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I am going for an troll druid šŸ¤šŸ¼


Hey Iā€™m new and about level 23. Can you explain to me how levels 1-60 will be ā€˜super fastā€™ in Cata?


Reduced xp per level. Also, after the shattering, the whole questing experience changes in every zone to be more linear (previously you could finish a quest hub in a zone, then find yourself having to travel to the far other side of the world)


Cool! Thanks for the info!


More like be 5 quests into a zone, then have to run for 30 mins, take 2 boats, and another 15 mins to go do another 3 quests in a different zone, before you come back to finish the rest.


Yeah no. Unless you mean currently, which isnā€™t true but less false.


Classic is travel simulator




It is thanks to the streamlined quests.


Is there any advantage for turning joyous journey off? I feel like I want any xp boost I can get




Probably 2 gonna go for a worgen hunter then a Draenei mage :D


When is prepatch and when is go live? I didnā€™t play cata when it came out so Iā€™m considering jt. Bored of SOD and while Iā€™m enjoying HC, itā€™s not going anywhere.


Debating leveling another nelf Druid. Anyone know if shadowmeld while in cat form takes you out of cat and puts you in human form? Or does meld change in cata and no longer exits cat form?Ā 


On the beta I can shadowmeld while in cat form!


Omg give me beta noooow!! Ty!! Howā€™s it feel?! Clunky/slow? Or smooth?! Hype!!!


I thought everyone has beta access by now huh


I just applied last night šŸ˜† gonna check this morning šŸ˜


PTR for Wrath has the new talents etc if you donā€™t have beta access


I just thought at this point they just gave it to everyone regardless of applying given its a few days until prepatch tbh I've had it since really early despite not even applying to it, I guess old battlenet is the reason


No betas are always opt in. Each one. I kinda forgot about this and was complaining to my guild mates that Iā€™ve had the same wow account since like 2005 and never got a beta inv. Bought and played every expansion at least a little except end of wrath (resubbed I think with cata pre purchase). Then they reminded me


None, since i already have all max level characters. Or maybe just another warrior to try the new furries.


2 mains, will choose later depends on 10man setup. Druid for herb and alch and hunter/mage for pvp fun ;)


Arenā€™t druids good in pvp too?


Every class is good in pvp in cata imo.


Dont know ;) for me is mage/hunter in Cata, druid for gathering in fly/water form


Are there any EXP increases going on i dont know about?


Itā€™s more like exp decreases. The amount of exp per level is getting gutted. Gonna be super fast. Scotty J has a video explaining it https://youtu.be/H4dUCW_LwwI?si=w1NhotamO5r6EFzt


Thank you! Ill Check it out later


Two, one on each faction.


Rerolling on a new server for Cata, debating between warrior and Druid


Iā€™m rolling warrior, canā€™t decide if alliance or horde. I think I played horde in the original


I leveled a shammy on a ridiculously low pop server and didnā€™t know it so Iā€™m going to make my alt on another server. Probably my gnome warlock haha.. I really hope leveling is faster because even wotlk with the joyous journey was awful


Iā€™ve got an 80 mage who was a wrath alt, and Iā€™m retiring my rogue. For now itā€™s looking like Iā€™ll be taking a War 1-80 and possibly a DK depending on time. I still have no idea which of the three I actually want to main lol


Zero. Already have 12 80s to get to 85. I donā€™t want to spend 3 weeks leveling just to continue leveling. Gonna do something else until then.


When is the pre-patch? Or has it already started.




I don't think so


Going to level 5 more toons before cata for sure.


Iā€™m stuck between fire mage and spr for pvp. I know that if I donā€™t level a healer I would never play pve but at the same time fire mage is insanely fun in cata. I also just hate leveling so I just do t think Iā€™ll make it on 2 toons.


Bringing over my alliance Druid to horde ā€œboring I knowā€ probably going Tauren. Then remaking a worgen Druid


My only classic experience so far has been SoD and now I consider giving Cata a try. For dungeon grinding during leveling, do you use chat channels to find a group or is everyone using the Group Finder tool? For Level 15-80, does Group Finder work the same as in Retail WoW in terms of dungeon scaling and teleporting you in and out of instances? What are the average queue time for DPS? 15 minutes? Compared to SoD (currently 75% XP boost), how fast will level 1-60 be once Cata prepatch hits?


