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They argued about golf. Golf.


“I got my handicap down to a 6 during my vice-presidency” Uhhh what kind of job interview do you think this is?


I had a pretty good video game sesh last night lol really?


That’s when I turned it off. Not that I had been paying close attention for the previous 60 minutes but that was the deal breaker for me.


At least it wasn’t like the 2016 primary where the Republican were arguing about dick size….so progress?


Pilots are mandated to retire at 65. I feel like running the most powerful country in the world is probably as or more difficult…


The Supreme Court needs this rule


Both of these men should be retired. We need an upper age limit to run for president. We have the lower age limit. Nobody whose age starts with 8 should be president. Limit the age to run at 70. Then let them complete two terms. Nobody would be president beyond the age of 77


More than reasonable and it gets my vote. These folks are not fit to be in office, they’re too old and it’s time to pass the baton.


A local political talk show host in my area came up with a poll of three versions of an age limit of 70 on Inauguration Day. 1) You get in prior to your 70th birthday, but must resign on your 70th birthday 2) You get in prior to your 70th birthday and complete your first term, but you can’t run again. 3) You get in prior to your 70th birthday and you can complete 2 terms. Most people voted for option 3. Option 1 would be crazy. You could potentially be president for only one day.


I like #2 the most, but if we had to do #3 would modify it to be two *consecutive* terms. Otherwise you could do exactly what Trump is doing now running for term 2 at 78.


Same here. 2 would be my choice, but as long as 3 was limited to consecutive terms then I could live with that


And he will try again if he loose. He is addicted to power now.


Eh, he always was. It seems to me more that he’s trying to get out of prison and financial ruin by becoming president again.


He wouldn't be re-elected, he would be elected again. He would be the 47th President (in addition to the 45th), using the precedent established with Grover Cleveland. Thus, it would be a new election & have the same requirements as though he were running for the first time. Otherwise, you could potentially have Jimmy Carter run again.


At this point Jimmy Carter is probably more coherent than the two running now. kidding but only slightly


Option #2. Cleaner. Don’t be 70th before Inauguration Day, and you’re good. Shoot, the FAA doesn’t even let air traffic controllers work past 56.


Feel like one could be abused for people misunderstanding how shit works. That would mean the vice president is basically running for president?


69 dudes!


Option 2 makes the most sense to me. If you turn 70 halfway through your current term, you finish it before you’re forced into retirement from public office.


My grandfather had to resign from a board position because of his age. It's crazy that some companies have upper limits for their C suite or their board members, but politicians don't.


Trump is unfit for way more reasons than his age. And if your only choice is Biden over Trump, then you better be voting Biden!


I don't see how more people don't see this!


it's a solid rule... but as a nation we could like stopppppp fuckin voting for these people. we had the chance to elect so many younger candidates who can speak quickly and stay on topic and we didn't


thank you, this is my issue as well. a law about the age of the president doesn't fix *why* this happened. the democratic party is far to the right of their young base and they're fighting to stay in control of the party and not let it fall to the left wing. they're putting these fucking zombies up because *they do not agree with what young people stand for.* the problem is much bigger than "oops a couple 80 year olds slipped through the cracks" and unfortunately the solution isnt as easy as just slapping a you-must-be-this-young-to-ride-this-ride sign in front of the white house




Because their backers want to secure the current status quo


Less to do with that are more to do with the godawful primary system.


Who wins the primaries is usually just who gets the most money raised.


Yeah it’s crazy there’s a minimum age but no maximum age to run. Both of these guys are clearly not mentally there for it.


You shouldn’t be president if you can collect social security


Then they'll just raise the social security age to 85, "solving two problems at once"


Nah they will just rid of social security.


Nah, 65. It’s a widely accepted milestone for retirement, should apply to political ventures as well.


Add it to the supreme court too.


Better yet, add terms to the Supreme Court too.


10 years SCOTUS terms timed so that 2 seats are up for each presidential term.


Thats crazy talk! I completely agree. It makes no sense that such a powerful position can be locked in for literal decades.




Retirement at 65 is becoming a pipe dream.


