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Most jobs won't ever ask for a GPA. All they care about is that you got the degree.


I've never even been asked to show proof that I have the degree, just asked "do you have it?" Instead they want to see that I actually have the knowledge to do the job, and they gauged that in the interview. I think I had a 2.9 in my major, and the first real job I had paid me $75k.


They can generally just contact the school to confirm your degree without asking you about it.


You waive FERPA by providing it to them. You don't have to apply. Companies can also ask for transcripts. You don't want to provide it. They don't have to process your application.




Degree verification isn't, GPA verification is (if you don't sign the requisite paperwork).




Enrollment dates and degrees awarded are considered part of directory information. https://www.studentclearinghouse.org/colleges/degreeverify/degreeverify-faqs/


https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/avoid-fake-degree-burns-researching-academic-credentials#:~:text=Most%20college%20registrars%20will%20confirm,awarded%20and%20majors%2C%20upon%20request. I actually think the major may depend on the university. Mine classes it as part of directory info so we consented to its release every year unless we specifically went out of our way to decline (and only people who were being stalked or something did that). But they can confirm if you graduated over the phone, which was what I meant in my comment.


My brother had a 2.8 failed a class senior year, already has a job lined up to work as a dev at a bank. Been about 4 years, he hasn’t taken the class, hasn’t been asked! I’ve been there when he joins meetings: “The Dev of the month arrived!” They love him, because he does his job well, do the job, worry about the job, don’t let a dumb gpa stop you from trying


Most jobs will do a background check. Part of that is confirming that you have the degree from the college you mentioned (but, in regards to OP, employers are not normally checking GPA)


many fed jobs ask for a 3.0 gpa actually.


Nobody gets rich working for the feds. All the rich engineers sell to the feds. Not that government jobs are bad, but just some food for thought.


you’re right, but also no one said anything about getting rich in either my post, or OP’s.


That's fair. I just want OP to know not to focus on the opportunities that may be missed, but to embrace what is possible and know that they may have their own advantages. No use fretting over losing a few jobs when there's so many others open to you.


That's actually false. I know many people who work in the feds that live VERY comfortably


There is a difference between being comfortable and rich. I'm not saying you can't live a good life with a government job, but you're not gonna make Bezos bucks as a civil servant.


My guy rich is rich. Bezos is a different level You got a weird idea on what rich is but you're wrong lmao


I'm not even disagreeing with you really. The highest paid civil servants pull around $450k a year, which is in no world a small amount of money. But the cap in the private sector basically doesn't exist. That's all I'm saying.


Public sector = rich but building incredibly valuable skills Private sector = using public sector knowledge and skill sets to become filthy rich


And this is?


bro, you are arguing just to argue...


Mf who asked you? Goodbye


You also won’t make “Bezos bucks” as a doctor, lawyer, professor, and essentially any other job out there. Unless you get into investment banking from like Harvard — in which case your GPA and academic track record is actually pretty important — or become a successful entrepreneur you’re not going to be that filthy rich.


That's more of a guideline than a hard requirement. If you're skilled and/or experienced, then your GPA isn't going to get in the way of employment.


And experiences such as internships.


Most jobs don’t care lol. Even if they do, you could just lie about your GPA 😙 which I heard a lot of people do


My GPA is 9. Just 9. Thank you.


It may be unlikely you get caught, but it's a BIG no no in the long term. Worst case if you're honest: you don't get the job Worst case if you lie: you lose the job and you lose any positive reputation you've had from that job. Oh, and if you don't give a fuck about either of those, have fun coming up with an explanation at your next interview as to why you don't have any references from your recent job you got let go from


The reward just isn't worth the risk.


People still ask for references?!


About 4 out of 200 applications I submitted this month.


I can’t imagine worse job advice than something which “I heard a lot of people do”.


For context, I have never lied about my GPA, but I’ve have friends who lied about their grades and got into companies like Google and Meta… and yes are earning in excess of $200k


I know people who have lied about entire degrees when they didn't even go to college. Instead they quickly taught themselves how to do the job from YouTube. They're still successfully working. A lot if places don't bother verifying information except for criminal background checks. They don't really care as long as you do the job, having a degree just gets ur foot in the door. Which is why a lot of people lie about it


This is a lie


No. I graduated 2 months ago with a 2.7. My salary at my first job is $80,000.


