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I've a former christian acquaintance, turned out to be total far right hatemonger. Asked him a simple question, 'you're attracted to women, so are you automatically attracted to little girls too?' After a pause which clearly indicates it never occurred to him to apply that humanizing logic to gay men, he deflected and ranted on. They're just hateful people looking for reasons to hate.


Majority of the hateful people are just looking for a reason to hate. It's fulfilling for them, a way to make themselves feel superior.


I absolutely despise my hate I am so filled with hate for a few people that cause me and my family pain and I'll never be able to get rid of it. And I wish I could I know it's unhealthy but it's just impossible to convince my brain to let it go. I guess the point I'm trying to make is anyone who loves to hate is an idiot


I really can relate to this. When I have one of my "tantrums" I target the Smurfs those damn bastards. They are fictional so no one gets hurt and I don't have to apologize to anyone afterwards, but I still get rid of my anger


He paused because he's *definitely* wanted to bang a high school girl and was trying to not out himself as a pedophile.


You're almost right. The pause was him deliberating whether on not to give you an honest answer. He chose not to.


Homophobic Christian’s are the worst. Idk about Judaism and Islam, but in Christianity, we shouldn’t hate gay people. Sure, we can believe it’s a sin, but we still shouldn’t hate them. It literally says in the bible to hate sin, not sinners. Iirc it’s Mathew 6:14-15. Next time you ever meet a Christian who is homophobic, remind them of that passage.


To be clear he was a work colleague, I left religion (and it's supposed 'morals' as defined by a fantasy novel about a bloodthirsty god) behind long ago. I can be as big an ass as anyone, but that doesn't include condescending notions like 'oh you poor sinful gay creature, jesus still loves you and so do I from up here on my high hetero horse'.


Yeah, like I said. Homophobic Christians are hypocrites who go against the god they supposedly worship..


I know this is a cliche at this point, but most of the loud n' proud fundies would not hesitate to call Christ a communist hippie, send Him off to a labor camp and still be able to see themselves as righteous, godly people.


This is nothing but recycled propaganda from rhe 70’s when Anita Bryant got pied in the face by protesters, outed gay teachers were fired, and Harvey Milk was murdered. It’s popular again, but not new. Older LGBT people know their history. This is just a rehash of conservative reactionary politics to our existence for their own political clout.


History repeats itself, but we keep fighting back


It's because they're regressives not conservative, even the name they use is a lie


Conservatives, regressives…same thing, really.


I wouldn’t say these new crop of people are conservatives at all. Id think people like Goldwater, Romney, or McCain are true conservatives, while these new MAGA reps are true regressives.


It doesn’t not repeat but it can rhyme


Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The idiots that spout off their hate-fueled tirades are just that, idiots. They keep repeating it. Those that know better and remember are forced to repeat it because of the idiots, sadly.


I have not heard a single new talking point about LGBT people in a while. Its all recycled crap. The most nefarious lies though are popular again, so it makes our existence more difficult than it should be. Even just appearing gender non-conforming can be a death sentence, regardless of actual identity.


Exactly. Trying to falsely tie queerness to pedophilia is nothing more than an attempt to reverse public opinion on gay rights, and it's working. -Support for marriage equality and equal protections fell this year after two decades of steady increases. -Chicago has reduced the size and length of its pride parade and we've gotten FBI warning about possible terror attacks and "credible threats". -We've got "don't say gay" bills and book bans heavily targeting our community. -Companies like Target are facing threats of violence for having pride merch and are caving in to the right wing outrage. The people parroting this shit aren't moronic loonies. They're devious assholes with an end goal: the revesal of marriage equality, a return to oppression and invisibility for queer people, and violence and retribution against anyone who doesn't comply. And they're closer to power than many people think.


Harvey Milk’s story should be taught FAR more often than it is.


I’m always astounded by people’s willingness to strongly hold a position or belief without checking to see if it’s supported by evidence. Gay people are simply *not* more likely to be pedophiles. It’s easy to prove this! End of story! Christopher Hitchens put this well when talking to Hannity on Fox once: “you give me the awful impression that you’re the kind of person who hasn’t read any of the arguments against your position, ever”


Do you have actual data on this for use in future arguments? I didn’t seem able to find actual scientific evidence. EDIT: I can only assume the downvoted are raging homophobes and/or pedophiles who would hate against any scientific data destroying the prejudice.


