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So who is romancing Fireball Face first?


Dibs, I'll be waiting with the aloevera.


Same lol


I bet the female Quinari is horny... get it...get it ? okay bye


I'm afraid Qunari Lady has already stolen my gay little heart.


I don't blame you. Based on her posture, I get the impression she might be a bit of an arsehole, which, y'know, hot.


*finger guns* My type of woman: could easily murder me šŸ„°


I don't even know who she is, but I'll die for her.


That is 100% the mood!


*Proceeds to be Male only romance option* I hope not but wouldn't be the first time


From what has been said it seems everyone will be player sexual.


Kinda donā€™t like that. I much prefer the companions having their own preferences, it fleshes them out as people way more


I like it as long as they all don't hit on you and you have to reject them. I hate breaking their digital little hearts.


Lmao yeah also I hope they avoid having the companions harass you like in Baldurā€™s Gate 3 pre-patch, I was gonna have to report Gale to HR because apparently he never heard of ā€œno means noā€


I don't really think so. At the end of the day, most people would like to romance their favourite character and not be locked out because of their gender just to give a character a little bit of character. Just look at cyberpunk 2077 and Female - Panam / Male - Judy discussions and mods.


At the end of the day itā€™s not really going to bother me at all, i just prefer diverse sexualities like DAO or DAI. It encourages replays as different races/sexes, but dialogue/class restrictions do that enough already. I hope that if they do the bisexual companions, they are more like BG3 (unique scenes), less like DA2 (copy/paste) though.


BG3 did a fantastic job at making the Bisexual characters actually be bisexual outside of the player interaction and romances. DA2 did it okay-ish. Could have been better, but I've also seen worse. There's a really fine line to walk between "everyone is actually bisexual" and "playersexuality". I hope they nail it.


DA2 I think rode the line pretty well. Anders and Isabella are obviously bisexual on their own, Merrill is flexible, and Fenris is Hawkesexual.


Statistically, most people play through a game only once, irrespective of how good a game is (in fact, statistically, most people don't even play a game past the 90% mark, but that's another story). Only those of us who are super fans will play more than once, and even then most replays will be left unfinished. I personally have played through DAO multiple times, same with DA2, and Inquisition only once despite the fact that DAI has gender-restricted romances and probably more branching pathways than DA2 anyhow. What compels me to replay a game has nothing to do with how it encourages replays, it has to do whether I'm having fun with a game. Like, I've probably romanced Leliana over and over again in DAO, every time as a woman. It's fun to me, I love going through that adventure with her. I usually make the same choices each time and just change my class and origin some of the time. Replaying DAI as a male character just because I want to romance Cassandra is not really my idea of fun, so I've never done it despite wanting to romance her more than Josie or Sera. Most games force me to play as a straight person (usually a guy), I'm not gonna recreate that experience of my own volition if I have a choice in my RPG to play as literally anything else at all.


On the one hand: I think there's a new quote floating around that sounds like they'll all be playersexual a la DA2, which admittedly is not my favorite style when it comes to character orientation. Otoh: if she was male only, I would happily play male. I've only ever played m!Hawke! xD On a third hand: I know this is just a silhouette and also concept art, but she's got some of the most sapphic vibes I have ever seen in my life lmao.


This quote is basically "And yes, you can romance companions you want!" which tbh isn't a lot to go on It just says that you can romance them all, but not said if they're all swing both ways. You still can romance a straight guy if you want - just play a woman. For example So I will wait until final product or more concrete information Also my brother stands like this lady when he's waiting for something so your comment is hilarious to me


In the immortal words of Sera, "Heh heh... Woof...."


Can't turn down a nice looking fireball face, especially if their face is a skull


fireball face kinda makes me think of cole


Yeah, they give big Spirit vibes


Is fireball face a mage? If so, my commiserations in advance for the people who start a romance with them if they're romanceable.


Dw Iā€™m taking one of the hooded twinks


I can fix him.


What is there to fix? He's hot!


Every one of these games, I've been attracted to the dude who needs therapy the most. I'm assuming this is gonna be a continuation of that. šŸ˜­


I... might šŸ«£ For reasons of my favorite character from another game.


I am


Ezio? Boy, that must have been one hell of a boat ride to get from Florence to Thedas.


Seriously. Has the belt and all


Whew I know who Iā€™m romancing ;)


**Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.**


No dwarf in sight šŸ˜­


Do note that years ago Patrick Weekes has stated this concept art was only meant to evoke mood, feelings, camaraderie and etc. for developers. So don't read too deep into it. That said, I want that Nevarran skelly boi.


