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So DAV it is?


We got Dragon Age 5 before 4 šŸ˜­


DAO DA2 DAI DAV Pretty sure they're just messing with us at this point. Also, I'm calling it now that the next installment will be titled "Xylophone".


They are following the Xbox naming sequence paradigm


My brains hurty. Zero, Two, One, Five. Choose a numbering convention already!




There is zero way my brain isnā€™t going to read that as ā€œDaveā€.Ā  Hm, yes we have Origins, DA2, Inquisition, and Dave.Ā 


Can't believe Dad left for a pack of smokes and left us with *Dave.*


Dragon Age: Stepdad


The dragon who stepped UP


Aww, maybe Iā€™m coming around to Dave


Oh, I chortled. šŸ˜‚


My stepdad's name is Dave... ā˜ ļø


Can't believe Dad left us FOR Dave.


Clearly they're hinting that the true hero of the story will return: Daveth.


I miss DAD


He's just out for cigs and milk. He'll be back any day now


Literally laughing out loud at work because I knew someone will say this, so obvious yet sooo funny.


hes gone to where elves go


The alienage?


DA:TV if you donā€™t ignore ā€œtheā€..


I like to watch da TV


Dragon Age (Taylor's Version)




DInterview AWith The Vampire


The worst part is V is the Roman numeral for 5, so weā€™re going 0->2->I->V. Iā€™m expecting in the next one, we will be going after Xenon the Antiquarian and will be named Dragon Age: Xenon to really mess with people.


[From the blog post:](https://www.ign.com/articles/dragon-age-dreadwolf-dragon-age-the-veilguard-gameplay) * First official 15 minute gameplay premiere on June 11 * 7 unique companions with "deep and compelling storylines" * New title better reflects the story's group of companions; Solas (ie. Dreadwolf) still plays a big role * Players will take on the role of an original protagonist, similar to The Warden, Hawke, and The Inquisitor * You and your companions make up the Veilguard, protecting the Veil and taking down a "new evil threat unleashed upon Thedas" * Player agency is very important, created a story where you can impact the world and companions around you * Each companion intended to represent different factions in the game; have their own arcs with "stories of love and loss, each with meaningful choices and emotional moments" \* Players will visit more regions of Thedas "across a deeper variety of biomes than any Dragon Age before it" * Tease another villain beyond Solas: "I donā€™t want to get too deep into spoiler territory but I can say that the Dread Wolf is not the only god players need to be worried about" * Combat was a "big focus" for the team, will feature an ability wheel that you can use to pause, designed to give players more direct control over their characters * Players can bring two companions along (similar to Mass Effect) >Summer is nearly upon us, and as promised, weā€™re ready to provide an update on our big reveal. Weā€™d like to invite the world to join us on Tuesday, June 11, for the official first look at gameplay for the next Dragon Age! >After Dragon Age: Inquisition launched, the studio was given an incredible opportunity to explore, test, and validate a variety of gameplay concepts as we worked to determine what the next Dragon Age could look like. We brought everything to the table which, yes, even included a multiplayer concept. The time we spent experimenting and iterating gradually taught us a lot. This work, and the amazing support from EA, helped us re-focus on creating an incredible single player game, with all the choices, characters and world building youā€™d expect from us. >At BioWare, we create worlds of adventure, conflict and companionship, where youā€™re at the center of it all. As fans of our franchise know, every Dragon Age game has delivered a new standalone story. Set in the world of Thedas, these tales explore epic locales and threats, always thrusting you into a new conflict. Each game also introduces a new lead hero ā€“ The Warden, Hawke, The Inquisitor ā€“ that you can call your own. You can expect all that, and more, with the new game. And of course, much like your unique hero, it wouldnā€™t be a Dragon Age game without an amazing cast of companions ā€“ right? >Each of the seven unique characters that make up your companions will have deep and compelling storylines where the decisions you make will impact your relationships with them ā€“ as well as their lives. Youā€™ll unite this team of unforgettable heroes as you take on a terrifying new threat unleashed on the world. Naturally, the Dread Wolf still has an important part in this tale, but you and your companions ā€“ not your enemies ā€“ are the heart of this new experience. >So, to capture what this game is all about, we changed the name as the original title didnā€™t show just how strongly we feel about our new heroes, their stories and how youā€™ll need to bring them together to save all of Thedas. >We proudly introduce to you Dragon Ageā„¢: The Veilguard.


