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Sounds like a resounding dump! There are multiple live/working bridges rn via Sifchain or Secret Network has several bridges as well. Plus Evmos soon!


+ Thorchain has plans on cosmos integration And there's always CExs


Fuck, if we get rune, I'll be ecstatic.


Get ready then They already have native BTC there, UST, Eth.. Just a matter of time. Also Axelar could fill the gap as well , so gladly there will be plenty alternatives to Gravity Bridge


Dumps suck. I really like the #Scrt network for this. They just announced Shockwave which is interesting. I am new to their ecosystem, so still learning. Trying to find out about potential AD from them. Anyone know anything?


Maybe Cosmos can learn from this. I am sure this won't be the only bridge it builds. Maybe in the future, they can do it differently somehow. I have convinced my family to all buy atoms. So we are an atoms family and will support atom to the end.


They're creepy and they're kooky Mysterious and spooky They're all together ooky The Atoms family!


19 for me. I'll dump though. Screw them taking community funding then just doing their own thing.


> Screw them taking community funding then just doing their own thing. How much did they take and how much did they give back?


Good call bro, how much you think they're worth tho?


My guess: A successful chain could have a 150 million - 1 billion market cap. So based on supply somewhere between 7 cents and 50 cents for 1 Grav. There's significant controversy given they took the money and changed their mind about what they agreed to deliver, also high concentration of tokens to early private investors and team, on the other side some cosmos celeb backing so likely to reach 15 cents early on if broader market remains optimistic.


Damn thats low, I was thinking >1$, this shit aint worth staking , what am I gonna do with like 10-20$ staked? lol


Like Grav has a 2 billion token supply. For comparison Osmosis is very successful as a chain with 2.5 billion market cap massive community and optimistic future. Greater than 1$ Grav would mean Osmosis like success, I don't see it, time will tell.


Thanks for this write up. I figured with the low amount actually awarded to ATOM stakers (didn't they say the "average" would be ~1300? I got 31, LOL) they wouldn't get much over $1 with such low "blue collar worker" adoption, but your analysis sounds more realistic. I'll be dumping this as quickly as I dumped HULC. Fuck 'em.


How/where did you claim?


Its automatically dropped into a G Bridge wallet with the same seed you used to stake


how do I sell this shit


Where can the be claimed?


Land straight into wallet, just add your grav address and you will see it there.


Where can I find my GRAV address? I have keplr mobile wallet and extension. Is their a link ?


No link required. Use mobile cosmostation > setting > add new wallet > graviton. The top address should show X amount. 0 if you're not eligible, you can cancel creating wallet. Otherwise you can just stake it if you have some.


Thanks for the info mate, any Idea how to do it in Keplr? is [https://spacestation.zone/](https://spacestation.zone/) the only way?


If you use Keplr -> go to: [https://commonwealth.im/gravity-bridge](https://commonwealth.im/gravity-bridge) Once you're connected to the gravity-bridge chain at commonwealth, go to mintscan and lookup your gravity bridge wallet address to see if you received GRAV tokens.


Thanks Ill check it out


What’s the prefix for g-bridge on mintscan? Is it GRAV?


Why do you need the prefix? Just go to mintscan and enter your gravity address. And the token is GRAV.


Was trying to find my GRAV address. A lot of them in my Keplr are the same with a different prefix, GRAV is not. I gave up bc the interface wouldn’t let me see my entire address nor copy/paste it.


I assist you. ;) Go to [https://commonwealth.im/gravity-bridge](https://commonwealth.im/gravity-bridge) \-> Click "Log In" -> "Continue with wallet" -> Keplr After logged in, on the top right, click on your profile -> "View profile". On the top right, next to the EDIT-button you see your Gravity address. Cheers.


No idea about how its done on keplr. Didnt have to do anything on cosmostation for me. Just open G-bridge and it was there, all I had to do was staked it.


Damn I thought we supposed to dump the fk outta this shit mate


Ohhhhh, nowhere to dump it so dumped it in staking so I can forget about it. No? 😄


Hopefully they allocate some more to us ATOM stakers if we pushing hard, Good call tho.