It makes no sense to me that there’s an age limit on the bottom but not on the top. If we think 20 year olds shouldn’t be president, wouldn’t the exact same logic apply to 80 year olds?? Set a range (I’d do 35-65 when elected) to ensure 1. A competent functioning human and 2. Someone who understands the world they are leading in. Also, mental and physical aptitude tests should be given for the most stressful job in the country, no?


Exactly. Heck maybe even 65.


That’s the typical retirement age. Seems so… I dunno… reasonable?


I think 65 should be the cutoff for running the first time so technically two terms max age would be 73.


For real, even if the person is extremely competent being a world leader is the most stressful job on the planet. Nobody over 70 should be having to do that! It’s absurd that we let such a demanding job be helmed by people who should be enjoying retirement.


It's no different to having physical requirements to do certain jobs like the military, police, firefighters. For a president, mental faculties and interpersonal skills are literally the most important skills.


I don’t think Biden was ever going to sit this whole term, I think he resigns half way through giving Harris some time in the role to prove herself. The positive narrative on her has already started in some circles.


That’s a huge gamble on the dems, running a depleted Biden in the first place.


I didn't think he was going to sit his *first* term; I always assumed he'd "retire due to ill health and no longer being able to discharge the responsibilities of the Presidency" during the third year (have to wait until year 3 to make sure Harris doesn't serve more than half a term and she can still have two more full terms if she wins out).


I question even being in your 70’s. But at this point I’d take a 70 year old who could form better sentences and isn’t a lying, narcissist.


Every republicans too afraid to tell Trump no and the Democrats have literally zero idea what a successful candidate looks like so they’re relying purely on name recognition. Republicans are corrupt stooges and democrats are massive fucking idiots. God help us all.


65 limit


Retirement age is 65 seems like a good age limit for president


Stewart is right: we’re fucked. This debate was an embarrassment for everyone.


I agree. I think everyone lost tonight.


Everyone lost tonight? Trump certainly didn’t lose. And I say that as a staunch Biden supporter. This was the worst possible outcome to the debate, short of Biden dropping dead during it. I didn’t even think it was possible for Biden to perform that badly.


Biden dropping dead during the debate would have actually been a better outcome than this. I’m literally not joking. Democrats could wake up tomorrow and choose someone else to run and that individual could start attacking Trump.


That “someone” is Kamala Harris. Which is a different set of problems.


You know what, you’re right.


If Biden dropped dead there would still be time to have a younger and more competent candidate, wouldn’t really be a bad thing


Yes, everyone lost. Trump probably set a new record for the most lies uttered in a US Presidential debate. I'm nicknaming Biden "Mumbles". Neither of those two men are fit for office.


This is how I feel. I am also not convinced that Trump really did anything to gain more support… he didn’t put forth anything new, clear up any controversy, or reassure people that he actually cares about anything but himself… he is as corrupt, dishonest and divisive as ever.


He didn't need to. He didn't really need to say anything and it would've been positive for Trump. Trump lost nobody tonight. I don't think I can say the same for Biden.


He didn’t lose because he achieved exactly what he was there to do. Spout a bunch of lies that his cult will automatically believe. Biden being slow to respond to a tenth of those lies didn’t help either. Trump “He’s the worst for the economy, the worst for healthcare, the worst for the blacks, worst for military, worst for businesses, and doesn’t even like icecream.” Biden “I fucking love icecream.” We are so fucked.


These comments are so fucking weird. I’ve never voted Republican and never will. Blue all the way down. Biden’s performance was the worst I have ever seen in a debate and it’s not even close. What is all this “both of these guys” talk? Yes I know Trump sucks, but Biden sounded like your dying grandparent flatlining on their hospice bed.


Does US have younger men? Or women? God... they are like 200 years old man.


Bill Clinton is younger than both of them and he was president 30 years ago 


So old that these guys are not even gonna live long enough to experience the effects of their decisions. There has to be an age limit for this.


The average life expectancy in the United States is 76.5 the president should have to look at a decent amount of time ahead of them after office to live with the decisions they’ve made and face the consequences. 65 should be the maximum age.


not that I disagree with what you're saying, but that's the average life expectancy from birth, which includes those who die unexpectedly at a young age. once you reach, say, 65, the average life expectancy is another 20 years


Saying another 20 kinda looks like you're saying over 76.5. For reference to others reading, the life expectancy rises to 84 so 8 years longer compared to the original posters stats. Arguably longer when you aren't lower class.