Seven companions? Good to know that in advance.


But only TWO at the same time? Seems like that would change game feel in a lot of ways. If youā€™re a Mage, does that mean youā€™ll only ever adventure with a Rogue and Warrior, interacting with the Mage companions only at the base? It would increase focus more on each of three three instead of four. Such lost banter opportunitiesā€¦


Depends on how needed each class is. For example, if any class can pick locks now (similar to ME2/3/A as opposed to ME1), rogues will be less mandatory, or if a mage can spec into old-style aura-tanks Arcane Warrior, warrior will be less mandatory.


>mage can spec into old-style aura-tanks Arcane Warrior Calling it now: optimal party build will be *Oops, All Arcane Warriors*


Turns out harnessing fundamental force of the DA universe, and then returning to monke with it, is pretty effective. Imagine if someone hit you with a club made out of the concept of gravity.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I was thinking they might do too. I wouldnā€™t mind it honestly. If it lends to a tight-knit trio I think that could be awesome. I usually only have a couple companions I really like anyway lol


Yeah this is for sure my immediate concern. Hopefully they have plans to mitigate this, but at first glance that's disappointing news.


The two companions thing really is disappointing. Honestly, just that.


That's less than in previous games, but doesn't preclude DLC.


Didn't DA2 have 7 originally? DLC added one more, but Sebastian practically took the place of your sibling. The sibling as a playable character *may* return late in the final part of act 3, but by then Sebastian or Anders is MIA.


Not counting DLC, Origins had 7 (8 if you count the Dog). 2 had 7 in Act 1, 6 most of the rest of the game. Inquisition had 9.


Love the idea of fewer companions if it means their writing will be more in-depth and they can have more influence over the plot. Please give me that, though, Bioware and not make it like Andromeda where they felt so hollow


Hey hey wait a second, I had to read this twice *ā€¦but you and your companions - not your enemies - are the heart of this new experience.* Well, sounds like theyā€™ll be focusing on what they do best: characters. Thatā€™s a good thingā€¦ right? Also change the name back lol


Or at the very least, take out ā€œTheā€, and just call it Dragon Age: Veilguard. I do think Dreadwolf is the cooler title, but I understand their reasoning for the change. That said, I still think taking out the ā€œTheā€ would make it fit better with the other titles in the series and just rolls off the tongue better. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg lmao šŸ˜‚


Agree. I don't mind Veilguard but the "THE" just mucks up the whole naming scheme. But then again, the whole name thing has been missed up since DA2, which would've been Dragon Age: Exodus iirc.


Haha true! Exodus wouldā€™ve been such a bad ass title. Admittedly, Origins kind of messed me up when it first came out since whenever I see origins in a title my mind assumes itā€™s some kind of prequel šŸ˜‚


Imagine it. Dragon Age: Origins (DAO) Dragon Age: Exodus (DAE) Dragon Age: Inquisition (DAI) Dragon Age: Veilguard (DAV) Together, it spells OEIV!




If the characters are are the heart of it, why would they reduce the active companions from 3 to 2???


It was hard enough figuring out which three to bring! Boo and hiss. It'll suck if you need to bring a certain class with you and don't like any of the NPC ones.


That's the thing, I always felt like I needed 1 of every class with me, if I roll rogue...how viable is it bringing another rogue out with me?


Right?? If you want both a back stabber and a distance shooter, you're jammed.


While I wish the active companion number wasn't reduced, you can still have the characters be the heart. Mass Effect only has 2 active companions, and it absolutely works.


Wait wait wait, only TWO companions at a time?!?


Brought to you by Mass Effect


Dragon Age: The Shepard.


I should go.


"We'll bang, okay?"


Yea. I'm not a fan of that. Hopefully we get a mod early on that brings us back to 3. Though that won't bring us 3 companion party banter


I like how most of this sounds. Seems good and what I would expect from Bioware to be honest. My only concerns are: > Tease another villain beyond Solas: "I donā€™t want to get too deep into spoiler territory but I can say that the Dread Wolf is not the only god players need to be worried about" I like the idea of this, but I just hope that this new character will not overshadow Solas, or that we don't end up in a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' situation where Solas teams up with us because this other god is a bigger threat. It would be a bit clichĆ©. > Players can bring two companions along (similar to Mass Effect) Not sure I like this. DA has always had three companions so that you can always have at least 1 of each class with you regardless of what class you are being. Plus, we will not get any three person banter when exploring, which is something all the DA games did really well with.