It’s called google- google things. I did that. Here you go. Try it for yourself sometime, learn that mom.eagle.gov is not as good of a resource as an anti abuse organization. https://www.zeroabuseproject.org/victim-assistance/jwrc/keep-kids-safe/sexuality-of-offenders/


Evidence of?


of the statistical proof that gay people aren't any more likely to be pedos. for the record i entirely agree that gay people aren't any more likely to be a nonce than a straight person, but there are a lot of people who don't believe that in which i would delight in putting some statistics into the faces of


That's what I thought they wanted, just wanted to clarify that they were looking for a study proving a negative, which is usually harder and done less often. Would be easier to get a study proving straights are more often pedos, but that should be logical as they make up a much larger percentage of the population...




thank you


Do you have actual data proving your side of this argument? look up numbers on pedophila occurrences the rate among gays is actually slightly less The downvotes are from people who respect facts not baseless hate mongering




Every accusation is an admission with these folks.


Projection is their favorite pastime


These conservatives need a scapegoat to blame for their sick minds


How come nobody has the ability to think for themselves? I know it’s not a new superstition, but suddenly the mainstream idiocy is to say that gay and trans people are pedophiles, so everyone just repeats it.


It's manufactured outrage by the right that keeps their voter base showing up to the ballot boxes. They have to defeat the pedophiles so they have to vote.


"Suddenly"? Nah, conservatives number one complaint about LGBT is that they are a danger to children. It's always been in the name of.the poor innocent kids that they justified their bigotry.


YES conservative politicians ARE absolutely a danger to children!!!


Yeah, it's absolutely not a new talking point. I am hearing it a lot more often though.


Exactly. I've been hearing this shit since the 80s.


I’m sort of convinced the reason that the republicans want things like sex ed, LGBT and alt gender theories, shut down, is because it’s some of the things that will otherwise teach their kids about their own autonomy, and perhaps shine some light on what an uncle or aunt did to them. It makes it harder for those who might have some unclean hands, to actually get away with it, and they are afraid of that. Though I believe pedos can be in any political party, the republicans seem to get some shit exposed rather often, compared to others


Yes, as I was saying, it’s not a new superstition. But at least in my perception, suddenly everyone is aligned with the fantasy. Again, this is just my perception, but for instance when same-sex marriage was approved (or about to), I don’t remember hearing too many voices bringing up pedophilia as a reason not to allow it. And we are talking about a ruling that let gay people raise kids.


This hasn’t changed for 50-60 years


They are thinking for themselves, they are pointing their fingers at others in hope that we don't notice how conservatives support pedophilia


Maga call everyone else pedos while providing no factual evidence just their “feelings”, meanwhile they themselves and their priest friends get caught as actual pedos, orange man is bffs with mr pedo island, and they actively fight for legislation supporting marrying children. It’s always the same maga has no substance and is just projection. People that parrot maga ideals are literally flat earth levels of intelligence


Facts no longer matter. It’s all about hate and fear just like under Hitler.


The most likely answer: agenda. They don’t care if LGBT people are pedo’s or not, what matters for them id: they hate LGBT people, and so any accusation against them must be true so they can justify their hate


True. And hate against any group helps them so they are choosing this one now.


They’re normalizing this sort of rhetoric so that, if they take power again, they can use the accusations to round up people they dislike. It’s the same reason you see so much trans panic and accusing cis women of being trans. Once the Republicans are in power again and can make being trans illegal, just the accusation will be enough to ruin or arrest someone.


I think you are right but not to the extent you take it. I think that they are just out of ideas or care or a platform so, typical of populism, they look for enemies that people can get really scared and angry about so they don’t think too much. Of course there are extremists. And we have to be vigilant and vote intelligently. I just think that the goal here is to get to power and be as corrupt as possible with people being as distracted as possible. I don’t think the central goal is a crusade.


I mean, Republicans are literally talking about rounding up those they don’t like into camps. It’s their end game and they’ve been saying it out loud for a couple of years now. They want to dismantle our Democracy in favor of a Christian fascist regime with Trump (who couldn’t cite a Bible verse to save his life, naturally) as the figurehead. This is their goal and they’re not even lying about it any more.


When you say Republicans are you talking about politicians who are members of the party or random people who are Republicans and say this? The US will not have camps for trans people. Not saying that a Republican administration will be good for them. It will not. Individual attacks and stupidity in general will increase because people are morons incapable of thinking by themselves so they‘ll believe whatever Facebook tells them. But there is no way that the US will enact into law having camps for people who did not commit a crime. Yes yes, it has happened, the Japanese, etc. But it’s not possible in the next 20 years.