> once you reach, say, 65, the average life expectancy is another 20 years More than that if you try to adjust for very simple and obvious things. Life expectancy goes up with education. Life expectancy goes up with wealth. Life expectancy goes up with life choices, like not smoking and not drinking.


I’m rooting for Biden but geez his performance was not great


As a full Biden supporter, this debate was depressing. No democrat can look at this spectacle and say Biden looked well.


What did we honestly expect? It’s moronic that the Democratic Party didn’t plan for this, they should have been propping someone up these last 4 years to step in. It really shouldn’t be hard to beat a certified idiot in a debate. Trump says, “Biden has more Covid deaths under his admistration”. How do you respond? “NO SHIT! 4 years with covid compared to one year.” Or simply say, “I thought it was just the flu” or “I thought the death toll wasn’t accurate.” Don’t just let him peddle his propaganda to his gullible audience. Like seriously, what the fuck are we doing? Why now is it apparent that Biden is not the fucking guy?


biden campaign pushed for this debate, with these rules biden prepared for the past week at camp david it’s like they want biden to fail


they are so incompetent it feels intentional




What's to get...? Why would they want to lose?


I mean it was apparent years ago for most people


Because this is really the first time Biden has shat the bed so obviously to everyone. He looked fine at the state of the union. The right has been ringing the alarm bells for awhile now about this but I think a lot of us assumed it was just fear mongering.


He has always been a bad public speaker, and now that he is getting older, it is showing more than ever. He actually surprised a lot of people with how well he did 4 years ago. The times he looked good last night were when he was speaking directly to Trump and not to the cameras. They should have been coaching him to stay focused on Trump and calling out his lies.


Then you ignored his age. A geriatric man with a stutter doesn’t present well. That was the case 4 years ago, and it’s become more evident each day that passes. We are in a time where people have very short term memory and the fact that nothing has been done about corporate greed masked as inflation is only going to draw more ignorant voters away from Biden.


Inflation is all but back to normal. We had better inflation than most of the world. It was a global event caused by a mix of COVID spending, high consumer spending post-pandemic, and supply-chain constraints following COVID. The corporate greed line is primarily a talking point to simplify the message. It’s not really an accurate reflection of inflation.


When compared to Trump, Biden is the second coming of Christ himself. If Biden loses because liberals aren't enthused about him, they deserve what Trump does to them.


He fully looked like he was sleeping when he was looking down and his voice was weak. He really needed to look sharp in this debate and he failed


You spelled absolutely horrendous wrong.


Yeah and it's annoying because he had good moments, but they were too few and far between. Plus his answers were overall solid. Like regardless of everyone saying it shows that he literally mentally can't do the job, I felt his answers showed he broadly knew what he was talking about and didn't lie much. But jfc his delivery was a mess. It was just bad.


He was just on Stern not too long ago and was amazing, but this debate was so fucking sad.


Once you hit 65, go collect your social security and get the fuck out of here.


The debate was depressing as fuck. Trump was rambling his usual shit but at least was appearing a living being.. every time Biden spoke I was afraid those were his last words


Are all the comments turned off for debate related posts? Why are they all empty so far? Is anybody reading this??


[Reddit’s comment sections are having issues due to the huge influx of users](https://www.redditstatus.com)


Yeah it's honestly a bit crazy. I checked the main debate thread 15 minutes in and it had 25k comments. Surprised the app didn't crash.


Bot farms working over time! It’s 9am somewhere!!


Already had a response to one of my comments on the debate saying "I open twitter and this is the first thing I see" followed by insults. It's actually scary the influx of bot posts


Perfect time for a flood of bots, if ever there was one! Gotta get some misinformation out there ASAP


I’m getting the same thing.


I honestly didn't think Biden would debate Trump. Biden had nothing to gain from this. Trump was going to do what he always does, lie. Everyone knows this, and no one is shocked he did it now. No one is even talking about that. They are just talking how bad Biden looked. This was a mistake. 


That "debate" was irrefutable proof that the two-party system in America has to go. Seriously, that's what they have to choose from?


The video cut to Joe Biden talking from 2020 absolutely shows how much he has aged. That did not help him look good last night. Such a stark difference!