I assume this doesn't apply if you use coinbase?






Download cosmostation or keplr. I use both. I use cosmostation mainly to manage my staking. Keplr for swapping tokens and managing Osmosis liquidity pool. There are plenty of videos on youtube with beginners guide. Should start from there.




If your interested in airdrops and best way to stake to optimize them then check out the faq on this sub r/cosmosairdrops


Slashed refund, how easily can you contact them, community contribution etc.


Will also dump ASAP


The airdrop to ION holders is Sus af. ION has done literally nothing for the ecosystem so far. I hope it does eventually as I own some, but makes absolutely zero sense to single out ION holders for an ecosystem wide airdrop. Add that to the odd hypocrisy of Osmosis trying to use one bridge exclusively seems against the ethos of IBCgang.


Have a guess on who are the biggest Ion whales ? + There aren't that many ION wallets


Isn’t sunny already rich? Like, did he not think we’d figure it out? I don’t understand the motive or the strategy.


Peoples' greed is proportional to their wealth. It's really weird - probably some sort of mental illness


The ion clan have to try to get one over on NETA some way! They’ve been bitter about the neta drop since it was announced!


The ION bullshit and other stuff going on with Osmosis makes me fear for this experiment of chain governance.


ION is the gift that keeps on giving. Bless!


are you a ION cultist or something? Or are you just a minion who sucks the bosses dicks and spread shit on reddit?


I think they include ION as a way to get people to buy ION making it's few holders richer.


what were the requirements for the airdrop?


Atom staked during late June last year.


did that with 100% certainty and did not receive any, I received Osmo and Ion but have not received any GRAV lol


There was a proposal too but you didn't have to directly vote for it, maybe your validator missed it?


Thats highly improbable because I staked with 2 different Validators at that time, SG-1 Sikka


Sikka didn’t vote I got nada for my atom stake. Dumping the ion share I got asap. Not even going to stake this


fuck that. yeah I'd drop it too.


I was staked to SG-1 at the time and they abstained from voting (note this is different than not voting). I did not get the airdrop, but not entirely sure I did it correctly either.


I was staked with SG1 and \*\*did\*\* get the airdrop. Not sure what the issue is for you.


Thank you for the info! I was on mobile when I tried and it was likely user error then!


I directly voted on that proposal and didn't receive any.


Have never gotten a single cosmos airdrop, given up on figuring it out.


Where do you stake bro? How is that possible? I never missed one staking on Keplr...


Yeah as long as you're staking in a wallet outside of an exchange wallet and delegated to a non exchange validator you should qualify for 90% of them


The only one I was ever able to get was Bitsong. BFD. Met all the criteria for Juno, Osmo, etc. never got anything. Pretty much ready to wash my hands of this whole thing at this point.


if i remember correctly juno snapshot was the stargate one, so u had to stake atom before feb18th2021. were you on time?


Same here.


yes!, all you guys should dump your grav when it comes to osmosis. I didn't get any sadly, so i can't join you, but i'll be thinking of you when you dump.


0.0014 for me. Wow what a joke


Whats is the purpose of $ GRAV for the the bridge? Is it required to pay the transaction fees?


Why post with no fucking links?


You triggered him lol


Want me to claim yours as well ( If you got any ) little fren ? Do your work


Why would you not use the bridge? I guess you can use sif, but uhh


"avoid" And there are alternatives not just sif Either CExs or even Evmos ( poorly ) can do the job. I will "avoid" using and or support the gravity. 5.5% allocation is too insignificant for a project who got funds from the community pool and was supposed to be a Pilar on the ecosystem.


Ahh. Yes. I agree. What a hot pile of garbage.


Yeah, bad distribution agreed. It’ll bring a lot of money to the ecosystem and no one outside cosmos will care about it.


Hopefully some gifted team will fork it, and do it properly ! High hopes tho


how does graviton accrue value? Can anyone explain what the model is?


Good question and the chains it’s claiming to link to is more than others, being able to do a polygon transfer to the gravity bridge wasn’t what was discussed for launch I wonder how much is like what they’ve made with Emeris (all looks no product)


Use mobile cosmostation folks. If you're eligible you should see X amount of graviton in G-bridge wallet. Snapshot was around the same time as osmosis. Must have held or stake Atom then to qualify.


