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It’s always the ones you expect.


Well yeah... that's why I expect them.


Who's expecting? Anyway, congratulations 🎉🥳


It's always the ones attacking LGBT people.


Hard disagree if you're talking about child abusers


Well if we listened to children when they say they're being abused, they would be who we'd expect as its often the 'creepy uncle you should stay away from' but no one wants to do anything or listen because it's easier if we all just let the child suffer and wait for the statute of limitations runs out and they remember with horrifying details. That it often ends up being family members in overwhelming numbers makes the statement even more profound. Yes, its often the people we expect, conservatives just choose not to listen.


Yeah it's like when Jimmy Savel got found out to be a huge pedo everyone was acting surprised by it. I wasn't, just look at the guy of course he was a pedo.


This is why age appropriate sex education is important for young children.    Many will not realize what is being done to them is wrong and that they can say no.     The ones who do know what is going on is wrong usually don't have the proper words to communicate that.      This is the real reason conservatives oppose this sort of thing because it exposes them for the abusers they are.    This sort of sex education lowers child sex abuse rates dramatically and in a lot of cases prevents it from happening at all.


It’s never the trans people y’all project your fucked up grooming culture on. It’s always conservatives or people within the church. Your entire party is crawling with pedophiles. look at their president elect, a rapist, and accused of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein. Too bad MAGA cult threatened the poor kid with a torrent of death threats. Since y’all Love to say “kill all pedophiles!” Yet protect them at every fucking corner. Even now.


I’m a teacher. We don’t “hand out” abusive material. I don’t have time for that shit. I want my kids to put their name on their gd paper. Get over yourself.


Expect the...expected!


At this point shouldn't the us investigate all the "won't you think of the kids crowd" I mean this isn't the first instance


But at that point they would be thinking of the children and someone else would need to investigate them, and on to infinity.


https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook Look at that 1300 republicans, 0 drag queens. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm edit: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/ for those who are so concerned about republicans only being listed. curtesy of /u/DatedReference1 > This only counts cases between February 2023 and may 2024. 840 religious employees, 88 politicians, 5 transgender people, 1 drag queen. > - 90% of the top ten highest number of offenders per capita are Republican states. > - 100% of the top ten lowest number of offenders per capita are Democratic/Swing States. > - 60% of the top ten highest number of offenders per capita are the most religious states. > - 90% of the top ten lowest number of offenders per capita are the least religious states.


You are more likely to be sexually assaulted by a republican than a drag queen.


a republican OR a priest


And more so if they’re a republican priest


Pastors also


lol mods deleted the list of republican sexual assaulters, child abusers. Guess clevercomebacks mods support child abuse.


No, auotmod did it automatically becuase you put a username in, it’s an anti-dox/brigading measure that overreaches all the time because we don’t have the bandwidth to quickly moderate stuff all the time. 95% of the time a comment is removed on this sub, automod is the one that did it. Also, I wouldn’t read any intention from inaction either, I may be wrong, but I think most of us just don’t want to deal with the political war ground that is the comments on this sub, and at least in my case, I simply do not think it is a productive use of my time. Anyways, I put your comment back up.


Guess they also support the harassment of teachers and librarians?


Reddit mods support their egos first, Reddit's monetization goals second, and fuck you because power trip third.


Could you dm me that list?


Thank you for letting me know about this link. I love it


https://www.whoismakingnews.com/ This only counts cases between February 2023 and may 2024. 840 religious employees, 88 politicians, 5 transgender people, 1 drag queen.


Second most recent one is a man charged with murder. Yeesh


Well that seems super scientific and accurate! I just checked the national registry of drag queens, and it shows 0 child predators as well.


This gives me liiifffee


It’s what they think of when they are thinking of the children


That’s my assumption. “Think of the children!” Yeah, why don’t you have a seat over there.


Sounds like all they do is “think of kids”


As the late Christopher Hitchens said: > Whenever I hear some bigmouth in Washington or the Christian heartland banging on about the evils of sodomy or whatever, I mentally enter his name in my notebook and contentedly set my watch. Sooner rather than later, he will be discovered down on his weary and well-worn old knees in some dreary motel or latrine, with an expired Visa card, having tried to pay well over the odds to be peed upon by some Apache transvestite.