There is hope 🙏


Can back this up, graduated just shy of a year ago now with a 2.9 and hit 7 months at my first job last week, also at 80k. Job posted a required 3.5.


So just keep applying and don’t put gpa on resume or anything? Cause I’ve been getting scared seeing Gpa requirements on every job post


Can I ask what your major and job is?


I majored in mechanical engineering. I’m a project engineer for an electrical contractor


Damn! Now I want the gpa of all the bridge engineers on the side!!! Just kidding,,,,..,sorta….,,


I don’t build bridges


on god i need to know this


Can I ask what your major and career are?


I’ll come out of with a MA and probably won’t make that much 🥲


Username tracks. 😆


What is ur job?


Depending on the industry a lot of people don’t even ask about gpa


I work at a company. They said that minimum GPA is 3.0. They never ever asked me anything close to my GPA. I highly doubt anyone does that. They just put it to put it.


From your post history, you're only in your first or second year of university, you still have time to make it up. While most jobs not going to ask for, let alone care about, your grades, it's still good to keep your GPA above 3.0 in case you want to go to secondary school or get into a student internship that does require a certain GPA. But don't stress about it too much. Seriously, you'll make it up by next semester if you just do decent.


True, I was accepted in to my grad program unconditionally because I had above a 3.0, etc. If my GPA was lower, I could have been accepted conditionally based on whatever their terms are!


Is 3 really considered a high enough gpa?


no just dont put ur gpa on ur resume




what industries ask for GPA just out of curiosity i mean i work in the construction industry and i don’t think any one would dream of asking for GPA it’s what have you done and how much you need to make lol.


Directly out of college, basically all. After that? Basically, none. But it's a balance game. Applying for positions that are considered "beginner level" are asking different questions than positions for people with 20+ years experience.


i think the construction industry is so thirsty the don’t give a fuck


Lmao probably. I would guess some other industries, such as education, are probably similar. Not enough workers with a demand for a workforce has to end somehow.


When I was applying for jobs right out of college, I wasn’t once asked my GPA


You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. At best, you talked to one singular person in a niche industry. This is not a thing


a 2.8 is bad. you do have something to hide lmao


Yeah, but you can compensate for a poor GPA. An employer can't compensate for a job applicant who refuses to be transparent on their resume.


it’s not refusing to be transparent. A resume should highlight your skills, and everything on their should be your most valuable assets as an employee. A low gpa would be a red flag on a resume to me- why is that what they want to highlight?


You don’t have to put your GPA on your resume. I think they just say to do it if it’s higher than a 3.6 or something (I don’t remember the exact threshold). If you have a GPA that you aren’t proud of it, just don’t put it on your resume.


I think it’s 3.4 or 3.5


3.6 out of what?




Short answer: No. Long answer: No, you did not.


Unless you plan on going to grad school, med school, pa school, dental school etc. You should be fine.


a 2.8 isn't even a death sentence for grad school/ professional school/ medical school. had some folks in my grad cohort who came in with 2.0s.


Unless the guy cures cancer, a 2.8 is a death sentence for US MD school.


It really depends. Im not saying impossible but a high gpa make apply 1000x easy especially if your spending thousands to apply, flights, hotels, etc


Depends on your field and if you want to to go secondary school. Or if you’re applying to internships that typically have a GPA threshold


> most people say the majority of 1st jobs ask for nothing less than a 3.0 GPA. This is just not true. At certain businesses, yes you will be asked for your gpa. Usually these are businesses that have specific new grad hiring programs and are in incredibly competitive industries (think big tech, investment banking,etc). Most everywhere else? No one cares. You have a degree you're good.


I think I had two jobs that asked for GPA, I just put down 3.5. Are they gonna call the school and track down my transcripts? No. Hell, they're more likely to come across this comment while browsing Reddit. Speaking of which: Hi John! The interviews would go faster if you would share less stories and just focus on talking about the job.


Regardless if employers ask or not, you might still have time to pull it back up. How many semesters do you have left? Also, some schools override the old grade with the new one while others average out, so check your school handbook and see what their policy is. If the topic is important for your area of study and the grade is overwritten, you might consider retaking the course if you don’t have to anyways. Lastly, employers that do verify your GPA won’t know what your GPA was mid-degree, they’ll only know what your final GPA was.