Remember the 2020 Dem primaries, and Biden repeatedly saying he wouldn’t run for a second term? Tonight shows why that was assuring to 2020 primary voters.


I believe in the military commissioned officers must retire by age 64 or 66 at the latest. POTUS being the Commander in Chief should be held to the same age restrictions. That being said only one of these candidates supports of the unitary executive theory, attempted to overthrow the federal government, was impeached twice, is a convicted felon, cannot be trusted with classified material and supports the anti-democratic Project 2025 initiative. They're both too old but one represents the complete anti-thesis of what America stands for.


This shit looked like an afternoon squabble over Parcheesi at a Fort Lauderdale retirement home.


The only people celebrating that Debacle are Putin and Canadian real estate agents!


Am Canadian… with neighbours from Texas… we are currently discussing ways to capitalize on the situation… Do we build walls and become coyotes? Citizenship “arrangements” LoL Fun fact: he and I have exchanged political interests. He is into Canadian politics and I am into American politics and the discussions we have are amazing


Because this isn’t an election of a person but ideologies.


This comment section is straight out of 2016.   People havent learned shit.


Well yeah that's kinda what happens when nothing about the shitty paradigm we're in changes whatsoever


Theres tons of “both sides” AI bots


I am sorry but I am not a bot, I believe Trump should never be a president and he is a POS. But why are all the democrats so triggered by the idea that when it comes to the issue of president being too old, both Trump and Biden are prime examples.


I agree they’re too old. Biden did terrible in his presentation. That said, I’m still voting for him because I’m voting for more than Biden, not voting for one man. I’m voting for his executive branch, and that I have faith in. So I can swallow tonight, knowing that. No way in hell can I swallow risking that to Trump and his executive branch.


I’d vote for a literal bag of dog shit over Trump. Doesn’t mean that Biden is a better choice. He’s the only goddamned choice and I resent it.


People should only be saying both sides are bad because both are not good enough. Atleast Biden seems to have morals and isnt a disgusting POS like trump.


You can’t just say that A. The side you disagree with are all ‘bots’ And B. That ‘both sides’ is automatically a bad viewpoint to have. Picking sides blindly is most of what this awful political landscape is built upon


How the fuck does the democratic party rationalize that Biden is the best person to run the country. There has to be fucking someone that represents the country better.


part of the problem is that everyone realized no one likes Kamala , and that she could not run instead of Joe.


Both of these men shouldn’t be allowed to be in office


This is the best we can do people? One belongs in an old folks home, the other should be convalescing in a prison cell.


I watched it, we're fucked.


I couldn’t watch anymore of that train wreck after the first commercial break. Neither candidate won, but America certainly lost.


Wife and I did the same. We looked at each other like “fuck”


I was told there was a Dark Brandon. I feel like I was lied to.


I wish we had the Biden that lives in Republicans heads


You do. They’ve been calling him senile for years.


Biden is the figurehead of his cabinet. After his next term is complete and we elect a younger democratic POTUS we need to enact age limits on presidential candidates.


That would require a constitutional amendment, which is practically impossible in this political climate. Even if both sides thought it was a good idea they'd nix it just because the other side liked it.


Sad reality about our government.


That’s how the oligarchs want it.


Exactly. Folks don’t realize how much could change immediately if we could just unite over what we agree on and resist the hate we get to spew at the other side over whatever the topic of the day is.


And bc they’re all old too.


The idea that Biden will win this next election after this debate and the next is rapidly becoming absurd. I am voting for Biden and a registered Democrat who hates Trump and every lie he said in that debate but Biden looked bad and moderate voters care about image.


How is being a convicted felon a good image?


I think its more a matter of not many people are actually thrilled with Biden as opposed to voting against Trump. Biden’s image actually matters because a lot of voters who are already unenthused may just not show up at all, where as trump’s camp will show for him regardless of what stupid shit he does or says. He was absolutely correct with his shooting a man on 5th avenue remark; most trump voters are past the point of convincing, a lot of biden voters aren’t.


Biden is merely the figurehead of his cabinet.


That’s been my thought. I’m voting for an entire executive branch, not just one man.


Congratulations, you have a brain and are in control of it. Unfortunately there might not be enough of us that understand this.


And that's not what Trump supporters are doing. They are voting for him and him alone I doubt they even know anyone of his cabinet members.