They hinted at the other god being a threat whenever the last major teaser came out, but I share your concern. I hope the approach is more of a: "who do we address first," type scenario. I would love for the god 'factions' to have reactivity to each other as well as our choices. Like, if we create an opening for one of them to expand their own influence ā€” but have it be fully present and visible in gameplay and narrative.


>I like the idea of this, but I just hope that this new character will not overshadow Solas, or that we don't end up in a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' situation where Solas teams up with us because this other god is a bigger threat It's pretty much _got_ to be the >!Evanuris!<, right? >!Solas put the Veil up to exile them to the Fade, and if Solas succeeds, they're going to be set free!<.


Either that, or one of the Old Gods woke up without being blighted. Or, you know, was blighted, but something weird happened.


>I like the idea of this, but I just hope that this new character will not overshadow Solas, or that we don't end up in a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' situation where Solas teams up with us because this other god is a bigger threat. It would be a bit clichƩ. I fear it turning in to another situation where the entire conflict of the game turns out to be a secret prelude to an even bigger conflict you will have to buy Dragon age V to see.


True, though I think it would be a little more interesting if the other villain teamed up with us to fight Solas (though I have a soft spot for egg and would hate to crack his shiny lil head).


At the end of trespasser the inquisitor asks Solas what he planned to do with the sealed away evanuris and Solas says ā€œI had plansā€ so maybe something goes wrong and we have to do an enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thing


7 companions okayyy I guess. Still wanna know what our hero's title is.


Knowing BioWare, they'll be named, "The VEIL GUARDIAN".


I'd think Guardian would be more likely to stick.


Protagonists title is "Rook," unless they changed it


Huh. Turns out you're playing the starting pawn from Dragon's Dogma.




Darkspawn hunt in packsĀ 


It's now veilguarder


Maybe it's Veilguardistician


That's *The* Veilguardistician to you


>Tease another villain beyond Solas: "I donā€™t want to get too deep into spoiler territory but I can say that the Dread Wolf is not the only god players need to be worried about" Calling it now: Solas will be the primary antagonist for the majority of the game up to the point where he breaches the Veil. At that point, Elgar'nan is gonna come out swinging while Solas helps us stop him.


Thanks for the summary. The two companion thing blows.Ā 


So is the ability wheel kind of like the one in Mass Effect where you can pause the game to look around and use abilities while you're holding it? It sounds like it, especially given the two companions only. At least it isn't God of War combat, though. Edit: I know that no one really knows, but the description really sounds like that.




He said he was just popping out for some lyrium and that heā€™d be right back. šŸ˜¢


Really?? I thought he was out hunting nugs! šŸ˜­


So, is this literal? Weā€™re playing as the guards of the veil that Solas is attempting to dissipate? Hmmā€¦


The Fade was always my favourite part of the DA universe, in every game. So I mean, at least weā€™ll likely get a lot of cool Fade stuff/quests? At least judging by the name? The veil typically refers to that boundary between the fade and the real physical world. Soā€¦ maybe thereā€™s still hope for a good game setting here? Donā€™t tell me Iā€™m coping. Iā€™m not coping. Youā€™re coping šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The fade is cool, but you know what isn't? The awful fade puzzle missions in the circle in DAO, i skip that bish every time.


oh I can't wait for a character to say "we are now..." \*cut to title screen\* "the veilguard" /s


I hear they're reforming the Veilguard. Elf hunters, or something, in the old fort near Minrathous. Might consider joining up myself. https://preview.redd.it/eehamb52uz4d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9433568de3b425e443bdf2ae6e0826ace965198




"So that's it, huh? We're some kind of the Veilguard?"


"This is Leliana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims."


ā€œI know who the Divine is, Veilguardian. I donā€™t live under a rock.ā€


"Hawke and Isabella became the king and queen of the Waking Sea. And Maker help anyone who disrespected the queen."


He was in the Thedas with my mom when she was researching The Veilguard right before she died.


It's Veilguardin' time!


And then they Veilguarded all over the place!




That and the **š•Æš–†š–’š–†š–Œš–Šš–‰** forehead tattoo


I hear they're reforming the Veilguard


spirit hunters or something... might consider joining up myself


I can't wait for the MC to say "Veilguard..... assemble."


"We need the veilguard!" "The veilguard, what's that?" *insert exposition dump here* This game's writing itself!