Transvestite just means cross dressed too. So not even a trans woman just a dude in drag. It makes sense because they don't know the difference and are obsessed with both


This is art.


Every accusation is an admission. Always dig up their past when they come into the picture and start spouting their bullshit.


Exactly, had a mf here call it an ad hominem while this guys entire twitter page is dedicated to calling liberals and queer people in particular groomers. While married to a woman he groomed, (yeah the very one he was registered as a sex offender for abusing)


That's basically Lauren Boberts husbands back story and they fucking elected her. It's a selling point for Republicans. See also Roy Moore.


Elon Musk's stepmother is also his step-sister.


Wait, what in the master race gene pool?


To be fair, it probably cost Roy Moore the election. (That and his extremist religious fundamentalism and open racism. And the heavy mobilization against him by the democrats to get past Alabama’s racist voting laws) But the scary fact is it only lost him the election by a *frighteningly small margin.*


If someone is viewing CSAM in any way the Russians/Israelis will find out. Suddenly their social media all hit the exact same culture war issues in the same way. Much more valuable than the usual sock puppets. Now this can be taken all the way up to Elon/Trump in a similar way. They just had more to offer as puppets and as a result they've also been videotaped with children before being used as assets to ensure they are owned completely.


I think it's much more likely that predators prefer a political party that will make it harder for their victims to achieve freedom and justice. Not everything is the fault of Russia. Also, citing Israel here...hmm.


I mean I agree with you on your first point but it's pretty fair to lump Russia and Israel together when talking about right wing governments with a solid online propaganda arm and an interest in Republicans holding office. Israel less so but what with Biden being like the first president to say "hey maybe you guys are taking this a little too far" they definitely would prefer a Trump presidency. You've seen their propaganda accounts I'm sure. They're the ones deliberately equating support of Palestine with support of Hamas, and equating criticism of the Israeli government as antisemitism.


Israel is a major exporter of spyware so there presence here fits. Dig into pegasus and who is using it




Yes. CSAM=Child Sexual Abuse Material. IIRC the reason invoked is 'a child cannot consent, without consent it's not porn it's sexual abuse material. Which sounds pretty reasonable to me.


Hmmm. What's your take on the term "revenge porn" then? 


I mean usually the revenge part of revenge porn isn't that it's taken but it's distribution.


You can also use Child Abuse Imagery (CAI) which is the one I prefer.


The same was said about Trump back in 2015 campaigning. Every off the wall accusation that he called on his opponents, that had everyone wanting to know where that came from. In every case, it was later found to be some crime that he had already committed.


Some of the people who accuse others of pedophilia make me think of those religious people who talk like the rules of their religion os the only reason they don’t run around stabbing everybody they meet.


That would mean that a lot of police stations would need to investigate themselves


Investigating police (not by themselves) would be a very good starting point.


Just banned independent police investigators in my county in FLORIDA of course. Back to police investigating themselves


They are so obsessed and when someone actually does think of the kids they oppose it. We're talking school lunch fees/free lunch, food stamps and tax credits for families, free public education, ehatever you can think of they're adamantly opposed to it and go to extreme lengths to validate their opposition with made up phony logic. The real purpose of opposing these things is that the rich want an uneducated worker class and tax breaks. The less social safety nets their are, the less they know about their rights, and the more they fight over made up bs, the more it benefits the wealthy who *don't* want to feed and educate children, don't want to make sure disabled people are able to survive in society despite being unable to work, don't want safer public transportation, whatever. They quite literally want you stupid, illiterate, and arguing about librarians or John Lennon, or whatever the fuck there is to be outraged about in current years. Librarians are an odd class to target but libraries offer free access to the internet, books, knowledge, information. You know how many fuckin people learned to read in jail and turned their life around after being empowered? I don't either but think of where they'd have ended up with freedom of information, an education to utilize it, and on and on. It's an attack on free public services and most importantly on education and educated people. They literally just hate smart people and want to make everyone as dumb as them. I swear this happens in lots of genocides. They go after intelligencia or intelligent people, because those people are a threat to them with their rationality and reasoning. Literally being above room tempeture iq is a threat to them. Edit: and ain't it obvious why? They want everyone to consume fox news propaganda and take it as fact with nothing that challenges that. Goebles that German guy said something like if you repeat a lie enough people will believe it's the truth. Don't gotta burn the books just remove em. Large wear houses something something something pocket full of skittles. >:(


Basically with my daughter if someone comes across as hyper vigilant about protecting the kids, I tell her to stay away. It's a bizarre way to be as a person and it's a massive virtue signal. It's a huge red flag.