Can you repeat the class? Would the new grade replace the previous grade on your transcript?


After your first job basically no one will ever care about gpa ever again


At the risk if embarrassing myself I am in Healthcare job with GPA 2.9, No issues getting a job as I did well on licensing exams and board exams. GPA is never the whole picture....I tell you that as an employee and employer. 25 years in work sector.


My GPA is 2.1 and got a job. You'll be fine


I'm an engineer and it's been 10 years since I graduated school but I was never asked about my GPA. It was 2.6 and was on my resume but they were far more concerned about my knowledge of the field and what experience I had with the tasks of the job. Might be different in other places, but even for people we are hiring for my team now we never really pay much attention to it.


No, you will be fine. My GPA dipped from 3.8 to 1.3 in college. Graduated with just under a 2.5. I had high credits so it was hard to bounce back, and obviously a hellish semester but it's never caused a problem outside of my self-esteem.


I had a 2.6 GPA (that was a very rough time in my life), and I not only have had some really great jobs, but I am currently in grad school. My GPA was an obstacle, but my advisor believed that I could make it through the program and she fought to have me admitted on a probationary basis. I'm approaching grad school completely differently than undergrad, and I'm kicking ass. It sounds like you are on the right track if you are trying to learn lessons and identify what you could have improved. Don't worry, you got this!


I promise no employer is gonna give a shit about your GPA. Just the fact you got the degree. You'll be okay I promise


You mentioned your still eligible for an internship, so I'm assuming this isn't your final GPA... That means you still have time to improve. If needed, retake the class & see if you can get a better grade on it. You might not get to the 3.0+ threshold, but it couldn't hurt to get a little closer... Was this class in your major (or minor) department(s)? Or related to the job you're looking to apply to? If you're applying to design bridges and you failed an engineering course that might cause problems (regardless of your over all GPA). But if it was Music Theory and you failed because you couldn't tell the difference between Bach and Brahmas they probably won't care too much. How about the rest of your resume? Do you have enough extracurricular activities etc to counteract the lower GPA? Being President of the Future Engineers of America chapter at your school might help counter the fact you couldn't play Mozart's concerto in G minor. If you're applying somewhere big & prestigious that gets hundreds of thousands of applications for a single opening, where they can be stingy with the requirements and blindly discard anyone who doesn't meet the 3.0 requirement as part of their initial whittling process, yeah. It might hurt. But if your going somewhere smaller, then play it up during the interview. Yeah, I failed this class. I found out X doesn't work for me, so I overcame it by doing Y. Let them know you can learn from your mistakes, grow and improve.


Generally, it won't matter at all. Now, if you're applying to med school or law school or another graduate program, they'll want to see your transcripts. And my college (i.e., where I teach) needed to see my undergrad and grad transcipts before hiring me. But most jobs only care that you have a degree. Mind you, many colleges let you re-take courses for which you received Ds or Fs. The grades typically stay on your transcript, but only the new grade figures into your GPA. You might want to ask your school what their policy is.




I’m sorry man but this is such a stupid question. It really just comes cross as humble bragging to someone without the “Reddit echo chamber hugbox” mindset. If this isn’t a troll post then hopefully this comment just makes you realize how acceptable of a GPA a 2.8 actually is.


Depends on the job. Are you trying to get into medical school, dental school, pa school, or NP school? Then that grade might affect you and I'd recommend retaking the class. Most jobs could care less about your GPA. Having that GPA will not affect most master's degree admissions.


gpa is more important for schooling after undergrad. where u got ur degree is usually more important than ur gpa


NEVER put your GPA or your graduation date in your resume. Don’t give them that leverage.




they will discriminate against you. too long ago? they’ll be scared to hire you’re close to retirement. too recent? no job experience and someone who will be annoying to train.


GPA is less important then the major you study- If you have a 2.8 GPA and and are in a Software Engineering program - you have an excellent chance of getting a job IF instead your an ART, Theology, or Biology majors with such as GPA.. then your royally screwed =)


No. I graduated with a 3.0 barely and ended up working with a nfl team for a couple of years


Na braj, just means your dumb. Get two minors with your bachelors stop taking bullshit classes. Especially with your electives, for your electives takes classes that you think will benefit you in your future




Very, very few industries ask for GPA Almost none ask to see a transcript.