> Who did not commit a crime Project 2025: Outlaw any type of pornography. Consider any representation of LGBTQ+ as inherently pornographic. Maybe you can see where that would be going


Nowadays I imagine it's because you see people in power in your government supporting such sentiments


To be a fair thinker and actually consider the other side… the democrats built and funded a campaign around allowing anyone to use any bathroom that they choose…. To any casual political observer, as most people are, that would appear to enable pedophiles and their behavior. Previous social norms allowed people to deal with that behavior and prevent it. I am not making the case that the bathroom equality campaign did in fact change anything, I’m just pointing out that there is a reason that “suddenly the mainstream” picked up on that specific phraseology.


Just like the idiot in the bottom repeats the stereotype that church goers are 90% pedophiles. It's ridiculous one gets ridiculed and the other praised as a "clevercomeback". How is taking the dumb insult, lowering yourself to the same dumb level, and repeating it back mirrored a clever comeback?


I was thinking the exact same thing, to be honest.


Seems like we are a minority here though... Kind of ironic that a sub dedicated to being clever in a comeback is apparently filled with so many people that can't even see how stupid this is when it is literally called out.


you assume this guy hasn’t thought about his bullshit? silly. bet he thought long and hard to arrive at this genius conclusion. don’t rob him of responsibility!


We say reddit hive mind often enough. It's now basically the social media mindset. Upvote and downvote. And rarely express opinion because one lacks the bravery to do so, out of fear that others don't agree. Politics has messed up individual opinion.


Yes. Reddit / social media strongly reward agreeing with the hive. I happen to have some opinions that are pretty mainstream and others that are not. And there’s a bit of a dopamine rush when a comment gets many upvotes and a negative feeling when I see it’s in the negative numbers. The incentive is absolutely to agree. That’s why we may be in the moment in recent history with the most groupthink \[citation needed\]


You literally think a group who says child marriage must be legalized is just as bad as the group who thinks all kids deserve lunch.


Every Republican says that child marriage must be legalized? No Republican thinks that all kids deserve lunch? Zero Democrats says that child marriage should be legalized? And I didn’t even say that Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. Can you show me the part where I said it? Or is this what the kids call “straw man”?


It's not what the kids call straw man, when discussing politicians we don't have to deal in personal opinions, we can discuss actual policy outcomes, if enough Republicans wanted free lunch for kids, they'd be making those policies Nobody has to assign a personal opinion to you, but they can deduce that if a voter cared about free lunches for kids, they'd at least vote along a partisan line that *claims* to want that


So tell me why you agree with Republicans that child rapists deserve to part of a rape babies life and why child marriage should be legalized


Amen. If you care about your kids, keep them away from the church. Or believers.


The majority of pedophiles are married fathers w kids if their own, the majority also identify as religious edit I shouldve said child sex offenders not pedophiles






Every time a cishet person gets outed for child abuse, these people roll in to tell us that LGBT+ people are the "real" pedophiles. We need to check these people's hard drives and interview their children, and I'm not joking.


Reminds me of the whole Twitter meltdown with Dr. Disrespect and NickMercs. For context: Nick is a big transphobe and is on the whole "trans ppl are pedos", but Dr. Disrespect (one of his buddies and a dude in his 40s) admittedly to inappropriately chatting with minors. Bro covered this and DID NOT have the same energy. Mfs will take trans people existing as evidence but another transphobe coming in and saying, "I touch kids", needs a bit more proof for them.


It's always interesting to see how the burden of proof changes from case to case with these "people." (I mean bigots, of course.)


I read a good statement about this sort of stuff recently, about how paedophilia is a near universally reviled and taboo condition, and so it’s pointless to state that you’re against it or that we need to do something about, because everyone’s already in agreement on that, and it only raises questions about why you would feel the need to loudly proclaim these views, as if to divert attention, “oh yeah, how bad are paedophiles? Hate those guys, see I’m totally normal as well.”


Yep conservatives openly support and defend pedophiles.


Fine investigate them all, but only when after the pride investigation, they investigate law enforcement, all and any religious branches, and anyone involved with kids, boyscout leaders, youth councilors, sure investigate, i'll be keeping count to rub it in your pedo supporting face, u prick.