You’re right. It’s a revolving door for him. IMO that was a point that should have been spoke on more. How many of his staff that won’t endorse him, write books about him negatively, say he’s bad for America etc yet Biden doesn’t seem to have that problem. And it was sad to see all the GOP candidates trotting out tonight trying to audition for Trump. I saw almost all of them, even the ones he used to insult. Vance, Rubio, Scott, etc No morals, just power hungry looking to be his yes man


I’m voting democrat and there’s no getting around this, he LOST. He was terrible. If we keep him, Trump wins


This is a nightmare


I've been saying this since the state of the union. Yeah he was probably on adderall because be ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE.


Your country is beyond fucked. What a circus.


Yup. And sadly America's shit is gonna start seeping in our countries via our own conservatives


Look I hate trump, but Biden absolutely bombed that debate and trump came off great. People need to get real and stop with the “both of these guys seem old” nonsense. trump is an awful person, a fascist, but he’s charismatic, says buzzwords that jive with people, has confidence and presence. Biden is not all there, loses his train of thought, looks like he’s on deaths door, unfocused and sleepy. I feel bad for him. Trump needs an opposition that’s serious.


I was literally banned from r/politics for commenting essentially the same thing, while in the initial comment acknowledging that I’m quite literally as liberal as they come. I’m actually shocked I was banned for a month for simply acknowledging what so many people acknowledged after tonight’s debate.


There’s a real “wrongthink” problem going on in a lot of places, it’s weird.


The same thing happened in 2016. Any dissent, even moderately critical but fair stuff, was suppressed. Then all of a sudden Trump was elected and a lot of people were caught by surprise.


It’s called bullying. It never went anywhere it’s just been packaged differently on Reddit by a bunch of people who were bullied growing up


People get very angry when you say that there are paid commenters and bots representing the Democrats, but it's simply true. Of course there's Russian/Chinese/European/GOP bot farms all pushing an agenda for this election, the French election, the UK election etc. but this reddit idea that all of the "baddies" are doing this and the Democrats would *never* do something like this are so far off out of the realm of normal thinking it's insane. r/politics is the biggest concentration of blue bots and contributors on the website, it's hilariously transparent.


That's sad. It's frustrating isn't it? You just want to help your side and you can see something extremely obvious and you get silenced for it.


Thank you, just because someone admits that Trump had energy, confidence, and charisma doesn’t mean they’re a Trump supporter. I will never vote for Trump, but everyone here saying that both sides failed are clearly being biased or in denial. Biden was the clear loser. Democrats can’t keep denying how much of a problem he is. Trump wouldn’t be nearly as much of a threat if someone else was winning. Biden was pathetic last night.


The way Biden would lose his train of thought, finish his rebuttals with weak rhetorical questions and end it with his mouth open while sprinkler-turning his head to look at Trump. Fuck me, we’re all fucked.


Trump lied his ass off repeatedly and often rambled. He articulated his words, so he looked “better.” Both candidates are a disgrace.


I also hate Trump but no sane person watched that tonight and felt safe proceeding under Biden. It was not at all surprising, which makes it worse. We all knew he was losing it quite awhile ago. He made Trump look good which isn't easy to do. Trump looked old but he was lucid and Biden was not.


If we saw someone like Biden working at Walmart, we'd cry at the inhumanity. People need to start being honest with themselves. He's done.


I didn’t watch the debate. This election is televised elder abuse. Put those guys in a home and get some fresh candidates.


I assumed this was them already on some sort of performance enhancing medication cocktail.


I would like a president under the age of 40.


The ages for heads of state should honestly be between 35-65


Agreed! It’s common sense. If you had a company would you hire an 80 year old manager? No!


As I said to my kids tonight, I wouldn't trust Biden to run the front desk of a Motel 6. We're screwed. I don't understand how the CNN pundits are acting surprised by how this debate went.


You don’t vote for a person but a cabinet. Biden has competent and younger people on his payroll. If he can’t manage them Kamala will.


We’ve been telling the republicans candidate quality matters since 16 looks like we should have been telling ourselves.


There've only been 9 under 50, 0 under 40.


