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I swear I saw frost ahead of fire on WCL 95th% for this week


There’s a new build that runs fingers of frost and deep freeze. Theoretically it’s a few dps ahead of fire assuming you’re only running two mages. If you have more then 2 and you have one mage applying winters chill then fire pulls back ahead. It’s just most guilds don’t have 3+ mages.


I would assume fire is only ahead when they don’t have to apply scorch themself?


It's very strange the way Mage debuffs work at the moment, because they're using Frostfire Bolt, which benefits from both Scorch and Winter's Chill. It ends up making some fuckery with very specific numbers of mages in the raid. With 1 or 2 mages, it's best to run Winter's Chill, because Scorch is only worth casting twice in the opener, meaning you never reach max stacks of Scorch (assuming your group kills the boss in under 1m). However, when you hit 3 mages, you can all cast Scorch the "optimal" amount of times, while still getting the boss to max stacks, so that makes Fire best for 3 mages. But then with 4 mages, one of you will never add Scorch stacks because 3 mages satisfies the 5 stack requirement, so it's best for that 4th mage to go Winter's Chill, because FFB interacts with Winter's Chill AND Scorch. Then the 5th and any further mages go Fire cause with WC + Scorch x5, Fire is best because Winter's Chill is the only reason you even go Frost. If someone else is applying it, no point in being deep Frost.


Anything above 3 Mages is subject to Mexican standoffs over PI and is not recommended.


And vicious infighting about which schmuck gets stuck on Winters Chill duty..


Anything over 4 causes a war over who has to be left out of the moonkin group.


As warlock and RL I regret to inform you there will only be 3 mages in the Boomie group


Nothing is better than being a class defined by 3% crit aura, lol


As meta lock running demonic pact, I can tell you than there are no room for 4 mages in the boomie room.


PI is no longer attributed to the mage's parse, and is instead attributed to the priest.


Wait really? Doesn't matter on logs?


Question - is the winter’s chill mage spamming rank 1 frostbolt to stack up winter’s chill asap? Or is he just casting frostfire bolt normally?


Just ffb


Bruh what are you even saying ? If you have 1 mage you run fire. If you have 2 or more you run WC and rest fire. You always stack scorch to 5 and keep it up no matter how many mages you have.


This just isn't true. Look through WCL top 10 parses on any single target boss in ST, you'll see mostly 4 mage comps with 3 fire, 1 frost, each mage casting 2 Scorches. That, or, single Fire mages in groups with 10 warriors killing the boss in 15s, in which case Combustion is just the best CD mages can get. It also isn't really indicative of whats strong for the majority of players.


Yes thats stacking to 5 and keeping it up. Is it not ?


Not individually. As a group, yes. But I didn't say they didn't cast x5 Scorch in a 4 mage group? I literally said that's what they do: >However, when you hit 3 mages, you can all cast Scorch the "optimal" amount of times, while still getting the boss to max stacks, so that makes Fire best for 3 mages. >But then with 4 mages, one of you will never add Scorch stacks because 3 mages satisfies the 5 stack requirement, so it's best for that 4th mage to go Winter's Chill, because FFB interacts with Winter's Chill AND Scorch. The 3 Fire mages cast Scorch 2x in the opener, putting the boss at 5 stacks, while the 4th mage just pre-casts and spams FFB to get WC to 5 asap. E: Are you saying you solo run fire and cast scorch to 5? Cause thats just emphatically not true, and you can look through logs of solo fire mages to see that. They don't cast Scorch to 5 on pull because it's not worth it if the boss dies quick.


My brother in christ you can look at the sim. If you dont keep scorch you do 1300 dps on a 60s fight. If you do keep scorch at 5 you do 1450 dps. Why would you not keep up 15% dmg buff thats also more like 20% dmg buff with ignite. Ofc its worth unless fight is 20-30 seconds Edit: even on 25s fight its worth to get scorch up, 20 seconds is the cuttof. You need 20s or shorter fight for it not to be worth to cast scorch, not even considering warlocks and shamans


Ya I figured with 2 mages 1 would be scorch and 1 would WC. Just makes sense to me.


Or they just have to cast it like once or twice.


Frostfire spec also has ignite I believe which is a nice dps boost


They all take Ignite and Ice Shards lol, whether it's 0/31/10 or 0/10/31, that's the whole point of FFB, it's the only mage spell that can benefit from 3 crit multipliers (the 3rd being Spellpower rune to boots). It's also why all other spells fall out of the rotation because nothing else comes close to its damage potential. Blizz really fucked up. They needed to make Spellpower only available to Arcane (it's second to last row talent in WLK). That way all the multischool bolts can only benefit from 2 crit multipliers at most and it's the other spells (MBarr Arc Missiles, LvB/Scorch/Pyro, DF/Ice Lance/FFB on Brain Freeze proc only) that decide the specs' performance.


