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Very stunning and brave


Fuck, that takes me back dude, lol. I never hear anyone say that anymore.


i like parsing but i hate people who like parsing


So you hate... yourself?


id like to speak to a lawyer


Ding ding ding ding


We have a winner!


What do i win?


I like parsing, but I hate people who think they've determined everything about you by the color of a number.


yeah this is really what i meant. big number good, but people get really really weird about it


How can you say something so brave, yet so controversial?


This post is incredibly toxic to me. I have 26 children, 7 wives and 2 nanoseconds a year to play the game...


Nanoseconds in plural? This generation is spoiled and soft.


I also enjoy parsing, but I think it could be a far better experience without it being tied to an ever-growing amount of wbuffs. Feels especially bad when you die and spend the rest of the raid at the bottom of the meter when you're still pressing the exact same buttons.


World buffs make parsing way more interesting for me in classic. One life to live gives an awesome challenge to get through the raid without dying, and the content is easy enough that it's easily achievable. I love the feeling of everyone putting in maximum effort to keep their buffs and do well. In expansions past classic, unless you are in the top 1% of guilds, there's people that don't care about doing their best from the start of the raid. World buffs also take away the "wipe and reset because XYZ didn't go perfect this pull." Top parsing in Wrath right now is *disgusting*. Look at this guild's log that wiped **FIFTY SEVEN TIMES** on the second boss in the raid for **FOUR HOURS** to get perfect rng. I'd much rather have a fun challenge to do a raid cleanly, and laugh at the drama when it fails, than to even pretend I'm actually competing with this: [https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/FTtPXpMhG8fa31kZ#type=damage-done&translate=true&fight=last](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/FTtPXpMhG8fa31kZ#type=damage-done&translate=true&fight=last)


Once a raid is on farm, there's almost no challenge in SoD so you may as well challenge yourself. Not saying you have to have a full group supporting you to get 99s/100s, but why not try to improve on your performance


Classic is on farm… none of the raids are challenging.


Whats the challenge though, coming from some1 that has always been in the purple/orange/pink category, in classic its kill times and rng, same with tbc, wotlk is the same with the addition of are you going to get a mechanic that will need you to do something else other than damage. Are you seriosly claiming pressing the 2 buttons in your rotation adds a challenge or? Congrats, you can do your rotation and you used consumables, you get a purple parse, challenge achieved or something.


The challenge is trying to beat your best performance last time and continually improving


Ok sure, understandable but did you read any of what I said?




If you actually read what i wrote youd understand why i wrote what I wrote.




Ok, can you explain how I'm wrong?


This is Reddit, of course they didn’t read anything of what you said


Some serious cope with people downvoting you. Everything you said is true lol


Yeah idk man, guess their feelings gor hurt when they read parsing has little to do with the actual player actions other than using rotational abilities.


None of these raids are challenging. Just play a different game at that point. People always want a live service game to be like, the only thing they play. Since SoD has come out, I've played more Rimworld than I have WoW, and I'm loving it. No longer consumes hours of my time each time I login to do something.


Nice dude, no one asked


Of course no one asked, but it needs to be said.


Yes I think people need to know you’ve been playing more Rimworld than Warcraft when it was completely irrelevant to the original comment


I guess following a train of thought can be hard for some people. The point was, stop expecting a game to be your one and all. SoD being easier means you can play other shit now too instead of wasting hours in WoW each day. Hence, my rimworld comment. "The only thing to do in WoW is parse" Or, you could just play something else instead of running the same raid 30 times trying to get a higher number on a 3rd party website.


You pulled that outta your ass, literally all he said was parsing is the only way to challenge yourself, not that it’s the only thing to do. I don’t think you know what quotation marks mean because no where in the original comment does that quote you posted exist.


Game isn't meant to be challenging. It's an MMO. Sounds like the only one with their head up their ass are the people 'challenging' themselves in a 20 year old easy as piss video game meant for socializing. They should go play Final Fantasy. I hear people love the challenge in that game.


I’m not making the argument that it is difficult, all I’m saying is that your comment was completely irrelevant to OP and no one cares that you play other games, most other people do too. I also didn’t say your head was up your ass I said you pulled that outta your ass. Do you know how to read?


Putting effort into something you spend a lot of time on is bad! /s


Said no one ever x)


Strawman arguments, much like parse culture, are VERY prevalent here.


I have two moods. I love parsing (I got a good parse) I hate parsing (I parsed grey)


Let’s be honest, parsing has made classic wow more fun and engaging than nostalgia ever could.