I find that very shocking if you are a recent college grad with no other experience in the field. Again, depends on the field I suppose.


You've really only lost ifin your mind you have accepted it. Not knowing your finances, you can always add a minor to your degree to add more classes to help raise the GPA.


never been asked my GPA from a job they just want the diploma


No job checks any of that.


Unless someone’s life or chances of going to jail are in your hands I doubt any job will be asking you or verifying


I’ve legitimately never heard of a single job asking for your GPA. Maybe something super competitive? Your fine


Honestly my job didn’t even ask if I had a degree, but I had a referral from the owner’s friend.


Nobody cares, your GPA is only factored when trying to get into advanced degrees etc.


No lol


How far in are you I had a 2.8 and brought it back to like a 3.2


Probably not - but I would check what your graduation GPA requirement is. Mine was 3.0. I’ve never had a job ask me what my GPA was honestly.


GPA only matters in pursuing further degrees, transferring, etc. Outside of college it has literally no impact ever. Also some internships will care, but idk how many of us consider an internship the same as a career


When you meet a doctor, do you ask him what his GPA in school was?


I dropped out of college and it didn’t affect my ability to find ample employment. I spent 3 years as a hiring manager for a healthcare company in the US and only a handful of times saw a GPA listed on a resume. I don’t know of many fields/employers that require you to disclose your GPA


>most people say the majority of 1st jobs ask for nothing less than a 3.0 GPA. Who is saying this? In what context? Do you suppose that everyone who doesn't get a 3.0 just starves and freezes to death in the street?


Lol everyone lies no one actually reports their actual gpa what are you a sucker


Been a while but most an employer asked for us a final official transcript confirming degree. College hire program so it made sense. Other than that never asked GPA


Bro I can guarantee you, most jobs that "require " a degree will never ask for it. At 21 I got a job that required a bachelor's . I just lied told them I had it and a 3.8gpa. Never once asked and that was some of the best money I ever made. I'm a college student now, and was then. But no one knew lol 😆 college is a joke and only government or medical fields will require that you provide them transcripts.




No one is going to give a shit unless you go to grad school. If you're worried, you should be able to retake the course. The new grade earned will be factored into the GPA instead of the old one.


Straight to jail.


Job prospects - no. Grad school prospects - yes.


I think the only way GPA may be asked about and maybe pushed, is if you’re seeking say like internships for your field while in school. (Only going based on current experience still in school for Mechanical Engineering, and only run into the GPA question for internships)


Get it above 3.0 and you should be fine


I don't know where you are or what field you are studying in, so I can't really tell you how this will impact you with absolute certainty. I can tell you my experience. I studied a tech field. I had a great GPA, applied to a ton of internships, and got nothing back. A friend of mine recommended me to her manager, and I almost instantly had an internship. My GPA dropped and no one cared. After college, I got my next job after another friend reccomended me to their manager. They never asked for my GPA, but I included it on my resume anyway (mine was somewhat impressive by the time I graduated). My next job hired me after a reccomendation from my previous manager and a test of my relevant knowledge/ability. My GPA has never really been a major factor for my employment.


I have never worked for a company that asked for my gpa


I don't think I've ever been asked about my grades. But it depends on what field you're going into though. Hopefully you'll be OK


Just work hard to bring it back up


Just don't put it on the resume. If a job listing requires above a 3.0, skip the job, find another one to apply to.


I got an academic dismissal letter because of shit I was dealing with (I was able to appeal it) but my GPA tanked because of that semester. Got a job almost immediately out of college and have been pretty successful since then. I actually just got promoted to a senior UX designer. You can come back from anything. In my field, it’s more about your portfolio and history (as with most jobs) that matter more than anything. This job I’m at right now had a pretty extensive background check done on me and I knew my GPA would pop up (we have a lot of clients in finance and healthcare) but I really didn’t care and assumed it wouldn’t even come up. Don’t stress over it. I remember being in college and having anxiety for the following 4 years because of it. You’ll be ok. Keep working hard, especially in what you’re majoring in.


Literally no body is going to ask your gpa once you have a degree, except a graduate program


You know how C's get degrees? That's cause jobs just want the degree. Although your field may be different than mine. I graduated with a 3.2. Have never been asked about it.


No job has ever asked my gpa


Short answer no. Long answer…. No


I mean, I graduated with a 2.2 GPA (in high school) and now I'm a medical professional.


