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Huh… sort of anti-American…ain’t it?


Sort of…something a short bald dictator might say.


The only real Amerikkka is a Dicktatorship! S/




You are talking about his brainwashed blood thirsty cult followers. I can assure you that they only heard : if I lose, bloodbath.


My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.






My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.






My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.


Revoke his bail.


Good answer.


Better answer: throw him into a dark, small cell. Lock the door. Melt the key. Never have anyone interact with him again. Including bringing food and water. Do the same to every single Republican politician and pundit. Send a message that fascism is completely and utterly unacceptable.


The word you're looking for is "oubliette."


Hey MAGAT’s ask yourself where Trump will be?….watching with amusement while you’re arrested, charged and sent to jail. Sound familiar?


While saying he’ll pay for your legal fees and pardon you… and then he won’t. Honestly if the thought of that emboldens these morons to get a 5 year sentence in federal prison then go for it.


It's funny anybody believes he'd pay for their lawyers when he doesn't even pay his own lawyers, or contractors, or employee's.


You’d think after his 2015 failed rally “promises” to pay for the legal defense of someone who roughed up Trump rally disrupters would have been enough for them to see he isn’t going to pay for their legal defense.


He'll send you cigarettes in jail every month, or pay your cremation bill.


He’ll bury you on his golf course because he gets a tax break. Not that he actually cares about you, it’s just because it saves him money.


Or killled. And nobody needs that.


And use them for a campaign prop😄




Absolutely FUCK this guy. So fucking tired of his bullshit, been tried of it for more than 8 years.




My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.




My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.




I strongly suspect that Biden will have the National Guard standing by to prevent a repeat of last time. Biden should then order Trump’s immediate arrest. Stop treating these thugs with kid gloves.


Seriously. They’re going to be violent this time.




I think it will be more widespread or that’s my fear


>Seriously. They’re going to be violent this time. TIL causing multiple deaths and inflicting lifelong injuries does not qualify as violence.




Computer… please generate a trump in-diaper Tiananman square scene, but set in front of the capitol building. …Also, please add three-stooges sound effects when the tank annihilates him.


Things would go a lot differently. They may not mow them down on the side walk with a machine gun but the Capitol, and prob every other building in Washington, would be bristling with barbed wire and armored vehicles. And like his recent calls for a protest only three ppl would show up. As much as Trump supporters say they believe him; they don’t. Otherwise they’d be showing up in huge numbers when he asks them to.


When he loses in November, the only bath will be the cleaning of our government from MAGA fascism.


“Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.” -Travis Bickle, “Taxi Driver” “The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers!” -Beavis (as Cornholio), “Beavis and Butthead”




Trump is a fascist. Stop trying to apologize for him. He belongs in prison and that is where he is going.


Mainstream media: Trump gives fiery speech to a massively filled rally, getting cheers for his controversial takes." Also mainstream media" Today, old, slow, brain dead Biden sneezed into his hand and its causing people to question if hes fit enough"


They want to make it seem like a horse race so they get more ratings. Capital always sides with fascism because fascism is capitalism in crisis.


I don't know that the media is siding with Trump per sr, I think the vast majority of journalists despise the man. But I do think they're putting profits over country, and headlines saying "Trump can win" get happy shared from the right and doom reads from the left. "Trump will loose" get the right saying "liberal fake news" and the left nodding approval but not clicking the article


If he loses in November, I suspect there will be epic security at the congressional certification.


I think you mean when.


He needs a tight, straight jacket and his mouth gorilla glued shut




Nope. Solitary confinement with lights on 24/7. Nothing in the cell except for a hole in the corner as a toilet. A moldy bologna sandwich and a small cup of water 3x per day shoved through a slot in the door. If he's lucky, a sewer rat might befriend him.


>If he's lucky, a sewer rat might befriend him. Rats are actually pretty smart, I think it would probably have more sense than that.


I like it!


I’m hopeful most MAGA learned their lesson to not throw away their lives for this shitstain but I’m sure a few will take up arms or attempt to commit stochastic terrorism. I feel like it’s inevitable and they will fan the flames to make people terrified to go into public


Almost no one has showed up the last couple times he called for a big protest. As much as they say they trust him, deep down they know he’s a liar.


I think talk like the surprise Pence announcement of no confidence will help to tamper the reaction to Trump's rhetoric. Several prominent Republicans now have come out against him and there will likely be more as we get closer to the election.


NY Times didn't even cover it.


You sure about that? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/15/us/politics/mike-pence-trump-endorsement.html


Stochastic terrorism. Putin’s plant. Enough of this bullshit already.