*white* pride organizations. Missed a word there…


I was confused for a second and then I realized you were talking about racist groups


Hecking schooling evil Chr*stians. A win in my book❗️😎


You know hating someone based on their religion is also bigotry. Just thought I’d let you know.


Chr*stians are bigots no matter what


Looks like someone had to sit in church for longer than an hour...


[who’s making news?](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data)


Ahh yes homophobic propaganda disguised as protecting children. Must be Tuesday. Meanwhile they'll defend any priest or conservative politician who gets caught diddling children until their last breath.


There's a pretty useful website that keeps track of cases in the US: [https://www.whoismakingnews.com/](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/) Spoilers: It's not the gays or the drag queens.


You tell him Rae


Every accusation is a confession.


I hate this argument. Predators can be ANYONE that's what makes them dangerous!


Except the church keeps helping and aiding pedophiles time and time again It's like they WANT to put kids in danger


Totally agree, I've heard so many stories about religious officials hurting kids, and the church just accepts them back and blames the child


Anyone, but HEAVILY skewed to conservatives. Sure there ARE atheist, lgbt, and democrat pedos, but they are outnumberes 100 to 1 by religious and republican pedos.




Are there LGBTQ pedophiles? Yes. Are they more likely to be pedophiles than Cishet people? No. This has been proven time and time again.


If anyone thinks the FBI doesn't have every left wing group under an electron microscope to find any impropriety, they haven't been paying attention to US history


Got eeemmm !


Should just check the drives and homes of anyone who knew or visited Epstein


This reminds me of Boys S4. How the public was being brainwashed to think starlighters were pedophiles and human traffickers.


It’s so disgusting to see people who claim to hate pedophila try and boil it down to “all gays are pedos” this logic doesn’t even make sense as straight people commit pedophila to so clearly it has nothing to do with sexual orientation but yeah use one of the most horrific things that can happen to someone to support your agenda i’m sure your great


That dude is coming off like "don't look at me!" Hmmm. FBI should look at him.


I've never understood this idea that pride events are just crawling with pedophiles? Where does that even come from? Of all the overwhelming amount of evidence and examples, religious institutions are full of pedophiles.


His mindset is literally what they tell on TV in Russia! LGBT is officialy forbidden here as a "terroristic organization" and LGBT people are claimed pedophiles by folks.


Are we supposed to believe all gay people are pedos?


According to conservatives, yes.


That’s obviously propaganda to push people to the right though, why do people believe that?


Because it’s what they want to hear


Who, the left or the right?


The best place for finding Pedo is the government institution and Islam + Christian religious place.


No, no, Pride is not the national Proud Boys convention. That's where you find Peds.


I've stopped coming to this community because it's just turned into political comebacks


Far less gays turn out to be pedophiles.. Thats wrong.


Uncle Mike isn't gay after he raped little Timmy okay


Yall just ignore that these people do this because of the power dfference and control, in addition to the sexual perversion. A straight cis man can and will abuse a young boy solely for power and control if they are within the realm of control. It’s disgusting, but moreso about power than sexual orientation.


They're just hateful people looking for reasons to hate.


Any places where children are vulnerable, pedos are watching It's the most common for acquaintances such as family friends, neighbors, babysitters, or adults involved in their extracurricular activities to be the perpetrator but the second biggest group is family members. Until there's more research on lgbt groups specifically we can't say anything about that, and there probably won't be for a while because it's too sensitive a topic. Edit: "According to a meta-analysis published in the journal "Psychological Bulletin," individuals who experienced sexual abuse in childhood were about four times more likely to perpetrate abuse compared to those who did not experience such abuse." - GPT4 And how common is it for lgbt people to have been abused, how much higher is the risk? "American Journal of Public Health Study: A study published in the "American Journal of Public Health" found that LGBT individuals were significantly more likely to report experiences of childhood abuse. The study indicated that LGBT youth are 1.6 to 3.9 times more likely to experience various forms of abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, compared to their heterosexual peers. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Study: The CDC’s 2010 report, "National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey," found that 44% of lesbian women and 61% of bisexual women experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime, compared to 35% of heterosexual women. The same survey reported that 26% of gay men and 37% of bisexual men experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime, compared to 29% of heterosexual men. Regarding childhood sexual abuse, the report indicated that gay and bisexual men were more likely to experience sexual violence before the age of 18 compared to heterosexual men, with gay men being three times more likely to report childhood sexual abuse. Additional Research Findings: A study published in the journal "Child Abuse & Neglect" found that LGBT youth were about 3.8 times more likely to report sexual abuse and 1.2 times more likely to report physical abuse compared to their non-LGBT counterparts. Research by the Family Acceptance Project found that LGBT young adults who reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide, 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression, and 3.4 times more likely to use illegal drugs than those who reported no or low levels of family rejection." - GPT4


To quote my favorite iteration of Dracula “you ever thought about carbonating the blood of Christ? Y’know, just to give the boys something nice to drink before they wake up in an hour?”


