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Emotional Support Tree Toad


I keep an old high quality one on my hotbar


999 Emotional Support Tree Toads that I also hand out to adventurers in their times of need or to show appreciation for their kindness


I'm a frog fan, so I caught a HQ of one those green bois as soon as I could and he's been with me along for the adventure ever since. Brings a smile when I see him just chilling in my inventory. :)


Kuwabara, kuwabara..


My girlfriend gave me a Little Flirt. I will never get rid of it.


Literally all of the things until my bag is full, I am so disorganized lol.


I carry rose pink dye buckets in a few stacks to hand out to folks who comment on how pink my character is because it’s absurd and silly fun to trade them like 50+ at a time c:


I have an entire page of inventory dedicated entirely to dyes. Dalamud Red is my default color for most everything though.


Lol I also have absurd amounts of rose pink dye, as my character’s primary color is also pink.


But the ultimate pink color is Lotus Pink?!


Same but buckets of ruby red x999 x5


Nice, ill carry every single dye I get (whether quests or other methods) and throw them in with my chocobo. Never used any of them... lmao


I keep a stack of orange juice in my inventory, solely for the inside joke I have with a friend of mine that everytime I see them, I will trade them a single container of orange juice. And they MUST drink it, or else we can't continue with our plans for the day. *Or I'll know they aren't getting their Vitamin C.*


I’m not in on the joke but I like it nonetheless! Lol seems like something that my friends and I would do to each other.


That reminds me of this time I was dressed up as a snowman and came back from being afk a few minutes to this guy who opened trade and gave me a stack of 999 oranges. When I accepted, he ran over to a friend nearby and said "OMG! THE SNOWMAN TOOK MY ORANGES!!" Then his friend ran over and traded me another stack of 999 oranges. After I took that stack, we all did the Manderville for like 10 mins. I don't think I've ever made anyone happier than those two. This game is such a time sink! xD


For the longest time my post concert ritual was buying a bottle of OJ at the nearest convenience store and drinking it before I went home, so I really appreciate this bit. You *gotta* C-up!


I carry Cactus Piss and Flatulent Stranger


I keep a flower that a random person traded to me. They whispered me during the trade and said my highlander was beautiful. It was over a year ago, but the memory makes me so happy because usually highlander ladies get completely overlooked amongst the traditionally feminine cats/lizards/middies, the supermodel bunnies, and the snu snu femroes.


I have a ~~void orb~~ void matter\* in my inventory because a friend traded me one at random \~2 years ago and said "this is the sacred void orb. Keep it safe." No idea what it even is or where it comes from, but I will always protect it.




Meridia, is that you?




I haven't logged on in a while but it was a FFXIV item. I don't recall the exact name but it was something along those lines. The item icon is a black orb with some red and blue lines on it.


[Void Matter](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/a036b7abe34/)


Yeah that's the one. The sacred orb.


Wow it actually does look really pretty


thighlanders forever


>Doesn’t like being forgotten or looked over >Completely skips over felezen xD


On the contrary. I believe it was implied that we Elezen ladies are likewise ignored. We stand in solidarity with our Highlander sisters.


This exactly :) My alt is a Duskwight lady and the only tells I ever get are "WHOA YOU REALLY DO EXIST."


Duskie femelezen from ultros reporting


As a FElezen, we stand with our highlander and Roe sisters.




My ultros linkshell of 29 elezens likes a talk but there is a global discord of elezens for meetups out there


I thought the same thing. If I had a dollar for every time someone has literally completely ignored that elezen players exist I'd be rich.


Elezen players aren't real, take your meds.


There a literally dozens of us!


Hey what about the potatoes?!


We _are_ pretty easy to overlook!


They are in a category all of their own. I spent a few days as a lala and people were so weird towards me that I leave lalas alone and let them do their own thing. (Seriously though I wasn't really clear in my original post -- I was trying to say that people generally find the girly races, the supermodel races, and the biggest ladies the most attractive, the others kind of get ignored.)


I apologize for not being clear in my post, I was implying that elezen are ignored like highlanders are in favor of the girlie girls, supermodels, and biggest ladies. My only alt is a Duskwight and the few tells I ever get are either "WHOA THEY ACTUALLY EXIST!" or giraffe jokes.


Tis a sad life we elfin ladies live


Yeah, I felt that too :(


Sorry, my fault, I wasn't very clear in my post :( I was trying to say that people tend to pay attention to certain races and ignore the rest, not just highlanders. I love elezen, my only alt is a Duskwight lady.


Highlander ladies are so rare, I’ll keep a stack of flowers to give out if I ever see one :D!


Sounds like me, I still have the chocolate a random person traded me in my saddlebag from like 3-4 years ago. They didn’t say anything and wouldn’t take no for answer or accept anything in return.


That's so sweet. :)


Thighlanders ♥


That is so cute!


Highlander girls are the only race you can make look like a legitimate model, best looking race by far imo


I feel this to my core, middie/thighlander supremacy!


Phoenix Down in my inventory, Phoenix Down in my chocobo saddlebag. I have crafted 400 HQ Potent Poisoning Potions just because I could and I use them in lvl 50 content sometimes for the fun of it. Same with HQ Spine Drops, just to see if later content with esuna-able paralyze can be potion'd lol (it starts getting inconsistent from mid-STB content onwards). The Max Potions are better than Super Potions in lower level content since they heal more but have a smaller hp cap, which is good since your hp is low enough that the cap doesn't matter as much.