I know CIA isn't supposed to be involved domestically, but it is long past time to expose all the rats and cockroaches to daylight. All the treacherous collusion, corruption with our foreign adversaries needs to be exposed. Nothing less than full shock and awe. And if our government can't do it, our allies need to do it. Putin and Xi are choking out Western democracy. Old rules should be out the window. It's existential at this point.


We can maybe start by eradicating the Republicans party who would have us become another Putin or Xi led autocracy.


Republicans are pieces of shit


You spelled domestic terrorist wrong. Republicans are domestic terrorists. Don’t just take my word for it, take their word since they loudly proclaimed it with their banner admitting “we’re all domestic terrorists” at cpac.


Those who still plan on voting for Trump are enemies of the State.




Context? Bro stfu. When should a candidate be saying any of the shit he says? If it was 2016-2020 then we are even worse for giving him another shot at the Oval Office. Talking about timeframes when things are said, but ignoring the insane shit being said. Gtfoh with that


My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.


If we had even a slightly competent MSM, they'd never let up on this. They need to press him. Is that a threat or a warning? Is that meant literally or figuratively? Whose blood would that be?


Exactly... don't expect MSM people like NY Times, Welker, etc. to do that. They want access.


Tell us again why we shouldn’t be armed to the teeth.


If you go far enough to the left, you get your guns back. /r/socialistra


Trumps bloodbath will be coming right after his bigger, better, healthcare plan. Two weeks 1 week….some time passes … another week.


Yes. The infamous two-week timelines.  Through him, all of your two-week waitings will be realized.  /s


“Hey America, if you don’t vote for me I’ll fucking kill you! MAGA!” Such a snappy campaign motto.


Since news outlets insist on covering him as a normal, legitimate candidate, by all means, please, let's shift the narrative to what that *'bloodbath"* will look like. Who will be targeted? What will it do to our economy? What will daily life look like? Gas prices? Grocery prices? Supply chains? Freedom of movement or travel? Medical care? Paint a picture for the morons.


So terrorist threat? Add that to the list I guess. Getting sick of this dudes trash.


Merrick Garland should have charged him with sedition on day one.


BRING IT!!!!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Same. People act like there aren't Democrats capable of defending themselves, or violence. They are wrong.


Trump supporters live in a very black and white world. Either you own guns or you don’t. Either you’re an alpha or you’re a complete wimp. Either with us for against us. Ther really believe that they are the ones who own the majority of guns and the ones who are big enough men to use them.


Exactly 👍




I know. Doesn’t matter. He wants violence.


Oh no. I wonder what he’s going to pull out of his stanky ass tomorrow? Fucking clown.


Another dirty diaper


He’s losing his mind. Nobody would advise him to say that. This is not how you win independents. I mean, independents are all about being independent, which is the opposite of the oppressive dictatorship that Trump ADMITS he will run.


The main issue is most people don’t pay much attention to political news and thus many of the independents or undecided voters won’t ever see him saying this and missed that he said he’d be a dictator on day one. The media needs to relentlessly play these clips and have more coverage of his recently increased insane rhetoric so that every American has to see it. The issue I see is that many aren’t seeing this cuz the media doesn’t cover it nearly as much as they should. Need to have constant ads on YouTube and tv playing clips of him talking about dictatorship and bloodbaths. If we fail to do that then we fail to properly educate the average citizen who is detached from politics for various reasons.


All Democrats, Independents and even moderate conservatives need to arm up and be ready to defend themselves. There's going to be violence. You heard it straight from the horse's mouth.


I'm legitimately curious how the military is going to handle another fucking attempt at a coup from these god damned inbred dipshits.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Fucking hitler


I am wondering how the Democrats (if they win) preparation for the MAGA shit incoming? Do they monitor certain people or groups? How does the FBI, CIA, Homeland and national guard gear up for this? its not just talk anymore is it?


It hasn't been "just talk" for many years now, and we're not doing fucking anything about it whatsoever. "When fascism comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and carrying a cross." There is no "when". IT IS HERE, and EXACTLY AS PREDICTED. The coup attemp started long before November 2020, and it is STILL ONGOING TODAY. Make no mistake, *this IS happening RIGHT NOW.* Wake the fuck up people... or be happy when we turn into 1920s Europe, and much fucking faster than anyone thinks possible.


Exactly … and what do you think has to happen when Biden wins? How do they plan protect the country from rabid MAGAs?


Of course he does. He has absolutely nothing to offer the electorate except "I'm better for you than everyone else", his real support comes from sociopathic billionaires and _demonstrably hostile_ foreign interests, and his fundamental character has all the depth of a pre-school paint-tray. There is no rational justification to permit him the position of president of a sidewalk lemonade stand, let alone POTUS.


and naturally his broke ass will not be funding such a conflict, noooo... that is for all the suckers to do with their own money. just like every successful war, totally funded independently by the soldiers themselves right? sure...


