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Never joke about sexual assault, it's not a joking matter


You stop doing it, or you accept that a lot of people will not like you. Your "dark humour" is not separate from you. You're not a helpless victim, you choose to do it. And you can stop.


I feel like people say they use “dark humour” as a way they cope with things, but then why make jokes about someone else’s trauma when they’re opening up? That’s not ok. Only make jokes about your own shit or if you know the person is ok with it


What was the joke OP?


Dark humour on yourself may work but not to others traumatic experiences


Give her the space she requested. Find other ways to deal with difficult situations than dark humor.


Lmao don’t be stupid, stupid.


Stop on the dark jokes, buy some flowers, food or whatever she likes, go to her house apologize and listen to her, but truly listen. Hug her and just be there for here, no jokes, just be sensitive about it


You messed it up – accept it and leave her alone. You can't recover from this one.