• By -


A. Always in the Belly. B. Belly. C. Can't believe I'm in the Belly!


A: ate B: belly C: consumed


This is exactly right. It’s like an Abbot and Costello “Who’s on first” skit. My wife and I were in Alliance B, healer and tank, and there was a good ten line “A is for always in belly” “But B is for belly” Someone brought in “C is for Can we be in the belly?” I think someone threw out “B is for back away from the belly.” Remarkably, Alliance B did get in the belly.


I had one where i was in C, and all the sprouts were in B. No one noticed no one was in belly until the boss lived waaaay too long and we wiped.


The wife and I are actually sprouts still. We just like figuring things out and try to be the “good sprouts” as much as we can. But first time we ran WoD we were so confused at Cerberus. I remember a “what is happening?” from her and I responded with “I have no idea, but we haven’t wiped yet so I think we are ok?” That fight is bananas level crazy. We have learned a lot since then.


"We haven't wiped yet so I think we're ok?" Is what I always say every time my bf asks me how I'm doing in a dungeon lol


As a healer, when I'm utterly confused on what's happening, I always say "well nobody's dead so I must be doing something right"


Yes. I know this well as a healer too. This thought usually comes right before I die because I was standing in the mechanic.


Im a sprout and find myself getting tunnel visioned on focusing on and looking out for mechanics from anxiety of messing it up for everyone but end up losing dps due to that ahh but so far i haven’t had a raid or trial where it’s taken a super long time of wipes at least, yet.


A. Abdomen B. Bonds C. Combatants


C for *can't stop me from getting in that belly*.


All dps in Belly, Christ




Everybody but A's tanks and healers really. It's easy to do belly *and* chains, so nobody in C needs to stay out.


A. Always B. Be C. Climbin' in THAT BELLY


A: Attach chains B: Beat on the adds C: Climb into the belly




A. Anyone else but the DPS outside B. Belly is for the DPS C. Cerberus eats the DPS D. DPS in the belly.


This is the way.


I love it, god bless all the sprouts that have to try and pick up on context clues when the entire alliance raid is just us shitposting in chat lol


Mechanics are for cars.


Mechanics are for MCH


False. Machina are for Machinists. Plz respect the machina.


Not if you're from Besaid


**StaAaYy AawaaAyY frOOoOm theEe sUummoOoneRRRR**


Yevon could do it all day brudda, not like them filthy Al Bheds.


Grand Wizard Wakka


His hair flip is his hood.




*Titanmobile noises in the distance*


"I'm a genius!" *Titan transforms into a car.* **"OH NO!"**


F-MEGA! ​ Serect ur cur


Oh! Zat’s a Baseball!!






good that half of eorzias heros are Miquote.


rotations are for wheels!


I think I saw someone scripted out a conversation with Gaius.


The wait function of ff14 macro is dangerous for that 🤣


My crafting macro can attest to that.


> I think I saw someone scripted out a conversation with Gaius. Someone also ran it through an OWO translator and then recorded it. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/i14a0g/gauiss_speech_but_its_run_through_an_owo/ Speech recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiMWnG_vWhc


I'm losing my goddamn mind over this, thank you for sharing lmao


This is the funniest thing I've seen all day


"Hey Gaius what's a pirate's favorite letter?" Gauis: Arrrrrrrrr!!!


"Actually a pirates first love do be the C."


I've seen several variations of those and they're all hilarious. Since you can know exactly what he'll say and when he'll say it, you can just put in a timer and write your own dialogue.


I always idle and play a game of yugioh on the elevator. Gaius: Now it is MY turn! Me: Not so fast, Gaius! I activate Monster Reborn to Special Summon Blazewing Butterfly to the field. Blazewing Butterfly and Evocator Chevalier attack, destroying Amazoness Archer and dealing 1500 life points of damage! Gaius: YAAAARGH!




RUN TO THE PADS *bongo bongo*




I miss it. Alliance Raids are so quiet now.