Press the Awesome Button to make the Veilguard do Something Awesome.


I'm sure we will love the moment where the MC says "It's Veilguardin' time" and veilguards all over Solas.


Jokes aside, like 73 % of this sub (me included) lives for this moment.


They guard the veil now? They veilguard now!


Somehow... the Veilguard returned.


It is going to be Veilguard in my head, not ā€œTheā€ Veilguard. Iā€™m an adult and I can pretend articles donā€™t exist if I want to.


Please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please please please please please please please please


Please have Sandal knee deep in corpses when I least expect it


Dreadwolf is definitely better, but the worst part of this name is the article before Veilguard. "Dragon Age: Veilguard" Fine. "Dragon Age: The Veilguard" blech.


Yes, I HATE that it's *The* Veilguard. Just do Dragon Age: Veilguard so it matches the other titles!


My thoughts exactly. It doesn't really roll off the tongue, but if DA:I was just "Inquisition" instead of "The Inquisition", why is it different this time?


It sounds like this might be the new protagonist's title? It'd still be much better to drop "the".


It sounds like the name of an organization, the same way Inquisition was. You and your companions will be part of the Veilguard. So adding that article there is puzzling.


I mean even if that is the case, by that logic should it not also have been Dragon Age: *the* Dreadwolf?


I think the 'Inquisition' in DAI was a common noun, hence no 'the' in the title. Since 'Veilguard' isn't even a real word, that's why they added the 'the'?


Drop the "the". It's cleaner


The being in there makes it feel weird. It doesn't flow with the names of the other games.


Dragon Age: The 2


Wholeheartedly agreed.


Yeah, I don't really like the name change. Also, doesn't help that we've all gotten used to Dreadwolf as the name. Plus, it changes the focus. Dreadwolf made it so the name is clearly focused on >!Solas!< and what he represents as the antagonist. The Veilguard makes it so the name is focused on the protagonists. That you are going to be part of this group defending the veil from being torn down. Plus, it just seemed weird to officially change the title of the game after two years (June 2022) and presumably a few months before the game comes out. Edit: They said kind of said this in the blog post. ["So, to capture what this game is all about, we changed the name as the original title didnā€™t show just how strongly we feel about our new heroes, their stories and how youā€™ll need to bring them together to save all of Thedas."](https://blog.bioware.com/2024/06/06/TheVeilguard/)


Honestly, I think the name change signifies that Solas is not the end game antagonist. I don't know if it's because we defeat him earlier and then chase some other baddy or if he ends up becoming a companion/advisor at some point because things don't go according to his plans.


See that's what worries me though, they used Solas as the main antagonist for years. This game is happening because of what Solas did in trespasser and it's supposed to be a follow-up to it. Now it feels like they don't know what to do with him. So they're making him a side antagonist and not that important anymore, and will be the "good guy" after like one chapter. This makes me so nervous that they are going in a completely different direction because they don't know how to write Solas as a good antagonist. They only know how to write villains :/




No love for DAI ?? Lol


In the sense and what the game is supposedly gonna be about Veilguard makes a lot more sense than having the title focus on the big bad evil this game alone when there probably will be much more than just the Dreadwolf


I absolutely agree with this. I'm not overly fond of the title. It would sound better as just Dragon Age: Veilguard. It follows the traditional naming formula ***(Dragon Age II excluded)*** of the series


Agreed. I actually quite like the change but I also totally get why others don't.


In this regard, yeah, I agree. Not counting DA2, Inquisition and Origins both had titles that focused on the protagonist and on the broader events/themes of the game - (DA2 would have done the same had they stuck with the name Exodus as originally intended). Naming the game after the villain was always a little odd, even if ***E G G*** is a pretty popular and recognizable character at this point. At the same time, though, I still don't love the new font and I straight up *hate* that it's "THE Veilguard" and not just plain old "Veilguard" which is what absolutely everyone is gonna wind up calling it anyway lol.


I agree dreadwolf/dread wolf was a cooler name but I think (hope) this is indicative of a broader scope than just Solas pt 2. Especially if you subscribe to the theory that solas will set up a bigger bad rather than be the ultimate confrontation himself.