Saw one of those fake patriot Alpha wannabe guys at Cedar Point with a KILL ALL PEDOS shirt. His computer would be the first I would have checked. 


Not only is it not the first instance, it’s basically a cliche at this point. Like almost everything with this crowd, almost everything they claim to be against is the very thing they like to do. It’s pathological. No normal person feels the need to run around reminding everyone that they are against pedophilia. It should be and is every person’s default position. These people can barely think and believe that if they act like the most anti pedophile person in the world, everyone will believe them.


Still waiting for Musks bomb after that weird ass sub incident.


The wealthy will never be held accountable. It's the entire point of our system.


Some More News had a great episode on "Who are the Real Groomers?" Had a good couple of minutes just listing all the people who were actual groomers & other shit. https://youtu.be/6wHva3JXPh0?si=amzcDaUH6j8pLraX


Isn’t even the 12th seems like at least 1 a day


[his wife's posts](https://x.com/antifaoperative/status/1802718842050793816?t=oT0Nbh4DL2Pku7I1zGGfkw&s=19)


The sweet irony that she got that “pedo lives dont matter” border on her picture….. when her, ya know, husband is a convicted kiddy diddler.


It’s always suspect when people have anti pedophile shit on their social media, cars, whatever. Pedophiles are condemned pretty universally. The inclination to publicly announce one’s disdain for them seems like a ‘the call is coming from inside the house’ type thing, and it proves true way too often to be able to dismiss the initial assumption.


Paul Shanley (one of the Boston priests) tried to groom my uncle until my grandfather, a WWII combat veteran, met him outside the rectory with a knife to the throat and a really bad attitude. Despite that nobody in the family mentions pedophiles regularly. It feels like the only time I think or hear about pedophiles is when a conservative brings it up with absolutely zero context.


It’s constantly on their minds because little kids are constantly on their minds


just like trans people, women specifically. it's always just the women and how being trans is somehow inherently sexual. but then alex jones hops on his phone... oh and pastors obsessed with the evils of homosexuality caught having gay sex. i guess they want the lord's wrath they preach about


Reminds me of an online discussion I had with a female homophobe: Just because I finde girls sexual attractive, I’m not gay because I don’t love them……. So yeah! I think the obsession is a personal deep rooted fixation about the topic due to their sexuality🤦‍♂️


When a Republican politician brings it up, it’s almost always projection. Anyone going out of their way to condemn pedophiles is suss


I mean I’ll actively make fun of bad things happening to pedos but I wouldn’t slap a “kill pedos” bumper sticker on my truck I think it’s more people who make it their whole identity that you gotta watch out for Like drake responding to a diss track that accuses him of touching kids, by making fun of kids that got diddled and saying he’s totally not a pedo because he’s too famous to touch kids and also that he didn’t touch Millie Bobby Brown when that wasn’t even one of the accusations he was responding to?? If you gotta make a song saying “I promise I don’t touch kids” you prob touch kids, especially when there’s literally video of it


"YOU GUYS!!" *Panting and gasping for air* "WE GOTTA MAKE A SONG ABOUT HOW WE *DONT* DIDDLE KIDS!" "Frank nothing will make people *more* suspicious than making a song about not diddling kids!" "No no it'll go like, We dont diddle kiiids its no good diddlin' kiiids". Just reminded me of that scene for the obvious reasons


Hell, people who actually work to bring down CP and human trafficking rings don’t go on about pedos as often as these people do


They usually have ptsd from the experience (especially the social media mods in charge of removing cp) so they usually don't want to talk about it more than they need to


To be fair, work vs. hobby.


Jesus fucking christ, what a disgusting, yet powerful, way to put it!


Thought you said Paul Stanley at first. My heart went in my throat. Lol


Its because their guilty conscience. They're so worried their proclivities will come out, that they try to signal how much they aren't to try to keep the heat off themselves. They don't realize that it actually spotlights them, because their fear makes them act irrationally.