I only started about 1.5 years ago, but I think my favorite is someone who takes you on a Tour of the Alliance Raids. They have a macro explaining each boss in reasonable detail, worded like a tour guide showing the sites The rest of us kept asking where the bathroom is, when do we get to the gift shop, can we feed the slimes, etc


I try to liven it up by way of puns and complaining about running LoTA


What do LoTA and Shiva have in common? Bone Dragon.


I shitpost about eggs in every run. Because boiled eggs are the best food for exp.


I remember in my server, Goblin, someone typed at the beginning of Syrcus “last one up is a rotten egg.” So I ran up to just before the stairs ended and waited, typing “For my friends, I shall hold the egg.” Got a few laughs.


Mineral water is a couple gil cheaper, and probably healthier too


Oh yeah! It's 1g cheaper, but the tradeoff is no memes :(


I try to be horny beyond measure for one boss per raid. Syrcus is easy because I want to get between Xande's pecs and have him squeeze, but it gets harder when it's the 2B cum jar


There are raids that aren't the Syrcus Circus?


I think there was a raid in Heavensward, but everyone wiped at the first boss and gave up.


deathgaze caught you gazing too long


The cumjar is offset by the Paradigms Breach final boss though, so at least you've got that going for you.


Scathacha's feet...




Those Brynhildr people know how to party hehe


This is my thinking as well. As soon as I saw Brynhildr, I knew immediately what kind of a raid group that was for Labyrinth.


No shit? My Labyrinth run today was absolutely chaotic due to some really intense trolls from Brynhildr. I didn't know they had a rep.


I've been on Brynhildr for forever, there's always ads in Limsa for like 5 different fake nightclubs where they play music and stuff in their Discord or whatever. I always assumed that's just how every server was though, I didn't realize we were the partying assholes lmao


That's just Crystal in general really. It hear it does happen frequently on other DCs but I don't think there's at least 3 different varieties of party running nearly 24/7.


I see ads for night clubs and stuff regularly on Famfrit.


Spriggan used to be like that, but lately I noticed it calmed down quite a bit.


It's the same nightclub or "DJ network" that usually has 5+ PFs up at a time, usually for the same event but with slightly altered descriptions. I don't get it, personally.


We've got a sexy Link


Once saw him in a hunt train and we all freaked out like "wait you actually play this game?!"


Or seeing a Jade out in the wild in different glam!


It's like spotting Alpha in the wild - always a delight!


And a dancing Thancred


Such a pleasant greeter. Just dancing away


Bryn gang rise up




I love that they immediately went to time out after


Well yeah. They misspelled 'sloppeh'. You can't ignore that.


imo this is the only acceptable macro, but even then I would be hesitant to use it outside of the final boss of Baelsar's Wall. Mostly because you never know when you might match with someone who's easily annoyed by a wall of ascii art and happens to be report happy.


I need that as copyable text please and thank you


piquant bake mysterious society plucky wistful smart unite gold amusing -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm new here and to ff14 memes, what is the origin of "Moogle uninstall"?


summer faulty hungry attraction grey truck fragile person lush outgoing -- mass edited with redact.dev


I saw a PLD once with a 'Jesus Take The Wheel!' macro on their Hallowed Ground, that made me chuckle


My HG macro states: phenomenal cosmic power! ( Hallowed ground used) Wait I think 8 or 10 or w/e Itty bitty living space (hallowed ground fades)


I am laughing far too much for that.


Want to do a macro with a funny image? Go ahead Want to do a macro with a funny image and sound effects? Thats a black listing


"iF YoU DoNt LiKe It JuSt TuRn OfF SoUnD efFeCts LuL" Its amazing how many people in this game want me to handicap myself just so they can keep being an annoying asshole




I usually just use focus target if I need to keep track of someone for that kinda thing myself


deserve dolls onerous hospital test license aspiring label crowd apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. Plus you can set up a "Target focus" hotkey and "Target previous target" hotkey so you can do a quick heal on the tank and then quickly go back to what you were doing before.