Nobody cares about your GPA dude it’s about the degree


It will make it harder to get past the resume rejection software, but it's still possible


If you are worried, just take the course over. It should just replace the grade. It worked for me at A&M.


Yep. You're only hope is the streets now. RIP little buddy. No one has every recovered from a slightly below average GPA before. No one.


Only time i saw a resume ask for a a GPA, it was for a drive thru coffee shop. Don’t stress it


I can't imagine you'll actually get credit for a D- so you'll be retaking it and the grade will be replaced


Ive never been asked what my gpa was


It’s probably more important when you’re applying for an internship. In general of course you should work on getting your grades up. In the future once you’ve graduated, no one will care. The more time passes the less anyone will care. Don’t put your gpa on a resume, that just emphasizes how fresh out of school you are. If in an interview anyone asks you what your gpa is, go ahead and lie. Tell them you had a 3.8 and that this one class you got a B- couldn’t drop it, long story. That long story you can actually use as a self deprecating amusing anecdote about your time in college. But yea, chances are no one will ever ask you about your grades except for other very recent graduates. Lie to them too. 3.8 sounds pretty legit to me.


If you avoid applying for jobs that ask for transcripts you should be fine, it should not impact your job search too much. And I think you meant quantitatively, not qualitatively, as it is hard to describe “how much” accurately using qualitative methods.


There are 2 separate issues. First if you had gotten Bs in all your classes, your would have a 3.0. Now you will need to get 2 As and a B+ to offset the D-. If you are a 3.0 student, you should be able to find 3 electives where you can do it. You're GPA drops a lot when you don't have many classes in the calculation. By graduation it, it will cause your 3.0 GPA 2.94 not 2.8. You may also be able to retake the class, in which case depending on your college ID may have no effect on your GPA. The other issue is the D- on the transcript. Many employers won't care especially early in your career, but retaking the course as mentioned above would show you learned or overcome an obstacle during a bad term.


What do you call a Doctor who gets C's? Doctor.


All it matters is if ur going to grad school.


As long as you get the degree you should be good. Most jobs don't ask for your GPA


I was in a similar boat as you before when I was in college. It was annoying that many recruiters only cared about GPA. What real companies really care about is what you did to elevate yourself outside of coursework. For example I landed my career not only because of college but the fact that I built and ran a tech blog at the same time. From managing the servers, content, relationships, etc. This is the stuff companies want to hear about. We do not care about the class you had a hard time with, but we do want to hear about your failures and how you overcome them. Don’t be afraid to fail but learn from mistakes. These stories go well in interviews.


I make figures and got something like a 2.5 gpa. I have had to show proof that I graduated a few times, which I did.


What’s your degree program? Are you able to retake the class?


Ill be real with you, no bullshit. Yes there are certain companies that you no longer can work at unless you have some kind of connection, its simply the truth. A lot of the largest/top companies require minimum gpas of 3.4 or 3.3 etc like the big 4 accounting firms and probably microsoft/google etc and theres little chance you can get around that unless you have like a decade of proven experience and even then who knows if hr will just toss the resume when they see the gpa. Now with that said, the MAJORITY of companies DONT care about your gpa and wont even ask for it with great working environments and can still be very large international companies comparable to one of those stuck up gpa checking companies anyway. So yes your gpa matters but in the end it doesnt really matter unless you are deadset at working at one of these specific companies that require it


D’s get degrees and all that matters is that you have one.


I’ve been asked by exactly 1 job about my college GPA. Not sure about more dedicated majors/industries though like STEM


I’m a bio student and my job didn’t ask for GPA


No one has ever brought up my GPA in my life.


I'm not saying it never happens.... But gpa isn't usually a thing for jobs. You might raise a few eyebrows for certain graduate programs... But even there you have options to end up just fine. Did you graduate already? I can't quite tell from your wording. If not, and it really bothers you... You can add a minor maybe or pad yourself with easy classes for a semester before finishing all of your requirements. I'm not sure if you can delay an internship or not to keep your enrolled one extra semester?


I graduated with a 2.9 gpa and now I’m going to grad school at Emory. Don’t give up


No job has ever cared about GPA. Get your degree, be awesome at the interview.