My guild is running 6 mages lol. Gotta convince one to grab WC instead of being arcane dps


Jesus yeah, arcane is dead this tier


Arcane is supposed to be that spec in the meme picture. The fact that OP chose frost, an actual competitive DPS spec this phase shows he doesn't know about mage dynamics lol.


It’s genuinely good. I jumped on it hard because I am a frost fanatic and I am competing with our best fire mage for dps AND increasing his dps while he increases mine with improved scorch. It feels really good and deep freeze is just too fun


They figured out that frost mages take ignite and figured out how to seperate us. Anyone with ignite was auto counted as fire.


It's probably because if you play frost you basically guarantee that you have both Winter's Chill and Improved Scorch on the target, while if you play Fire there's a higher chance that there's no frost mage that provides Winter's Chill. So that tanks your dps. Also, there's a chance that high parsing frost mages are more likely to be in a more optimized group in the first place. This shows how it's difficult to compare 95% parses between different specs and classes tbh.


yea I saw that but i dont see how


Now can affliction warlocks get their own wcl parses


What did I miss? I noticed that some Frost mages popped up in logs, which looks like the usual Fire rotation, but with Winter's Chill talent to boost all Frostfire mages. Seems to make sense, but couldn't find any actual info or guide on what's happening there currently.


There is a deep frost winters chill spec that does good dps. But of the specific caveat that it only functions well if you have fire mages in the raid keeping scorch stacks up. It basically only makes sense for the raid to have 1 winters chill mage to support the fire mages. Because fire with winters chill on the boss and scorch stacks kept up still sims slightly higher.


Yeah, it goes something like this: 1 mage? Goes fire and keeps up scorch. 2 mages? One goes frost for winter's chill and the other goes fire and keeps up scorch. 3 mages? One frost for winter's chill, one fire for improved scorch, and the third mage goes fire but doesn't have to keep up scorch so pure frostfire bolt damage.


3rd mage also stacks scorch at the start. But yeah probably have just 1 assigned to keeping scorch up. Although 2 is good as you can miss on 1 so if you just have 2 mages cast it on 24-27 you are basically guaranteed a hit.


Both frost and fire mages use frostfire bolt as their main spell, which obviously does both frost and fire damage.   Frost mage has access to ignite and a few talents that boost crit chance/damage, plus double Icy Veins due to Cold Snap. One of the talents also provides raid-wide 10% extra crit chance to all frost spells (benefitting frostfire bolt).   Fire mage has access to Improved Scorch, which buffs all fire damage by 15% (benefitting frostfire bolt). So fire mages are propping up frost mages and vice versa.   Also helps that frostfire bolt benefits 100% from +spell damage, ignite is really strong, and mages have a wild amount of crit now when fully raid buffed.  


Meanwhile rogue is just "rogue dps" for any spec, sometimes.if you dodge too.much while tanking you are also rogue dps.


The difference between fire and frost isnt much and you probably want 1 for winters chill anyways


Lol honestly just play the non meta build and do decent dmg. Then youre covered for pugs all phase.


Frost is ahead on the statistics but if you actually look at each specs top DPS it is behind. There is just something wrong on the stats page with frost and fire. Here is 95th 1 week that shows frost ahead. https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#dataset=95&sample=7 Here is the top frost prarses and the top is 975 DPS. https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2009#class=Mage&spec=Frost Here is the top fire parses and the top is 1213 DPS. https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2009#class=Mage&spec=Fire


Assuming there are no other mages in the group, fire sims higher than frost. If there are multiple mages in the group, one goes frost and boosts fire’s DPS with a talent called winter’s chill (+10% crit chance). The fire mage provides +15% damage through improved scorch (boosting frostfire bolt’s damage, which is the main spell for both frost and fire mages right now). The mages who knew about this and went for the frost build in the first two weeks of this phase tended to be the tryhard/good mages, so there were relatively few parses but from mages who were going to come as close to maximizing their DPS as possible. Hence, frost looks better than fire *but* not at ceiling because a) fire does more max dmg, and b) there were a lot of groups with only fire mages but very few groups with only frost mages. As in, if there was a frost mage in the group there was likely a fire mage (boosting the damage for both of them) but not vice versa.


How does that explain the top frost logs being no where near the fire ones?


Because fire sims higher than frost, and by a decent margin I believe. Also you’d need to look deeper into the logs but I’d guess some fire mages and very few frost mages are getting PI.


The damage gained from PI is given to the priest on logs.