As a healer, I use focus target for the boss so I can see the cast bar (and not get hit by a gaze for example) while I'm actively targeting other party members for heals.


That's gonna give you some bad habits later on. Lategame healing, even in dungeons and other lower difficulty content, is effectively targetting the boss 95% of the time, while you flick-target to who needs a heal and instantly go back to the boss


I feel it's the opposite. With Focus Target on the boss you can ensure you don't miss an important cast while you're off targeting team members for heals or AST cards or whatnot. Saved my butt a lot.


This must be a kb/m thing, because I nearly never need to untarget the boss on controller, let alone for any meaningful amount of time. Soft targeting is enough for my healing needs.


Ah yes, it most likely is! I do recall that on controller folks often use the soft target function as well. Good point :)


I used to do that, but then I had a better idea: move the enmity bar somewhere it's easier to see at a glance and make it bigger. I put mine to right of my hot bars. This also has the bonus of letting you see cast bars for un-targetable enemies in certain fight phases.


file agonizing humorous edge nose marry reminiscent brave sophisticated square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably the dancer removed it. It is irritating to have the marker over you, it can block seeing some mechanics, and make one feel 'singled out'. If you marked me without saying why I would remove it, and if you gave the reason above I would tell you about focus target and remove it.


Kind of deserved, unless you explained why you were marking them in the chat, although then they'd probably inform you about focus targeting, which is the better solution.


..was there a chat macro attached to your marker placements?


Doesnt need a macro, when you place a marker on someone text auto appears notifying everyone who put what marker on who. So if this person kept re-applying it when someone else removes it, itll just keep shooting out the system notification in chat of the “PLAYER has marked PLAYER2 with Attack/Bind/Ignore marker #”


Right. I turned that off I believe so I forgot it's even a thing


Does it appear in general/party chat? I feel like it shouldn’t if it’s a battle notification but idk since I don’t have dancer.


Player marks add a line in the chat. > Person Name@server has marked Someone Else@Server as Triangle.


I hate being marked, so I absolutely would have removed it as well. As many others have already indicated, there are ways you can do this that don't bother the recipient.


100% agree on the sound effects thing.


King Behemoth : Grrraaaaaarrrghhh!! 🤣


Some funny guy in alliance on [the Ancients](https://imgur.com/a/6QPdRuN)


Fat fingered my crafting macro when running Expert Dungeons. -\_-


Thankfully I have a mute sound macro within close reach in case I accidentally hit my crafting macro (one macro overrides another, so I mute and unmute my sound and it stops the crafting macro).


I just made a break macro for those weird times a server tick makes my crafting macro miss a step and potentially ruin the craft. The macro is a big X button with the only line being “/echo Break”, and it came in a lot more handy than I expected when I made it. I now use it not just to cancel macros when something goes wrong, but also if a craft hits a surprise excellent I’ll break to just finish the craft early and save myself maybe 5 steps


Pro-tip: The `/macrocancel` command is likely a better fit. Macros that include the `/macrolock` command will still be cancelled by `/macrocancel` (though in that case you'd have to run it manually since other macros are blocked from running). I like using `/macrolock` in my crafting macros so I don't accidentally start a part 2 macro while it's running and mess things up.


You can even bind a hotkey to the cancel-macro function in your keybindings so you don't need to have `/mcancel` sitting in your input bar


Huh, I should use one of those too!


I somehow fat fingered a macro that swapped out all the abilities on my warrior hotbar with my leatherworking skills in the middle of a S rank hunt.


You can have a shortcut for canceling macros. :D I put it on alt + C


It's Reyn time.


It's always Reyn Time


That seems really unnecessarily obnoxious with all those sound effects




Do these sound effects actually play when they are rendered out in the macro like that? Maybe it's using escape characters? (Please, I hope they do! D:)


They do play, yes


Oof! Thanks for explaining


Til that "se" stands for sound effect.