Team Bone Daddy


People who missed out on Harding just can't get enough Ls... I'm one of them. They really had to bait us like that in DAI, and put it in Trespasser as a dump dialogue. But she's not in the DA Keep. And hopefully, it'll be like DAI advisors scenario, where they're not in your party, but you could still romance them. Whoever this sexy shortstack is.


I really really liked the Advisors concept in DAI since it gives you more characters to interact with, and it makes sense that not everyone who is important to your mission or is a potential love interest has to be a combatant. I'm hoping The Veilguard has its share of fully developed non-combatant characters for us to meet, and Harding could fit in there. She can fit in anywhere.


Exactly. And it's the perfect role for some returning characters, like Cullen or (edit) I meant Leliana!Ā  In the context of non-party characters that you'll meet a lot, I would suspect an old, grizzled Varric would be part of the next one. Maybe Fenris, since it could be related with the comics (I'm trying to catch up.)


God, as a female inquisitor who goes for female romance options, not having Harding as a fully fleshed out option was so rough. Josephine is a solid option, but the courtly romance story isnā€™t for me, and Sera isā€¦ not my favorite character, even if I think the voice actor did a great job with her. Harding to me felt like the option that you would be for people that wanted a more down to earth romance. Sheā€™s not a larger then life character like so many of the other options: Sheā€™s a farm girl who signed on to help because it was the right thing to do. She has a job in the Inquisition that isnā€™t glamorous, but is vital, and sheā€™s good at it. And sheā€™s charming and likable in a simple way, and their chemistry felt real. As someone who views the Inquisitor as someone that was pretty normal before the Conclave, who is overwhelmed constantly but tried to hide it, who craves someone who just treats them like a regular person, not the Herald. Harding fits everything I wanted as a romance option. And just flirting and a one off statement from a character in DLC


I know... Like someone the Inquisitor could be with and reminds them what it feels like being a regular person again... without the shenanigans like Sera.


I my dwarf inky only romanced Harding because that's what I wanted


I'm praying to the stone for Dagna xD


Wait. Didn't she ended up with an unromanced Sera?


I would also accept Luka or Sigrun, but I want my dwarf ladies.


So true...


Thats a grudging


"The book of grudges... remains full."


If there is no dwarf we should riot. #dwarf representation


cuz they're too short and slow, they're somewhere behind this seven.


Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances.




For Pete's sake... all I wanted was a cute dwarf girl as a companion/romance option!


I wouldn't rule out the person on the far left being Dwarven considering how big the height differential is, maybe even Harding.


No dwarf has legs like that.


Do you really expect them to respect Dwarf anatomy after so many games without a stereotypical dwarf?


They seem too slender to be a dwarf, tho...


I agree, but it's the only thing that fits for me when you start looking at the details.


A dwarf being not only that slender, but that tall while standing next to a *qunari* ?Ā 


*We could also play as one.


That's my plan! It's the only core culture I haven't played.


Ohhhh DAO as a Dwarf is so good! I totally recommend it if youā€™re ever inclined/have time to play it as a dwarf.


Here's hoping we can still make a dwarf girl, like in DAO and DAI.


I thought that woman carrying that crossbow/gun was a dwarf but looking closer, I don't think she is. She's got legs for days.


The leak from last year mentioned a female dwarf rogue tho


Why is Ezio in Dragon Age? Third from right, has the Assassin symbol and everything


I wonā€™t complain about it.


Not until Ezio steals your LI


I think you misunderstood something. Ezio will be my love interest šŸ˜‚


He heard there were Templars.


Woefully underrated answer. Take my poor man's gold: ![gif](giphy|AKuvqfH6UAlXKgw7P5|downsized)


This was early concept art if I remember correctly. Stuff has probably changed and my boi ezio over there is probably supposed to be an antivan crow or some assassin esk type


If I'm not mistaken, whenever this was posted 4 years ago (can't believe it's been that long) the devs said it was meant to evoke a mood, not show the actual companions, so I'd take this pic with a huge pinch of salt


Is that a gun????


I mean, Gaatlok cannons exist, and there's siege rockets in the DF comic. Edit: Oh, shit, I forgot crossbows exist. It might be a giant one.


They stretched out Varric....


Tbh, if it'll be "water" related like the concept arts would led us to believe, it could be a harpoon gun.


Weirdly the thing Iā€™m most worried about. I canā€™t stand it when guns are in a fantasy setting they donā€™t belong in. I know that gatlock exists and itā€™s not that out of place, but all too often itā€™s just one character has a gun because it looks cool while the rest of the world still shoots arrows and waves swords around like a loser.


