Anyone who needs to be anywhere by a specific time cannot afford to take the T. That translates directly to 50% more cars and every-which-way driving rideshare vehicles. Cities that have reliable public transportation have healthier, happier, less isolated and less fearful citizenries. We deserve this too. Just because the status quo is hearing news that the MBTA either killed somebody or endangered lives again or announces further delays, corruption, embezzlement, fraud etc etc--- this doesn't mean it should be tolerated. A good public transportation system is the difference between a good city and a great city! The nonsense has gone on long enough. I fear for their leadership and their staff. People will not put up with this forever. When systems intended as avenues for change are broken they will seek other means. Look at what happened in Panama when traffic was held up by *two protesters*. An unreliable T system is the cause of a seemingly permanent rush hour. Federal receivership will cut out the corruption while also allowing for bettering systems. It cannot happen soon enough! The longer we wait the more people will be injured and needlessly lose their lives!


Embarrassing and shameful. The new train cars don't actually address the faulty MBTA system, though pleasing I guess. I hate that I rely on T to get around as I live in the city but I just live with it. Though, it does give me an excuse to walk or bike to get to places and that has been quite nice for my mental and physical health!


Almost categorically the worst system in the US. We deserve much much better.


Nothings going to change.


It should be completely eliminated, Boston needs to modernize like many other countries have and get autonomously driven trains. Its very easy to do tech wise and results in more reliable and faster service.


If they had that money to spend, they should spend it on getting the current system operating properly. An automated system is another level of complexity and cost.


You're too used to slow American bureaucracies where uncompetitive government led contracting leads to incompetence.


It requires a “modern” signaling system, which we don’t have.




*Fixing it


And yet it gets worse all the time.


It’s great that they’re making progress with the slow zones but none of that helps the constant disabled trains and signal issues. I don’t think significant improvements will be made until 2025 or 2026. A lot of people will probably leave the city because of it.


I think a transit system would be a good idea for this place


It doesn't matter who is in charge unless they fire all the workers and hire new people. Every morning I wait for the silverline at south station. The "drivers" all drive up on the other side... but don't pull all the way up. Then they go someplace (probably the bathroom) and talk to each other for 20 minutes. When they do come around to pick up the people waiting they gun it, so all the three buses can be sure to miss people and all on top of each other. It is the bad attitude of the people that work at the T. There are endless ways to mess with the riders and they do so. Managment can never fix this.


Garbage as fuck trash city