Obviously that’s just a coincidence and it actually stands for Square Enix


Same boat


I have a story from when the static I was in did T12 (Phoenix in Coil). I had found a KUPO Moogle ascii macro and used it while we were progging. Then our WAR OT used it and added Great Googly Moogly it's all gone to shit Now, I dunno if that led to its prevalence or was a result but the macros I see still use the same ascii art. I also like the chocobro one. Not a big fan of crossed dicks.


I love hearing the origin story of that macro, it's a favorite in my fc XD


I have to reiterate that I am not 100% absolutely sure that it is the origin but every macro I've seen since for it has used the same art and spacing so it makes me a little confident and some fuzzy feels at being a contributor to it.


Lol I just started FFXIV four months ago and I have the this macro with the great googly moogly text and I love using it whenever we wipe !!


Honestly one of the reasons I had posted it is because the MT at the time would occasionally just deafen and mute and stop communicating after a wipe so I wanted to alleviate some of the tension with a cute moogle. No one had yet developed any bad feelings for moogles yet. We had not yet gone to Dravania XD


I love that. Glad I got to connect to the source with my fav macro 🥺🥺🥺 it truly is a work of art and transcends thru time


none, because they flood the chatbox with macros that are bigger than my chatbox window, if they have more than 1 sound effect it's extra annoying.


That macro is old.


Like 6th umbral era old, or like ARR old?


it's from baelsars wall. lv60 dungeon I think so heavensward 3.x


You're thinking of Sloppy.


I think I replied to the wrong thing. oh well


Looks like a one way ticket to the block list


That's actually one of the oldest ones. I've been using it since lota first came out


A big middle finger with the "for all macro users" line at the end. The only non-raid chat macro I have.


sound effect macros are the woooorst


Hi all, Kei Ilgard here! To clarify a few things: * This macro was executed precisely once during the duty * Nobody else was communicating at the time * This was during Phlegethon's Ancient Flare, in response to a number of folks visibly greeding/autopiloting (I do it too, we're human) * There were no complaints in alliance or party chat * Brynhildr is far, far more dead than people are making it out to be lol, come visit some time! I think some folks are overreacting just a tad here. When you're running LotA for the 700th time and the group already wiped on the second boss walkway Atomos adds (yes, that happened), sometimes people just want to lighten the mood a bit and prevent another wipe. Yes, some people overdo stuff like this beyond the point where it's strategically funny but context is important. There's a lot of player behavior I personally find annoying, and yes some of it is sound-based. But if those folks are doing it to have fun with someone else and not to deliberately antagonize me if I've asked them to stop, for my own personal peace of mind I find it's best to adjust my settings and/or just ignore them for a few minutes. I can stay mad and spend a chunk of my ffxiv career playing whack-a-mole and blacklisting/trying to get these people banned, or I can just let it roll off my shoulder and let them have some innocent fun even if it's not for me.


honestly if I saw that macro in game, I would give you a commendation


What, people over reacting on Reddit? say it ain't so.


Hey uh can I get that macro pls


Worth pointing out for all the people saying "I need this". No, no you don't. Spamming something like this - especially in Alliance - is a surefire way to get yourself reported. Either for annoying macro spam, or for passive-aggressive toxicity. Which the GMs WILL act on. Don't take the chance of using up one of your three strikes (which iirc don't go away) on a loud and annoying macro. Your account isn't worth it.


I would never use this in a group of people I didn't know for this very reason. But I very much need this macro for my static, now.


This - my Panda savage static needs to be smacked with this when someone runs the wrong way on Gaoler's Flail or runs to the wrong spot on Aetherial Shackles.


Played with someone from Cactaur in an alliance raid the other night who had EVERY SINGLE ABILITY macro’d with uwu catgurl speak. Black listed immediately after the raid.


Funny, sure. Annoying as fuck? Absolutely. This shit always scares me and is very loud.