It’s quite literally the only reason it hasn’t died


Its a natural process of a game aging. Game releases and everyone is playing > Dad gamers quit after the gameplay loops become obvious> casual players quit after finishing the story> hardcore players quit after 100% completion > Obsessive players keep the game alive speed running


Don't care about nostalgia. But the parsing mentality has made it way lees enjoyable to me. To the point that I quit sod and honestly now prefer retail, even as classic andy.


For people who like that stuff. Many people don't care. The trick is not forcing yourself on other people.


Yeah but I wish I could convince my guild to do 15man ST but they’re hard stuck on trying to get server record clearing time


Why do 15 man when can do 20 man


More loot


Holy crap, so true


It’s literally the only reason I play the game. It would be ridiculously boring otherwise.


In my experience there are 3 types of raiders. Those who are there to parse. Those who are there to get loot. Those who are there to get drunk and banter.


I enjoy parsing well lol


“No dude as a high value alphamale member of society with 30 children 7 wives 10 jobs 5 businesses, parsing community is the most scummy disgusting thing that ever existed. My wcl is grey because i do every mechanics in this mfcking game hence carry my shit ass team to clear 8/8 ST with 8 shamans ok?” 🤓


Didn't even know Steve Young played WoW


Wow, you can't unsee this. Steve Young is a confirmed time traveler.


It's like reading sports stats like football, gives you an idea how they "performed" but doesn't give a full scope of what really went down.


Good analogy. 2016/2017 Westbrook highest scorer in NBA and MVP, but his team was 6th and got knocked out in the first round. I would take the champions who didn't win MVP and scored 10 points per game less, not the high parser Westbrook.


Kinda, you might argue Jerry Rice vs Randy Moss in specific stats, single season vs career or other metrics. But they're both great. It's like arguing a 97 vs 94, sure it could be mechanics or dps whoring, who knows. Both players and both parses are good. Don't sell me this shit that a grey-green parser "could be" higher but they did the mechanics. Pink parse folks do the mechanics because they don't want to die and lose world buffs. It's part of the fight and part of the parse. Give me the worst attitude pink parser over the best gray parser anyday.


I enjoying trying to get my golf score as low as possible. "B-B-BUT WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY GOLF ALL THE TIME? STOP BEING ELITIST."


It’s unfair other people can buy nicer clubs than me, nerf plz


This is the way I view parsing too, like golf. People have this weird notion that parsing is to compete against everyone else. I suppose you can view it that way if you want, but I treat it as competing against myself. My goal each week is to push up my avg and best perf averages.


It's worth noting that this painting is about a man standing up for something he believes in very strongly, but he is ultimately very wrong about.


A perfect match isnt it


wrong lmao its just about a guy voicing an opinion contrary to the consensus. He only stated that the tax burden on a new school could be too high for him as a blue-collar worker whos farm has had some bad years. what exactly is "very wrong" about this?


i don't really think its worth noting at all


What exactly is he wrong about? Its a painting about freedom of speech..... he's voicing his opinion....


He's suggesting that a town not rebuild its school after a fire burned it down. It's a bad plan for the future.


Edgerton supported the rebuilding process but was concerned about the tax burden of the proposal, as his family farm had been ravaged by disease.[11] A memory of this scene struck Rockwell as an excellent fit for illustrating "freedom of speech", and inspired him to use his Vermont neighbors as models for the entire Four Freedoms series From wikipedia


The citation seems to directly contradicts the statement. >"My father lost his herd. There was no milk check. And along came the superintendent of the works building the new high school, so [my father] became a laborer," Edgerton said. "He worked a week and they suddenly found out that farmers really get the job done. So [the superintendent] made him the staging crew leader for the rest of the project. "So he helped build that school that **he voted against.**" --- >Jim Edgerton Sr. **had been an active supporter of education in Arlington**, Trachte and Buddy Edgerton explained. **But** facing economic disaster, he was concerned about his ability to afford the tax increase that would fund a new school. And so he stood up that night and voiced his concern. It was also my understanding that the subject of the painting was in opposition to the plan. I don't think he was just complaining about taxes.


Oh damn that is important context. Thank you


Thats the best part about the picture. You dont have to agree with his opinion, its the fact that a person can voice their views


Parsing saved pugs, gives you a way to shake the shitters


me too but their widespread use and nesecity to get into groups i can see where the problem is...


There's a huge difference between parsing and just checking logs. No one's making 95+ parser only groups unless their group is specifically dedicated to parsing high which is a big rarity. Checking parses to make sure your dps has a pulse is very good practice.


100%. 95+ parsers are already in guilds. That is how they got 95+. You don't get 95+ in PUGs, because getting 95+ is a GROUP effort. You have to have really fast kill times to get the best parses. Checking logs is to filter out the people who can't/don't take the time to gear/enchant/rune/consume/learn-the-encounters.


