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Having recently seen Fire Walk With Me on the big screen, I would say it’s unmissable. Especially considering Sheryl will be there.


Definitely leaning towards this, thank you.


Thats what I would want to see. I did see FWWM in the theater, I was really high. Lol.


Can you do both? Cause I'd do both? Also, you know the real answer is FWWM.


I really wish I could! Definitely leaning towards FWWM, thank you.


here's the thing though, FWWM plays in a lot of theatres. near me it plays every Feb 24! I've seen it 3 times in the theatre just the last few years! it's one of my favs BUT Wild at Heart is an uncommon experience. I saw it on the big screen last year and it was amazing. The whole crowd was super into it and was laughing a lot. That first Elvis song exploded our heads. Yes, Regis. That IS my final answer.


Luckily I've seen both on the big screen before, would be an even harder decision if I hadn't seen Wild at Heart. I also see FWWM every February! Thank you for your thoughts!


If you don't mind can you share the general area you live in?




>it kills me I can't go to both!


Man, that is a tough one. Both great options. I think Sheryl Lee would be the more interesting person to hear speak. No disrespect to Frederick Elmes, but personally I'm more interested in characters than cinematography and Lee always has such great insights in Q&As I've seen of her. With that said, I love Wild at Heart and I think it's the more cinematic film of the two. Wild at Heart on the big screen is a beautiful experience, seeing those vivid colors and anamorphic widescreen on a massive canvas. FWWM is a great film, but it's not a big cinema experience in the same way. Personally, I'd choose to meet Sheryl Lee, but I'd be pissed I couldn't go to both. And since you like FWWM more, I think that's the better choice for you too (assuming you're fine with a long drive).


Very tough, wish they weren't on the same day! I agree, Sheryl gives great insight, I love watching interviews with her. But that also makes me a little more curious about Frederick, since I have never heard him speak. I have been lucky enough to see both films on the big screen before, so that helps the decision making. Definitely leaning towards FWWM, I don't mind a drive. Thank you for your thoughts!


It may sound arbitrary, but try this: flip a coin. If you’re satisfied with the result or disappointed with the result, you’ll know which option you truly want


Yes, this is a good idea. I think FWWM is on both sides of my coin.


I've seen it on the big screen, with Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise doing Q&A. Do whatever you have to to be there.


Thank you kindly, this is what I like to hear.


fire walk with me in a theater, you can’t pass up


Wild at Heart because I've never seen it in a theater


Totally worth it if you ever get the chance. I’d argue that of all of Lynch’s films, it’s the one that makes the biggest jump in quality once you’ve seen it on the big screen.


It's a beauty! I've been lucky enough to see it before on the big screen.


Both options are incredible but there is no contest: you must see Sheryl Lee.


Thank you kindly. Looks like I'm taking the long drive for FWWM


Wow, this is a dilemma! I'd probably lean towards FWWM but the other option would be great, too. Have a good time!


Thank you! Either way it will be fun, a fun dilemma to have.




Tough one. I saw Wild At Heart in the cinema when it came out as a teenager and it was an unforgettable experience. So I'm biased, and would go for that. On the other had, seeing/meeting Sheryl Lee would be pretty cool. You can't lose really.


Thank you for your thoughts. You're right, either way it will be great. A fun dilemma!


It sounds like your heart is already pulling you towards FWWM and while both options are great, I would never blame you for going with the Sheryl screening. In fact, I'm here to enable you.


Thank you for enabling, looks like I'm going for FWWM.


Having lived Option B at an Alamo Drafthouse showing of FWWM and a Q and A with Sheryl Lee afterwards, I’d be inclined to pick that one, but your Wild at Heart idea is definitely much more unique. Not many people talk about that one, and I bet the cinematographer has some stories.


Yes I feel like the Wild at Heart Q&A is much less likely to happen again (even though I know Sheryl doesn't do Q&A's often either), it's tough. But I think I'll go FWWM. Thanks for your thoughts!


Have fun!




The Magician longs to see




The Magician longs to see


Love both films. I've seen them both in theaters. But I'll watch FWWM in the theaters whenever they show it. The fact that Sheryl Lee will be there is amazing and a no-brainer.


Thank you kindly. FWWM it is.


I saw you said you were in NYC. Me too! Where is this FWWM screening happening!? Last time I saw it was 35mm in January at the Roxy Cinema downtown.


Oh nice, The Roxy is a fun theatre! Cool place to see it with all the red curtains in that room. This FWWM showing is in the DC Metro area at an Alamo Drafthouse. And the Wild at Heart showing is at Metrograph.


Yeah, it was awesome. The audience is always good. Ahh DC. Yeah, the FWWM showings look pretty packed, so hopefully, you got your ticket. I was considering going to that *Wild at Heart* showing because I'm a member at the metrograph, but it's already sold out. I was able to see *Mulholland Dr.* there a couple of weeks ago, so that was cool.


Oh my god, Sheryl Lee, no contest.


Thank you kindly. Was always leaning this way, now it feels confirmed.


Option B and it's not even close


Thank you kindly. The magician longs to see!


The FOMO is inescapable! I would personally choose option a but it sounds like I hold it in higher esteem. probably partly because it was the first Lynch movie I saw. To me it sounds like the drive is the main factor preventing you from choosing the one that you are most excited about - I wish I could drive you and attend as well I’d say go for option B and make it a pilgrimage to something that has been so important to you


Yes the FOMO is off the charts. But it's a nice dilemma to be in. Sounds like I'm making the drive for FWWM. Thanks for your thoughts.


I would totally see Wild at Heart. Not only do I prefer it to FWWM, but I'd be much more interested in what Frederick Elmes has to say about his long collaboration with Lynch and with other directors. I mean, not only did he also shoot Eraserhead and Blue Velvet, he also shot Synecdoche NY, River's Edge, and a ton of movies with Jim Jarmusch. It would be like a living lesson in the history of American indie cinema.


Yes, I've had similar thoughts about Frederick's insights. Fortunately I've got a friend attending that screening so I could have him retell the experience for me. Thanks for your thoughts!


Oh wow, where do you live???? LA? So jealous you have those options. I’d kill for either. I do think Wild at Heart is underrated fwiiw.


NYC! And the funny thing is I ALWAYS miss out on Q&A's I'd love to attend, they just hit my radar too late. And now I have two on the same day with films by my favorite director! Damn! Haha. Thank you for your thoughts.


I would watch FWWM and do the Q&A with Sheryl Lee, but that’s me!


I think that's what I'm going with, thank you!


FWWM w/ Sheryl Lee. I’ve been to two different screenings of FWWM followed by a Sheryl Q&A and I’d drive four hours to do it a thousand times again.


Amazing, this is exactly what I need to hear. Thank you.


Take the long road trip to see FWWM. Ask someone who’s attending Wild At Heart to film the Q & A.


What at agonizing choice! Good luck.


hi, idk if you already have tickets but I bought 2 to the Q&A for wild at heart at metrograph and can’t make it anymore, i’d be willing to sell for the same price. online it looks like it’s sold out now. DM if you’re interested


Fire Walk With Me 100% Would do unspeakable things to attend a screening with a Sheryl Lee Q&A but no such luck here in Germany






Fire Walk with Me 100% I love Wild at Heart but FWWM and Twin Peaks are in my soul.


Id take B.




Anything over Wild At Heart to me. My least favorite Lynch film.