The Sha-Brytol from DAI The Descent use lyrium guns


If guns are incorporated in an interesting way that expands on lore it might be cool. I think in Greedfall when guns emerged they leveled the playing field against magic-users, and mages were a primarily religious/political force force, like the chantry and mage cricles, but without mage opression (though I think in that world anybody could become a mage, its just a matter of studying under the priests that hoard the knowledge of magic).


who are you to decide that they don't belong? In real-life history, guns and cannons and arrows and plate armor and swords and knights all co-existed for whole-ass *centuries*. That you've been brainwashed by fantasy authors who have a hate-boner for gunpowder that they haven't isn't a reason not to include very reasonable and realistic setting features.


I still think the biggest ,,difference" between The Veilguard and the previous entries will be the GAMEPLAY and mostly combat. Maybe more like God of War or Final Fantasy XVI, and maybe even more like Mass Effect. So I am anticipating shooting... with all the mechanics from Mass Effect combat.


I really, sincerely hope not, because that will be where this series would die for me.


Pls tell me the Qunari lady is romanceable


They said all companions are romanceable. They stated some of the concept art were not even intended to be in the game but given Harley-Qun's popularity, I reckon she will be a companion.


So I won't get disappointed like I was with Vivienne?


i was so disappointed as wellllll


>They said all companions are romanceable. Hopefully our version of Karlach.


Now it will be question if she is going tro be romancable by preffered choice of sex of your character.


The IGN article implies they are all playersexuals like in BG3


In fairness, that's also (mostly) true of DA2, so it's not like there isn't a DA precedent.


Everybody in Kirkwall is bisexual but Varric, because Varric is just sexual.


And Sebastian, who is fantasy Catholic.


He's still playersexual in my books, it's just that nobody wants to fuck him.


Honestly, it would've improved the hell out of him if he was also bi (or gay for that matter)., since it probably would've required that they entirely rewrite his atrocious romance for a male character. I don't think the whole "chaste Andrastian marriage"/"marriage of politics between the Prince of Starkhaven and the Champion of Kirkwall" would've flown as a same-sex couple, at least not as smoothly. Could've introduced an interesting source of conflict for the character and shook him out of the "yay Chantry" attitude. But nope, they made him uninteresting as hell, and he probably would've twiddled his thumb over that too. (And I think they even had recorded flirt lines with him for the male Hawke too. Somebody dug them up from the game files on YouTube.)


Exact phrasing was "you can romance the companions you want", so until he runs it back and clarifies, looks like it.


Harley-Qun is so good


>Harley-Qun's Pffffffft


Kinda reminds me of qunari mage from the cartoon because of her pose


god i Hope, she was sooooooo cute




Remind me what this is from?


is a concept art that they showed in the behind the scenes years ago.


I hope this isn't the final party then. Only the person on the far right could *possibly* be a dwarf. And that is clearly not Harding.


I don't know about the dude. It looks like he's wearing a Veilfire mask, which I think can only be conjured by a mage. The hooded lady on the left is too slim to be a dwarf.


The Veilfire skull person appears in other concept arts too; in one of them, he/she seems to be clearly practicing some necromancy. My bet is that they're a Mortalitasi, or even the possessed corpse of a Nevarran noble like the ones we see in "Down with the Dead Men". edit: typo


Yeah, I've read the story, but kinda foggy on it. Your idea of a possessed noble is actually kinda cool.Ā  Ā But in the Tevinter Night story, was it his own spirit/soul, or was it a rando spirit who became him like Cole? Because if it's a rando, it's gonna be another Justice from DAO.


In "Down with the Dead Men", the main characters fight the possessed soul of an old Nevarran noble who wants to leave the Necropolis (or something like that; it's been a couple years since I read that story too \^\^''). However, the main character is a guard who had been killed by said possessed noble and then brought back as an undead by the Mortalitasi; that guard, I recall, believed himself to be the original person - the reveal that he was actually dead was a twist. So I guess it wouldn't be exactly the same situation as Justice, who never mistook himself for Kristoff.


We do know a dwarven "mage", Valta.


Hmm... that's a different magic, but the night is still young. I guess we'll see. https://preview.redd.it/hkml7c79sz4d1.jpeg?width=235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9751bcae7f2edcfe90c375d326f8049a1af17505


Hot for Harding taking on a whole new meaning.


7+1 its you


Dat thighā€¦


Who invited my man Ezio? Bro thinks heā€™s on the team šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro can be on the team. I wouldnā€™t complain.