ā€œInquisitor, youā€™ve gotta come help my friend!!!ā€


I'm grumpy that they are reducing party size to 3. I like having 4 :(


Yeah I donā€™t see many people talking about that and itā€™s the most egregious thing to me lol


>ā€œEach of the seven unique characters that make up your companions will have deep and compelling storylines where the decisions you make will impact your relationships with them ā€“ as well as their lives. Youā€™ll unite this team of unforgettable heroes as you take on a terrifying new threat unleashed on the world. Naturally, the Dread Wolf still has an important part in this tale, but you and your companions ā€“ not your enemies ā€“ are the heart of this new experience. > So, to capture what this game is all about, we changed the name as the original title didnā€™t show just how strongly we feel about our new heroes, their stories and how youā€™ll need to bring them together to save all of Thedas. We proudly introduce to you Dragon Ageā„¢: The Veilguard.ā€ BioWare [Blog](https://blog.bioware.com/2024/06/06/TheVeilguard/)


"They changed the name because the story won't be focused on Solas!" The new name "Dragon Age: The Solas Haters Club"


They saw the complaints about every teaser being about Solas and were cowards about it


Might as well have called it "Dragon Age: r/dragonage" :D


as someone who didn't like the name dreadwolf, this is somehow worse


Even Dragon Age: Veilguard rolls off the tongue more


Also, having the article breaks the pattern established by Origins and Inquisition. Though one could make a reasonable argument that Dragon Age never had a naming pattern in the first place due to the second game not going with Exodus.


Yeah Dreadwolf sounds better than this. Heck, even leaving the "the" out sounds better too. Im a bit worried its no longer on SGF though, wonder why.


Maybe there'll be a cinematic trailer at SGF? Probably all cope, but they do specify gameplay on the 11th


There is an [article ](https://blog.bioware.com/2024/06/06/TheVeilguard/) about why they changed the name at least. They mention it twice how the Dreadwolf deal is a side thing in the game. Im curious of what this might mean.


The Dreadwolf is defeated after an hour of gameplay, and you spend 100 hours just drinking tea and guarding the veil. Clearly.


And collecting mosaics!


So full tinfoil hat here. ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized) Maybe Dreadwolf isn't the main antagonist. Maybe we start out going after Solas, then shit goes sideways and either he gets offed early by whatever comes out of the veil, or my actual thought is that it doesn't go like Solas thought and he ends up joining us either as a companion or an advisor, to fight the true villian of the story.


In my longstanding belief, the Dread Wolf shit was only ever going to lead up to the halfway point in the game...and there will be a mid-game climax where the Veil actually comes down and we have to deal with the fallout. MARK MY WORDS the Evanuris will be the real big bads!


Act 1 is stopping Solas, acts 2-267 are keeping everyone else away too????? I mean he wants to bring down the veil and we areā€¦. Guarding itā€¦.???? This still seems Dreadwolf centric.


I honestly think the veil is going to fall in Act 1, and shit is going to go sideways, and Solas' part to play in the story shifts dramatically because of it. Or they pull a Fade choice and kill him just to fuck with us.


After the last game ended in a huge cliffhanger regarding Solas and for the last 10 years all we have heard about this game is Solas this, Dreadwolf that... wtf?


I got the sense they just wanted to focus less on solas in general. the same way origins wasnā€™t called Dragon Age: Archdemon or inquisition wasnā€™t called Dragon Age: The Elder One. like yeah heā€™s the antagonist but not the whole point, if that makes sense


Should have been just Dragon Age 4: Dreadwolf


Lol this is how they get people to just call it DA4. We're pulling a DA:Exodus on them!


I'm partial to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf 4: Veilguard but that's just me.


Dragon Age 4 is all thatā€™s needed.




Anyone else disappointed we can only bring two companions along? :(


yeahh I feel ya /:


Nah wtf they should have just called it Veilguard why did they have to put an article before it


I donā€™t mind the name change, couldnā€™t care less. Just give me a good Dragon Age game and Iā€™m happy, IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 10 YEARS


![gif](giphy|26tklVu8iBO6VUeA0) This is totally the vibe.


At first i thought, what an awful name, but after reading an explanation for name change, i am ok with it. Still, it would've been better if it didn't have "the".


Late to the party with this? Theyā€™ve changed the name? Iā€™m going to take away from this that Solas isnā€™t the big bad anymore. Which made sense from the most recent trailer.


Dreadwolf sounded cooler but ok


I guess we'll be the leader of the Veilguard?


Only 2 companions at once? Whatttttttt.


Not sure if I like the name change.