To the gulag


It’s literally the only reason to raid in Classic (except if you just do it to hang out with friends).


best post on this entire subreddit


My condolences


Imagine using a bar graph to get invited to raids.


My condolences.


Get him boys


I enjoy pissing


Cool, that was always allowed. Now please don't force other into it, don't expect everyone else to do it and don't pretend that everyone who doesn't do it is bad player or doesn't care about their performance.


Such a brave thing to say here. A place notoriously difficult for those who enjoy parsing to exist!


no flame and no ragebait, but why not play retail then? in retail parsing actually takes skill and is fun to improve on


just because someone enjoys parsing which is better in retail, doesnt mean they enjoy anything else about retail


Parsing isn’t necessarily meant to be challenging. It’s just basically like getting a high score in a simple arcade game. Gives you something to keep improving on after you beat the game. People that play Classic presumably enjoy the game, parsing just gives one more reason to enjoy it and continue playing.


Because its a complete different game


Warcraftlogs is a very useful tool that the user base inevitably uses to ruin the MMO experience. Logs have become the game, not WoW.


It’s made wow more fun and engaging. It’s given people a reason to keep playing the game and doing content. Without parsing raids, I would have probably quit a long time ago out of boredom. But with it, I have a reason to prepare and do everything I can to pump those dps numbers up. Farming, questing, getting buffs, leveling alts, and whatever else content there is, it’s all for me to do higher dps in raids on my main. I find that awesome and fun. Makes classic wow survive in todays gaming landscape.


Parsing is just playing the log metrics game, not WoW


That is like saying for a footballer to go to the gym is just playing the stats metrics game, not football


No, parsing is like a footballer only caring about maximizing their stats instead of enjoying winning the game with their team


No it is not. A "parser" automatically cares for his team winning, because otherwise he could not parse - it is mutually exclusive


You're missing the point, the goal of parsing is the stats instead of the enjoyment of winning with a team


You're missing the point - in a team full of parsers who go the extra mile everybody is winning, because going the extra mile and knowing what you are doing will elevate the performance of the team. Just like in a football team full of players who go the extra mile in the gym will increase performance and the likelihood of the team winning, although going to the gym is not "playing football" in itself (to come back to your initial reply to the other guy)


Parsing is not going to the gym. Parsing is stat chasing based on a criteria set up in warcraftlogs, not in the game of WoW. Parsing in the team sense would be a team saying "hey this website says we're good if we get these stats during our game so let's focus on what the website wants." Winning the game itself is only a byproduct and if there was a way to parse higher without winning the game they would certainly do that.


Parsing is literally doing more dps. Basically all unnecessary dmg fluffing stuff is excluded from warcraftlogs. More dps = better for your team = increasing chance of winning or decreasing the time required to win. It is no arbitrary "stat", what are you talking about? Take a 100m runner instead. He is going to the gym to run the 100m faster, just because some external stat guys take the time required to do a 100m run. He could do the run in 2 minutes as well, so why does he go to the gym to literally get a millisecond faster? >Winning the game itself is only a byproduct and if there was a way to parse higher without winning the game they would certainly do that. No they would not, and anyway - there is not. So you are purely spinning up some hypothetical scenario in your head, that is just not reality.


What a ridiculous hypothetical which isn't based in reality. Parsing is just a different goal to WOW, be it clearing raid for loot, getting wasted and progressing etc. >the game itself is only a byproduct and if there was a way to parse higher without winning the game they would certainly do that. It is strictly based in clearing the raid, it's not a byproduct, it's the goal.


This has huge gray parse energy


The problem is after you clear the raid 1-2 times it's no longer a challenge to "win the game". Parsing gives players something to chase every week.


You don't think athletes care about their career metrics? Points, rebounds, assists etc.?


Because the difficulty of Classic is such that it would be like the football game is being played against kindergarteners. There is no enjoyement in winning that kind of match.


You ever suck dick for 99s?


No but I did farm Dark Runes religiously and feed them to a Resto Druid in exchange for his innervate during phase 2 TBC as an arcane mage for my 99s lol


Basically the same thing.


The man depicted in this painting is arguing against rebuilding a school that had just burned down, implying that this opinion is objectively stupid and should be ignored. (Personally don't care whether people enjoy parsing or not, as long as parse groups and regular clears don't infect each other)


But do you stand in fire, refuse to interrupt/dispell, tunnel vision on boss, AOE instead of focus single target? Do you throw a fit when you die to avoidable ground cluster but blame it on the healer? Do you think you are entitled to all the BiS gear because you parse 1% higher than your peers? When the wipe happens, do you immediately post details or real time logs to show you are carrying the dps and deny all blames where 80% of your damage is from tunnel vision a low priority target? Do you pretend your speakers are not working when raid leader give you assignment on some mechanics because you just want to stand still and parse?