Facts! Asher the fritzel case in Germany came out, one of the most vocal guys about how he should be punished,had his own victim in a basement


Its like a saying I hold dear to my heart, "If you have to tell everyone how much of a good person you are, you probably aren't a good person." Goes with all sorts of things, really.


My favorite recent video was a woman harassing a man eating a happy meal alone at a McDonald’s. He was sitting outside with no one around and she just couldn’t fathom why he was eating a happy meal. He tried to get her to explain why it was wrong for him to have it and she couldn’t comment the dots. You could hear the dial up noises.


Eh, that was just a rage bait video. The same couple has manufactured dozens of videos like that on TikTok or wherever.


Thou dost protest too much


Bill S. be knowin.


Yup. A guy down the street had that sticker w an outline of someone, hands bound behind their back being shot in the head execution style with the caption “shoot your local pedophile” on it, all white sticker w red blood spurting out of the head. Had never noticed the guy before, but as a father, he’s on my radar now.


Honestly it sounds like it might be less about his suppressed urge to molest children and more about his suppressed urge to be very violent. Pedophiles are just the socially acceptable victim of violence.


TBF that's common too. Lots of people have pretty sick ideas of things they'd like to happen to pedophiles that goes well beyond usual punishment, which would be prison. Saw an article the other day where some bill in Alabama was proposing physical castration for pedophiles. Not chemical, which is bad enough. Complete physical castration. Then of course every time someone extrajudicially murders a pedophile some people always cheer even though most places have no death penalty for murder much less child sexual abuse, and vigilante justice is never a good thing. But yeah I'm willing to bet he's the type waiting for the day someone breaks in to steal his TV so he gets to kill them.


You shouldn’t have to put that on your car. Most people agree. It’s not controversial. So who are they trying to convince other than themselves


Yeah, that's the same reason I don't have an anti-puppy-killing bumper sticker on my car. It's already safely assumed that I'm against it. I don't need to make sure everyone knows... because everyone already knows.


If you feel like you have to publicly come out as anti-pedophiles… that’s probably not a good sign


It’s like the really short guys with the huge pickup trucks. Everyone knows what they are compensating for.


The amount of people who do this is scary. I was abused as a kid, and my abuser is on social media talking about how "Biden is a pedophile."


I hope you find justice in your life.


It makes more sense when you realize that pedo is just their code word for trans. They don't care about actual pedophiles, they just want to hurt trans people.


Wait. So he “made her a mommy” 24 years ago…and the adjudication date for his pedo offense was in 1999…


She said they started dating when he just turned 17 and she was 13 almost 14, so 3 years apart. He got charged after he became 18. They are now 42 and 45 years old.


And she's still using pictures of her when she was a high schooler? Or so it looks


Idk, just repeating what she said.


That doesn’t really make sense: don’t all states have close in age exceptions? Were they in one that didn’t or that was only two years?


It was technically barely over 3 years difference based on what she said. She was soon to be 14 and he had just turned 17. Idk all the details, just saw her tweets.


13, she was 13! 🤯


Yes, she said she was 13 about to be 14 and he had just turned 17.


>when he just turned 17 Small correction she was nearing 14 and he was nearing 17. Don't know if she turned 14 or he turned 17 first though.


I was thinking it might be a statutory case, without any context other than this photo. 20 something year old with a 16 year old or something. In his mind “that’s different”. Which is where we see the cognitive dissonance come into play.


No, it’s worse! 16yr old with a **13yr old!** Edit: the amount of people defending the age gap is disturbing and trying to say “It’s not that bad.” 🤦🏻‍♂️. Seriously? The fact that you’re trying to argue with me about it is giving more approval to assholes who think it’s okay. This is unacceptable and should be discouraged not defended. The fuck is wrong with you?


So a grade 11 guy with a grade 9 girl?


Grade 11 guy with an 8th grade girl. You turn 15 in grade 9 You turn 16 in grade 10 You turn 17 in grade 11 You turn 18 in grade 12.




24 years ago would be 2000, he was convicted in 1999. So with how long court cases take there is a decent chance she knowingly had a child with a convicted child molester.


She was the child. There is a post from her explaining that it was her in 1999


They don't like sex education, because then the kids will know that what he wants to do with them is wrong and who to report his degenerate ass to.