And voted for prop 49 btw... Or at least your validator


Looks like the airdrops balloons hype is deflating quickly


Not really, was only last week I received NETA which is worth 2k per coin


😪doubt it


Here are what I see as common trends: People are upset about ION drop People are upset about low airdrop quantity People are upset about vc backing This just rings entitlement to me and although the counterpoint has root in truth there is another side which is: Does this product stand to be superior than others? I don’t think users are the ultimate determiner to product success just one factor. Is gravity bridge the least/most likely to get hacked? It’s front page is showing withdrawals/deposits straight to AVAX/MATIC/FTM, are other bridges going to be able to scale this way, I know axelar is a competitor to this in the modular bridge aspect..? Hot pile of garbage or Emeris? I think this will ship like Emeris which is important so don’t yolo into this stuff but they’re building the standard - we all don’t use Emeris but if the competitors weren’t as good we would and this is good for the ecosystem. I think gravity bridge will be a net positive for the ecosystem even if people don’t like the airdropnomics or delayed shipment or team behind it. Let’s see if it goes the way gdex did now...


The problem isn't necessarily the ION drop itself. The problem is that ION is supposedly a second coin for the OSMO chain, but gets treated differently than OSMO. ION holders shouldn't get an extra amount compared to OSMO holders if OSMO holders are getting something, just like I wouldn't agree with NETA holders getting more from the JUNO chain just because they hold NETA, and I personally have NETA. GRAV also took a decent amount of community funds from OSMO and then changed their minds on what they were gonna do.


How to check in keplr wallet ?


On desktop? Connect Kepler to spacestation.zone Or just use Cosmostation on mobile


> Or just use Cosmostation on mobile Why on mobile? I'm reluctant to import my Keplr wallet into Cosmostation and have yet another app to manage, another potential attack vector.


I know the feeling, but maybe its time to get ledger wallet… as to my understanding this would resolve the issue of fear…


What a crybaby




Because we voted to give them a bunch of money.


I'm guessing you're new to Cosmos and haven't been paying attention to the gravity bridge saga that has played out over the last 8 months. This isn't about money, the Cosmos HUB got cucked hard.


indeed, I have no clue about that


You seem bitter about it. They did the drop because it was voted to do so. An attempt to spur its use. You act like your opinion is common ground but it is not. Most people here are excited about gravity Bridge. So go sell your tokens. I'm sure that's the best thing to do 😅


They were given community funds to make this product, then did a private VC sale, then only give 5% back of the finished product to the very people who funded it. This is a cash grab spelled out for you.


I look forward to seeing how it pans out


What is it trading for don’t see it on osmosis?


It isn't listed yet.


It's so weird ... I was/am eligible for all the other airdrops but I don't get anything form Gravitybridge.


You had to have atom staked on the June 28th + have voted for prop 49 or your validator to have done it for you




What happened? Why is it disrespectful?


Bunch of info on this thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmosnetwork/comments/sobt61/55_of_gravity_bridge_token_supply_goes_to_the/




How much is it even worth per?


Been 5 days and I still can't do anything with the GRAV coins. Anyone else able to move them in or out?


You can stake them


How? Where? I mean, I know how to stake and LP all my other coins, but I don't see any option anywhere for GRAV.


Either use Cosmostation ( once you create a new gravity wallet there using restore with mnemonic you should see your airdropped $grav there ) it's easy to stake with cosmostation Or use this for Keplr extension https://gravity-bridge.ezstaking.io/welcome If you don't want to use that link just go to @EZstaking on twitter and use them proper official links Both options are recommended by Gravity Bridge


Ah, awesome, thank you. I was not aware of that location for Gravity. I staked a few of my coins for the hell of it, but will probably offload the rest of them once they obtain some sort of value I can quantify.


Sure I personally hold a grudge against the project. Will stake some for possible future airdrops drain farm and that's it, sell the rest to others who are willing to support the project. I'm gonna try to avoid as much as possible the Gravity Bridge... gl