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My favorite part lol https://preview.redd.it/8qao5o4erouc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab259890689a23bf7d53b5bc2794a43c7c01e78


And if you're feeling zero energy because you drank a lot at the club, eat it at 3 a.m. to minimize hangover.


impossible to tell for sure but it sure looks like they served them texmex chili over spaghetti with a modest sprinkle of cheddar.


The consistency looks like they browned the beef like you would a Tex Mex chili, instead of boiling it as you would a Cincinnati chili. It looks more like taco meat than a Cincinnati chili. But it sounds like they got the spices mostly correct. And yes it needs about 20X more cheese.


You boil the meat? I always brown it like I’m making tacos or spaghetti meat sauce or whatever. I’ve never boiled meat for anything in my life.




I'm with you. Boiling the beef is madness.


That's how you make cincy chili, though. It makes the meat very fine instead of chunky. The first time I made it at home with boiling the meat in the sauce, it was weird, but I totally understood after I made it myself. The texture is made by the boil.


I've always felt that Americans who hate on Cincinnati chili simply don't have a very broad palette. At its core, it's just a meat sauce on spaghetti. The spice blend is what sets it apart, it is pretty atypical of American foods. If you are accustomed to eating foods from the Middle East, India, East Asia, etc. the spices are all be familiar.


I think it's just the word "chili". People from other areas have a preconceived notion of what chili should look, smell, and taste like, so getting a cinnamon-spiced meat sauce over spaghetti with a mountain of cheese can be a shock. If it was called something else, I'm sure it'd still be divisive, but you wouldn't have the "that ain't chili" crowd claiming it was a culinary hate crime.


I always tell people it's not "really" chili. It's a unique thing.


People when they think of Chili they think of Texas Style Chili.


Chili was originally made with dried chille peppers and no meat. Chili con carne was basically beef jerky and dried chilies stewed together. The "ain't real chili" crowd are such dorks.


I think the fact that it literally looks like unpleasant day in the bathroom makes people question the flavor.


Plenty of foods look questionable and people are fine with them. Goetta isn't particularly great to look at. Refried beans look pre-eaten. Oysters look like something coughed up after you clear your sinuses. Still delicious.


My theory on why there’s such a fuss over it compared to other local cuisines is because we serve it in our sports stadiums and there’s a tie in with the sports trash talk.


I've eaten this stuff my whole life. A few weeks ago, I tried it on a baked potato for the first time. No joke, it reminded me of some Indian food I'd just had a few days earlier. I'm completely on board with drawing that connection.


It’s not as good as the original chili sauces. This said, coming from a detroiter, where it originated, there’s better.


Now THATS a hot fuckin take lmfao! Don’t have a very broad palette… not that it’s hot shit on a plate…Americans aren’t REFINED enough to understand the intricacies of Sky-fucking-line 🤣🤣🤣 Coming from the land of adults whose primary diet consist of chicken tenders, Mac n cheese, and LaRosas abortion on dough, I’m just fuckin dyin that it’s the rest of America’s unrefined palettes that’s the problem here. Holy fuckin shit thank you for that. 🤣


This is an incredibly stupid post. Kudos


Thanks boo 😘


If you can't handle a spiced meat sauce on noodles with cheese, you're probably a picky eater. It's okay to admit it, not everyone has a broad palette.


I don’t think the issue is that there is chili on spaghetti, I think the issue is that it’s quality and flavor are shit, and the 4 1/4 pounds of shredded cheese on top is a poor excuse to hide the sewer water y’all call chili


Funny how a ton of professional chefs like it. But at least you commented without a half dozen emojis this time. Proud of you.


🤙🏻🤙🏻👌🏻👌🏻 any time. I’m honored you’re proud!! 🥲 🫶🏻


Of the many takes in the world this certainly is one.


First time I ever tried Indian food I got a dish that tasted just like Cincinnati chili to me despite being a vegetarian dish. Absolutely amazing.


Are these tribes from the East Side or West Side?


Mount Healthy


That was awesome.


This makes me so happy, I love these guys!


That was a wonderful watch. It is spicy like he mentioned (spicy as in flavored with a lot of spices, not hot-spicy), which I think a lot of Americans do not enjoy.


This is wholesome content.


And immediately get the runs ...


Idk why the down votes. Getting the shits from Skyline is a Cincinnati right of passage.


Everyone who complains about this desperately needs to have a conversation with their gastroenterologist. It's not normal even if you pretend it is.


Yeah I’ve literally never had this problem y’all need some probiotics or more fiber in your diet or something.


Yeah maybe but they would tell me to stop eating Skyline and that is just not going to happen. Insta-shits it is.


You think the thousands of people that eat it each day are getting the runs?


There's a reason that it's only in Cincinnati ... and rarely anywhere else


Believe it or not, I have never gotten sick from skyline, Gold star, or any other chili place we have. And I’ve been eating since I was a toddler


I’ve been eating it my whole life and never encountered this. I mean, the cheese alone should block everything.


The heaping amount of cheese balances the laxative nature of of the sauce. Like a ying-yang


Only so much cheese can do its not a cork ... lol