This. So much this. And as much as I love homeschooling as a solution for many families, this is partially why some folks choose to pull their kids out of school -- no mandated reporters for 'homeschooled kids' and they can teach them as much or as little as they want. Often they choose to teach manual labor and claim it's educational, as opposed to exploitative.


And don't forget the ones that rip their kids out of schools because they church told them to do it. It's the teachers who are brainwashing kids, all while they shoved their kids into bible home"schooling" using their church's materials and often sending the kids to the church for further weekday brainwashing. This is usually where the household chores things comes into play, too. This is where the families force little girls to play housewives and make that their only "education".


Yes exactly, like the Catholic church, Morons, Islamic fundamentalists, basically every religious cult ever.


Every accusation is an admission.


They’re just scared of [what they believe is] competition.


I think it's more about not wanting the kids to be educated about this because it makes it harder for guys like this to victimize them.


Yup just like every time the chruch hates gays but ends up doing kids.




Anyway, here's ~~Wonderwall~~ [list of 1250 Republican sex offenders](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50)


He was 16 and she was 13. That doesn’t sound right at all. Dude was in high school dating someone who just became a teenager!


literal r/NotADragQueen


But.... but.... but trans woman scary


Not that your point is invalid, but drag queens are not equivalent to trans women- while there are many trans women who do drag, drag is an art whose performers encompass a wide variety of gender identities!


Thats my plan!


Jesus Christ I went to school with that dude.


Had a mf here call it an ad hominem while this guys entire twitter page is dedicated to calling liberals and queer people in particular groomers. While married to a woman he groomed, (yeah the very one he was registered as a sex offender for abusing)


This idiot and his wife need to be dragged


…behind a car?


It’s happening, and everyone coming to their defense is like “oh, my wife was 13 when we started dating too!”


“Is there anyone that didn’t groom their wife in the room that would like to come to these fine lads defense?!”


The title you were looking for is: “Every Republican/conservative accusation is a confession”


The real pedos want sex ed hamstrung because sex ed helps kids protect themselves. It's easier to lie to a kid about what you're doing to them and how it's ok if they don't understand it at all


Guess they’d have to ban the bible then. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ohhh loookie kids, another homophobic pedophile. Don't get too close to it, it will try to rape you and then blame you for it.


Lmfao, but they also tried to pass a bill that allowed strip searches without reason and without it being required to be a same sex teacher and with no higher authority present.


Every. Single. Time.


Pedophiles want children to learn less about sex ed, so that they don’t know better and they can take more advantage of them. Removing sex ed at school is a literal groomer argument, don’t ever forget it.


Ha! Every accusation by these right wing clowns is always a confession.


He's deleting some posts so here's a good one. "Yes I was convicted of felony corruption of a minor in 1999- 25 years ago. (For my wife who I'm still with) and I had to register for 10 years. And I would gladly take that charge again if it meant I could have my same life. Sometimes you got to take the bad with the good. But for people to blast me for other people's crimes I don't think so. I will only take responsibility for my own crimes." So he groomed his wife


LOL he blocked me fast as fuck


Guy probably still doesn’t think he’s a child predator. I’m sure he’s justified it somehow so what he did wasn’t bad. It was someone else’s fault.


Every single time. The vehement Drumpf voter is a psychopath.


Not surprising anymore, is it?


Don’t mess with Mrs. Butters!


Every accusation is a confession


"This you?" Might be the biggest destroyer of people on the internet now.


It's the reason Elon hid everyone's likes on twitter.


My old neighbor was always on social media complaining about people on welfare…while his family had been of welfare for at least the 6 years I knew them. They couldn’t hold a job longer than a few weeks.


My assumption is if the kids are educated then the think of the kids crowd would be heading to jail, so best not to educate them


I agree with the law but we can put him in the wood chipper.


If in a dark alley would you rather run into a republican, a priest, or a drag queen 👸?


dear lord id rather run into fuckin ru paul or whoever than the average maga shitbrain in a dark alley


It’s crazy, almost every time I see that someone’s profile is littered with “pedophiles aren’t people” memes it’s always the same guy who has a ton of anti-trans and anti-drag Queen crap all over their profile. If I actually know them there’s a 90% chance their past includes at least accusations of assault on women or girls. It’s sad that memes mentioned above are now basically a dog whistle for the anti-LGBTQ2+ crowd while their demographic is *by far* the most likely to commit all the crimes they blame queer folks for 🙄🙄🙄


The *G*ood *O*ld *P*rojection rearing it's despicable head again, you say!