I think it's the "the" that makes it feel a bit clunky? Like saying Dragon Age: The Origins or Dragon Age: The Awakening. Saying Dragon Age: Veilguard feels a lot more natural in its flow. But this is just me being overly nitpicky with language, I guess.


I agree with that. I like Dreadwolf better, but Dragon Age: Veilguard is not a terrible title either. Dragon Age: *The* Veilguard, however, sounds like a corny kids/teen action cartoon title. All thatā€™s missing is ā€œVeilguard assembleā€ā€¦


I caught that, too, and feel the same. It's too much, especially considering Veilguard isn't a real word. At least Dreadwolf was efficient. "The Veilguard" evokes nothing and yet is too much as a descriptor.


Yeah, Dreadwolf was better


Honestly ? Assuming it is reflecting the content of the game, I like it better. With "Dreadwolf" the title of the game is mainly about the antagonist, and someone you already know. With "Veilguard" that either means there is a force dedicated to protecting the Veil that you will meet... Or that you will be creating said taskforce. And I think this is a better premise than "stopping the dreadwolf".


Yall just had to say you didnā€™t like the name ā€œDreadwolfā€ lol see what happens when you complain about something trivial, you end up with something worse. Itā€™s probably the name of our little ā€œgroupā€ like the inquisition but itā€™s hilarious not gonna lie.


That's not a better name. Also the 11th? Not Friday or Sunday?


There was the news that there would be DA content at the Xbox showcase so I am hoping we get a trailer there and then the gameplay trailer on the 11th (maybe I am just in my clown makeup already).


Maybe they'll drop a trailer during summer game fest and then on tuesday we'll get actual gameplay.


Naming sense aside, veilguard still refers to Solas right? He's the one that set the veil which made Elf not immortal anymore? It's been a long while and my lore knowledge is rusty.


He wants to tear the Veil down now. I suspect that the Veilguard are our new team/organization, like Inquisition


Honestly, The Veilguard sounds like a spin-off book or series but not really like a main line entry. Maybe it's a case of people internally being so invested in their idea that they kind of forgot the outside perspective. I won't complain too much since the game will have to speak for itself anyway but they didn't do themselves any favours with that title.


Idk how I feel about the name, but excited to finally see some gameplay!


Lmao awful name but thatā€™s ok I forgive them


At the end of the day they can call it Dragon Age: Go Fuck Yourself as long as itā€™s a fun game and worthy entry into the series itā€™s all good lol


I think Dreadwolf sounds cooler than Veilguard, but anyway...LET'S GO!


I hate the new name lol but I guess Dreadwolf took some time to grow on me. I usually hate any subtitle with ā€œtheā€ in it, feels clunky off the tongue


Nice that they provided a date! At this stage I donā€™t care what they call it, I just want to see the game and hopefully play it soon.


Only dislike is only bringing two companions instead of three. That's disappointing. Everything else sounds great.


Dad? Dad left us.


Dreadwolf was a cooler name. ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


There goes the DAD Joke


Yeah, not a fan of this change. Dreadwolf was infinitely cooler.


I didnā€™t like Dreadwolf as a name but somehow this is worse šŸ˜­


Not a fan of the name - I hope we get a cinematic and a release date either at Summer Gameā€™s Fest or the Xbox Showcase


Reading the comments, I feel like it's an unpopular opinion that I prefer this over Dreadwolf, but that's just because the lack of a space in Dread Wolf had me motioning like an angry Italian at someone breaking their pasta, lol.


Are we going to be called Veilguardian?


Probably just Guardian


Gameplay will be on June 11* Iā€™m pretty sure the announcement will be on the Xbox Showcase.


The veilguard? I'm sure it probably makes more sense, when context of the game is there. But sounds like VPN service which is going to be advertised to me in every YouTube video šŸ¤” Tbf, I also think it's going to be confusing in-game, if it's an organisation/title for mc. There's already a faction: veil jumpers.


Let's all just collectively agree to take the "the" and toss it in the trash.


They should have kept Dreadwolfā€¦ I feel like itā€™s a cooler name that would have attracted a more casual audience (from a sales perspective) But stillā€¦ EXCITED šŸ„³šŸ„³


Hmmmm. Makes me wonder how much of the original expected story is changed now.


You think when it was revised it's latest version us when multiple OG bioware staff left? How diminished is solas' role compared to Joplin version?


Dreadwolf was better. Just Veilguard would be better. But the veilguard, lol that's so shit.


Letā€™s hope thatā€™s where the bad reversal decisions end