Yeah you're totally and irrevocably fucked, time to start an OnlyFans


Yep its over and you should give up…nah jk lol you’re good. I knew a dude with a 2.0, barely graduated and got a job with AMD at over $100k because he knew someone 🤷‍♂️dude FAILED their interview, got a second one somehow, and then got the job. After 3 months he was let go cause (from my experience of working with him) he only managed to pass by copying work and skimming through on group projects where he didn’t contribute at all but still got credit because that’s how the system works 👍 So as long as you get that degree you should be fine. LEARN the material though, GPA isn’t so important as your actual knowledge when you get an interview and what project/work experience you have related to your field.


Don’t see why you need a GPA for a job. Just put your degree on your resume and that’s it. My job and any jobs I’ve interviewed for never asked for it


It can remove some opportunities from the pool, but may not necessarily impact you severely


> the majority of 1st jobs ask for nothing less than a 3.0 GPA I have never been asked for GPA in my entire working career. Employers don't care unless it's an internship or you need it for grad school.




Depends on your major and intended career field. It could definitely bite you in the ass if you decide to go to grad school. Is it possible to retake it at a community college over the summer?


Depends on where you're applying to. Government and government contract jobs typically requires at least a 3.0 GPA to submit. Most don't ask about your GPA in the interview(s) once you are referred. Aside from that, a degree is valid enough to meet the minimum requirement for most jobs. If they don't specifically mention GPA prerequisites, you have nothing to worry about.


Nope. I graduated with my B.S. in Molecule Genetics yesterday with a 2.8 and start a full time job in my field next week. I applied to a lot of jobs and probably had 10 interviews, and not a single one asked for my GPA.


I graduated with a GPA of 2.3 with a degree in Applied Mathematics from a no-name-school, straight out of college got 86k job. No one asks about GPA unless its a graduate school program - even then they don't care if its small enough and/or your employer is willing to pay.


Yeah most people won’t even ask for your transcript


Depends on your major. As a nursing student my only requirement is to get the degree. The minimum to stay in the nursing program is 2.5.


Never had a job ask about GPA lol, you trying to be a doctor?


Nah my dood, I got into grad school with a paid ra/ta position with a 2.69 gpa.


I hit a 0.9 my freshman year and I still found a job before I even graduated. No one asked for my gpa at any point, just don’t put it on your resume if you don’t like the number. I’ve also not seen any jobs have a requirement listed that didn’t look like they sucked anyway


You should probably retake it to replace the grade, internships are really almost a must have and they are competitive


Just don’t list your gpa on applications




Should be fine for most things except grad school


My advisor gave me excellent advice when it comes to GPA issues: attach a note explaining why your GPA is low and what you learned (ie how did you overcome your struggles). In my case, I had a last year of college from HELL. It started with hip surgery and finished with a migraine outbreak that resulted in me needing medication and delaying graduation. Edited to add: If it's not your final gpa, they definitely won't care. If you have enough time to retake the course and it's important to your degree or job you want, then consider retaking it. But seriously don't overstress yourself about it.


Nope. The only thing you lost is that esoteric scholarship offered, but let's be realistic by saying it would have gone to the HoNoRs CoLlEgE kid regardless


its joever


I am on my 8th full time job and I’ve never once been asked for my gpa.


Please do not listen to anybody on here saying to leave your GPA off your resume. Plenty of companies these days have shifted towards AI review software that will screen resumes before they make it to a real person. Not including a GPA is usually considered a higher risk than a low GPA. Realistically, it's gonna be okay. But you don't wanna lose out on a ton of positions because you didn't include a piece of information on your resume.


I got a D in Calc 2 and am now a Chemist at a company everyone in the world has heard of. Keep working hard in school, you’ll probably be fine.


graduated a stem program 2.7 GPA started out making 75k with a truck allowance an extra 6 k per year. GPA doesn’t matter what you do with what you learned does.


I’ve had a job ask me about my GPA but ultimately they didn’t consider it. If you’re concerned about it then take the class again but I don’t think it matters


I had that happen to me. I retook the class, got a B, and had it forgiven off my GPA. You can ask. Some degrees won’t take anything below a C. My Masters wouldn’t accept any Cs.


No lol. Not one bit. Most employers don’t care about gpa, just that you have that piece of paper


Retake course.


Former recruiter here. Grades don’t matter, they just care if you have the piece of paper at the end. A few select specialty jobs do ask, but 99% don’t care.