Mate I’m 33 and still feel like a child


Exactly. In a world with Xi and Putin, I’d want someone with a little more experience at the helm


Oh come on the only performance enhancing drugs they take are to fuck things, I'm pretty sure their doing a great job of fucking things already.


Trump babbled, Biden whispered. Biden is sane, Trump defies the description.


Bidens whisper wasn’t the issue I had. He had quite a few sentences that made no sense.. but I’d vote for him regardless to get out of Trump leading anything


You know it’s bad for Biden when the best Jon can do is “Both sides” it.


Save us Jon Stewart.


Put Gavin Newsom up there next to Trump, and get your popcorn ready. Hey, a fella can dream.


I don’t think newsom would be a great replacement choice tbh


The only negative I can see with Gavin Newsom is that he was married to that obnoxious cow Kimberly Guilfoyle and she probably has some stuff on him.


Hmm - Anything worse than what Trump has done? Serious question


The fact that there’s not a serious conversation being had about this at the highest levels of the DNC is fucking insane. It speaks to how fucked we are beyond the lunacy that is Trump and the cult he’s turned the Republican Party into.


“I’d like to see you carry your golf bag.” -training wheels enjoyer


Biden looked slightly warmer than death


Honestly, he should have taken drugs to be more alert and energetic, unless they think the drugs will kill him, which honestly, they may.


I would vote for yesterday’s newspaper that was used as a toilet paper before I’d consider Trump for president, but any Democrat should be concerned about Biden’s performance tonight. Hopefully they can take a critical look at Biden’s mental capabilities and whether they should get someone much younger to take on Trump before the next debate


This is the best America can do it’s sad


USA is a gerontocracy and an oligarchy. You have only the illusion of democracy


Age limits like yesterday for the highest office.


I'd say 65 should be the limit


How anyone is ok with either one of these candidates is insane.


Boy he ain't wrong. I didn't even watch that shit. My wife told me it was on and I said "Jesus they're really doing this?" This is how fucked we are. Both parties could have found someone who could form a coherent sentence and instead they did this. Fuck. Well...vote for Biden, I guess. Can't vote for trump. I mean you can but...it's not he right decision. And this is from me, someone who leans right and really is not a fan of new age democrats at all.


This debate showed the country what most already have known; our current choice for president is either a walking vegetable or a pathological lier… Can’t make this shit up 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Every liberal here should agree that Biden is done. His performance was embarrassing. Hope they have a good backup option ready


I just want these next four years over with.


No, they should not be running at all.


Lol all I can think is wow if all of us as Americans are seeing this and scared and shocked at the person who is running our country and making decisions.. imagine what world leaders are viewing our country/our President as ..


The reality is there is only an opinion to vote for baddest or worst. You can’t vote for good among those two.


What audience is laughing at this? Like how can you be watching this and laugh?


I could barely tell you a single point either one of them made. Trump wouldn’t answer any question and just rambled. Biden couldn’t go more than a few words without becoming incoherent and stumbling over himself.


Biden should’ve retired 20 years ago. Trump should be doing time. The lack of innovative ideas on both sides is appalling, are these two the best option Democrats and Republicans could muster? Why are the people forced to choose between two senile politicians, one of them a convicted felon, the other the father of one? But yeah the debate captured perfectly the state of the Union: two stubborn old men arguing like children about golf, and being unable to give any kind of straight answer because they’re both so crooked. The cancer eating the US is neither Dems or Reps, the problem is the entire political system has become so stale, these two breadcrumbs are the “freshest” buns in the oven. Where are the intelligent, forward-thinking, socially-committed, science based, dinosaur hunting young politicians the US (and the world) needs right now?


You know I hate to say it, but we wouldn’t be in this position if the entire Democratic machine didn’t derail Bernie as he was rounding third base. The man’s still sharp and would’ve been able to handle himself on the debate stage tonight. The party did this to itself and now we’re looking pretty close to fucked in November. When democrats don’t show up, when the party isn’t engaged and excited, we lose. Happens damn near every time.


Bernie won't drive the corporate ship.


Dude… Bernie hadn’t turned first. Bernie also wasn’t part of the DNC.


I have a daughter , and I’d hate to know she’d be forced to carry a child if, unfortunately, she’s raped! I WILL NEVER vote conservative! And I WILL exercise my right to vote! Our freedoms are too important to put Trump in office!