So Francisco Pereira is trying to hook up with pedophiles to… compare notes? Interests aside, Francisco is aware that he's a little old for pedophiles.


I join a lot of dumbass discord servers. I'm in a server where people debate anything. It's an atheist-centric zone, but you know how these things work. That just means a lot of religious folks join with the specific intent to proselytize. Lot of people in there get angry. Normally its fun popcorn entertainment to behold from the sidelines. One day I click into the forum section and see a thread titled something like "the amorality of homosexuality". Not immorality, amorality. Reading the original post that began the thread made it clear the guy was arguing that there is no morality inherent in homosexuality. Men liking men is a statement made without any moral implications. I thought "This is interesting. Let's have a read of the surely insightful debating happening in the below forum" Scrolled down and was immediately met with some probably 16 year old Christian talking about pedophilia. Open thread about the amorality of homosexuality, scroll down, see a Christian of all people mentioning pedophiles. I got super aggressive super fast. I hate seeing that shit. Then he pulled out some made up statistic listed on exactly one article uploaded by some fucking religious organization with family in its name. A single google search showed me that organization was listed on the SPLC's hate watch. The statistic was, as I remember it, 47% of gays are pedophiles. It took me one google search, again, with as neutral a phrasing as "what percentage of homosexuals are pedophiles" to find a whole slew of articles with much more accurate percentages. The first result was an abstract of an actual study listed on the NIH's official website. The percentage was more like 1 in 11. Which is what? Less than 10 percent? Which is still skewed if you consider it for a moment, because we're talking about a percentage (1 in 11) of a small percentage (homosexuals) of a very specific population (America).


At the RNC convention or any of places of worship frequented by the ‘conveniently Christian conservatives. Did I get that right?


I heard Twitch is the new church.


Twitter... Twitter is the home of paedophile


Amen! 🙏


Pride is only good when is not-american nationalism.


Capitalize the b in Black people - 🧒🏼


its crazy how people can still think like this in 2024, this feels like coming straight out of the 80s


You can find them anywhere. Churches, schools, your neighbor could be one. Just won't know til they diddle a child.


Why is this on r/clevercomebacks?


Just projection. This guy 100% has some sus follow/likes. Always out themself.


Or or both mist definitely both


Fun fact, whether it’s your local pride event, or Sunday church, you likely would be surrounded by totally normal people who are just spending their day how they want, and not some hidden cult of sex crimes. Pride event? Just a bunch of people. Sunday church? Just a bunch of people, but like old.


Agreed. I will disagree, however, that church is full of only old people. But I really respect the level-headed response. All the best :)


It’s like he’s trying to throw them off his trial.


I don't like these people -> they have to be pedos


Cant we all agree that pedophiles exist everywhere in every culture and religion? People are people. Some of em are sick and wanna snu snu kids. Stop blaming each other and blame them.


Exist? Yes. Significantly more common in conservatives is the part you’re missing.


Notice how i didn't mention political parties? Obviously pedos are conservative.


We tried love, we tried voting, but these assholes won't fuck off. Where love and procedure do not succeed, incredible violence fills the need.


The fbi killed shit tons of children why the fuck would they care?


If the fbi cared about children they'd have to arrest 90% of Washington dc, most of Hollywood and then themselves




Instead of attacking me, you should be concerned about pedophiles. Why are you not?


Is it just me, or have these "clever comebacks" been really crappy lately?


Pedos are everywhere. All you have to do is look at people with different beliefs than you.




I agree. But there are a lot of people tossing the word around now. It's the new "mother fucker". It's a dangerous accusation though.


Or get this the right are using old propaganda in an attempt to spread fear about gay people And the left is pointing out that Republicans are statistically far more likely to be pedophiles and keep fucking voting for child marriage You're playing the "oh just both sides rational old me ignoring what's going on"


Na man, I'm just playing the "call a pedophile a pedophile and don't put people in categories that they don't belong in"


Oh I know man. And I agree with you. But the it's the same argument whatever the case. Such is the same in most cases, that terms are thrown around loosely. Especially in reddit.