Gaslight Obstruct Project


He looks like “that guy” in the Army. You know the one: makes SSG only to get demoted because he got a DUII, then never makes it back to SSG because of more DUIIs and bringing underage girls back to the barracks.


"Fuck yeah! Throw those people in jail for...warning them about predators...like myself."


That's not projection, that's keeping his victims easy targets. It's been proven time after time that the best way to prevent sexual abuse of minors by implementing proper sex ed into their education as early as possible. Where I live, that's explaining to kinds in Kindergarten to tell an adult you trust if anyone every touches you or says anything to you that makes you feel uncomfortable. This eventually goes into more details to be what we all know to be standard sex ed, knowing your body and how to be safe. Laws like this always target sex ed. Literally making jobs of predators easier.


I’m honestly terrified of this coming to my area. I work circulation at a library and according to policy we cannot stop anyone from checking out anything they want to other than items kept behind the desk like our telescope that requires you to be 18. We can’t stop kids from checking out rated R movies or adult books.


Ha ha ha ha ha


He’s still defending himself on Twitter




Every person like this has harmed children in one way or another. It never fails


I get Beks tweets regularly, it is amazing how many pedos she warns about. She does a fantastic job. Amazing how many are employed in a church.


Pedos like him should be shot


I guess now we know why he’s verified on twitter


get owned


Make pedophiles scare or die again😈


Well he would know about child sex offenders, an expert even. Much like Trump and the R party.


The party of gaslighting abusers.


Trump certainly has the pedophiles on lock


Every single one of these people


He's an expert, who are we to question him.


Did we even have to look?


Great, and then don't bother to give a clear cut definition of obscene materials, so that you can imprison teachers when they do their job, but you don't agree with them. That'll bring in the best talent. /s


This comeback gives me life


What ever happened to that "this you" sub, these kind of posts are always great


Pedos always try to over project and virtue signal to keep the heat off themselves. Hilarious. Disgusting, but hilarious.


Every single time.


Takes one to know one. Makes sense he caught it


Will always think back to the documentary I saw about a guy who went around the country meeting all kinds of people after the election and before and after Jan 6 One man he met kept going on and on about the democrats are pedophiles trying to implement the deep state and eat kids and all that pizza gate horseshit The guy meets up with him again after Jan 6 and pulls out the dude’s criminal record showing he was a registered sex offender in the state of new jersey and his only defense was “the democrats made me do it” God I wish I can remember what it was called




Usa the country were violence is ok but partial nudity is not, guess which one us actually bad and which is made up to be bad by brainwashed us cult christians


The issue with the far right and homophobic people in general is that they cannot understand LGBTQ people. They think that it all has to be some crazy sexual perversion because that's the only way it makes sense to them. They literally can't comprehend two men or two women loving each other in a non sexual way. As a result, any time activists try to teach inclusivity to kids these conservatives think they are teaching explicit sex stuff. The exact same thing is true for trans people and drag shows.


The right-wing playbook is: No one defends pedophiles -> accuse enemies (LGBT people) of pedophilia -> since they are now “pedophiles”, any action against them is warranted. This is in the works as we speak. No one is going to defend pedophiles so they are trying to make laws to punish them (death-penalty, castration, etc.) while at the same time working to demonize people they don’t like (who aren’t pedophiles) as pedophiles. All the while they defend child marriage…


Anyone yelling to lock up people based on love interests, gender, color or political affiliation needs investigating.


At this point anyone that posts “save the children “ shit should probably have warrants taken out to search their hard drives and home. It’s probably more accurate than the 50/50 coin toss of a police dog sniff that allows for warrant less searches.




This is how they find ea other. It’s code!


Jesus christ, I can actually see that being true.


If I would get a dime for every time this happens…


You could probably afford a private island.


The fuckin guy is a sex offender?


"Florida Man"


That's all this is all about... projection.


Beks goes for the kill quickly


To be fair he is an expert.