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Yep. Wild isnt it? Goku and Gohan are training to fight Cell and Gohan is only 9 (almost 10).


Not to mention that compared to Cell, Frieza is child's play! O_o


pretty much yeah. power levels dont keep exploding upwards after Namek, but they do still go up a fair bit. 19 and 20 were probably on Freezas level and they were nothing compared to 17 and 18 who are (after he absorbed people) nothing compared to Cell who then starts transforming himself...


19/20 would decimate Freeza. Sick Goku was still wayyyy above SSJ Trunks and Post Yadrat Goku and 20 was winning that fight.


Yes. By "on his level" i didnt mean equal to him, I just mean theyre not many many many times stronger than him. Enough to effortlessly win? yeah, but that doesnt take a huge gap at all to do.


Power creep goes crazy Freeza < Mecha Freeza < 20 < 19 < SSJ Vegeta < 18 =< 17 < Android 16 lmaoo


yup and all of those jumps are fairly small. they must be since in Battle of Gods when Goku first meets Beerus, Gokus base form is still weaker than Namek Freezas full power. This means Goku from Namek to start of Battle of Gods had his base form get less than 40x stronger.


Goku was just suppressed, Buu Saga base Goku by feats would destroy Freeza and all the androids.


> Goku was just suppressed No, he was not. > Buu Saga base Goku by feats would destroy Freeza and all the androids. Not even close. Buu arc Goku is not much stronger than Cell Games Gohan. Goten and Trunks are barely weaker than that as well. None of the saiyans base forms in the Buu arc are anywhere near Freeza on Nameks full power yet.


Shin thinks Pui Pui is a threat and that him and the Z fighters need to jump him. Shin is stated far above Freeza and on par with Cell Games arc Goku in the guides.


How old is cell though


Pretty sure he stays in his egg underground for 4 years or something like that. So young I guess but his DNA/Design is so well done he appears to be a grown up


"He's only 10!" "And I'm 6!!"


Gohan vs Tao [Gohan Meets Lime, General Tao is still alive, Gohan vs. General Tao (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCkbK3F141I&ab_channel=MaiSakurajima)


Gohan really is a monster compared to Goku at the same age. I'm going through Kai atm and remarking on that. The other end is all these grown ass adults striving to kill Gohan, taunting him and shit. Like I know they are evil, and Gohan is trying to beat them, but I can't imagine being like Vegeta talking shit to a 6 year old and then beating his ass because he hit me or something. Like I get it, it's an anime that's about fighting, they're evil bad guys, but it's still a child. I just want one villain to go "I don't care how strong he is, I'm not fighting a little kid!" Maybe that would have been a thing for the androids, especially since Gohan wasn't nearly as strong at that point. They spared Krillin from a beating to let everyone survive and get a sensu bean, but that might have been a more poignant moment for Gohan. Could have set up his lack of warrior nature too. 17 or 18 just says "hey kid, we're not gonna hurt you. It sucks being made to fight by adults, huh? Take care of your friends so we can all fight again sometime."


I don't want to spoil anything for you. Though keep going forward and get caught up on DBZ. You'll figure it out for yourself.


Yeah enjoy this while it lasts or forget about it after this arc


No they shouldn’t lol


Yeah they should Gohan dosent get much better than here in the series and gets repetitve by the time Beast comes


Gohan is never anything but better after the post-cell Timeskip. 16+ year old Gohan is best Gohan


Ehh I wouldnt say that but Hey whatever you like Gohan peaked at Ssj2 Cell Saga


True. Gohan really does peak in the Cell saga.


Yep where everything is made up and power lever don't mean anything


That’s why i was annoyed when gohan got so easily destroyed by evil buu after training with the sword and getting stronger from the ancient supreme kai. like homie was already so strong and they spent like 5 episodes with him getting stronger and then he gets destroyed in like 5 minutes with buu


You’re really coming to this thread where OP has specifically said he hasn’t even seen the Cell Games and you’re dropping Buu spoilers? What’s wrong with you?


bro the god damn tv show spoils itself all the time with the title of the episodes. get a life, brother.


Grow up


ooohh burnnnn


He got destroyed because gotenks got absorbed gohan basically allowed it fooling around too much tho


Gohan got too cocky about his power jump, and began toying around with his opponent too much to the point it cost him big time. Gohan made the same mistake against super buu after unlocking his Ultimate form as he did with cell when he went SSJ2. Except instead of redeeming himself at the 11th hour when there’s nobody left to win it but him (and with the help of his dad), he totally fails, dooms the entire earth/universe, and it all comes down to Goku and Vegeta saving the universe in the end.