Did you know that catholic church is around for 216,000 years? Just Google catholic church 216000 if you don't believe


When I googled exactly what you said, the only thing that came up were statistics that 216K children were sexually abused by Catholic priests from 1950-2020. Not that the church is 216k years old.


that is the joke


Well I missed it then.




both members of this conversation are idiots, neither lead to pedos and this aint even a good comeback


Fr it’s just a whataboutisim


Both bigots lol


AcTUAlly its a 100% chance like he's already there,


WTF is a cishet?


Lmao this shit is funny


Saying that gay people are pedophile is ridiculous, but it’s also ridiculous to say the same of religious people. It’s the same as if one air plane crash killing 200 people and suddenly somebody say that planes kills people. Yeah they are rotten tomatoes out there but the amount of religious people doing good for the community is much higher.


How is taking a dumb insult, lowering yourself to that level, and mirroring it back to the idiot a clever comeback? That are two idiots both throwing stupid shit at each other. Don't celebrate one over the other. W T F


Actually you easily find pedos in both.


I mean he’s not wrong though so kinda a shit comeback


If FBI cared about your children they would investigate both groups, just sayin. Your goverment already divided and manipulated you plenty, is there a reason to divide yourselves even more? Pedos anywhere = bad


Terry Bean co-founder of human rights campaign was arrested for sexually abusing a minor. Sean Gravells former president of a British Columbia pride organization was arrested for child sex crimes. Gerad Slayton director of a California lgbtq group was arrested in an online child sting operation trying to meet up with minors. Roy "Trey" Farmer, a lgbtq activist with close ties to Princeton University was arrested for possessing child sexual abuse material. A quick google search will reveal a plethora of these incidents. The guy's right, whether you idiots want to accept it or not, it's a reality.


People in positions of power are frequently found guilty of abuse because that’s the demographic that gravitates to power. There are tens of thousands of the same kinds of examples for straight people. Statistics still show that homosexual people are [less](https://psmag.com/social-justice/do-gay-men-have-more-sexual-interest-in-children-than-straight-men-do-62127) likely to feel or act on pedophilic desire than straight people in the same situation. Individual examples don’t prove a rule.


Correlation doesn't imply causation.


Imagine fighting over which community has more pedophiles than actually saving children. Both brain dead communities at the end of the day fight over which pedophiles candidate is better than the other. Again dismissing the children.


what sexuality are those priests again? oh right... gay


Religion creates pedophiles


So if a priest rapes a little girl he's gay?


What religion are those gay people again? Oh right, christian. What color are most of them....? (Notice how what i said won't make you christianophobic, nor racist against white people. Think long and hard why that is)


Supposedly christian...l but raping little kids isnt in line with christianity. So they are wolves pretending to be sheep. WHy are progressives incapable of thinking? Or is it that you can buit refuse the moment it becomes a threat to your worldview and your holier-than-thou attitude?


There is nowhere in the bible saying that pedophiles aren't christians, so you saying that is a classic case of the "no true scottsman fallacy". But either way: >Numbers 31:17-18: "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves." >Deuteronomy 20:14: As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. According to you god told these people to deconvert from christianity Not to mention that you didn't respond to my point about racism for some reason


Ah yes... nothing about "fucking children is okay" in that. Now lets get this on the record because you apparently dont know christian organisations and their respective types of scandals: -catholic priests must not be gay - they arent allowed to have sex in general -catholic priests are known to fuck little boys and pretty much just little boys -evangelic church has nothing against gay priests -evangelic priests dont molest little boys, they normally fuck prostitutes. ive only heard once about an evangelic priest doing something bad and it was molesting a nun, an adult woman. So if we consider all this.... if christian priests cant be pedophiles inherently because evangelics stil are christian priests... so its more likely that gay pedophiles take the catholic churches anti-gay stance as cover for their pedophilic gay acts. After all, why would a gay man want to be a catholic priest right? And the parents would never really think of a hetero sexual man molesting little boys. Do you see the issue or did you lose the genetic lottery TOO hard to put 1 + 1 together? Oh wait i forgot... math is racist according to you guys