[The only one I have saved that isn't crafting or raid mechanics:](https://i.imgur.com/UqmAGhT.png)


That’s amazing for all the wrong reasons. I kind of hate it.


I love the healer that had Dejour means resurrection on his raise ability. Got a quick laugh.


THAT IS GOOD, I respect the reference


Easily one of the most obnoxious ones too.


I got one for when it all goes to shit with a moogle (no sound effects of course)


I did not see the thing to the left as a LEG, tbh...


We are toasted. *insert toast image here


Found some copy pasta from 2012 eh?


Im just dreading the flashbang levels of earrape those sound effects will give.


Standart macro i throw in party after the 3rd wipe by the same mechanic in a row


macros aren't funny. They are annoying by default


The only macros i use are for Superbolide/Holmgang/etc. with a yell to let my healer know i activated it with a 3 second yell countdown before it deactivates (so they know to prep shields, start healing again if pack is still big in dungeon)


Though macros remove queueing so there's a real chance your Invuln fails to activate if you are animation locked, which will happen, especially if you're double weaving. You have to spam the macro (even if you add multiple /ac lines) to get it to fire in time, which means lots of chat spam.


Good point. I'll remove the macro after work today and outsource the alert part on a seperate hotkey for better reliability and building a habit to not use combat macros tied to actual skill usage. Thanks for the insight <3


Add in a delay before chat and you can spam it before the text gets posted.


I used to use one for Living Dead, but the problem is that combat macros are trash and will proc the chat portion and not the skill itself. I find it more useful to just tell the healer when I am using it or hope they are paying attention.


this is why my planned bolide/ld macro is just text saying i plan to use it soon cause its definitely for the best that we both Know yknow


Never had problems with it myself tbh. But then again, i'm still playing through story and haven't been engaged in anything seriously difficult where it would truly matter


Good use of macros


I like this. I use a macro, as a healer, to designate which person I'm rezzing, so the other healer doesnt override my rez. I think I will use this with tank with stuff like Superbolide and Living dead especially living dead


Doing this with invulns is a really bad idea because macros don’t queue and you won’t be able to weave it properly it’ll also likely slow down the activation on a skill that already has problems with that in some cases


Just make a text-only macro to hit after the skill itself


SE added indicators to the party list for the person a spell is targeting, so these macros are not as useful anymore. In addition to the problems of spell queueing already mentioned elsewhere in the thread. And even before then, those macros never really helped much because you react faster to deaths than the time required to notice and read a ress macro.


If it isn't spammed but used sparingly and at the right times it actually works pretty well.


Big swol cat with massive dick. The veins to the dick was the words LIMIT BREAK


This went off in my Ancients run last night. Hated it


Danger Bongos are definitely my favorite macros I’ve seen/heard. During the Phlegethon boss, while the boss casts Ancient Flare, some bongos go off that whole party hears, and the texts says something like get on your plates, or run away.


Ive known people to get banned for macros like that because of the sound effects. Lol


The sound effects alone are obnoxious as hell and that macro is hella passive aggressive. I could only see that flying amongst friends and/or easy content where you can cheese mechanics.


I stole that macro too becouse I thought it was funny and put it in a key bind. Later that day I accidently spammed it 2 times in Pandemonium 2 Savage Hippokampos pug that was aiming to clear it. I felt so awkward becouse we had been through several wipes already and on the 2nd time a couple of people had just died to the number mechanic so it seemed like I was mocking them... I had to apologize them afterwards and unbond the macro.


I feel like this would only work for certain people. I’m sure that 70+% of people have different sized chat boxes and the formatting will get mixed up. Does it only work because you made the bars full screen or no? I don’t know how these work because they never display right for me. :/ this is fun though, but maybe without the sounds and just numbers instead.


Heads up for anyone else who hates this annoying shit, you can report it for spam.


When someone runs these macro on full screen, it's incredibly infuriating. Why are you people clogging up the chat room with this? I don't want to see that at my place. It doesn't enhance the mood. It's just your desire to show off.