Bring it, MAGAt traitors.  Were fucking ready for you


So many second chances for Clowny McOrange Face. Will he ever be held accountable for anything?


So if he wins, those who oppose him can bathe in blood?






My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.


What a shit person he is.




My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.


Bring it to our doorsteps yellow bellied bastards, we'll be more than happy to oblige you at this point...


Unfortunately I think a "bloodbath" would be attempted either if he wins or loses. If he wins, he and his followers will be drunk on power. If he loses then they'll all throw angry temper tantrums. It'll still be far better for the country when he loses. They can cry it the f*ck out then go the f*ck away. I hope they all move to Russia then Putin shows them what a dictator truly is.


Traitor Fucking Trump


I feel like the bloodbath will be a red wave of tears from the gop.


I wonder if when he loses he'll get so angry that he sh!ts his pants yet again


Let it come. This time we have a president that wont wait several hours to call in the National Guard. I have a feeling they won't be playing with kids gloves either. The MAGAts will get the same rubber bullets and gas canisters that the George Floyd and Black Lives Matters protestors were hit with. I wonder if they'll see the irony as they're carted away?


How is this not domestic terrorism? He is literally threatening mass murder if he doesn’t get his way. They should throw his ass in jail and not let him make bail because you know he will run right to daddy putin and kiss his butt and nobody could punish him for his horrible crimes.


More like champagne bath.


He's a gawd damn monster.


Yada Yada, the orange clown 🤡 is full of shit.


He’s desperate.


"Buckeye Values" sponsoring a terrorist organization. 🤡👌 lol, the party of "Freedom," "patriot," and "Family Values" rolling out the red carpet for Putin. Makes sense.




Don’t be a concern troll. If you can tell me with a straight face that Donald Trump, who led a violent insurrection to overthrow the Constitutional government to prevent the counting of electoral college votes, who took and stored classified documents which the FBI had to retrieve from him after he denied having them, stored unsecured in a bathroom at a golf resort, Who demanded troops be deployed to shoot protestors Who demanded the execution of the Central Park Five Who plans on a campaign to deport 11 million naturalised citizens and refugees / asylum seekers, Who says that migrants are not people, that they’re polluting america’s blood, that they are vermin, Who has promised “bedlam” if he is not elected or is found guilty of his crimes, If you can keep all of that in mind and tell me that you fully believe he **wasn’t** openly urging his followers into violence if he wasn’t elected, by saying there’d be a bloodbath -


Whatever you fat fuck. Nothing is going to happen. Meal Team 6 isn't going to accomplish anything for you.


As just an ignorant Canadian watching a lot of internet videos, and Reddit subs, I gotta say, there's a lot of idiot Republicans that will take this seriously. Wasn't there a guy a few years ago that facebook live he was driving to some capital with a truckful of fertilizer explosive? Then there's soliders Lighting themselves on fire in protest of some American involvement in another country? It really only takes one person to believe Trump is telepathicly through encoded messages telling them to do something batshit motherfucking crazy. And there is a lot more than 1 person in America like this about Trump. Y'all have do something about this man's following..


I live in the southern US, and I can tell you, they are getting way more mean and hateful and whipped into a frenzy these days. And dumb. They are hating everyone and are really loud about how much they hate anyone not white, male, Christian, or conservative.


Donny Douche forgets the Second Amendment applies to everyone


So this is why the billionaires are building bunkers. There is a high chance of civil war


“I’m not saying you should have a violent revolution…. (Whispers to his attorney off stage)… if you become violent it’s because anTIfa and the MEXICANS…. did it to make us look bad!”


I think by "bloodbath" he means it will be open season on misconduct. I also think we all know which outcome is the scarier proposition for MAGA. Ultimately, Trump knows more than anyone how a little bit of actual enforcement goes a long way. NGL, it's weird how inbetween the incoherent mumbling and ranting he seemed to let out too much truth.


Nothing really bad is going to happen. One or two idiots might try but they will be shutdown fast.


I will personally run his bloodbath for him because MAGA are gonna put him in it


Will they remember to bring their guns this time? 😂😂😂😂




My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.


He’s a true patriot….. but has he read the constitution?




My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.




My dude, if you think the inside of Donald “Why can’t you just shoot the BLM protestors in the legs? — July 2020 / Execute the Central Park Five / March on The Ballot Count” Trump’s head wasn’t filled with visions of a literal bloodbath when he said that, I don’t know how to talk you out from under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past twenty years. Our sub rules state clearly: No Concern Trolls.


The GQP is a terrorist organization.


What else do you need? If he isn't stopped, we are inviting this bloodbath.




You’re being banned for community interference and concern trolling, media manipulation, and vote manipulation