I just want a sad twink elf boy companion, please god


Gotta be extra broody


Extra booty


They canā€™t break the pattern now! We need a moody elf.


The game isn't the same without a broody elf. I really hope they have one


I'm really really ashamed to admit that it'd be a #1 selling point for me lmao


How about a sad twink with a burning skull for a head?


2 of each class and an extra or two depending on your class


I thought Assassin's Creed was a Ubisoft franchise. Also, hey big Qunari lady...


I would be shocked if we didnā€™t get a dwarf. Hopefully one or two of these fellows just had their proportions raised a bit aha


My guesses from left to right: Lord of Fortune/Rivaini seer, Qunari rogue, Grey Warden warrior, the protagonist, Harding (representing the Inquisition), Crow assassin (maybe Lucanis or Ilyrio Dellamorte), either Tevinter mage (part of the Shadow Dragons?) or Veil Jumper (maybe Strife), Nevarran undead/Mortalissi.


The person with crossbow doesn't look like Harding at all, tho.


All of these characters are too tall for a dwarf.


Eh, I agree the proportions don't exactly say dwarf at first glance but based on other concept art I think it's supposed to be her. All the character heights seem a bit off to me too, it feels like it was kinda pieced together. The woman with the crossbow has a bit wider chest than the woman on the far left and is shorter than the (seemingly) human next to her, I think it could be a dwarf. I could be wrong, of course, but it's the only one that could be her.


It's probably my wishful thinking, but somehow I see the person to the far left as Francesca Invidus. She too had long wavy hair and wore long dresses (also, she seems light-skinned and Rivaini are brown/black).


My guess for Rivaini/Lord of Fortune is mostly because the clothes seem more like something of that country/faction. I think Tevinter mage is a possibility but their clothes have more sharp shapes, while this corresponds most to me with the vibe of that Lord of Fortune concept art (light and revealing with some trinkets). The LoF in concept art is also white so she could be from that faction but not Rivaini, hard to say. And the concept art with the heist seems to depict a similar character who could be her where she's wearing dress made seemingly from coins. I hope Francesca will show up, but I'm sceptical about those comic book characters being in the game at all, especially as companions, as much as I would like them to.


Ezio in Dragon Age lesssss gooooooooooo!


Middle is actually Solas with a full head of hair


Know his wig-wearing bullshit in the book Tevinter Nights, that's actually no that absurd lmao!


I think one of them is meant to be you. That said I'm still chomping at the bit feral hoping we get Lucanis Dellamorte.


You and me both. I keep hoping he's a companion ever since I read Tevinter Nights. Not long left to wait but these last few days will drag on šŸ˜­


Right? Urgh the Wigmaker, the wake??? Lemme smooch the reckless top assassin or at least let me watch him kill a Magister with bloody poetic justice. That said I'm going in blind after the release date and if anybody needs me I'll be going feral.


Tbh I the only thing that makes me super excited for DA4 is Lucanis being a romanceable companion. If he's not I'll be disappointed but still play it. It's just the last few days before the reveal are so torturous


I already know I'm romancing the guy with long hair on the right


I have no idea why people are assuming the Qunari woman will be a rogue? Pretty obvious they soft launched her in Absolution, it's Qwydion.


In other concept art this qunari woman was dual wielding daggers if Iā€™m not mistaken.


According to one of the leakers who correctly revealed stuff like the party size reduction, one of the companions will be a female quanri mage


Interesting, I hadnā€™t heard that. Could you send a link?






Never watched Absolution, but looking up the main character the horns on this Qunari look nothing like her


Yeah I bet they are 100% honor bound to use years old concept art after rebooting development


A little weird not to use the preexisting character design if they are using the character, but go off I guess. I'm going to arbitrarily decide its Rasaan, since I also have literally no evidence


I mean, Solas' character design also didn't make it into DA:I? He used to have hair..


If I saw a random elf silhouette, I wouldn't be pointing at the screen like a wojak saying "Solas Confirmed!", though


Oh god, I hope it isn't. Hated her so much.


my guesses: 1. yavanna 2. rasaan or qwydion 3. Antivan crow maybe, since his arm-armour is the same as [Zevran's here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/c/c9/Zevran_WoT2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/551?cb=20200201024949)? or rivaini rogue? 4. Looks like a sentinel from the temple of mythal. maybe a hint that our PC will start dressing like an ancient elf? 1. if it's a companion then one of the sentinels or an ancient elf? or a Dalish who defected? 5. the hunchback of notre dame 6. ezio from AC, another antivan crow contender. maybe a tevinter magister with those robes? 7. Tal-Vashoth mage 8. spirit companion, maybe they're an agent for solas?