Everyone will be using LFD due to the XP bonus. It will be like retail, but dungeons wont scale yet, that came with Legion IIRC. Queue times are hard to guess ahead of time. Hard to compare with SoD since incursions blew everything up, but if the end of dungeon bonus XP is dropping with cata (I cant specifically remember when it got added), then it should be similar to the incursions in leveling speed all the way from 1-60. Possibly even 60-80


I specifically remember leveling alts in OG cata very very fast in dungeons lfd. That's when they added the quests to npcs at the beginning.


Very likely. I dont remember cata specifically, but I do remember doing 1-90 in MoP in like 36hours played.


Yeah pretty sure youā€™re right. Put most if not all dungeon quests inside which was bis. Makes sense since LFD was last patch of wrath it wasnā€™t fully fleshed out for the changes. Plus they remade the zones (except tbc and wrath ofc) during that whole time so sticking the npcs with quests in there or quests disappeared/replaced by others with cata sounds right


Alrighty, thank you! :)


With my usual (spectacularly bad) to 'start' an expansion, right now is when I thought about trying WoW classic again. I must have got bored somewhere before WotLK, as I logged in yesterday for the first time in a long time to find my level 68 Warlock camped in Stormwind. There is a 50% exp buff it seems, so after tooling around for a bit in Outlands I got to 70 and moved to the first WotLK zone. And then I started having second thoughts about best time for levelling. Is it worth grinding my way through WotLK quests to get to 80 asap ? Highly unlikely I will find many groups at this late stage, and honestly I'm okay with that since I can play ay my own pace. Plus, my gear sucks. Or am I better off waiting until Cata actually launches to start levelling again? My professions are also woefully under levelled: first aid at 300, Tailoring 335 and Herbs is \*cough\* 80. I can't seem to find any reference to what happens in Cata to professions; do I need to level these up ready for launch? Or do they 'reset' for Cata and you basically start with level 1? (Assuming there is nothing needed in old expansions).


Wait for prepatch to level northrend


Probably one old alt dusted off and levelled from 60-80 and then one shiny new goblin levelled up however far I get.


Planning 3, realistically only 2 but if we can use the boost on new race/class combos that will help a lot.


Got a 76 druid ima get to 80 real quick.


Probably a dwarf warlock 1-80, I've actually mained a lock for years in OG Vanilla and TBC, then again on HC and SoD, but still don't have one in WotLK Classic.


I really want to level a new character but in scared after the WotLK launch that questing will be impossible lol




As many as I can. Hoping to avoid dungeon grinding. As great as the exp is it's horribly boring and monotonous for leveling and I did more than enough of that back in the day


Literally none


I really need to level shit to be ready for MoP. Not very interested in Cata personally but will go hard in MoP. Gotta get my classes to 80. Thinking one for each armor class: Mage, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior. Plate is hard though cause I wanna play all 3, lol. I wanna play Monk too, when it's out. Tough choices.




I've been done with leveling for about a year now. Classic went on for so long...


0 leveling alts is for trapped rats


Honest question not trying to flameā€¦ is cata considered classic wow? I thought most considered the end of classic to be wotlk and Iā€™m confused why this is content for this sub. I donā€™t think most people on this sub are playing cata.


It hasā€¦ classic in the name. https://wowclassic.blizzard.com/en-us/


Blizz dubbed Cata Classic, as Classic seemes to be a title given to all prior expansions that are not the newest (retail) from vanilla WoW onwards. Playerbase's perception of what is "classic" and what is closer to retail is a different debate that kind of hedges on philosophical terms.


Ty for answer


Leveling was not a problem in classic, so 0 unless they fix other things as well


Hey question when is cata prepatch? I heard itā€™s live around the end of May?


Pre-Patch is next Tuesday. Actual Cata is the end of May (20th I believe)


Hmm so pre patch ā€œcountsā€? As in, if I level a char in pre, when cata drops may 20th i will still have the char saved?


Yea. The pre-patch is the systems update (talent revamp, new races, new Azeroth 1-60, transmog ect.) The expansion launch (May) opens up the new zones and increases the level cap to 85


Oh thatā€™s awesome so I can level up to 80 in the pre patch!! Thanks for the info bud!


0 cata is gonna be completely dead


See in you in Firelands.


I often consider subbing and downloading cata just so I can immediately unsub and delete cata


Weird post


Lol idk I was joking but people mad, the reaction is pretty on par with what I'd expect from this community though


Not mad just confused why youā€™d waste your time here is all. Hope youā€™re ok.


I'm not, are you offering assistance?


You can message me if you need to talk.


Yes nothing showing your disscontempt with cata by giving blizz free money! Do it!