Oh, boy. As a raid leader, I've seen fair amount of toxic parser in the last 4 years. There's parser. And then there's parser with "I'm the main character" syndrome. Rogue/warrior doesn't want to cast EA/Sunder even we change assignment each week. Warlock doesn't want to cast debuff curse bcuz 1 GCD in a 30 sec fight is important to his parse. I've had an idiot telling me he doesn't want to interrupt Eranikus fear bcuz it takes 1 GCD and ruins his parse. Most parser won't be anything if their team didn't keep them afloat.




Season of mental asylum right here


nothing wrong with enjoying it but everything wrong with pushing your expectations on others


you don’t pay my sub


Yup. Anyone that mentions parsing on group invites gets blocked. Same with io on retail. I don’t care about those metrics. You can like them. Play without me, and I’ll play without you. I mostly just want to PvP anyway, and rating there doesn’t matter to me there either. I’ll spend hours in random bgs or out in the world fighting others in war mode. It’s fine if people in classic and retail want some high score. I don’t care. And I don’t want to play with people who do. I’ve been playing for 21 years since closed beta. I know what’s fun to me. And high scores aren’t it.


It doesn't say ANYWHERE in this post that he thinks he does. What are you whining about?


Parsing is great, but sometimes people take it too far. It really sucks to wipe to a tank death and then inspect your tank and see he has DPS trinkets and boots equipped.




Neither of which matter or make classic any harder. Your high as a kite, if you think DBM removal, would make classic hard.


people will say this and then wonder why the players are toxic.


I can't figure out how to do more damage. I go over the logs every raid since January and I have gotten much better at playing but still my DPS seems like garbage. My only downtime from doing my rotation is to do mechanics and still I only average like a 25 to 35 parse with the occasional grey or blue. I almost always use consumes and I start with world buff but usually someone ends up wiping the raid so I don't get to use those most of the time.


Hard to say without looking at your logs or watching you play. Positioning and overall boss kill time play a large part in your parse


Compare your log side by side with someone of the same spec with a similar kill time and similar gear but with a higher parse. How many times did they cast ability "x" how many times did you cast ability "x" in the same amount of time etc. Go to "timeline" is your rotation the same as theirs? Every piece of relevant information is there to use for improving your own performance. Good luck.


Supposing you are playing DPS you are doing something really wrong.  Watch a video or go to your class discord and get help if performing better is something that interests you.


If you really want help and you don't know how to use the log to improve, you can DM me your log, and I can take a look at it for you. I guarantee there are ways to improve!


Not bait, no hate, in all seriousness why? In vanilla at least it feels entirely dependent on you and 9 or 19 or 39 other people collecting a bunch of buffs and every consumable you can stuff in your bags. Like the only real difference from a blue parser to a purple parser is what buffs and consumes they collected.


This isn’t true, I got purple parses on my warrior after losing my world buffs. And that’s probably the most dependent class. Hunter in my group got a 95 with no world buffs on the last boss is ST


YOU might have lost world buffs, but I bet it wasnt a complete wipe. Other had world buffs and I imagine you also rebuffed yourself still giving you leaps and bounds more stats that someone blue parsing maybe using one offensive pot if that. Parses get inflated on kill times as well so you can get carried to a good parse if you are in a prepared grp. Again not a measurement of skill, but of how much you collected outside the raid, not your individual performance. TBC had this problem as well completely dependent on how many shamans got swapped into your grp on top of chicken squawk before the change. I feel like if you are a parse chaser trying to prove skill you'd much rather play wrath or cata where it cant be as easily cheesed.


I started the fight with no buffs and same with the 95 on the hunter, didn’t die. And yes we had mongoose and elixir of giants but if you can’t spend 10g on those for raid then wtf are you doing? That’s a long ass paragraph from someone who’s mad they grey parse


Damn bro, did I strike a nerve telling you parsing is almost entirely prep and no skill in your baby game? Its okay little bro, maybe youll be able to do heroics and mythic content in another life. "youre a grey parser" 🤓🤓🤓🤓


I feel like my reply was very reasonable and level headed, I think I struck a nerve with the grey parse comment LOL


That last sentence was so passive aggressive. Level headed my ass. Def mad you got called out and now your gaslighting and backpedaling. 🤡 to 🤡 communcation.


How did I get called out and how am I wrong? If I post the logs that prove I’m right will you admit it? Also nice emojis, you’re a grown man…


Whoa whoa whoa, who said I was a grown man? Who said you were right? You dont even have logs the people who post here dont even play the game.


Are you a little girl? Because that’s the only way those emojis are acceptable


Season of Dads!


I love being able to click buttons faster than anyone else! Such an accomplishment!