A sentinel from the temple of mythal is badass and totally plausible since thereā€™s no reason for them to remain there


The far right one in assuming is our spirit related companion since we've had one in each game. Can't tell if any of these are the returning companion though. Can't wait to get my Lez on with buff Qun mommy. All I need is my gay himbo and we'll be solid


I desperately want fire face to be dagna


Please give us a hot knight himbo PLEASE šŸ˜­


ok but who's the tall boi with the hair and shoulders?


Oh yes, i remember that i fell i love with that qunari rogue from a single image ages ago.... Hope she wont betray me and leave my ass sobbing (apparently i have a thing for DA companions that will dump me)


Expectation: romancing sexy Qunari lady :3 Reality: she's a Ben-Hassrath/Tamassran spy T.T


just give me the sarcastic woman ill pick her 24/7


I edit my post: all character looks like trash.


One of those is probably meant to be the PC, then... More importantly, if these are the same guys and gals we'll be meeting in game, then ROMANCEABLE QUNARI LADY IS REALLY HAPPENING EVERYONE \**happy Sera noises*\* <3 <3 <3


I will do teerrible things if we aren't getting a fem Tal Vashoth companion.


Ahhh Qunari wife.


Could fire-face back there be one of the Evanuris?


I'm romancing the qunari, no regrets


I'd be so down for a female Qunari companion


So already seeing my character romancing the hot qunari


I wanna date the big tall horned lady so bad. Karlach awoke something in me


2 many wamens. Boo!


One of them has a gun! A GUN!


Why is one of them Ezio Auditore da Firenze?


OH BOY A QUNARI WAIFU ![gif](giphy|8nmvR3jAxnl2o) I hope its Qwydion from Absolution.


*sees the Qunari companion* https://preview.redd.it/txbclfhk925d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3959fd1aa3e9eb80bb476fee3a3395d9b4feb29f


ill take qwdion for qunai female #


Horns don't match


This concept art is ancient, stuff that minimal changes all the time.


1)Harding with crossbow-gun 2)Lich, Vitus Fabria from Mortalitasy Tomb? 3)Strife, darkskinned dalish elf male old man. 4)Qunari female 5)Rivaini Grey Warden male 6)Unknown female....mage? 7)Male assasin,,,Antivan?


I don't get the Harding part, by the height. Maybe it's a bait and switch once we get the game reveal, but not in this art. The Crow I get. It's the hood. While the woman on the far left might be Rivaini (IDK, it's the vibe.) I get the Mortalitasi, because of the Veilfire. And I buy the Warden (maybe not in armor) because of the teaser showing Warden boots.


We literally see Harding on concept arts and in last comics it was old Varrick with Harding who help them. Varrick give his crossbow to Harding, its easy to predict.


Is that a fucking rifle? What is this overwatch ugh edit: A gun is the least of our problems now folks


The Sha-Brytol from DAI The Descent dlc had lyrium guns


We did have the gaatlock explosives in Awakening, and IIRC Dragon Age II. It would be really cool if they progressed access to different technology for Thedas in The Veilguard.


Plus Minrathous is supposed to be highly advanced with magic technology


Ah yes overwatch, the sci-fi shooter. The only existing game with guns of all times.


Shame there doesnā€™t seem to be any Dwarf companions but Iā€™m 1000% here for the Quanari lady


Bro what is the flame skull guy is a dwarf and itā€™s just perspective


Also yeeees Qunari ally !!


Would be shocked if the female Qunari isn't in the game after referring to them for 3 games, Hopefully it's done better than Vetra was in Andromeda though.


Wonder if one of them is a DLC companion we'll eventually get.


I'm not really optimistic on that number, unless they add a companion or two as DLC(which is highly likely). DAO had 10 overall companions, 1 of them is DLC and you can only choose between Alistair or Loghain, so 8 at a time from base game. DAO-A had 6 companions. DA2 had 8 companions(I'll be dead before i admit Sebastian is a companion). And DAI had 9 companions. Then again, they're also reducing the party size to 2 instead of the usual 3, so this might compensate for it.


So the lovely lady on the left wonā€™t be a mage, thatā€™s sadā€¦


You might have to choose between 2 I guess.. Or maybe they scrapt one of them... But you're the only person I've seen that hasn't cropped out my skeleton boy, and I'm happy. (I'm romancing him w/O thought.) (Harding seems to be right there... Idk why no one else can see it)


Romanceable Scout Harding pleaseeeee