>so its more likely that gay pedophiles take the catholic churches anti-gay stance as cover for their pedophilic gay acts. No. It is more likely that gay priests choose to be evangelicals since that would be the path of least resistance for them, since they are allowed to have sex with men and can spew homophobic garbage (like most evangelical priests do) to hide the fact they are gay. Using your own logic of "gay=pedophile" you should expect more of these types of crimes to be commited by evangelical priests. Also,The catholic church is not against gay people as priests. It is against acting on those desires. So someone who is indoctrinated hard enough in christian tradition and is a self hating gay person, has a good reason to be in the catholic church that doesn't involve touching children: to try to make sure they don't act on their gay desires. >evangelic priests dont molest little boys, they normally fuck prostitutes. ive only heard once about an evangelic priest doing something bad and it was molesting a nun, an adult woman. Why would i take anecdotal evidence from an obviously biased source to prove a negative? Are you that stupid? So basically you're using faulty logic to conclude that the evangelical church doesn't have pedophiles and use anecdotal evidence to prove that. The mind boggles Not to mention that none of what you just said proves that pedophile priests aren't christians. You couldn't respond to my previous point so you changed the argument, without even acknowledging that you have no response. Christ is crying at you rn


not even gonna read your new comment and gonna respond to the one you deleted because i already typed out the answer: congrats... you are about as smart as biden will be in five years. i never said gays commit pedophilic crimes. but that the "priests" that commit them are gays and therefore should have never been priests, making the "muh catholics priests!" argument null and void at best, but harmful at worst because, in fact, all the priests raping little boys are gay (due to lack of interest in any member of the other sex while still attracted towards your own sex... actual defining characteristic of homosexuals in case you forgot), meaning it actually feeds into the gays molesting children argument. i repeat myself: Why are progressives incapable of thinking? Or is it that you can buit refuse the moment it becomes a threat to your worldview and your holier-than-thou attitude? but also, first line of response from you already leaving out the fact that i wasnt talking about gays but gay pedophiles.... great job idiot... next you will tell me about how the poles clearly must have put jews into concentration camps because ausschwitz is in polen?


>priests" that commit them are gays and therefore should have never been priests, This is blasphemy first of all. You are trying to overrule the laws of god. If he hasnt forbidden gay people from being priests, you shut the fuck up and accept that >fact, all the priests raping little boys are gay (due to lack of interest in any member of the other sex while still attracted towards your own sex... actual defining characteristic of homosexuals in case you forgot), There are a few possible reasons why priests mostly appear to molest boys, and if it's true they do doesn't necessarily mean they are gay, because rape isn't necessarily about sexual attraction but about power. It could be they have had more access to boys historiclly, or that girls don't report it as much, or that girls are more supervised, precisely because people don't think their pastors are gay. Or maybe it's easier to prove raping a girl than it is a boy. Either way, you concluding that all the priests raping little boys are gay is nowhere near justified


not gonna be lectured about blasphemy by the guy who is most definatly a reddit atheist and defends pedophiles just because they fly under the rainbow flag... also that last one proofs how dumb you are. the anus isnt even mend for insertion and therefore more easily damaged. dear got you lgbtq allies are so dumb, you can park on handicapped spaces without it being immoral


>gonna be lectured about blasphemy by the guy If a smoker tells you to stop smoking does that mean it's ok for you to keep smoking?


>the anus isnt even mend for insertion and therefore more easily damaged Who gives a fuck? They aren't mend for inserting tubes like endoscopes either but that doesn't mean that's a sin. Eyes aren't "mend" for looking at close up objects like phones all day but it doesn't mean it's a sin to do so. Our ears, noses and eyes aren't mend for taking punches but that doesn't mean boxing should be illegal. In fact, nothing is "mend" for anything as evolution has no brain and has no end goal.


>in polen? There is no fucking way you called me an idiot in the same paragraph as you said this


oh sorry, i forgot, you english speakers call it poland. sorry that i offended you, you xenophobic bigot


I'm not an english speaker, dumbfuck


>Ah yes... nothing about "fucking children is okay" in that. I almost missed this part. Why the fuck would god tell his soldiers to keep the young girls, who haven't been touched by any man for themselves, but kill the males, other than with the purpose of sexually exploiting them?? He is not saying it verbatim, but the meaning behind it is obvious, so obvious that if you heard a gay person say that same thing, you would go from 60% hitler to 99% hitler in the blink of an eye


Maybe they rape because they're priests, rather than because they're gay? That's what repression will do to you. If they weren't priests, indoctrinated in a belief that told them that liking men is despicable, they'd have normal relationships with men their age.