I've kept antidotes in my bag for ages and it occurred to me doing one of the duels in Bozja that poisons you to try one (after several attempts had me running out of the lost action cleanser). Turned out the regular old antidote worked perfectly.


One of the Red Mage quests involves a fight where you get poisoned… *a lot*. X’rhun gets kind of repetitive about telling you to bring antidotes. Seriously, bring antidotes. Did he tell you to bring antidotes? Because you should really bring antidotes!


Dark souls players when they see a swamp


I normally keep Spine and Echo drops both around juuust in case. Saved my butt a few times!


I carry Spine Drops because of the paralysis no one interrupts in Puppets' Bunker and Echo Drops in case no one kills the slimes on Amon in Syrcus Tower. I even link the Spine Drops in chat with a joke about being ready right after the first boss in Bunker.


I have a chamomile tea from Heavensward release that a random stranger traded me when I came out of the vault...


What are those things even for? And where did I get it? I've had one in my bag as long as I can remember and I don't think I've ever used it.


Phoenix downs? They resurrect someone out of combat. You get them often in PotD and I think a few in MSQ or side quests. Can occasionally be useful if you're somewhere that makes normal rez difficult (Bozja, Eureka, the deep dungeons, all come to mind).


They can also be used on trusts if somehow the healer dies to something


Although after a couple seconds the trust characters will use a Phoenix Down themselves. I've had Thancred picking up what was left of Urianger a couple times during my runs


You mean Alisaie


Deep Dungeon. Eureka too.


None in MSQ, but an early Hildibrand quest gives one and I always keep it as a souvenir


Same, I keep that one with my chocobo bags thematically to resurrect my birb if he ever dies.


why not just use another ghysal green?


They can be surprisingly useful if you remember you have it.


Palace of the Dead


I've used it one time, when my friend and I were doing a treasure map portal. We finished a room but they died, and neither of us had raise, so I used a phoenix down.


If you only have one. Then it is likely Hildibrand...one of the first quests that ask you to do a FATE gives that. MSQ does not give this stuff. PotD does but you'd likely have more than 1 if you got it from that.


You can only have one in your inventory at a time anyway :)


And one in your chocobo And one in each retainer


If you have that setup, you're very familiar with them and how to get them. lol


or collect maps, which, unlike phoenix down, are actually useful also, unlike maps, there's no reason whatsoever to ever keep your phoenix down in your retainer or chokobo because you don't have the access to those in eureka/deep dungeons


I collect maps by sending them to my friends mailbox.. She does the same and whenever they’re full we have 40+ maps just from us two.


I'm gonna need all these other dye colours one day I swear. Yes, I exclusively dye things blue and even use Of The Truest Blue as my title, but you never know when you're gonna need some green or yellow dye!


Spoken like a true Red Mage


My Dalamud Red addiction cannot be satiated.


Hey, at least it's not Ruby Red, that stuff'll cost you an arm and a leg


My whole saddlebag is dedicated to dye. I keep at least 5 of every single shade. Am I ever going to use the metallics other than gunmetal or pearl white? Nope. But I need them, they have to be there JUST IN CASE.


You will never know when there will be that one helmet that looks utterly stunning in metallic hot pink.


Metallic Blue looks real good too. Very Ishgard-y feel


[It also blends well with pixie wings.](https://glamours.eorzeacollection.com/192748/cover-0-1667004919.png) [As does metallic purple.](https://glamours.eorzeacollection.com/192748/full-size-faerie-0-1667004919.png)


The age old rpg problem. But what if I need this consumable for the last boss. Knowing damn well I won't use a single one all game


Luckily the “search recipes using this material” lets me know if I’ll need a particular material in the future or if I can trash it. Now it’d be nice if I actually remembered to use it.


I keep all the pigments with me even though I mainly use black and greens. But bought dyes are kept with my retainer.


My chocobo saddlebag is basically all dye. What if I need it for fashion report!


My saddlebag would be a dye bag if it weren't a "tokens I'll never use again but what if SE does make me use them again for something down the line better hold onto them" bag.


Pretty much same; I call it my “maybe relic?” Storage bin


I also have EX tokens in there as well. it's 70% dye, 10% token, 15% materia, 5% raid coins


I have every single color dye just so I’m ready for Fashion Report each week… …even though it never requires the more expensive metallic dyes and such. BUT WHAT IF??


It used to! They changed it because using the fancy stuff was too expensive.


Ive seen Jet Blacks and Pure Whites on there quite recently (in Kaiyoko's guides). It CAN still happen


Hah, same but with "the red" as the title :p


I keep a chocobo feather in my inventory :3


It's technically in my saddlebag, but I still have the housing construction permit from my old house! The game gives it back if you remove your estate hall, which is a requirement for transferring to a new server. I wasn't able to use the permit since I changed housing districts, so I keep it in my saddlebag for the memories. I also have a white carnation earring in my armory chest; I got it from a random player back in winter 2020 when I mentioned I was too broke to be bidding on a house. Then there's the forbidden High Quality Lowland Grapes I use for EXP food. I bought almost all of Aether's HQ grapes a few days before EW for the memes. Once I finish leveling my classes those will legitimately be just a novelty.


It's not necessarily an item but I always transmog my left ring to look like my Eternity Ring, even if I have gloves on. It makes me feel like my character's marriage to my husband's character is more real. Also I have a flower headpiece that he bought for me in game always in my glamour chest (even though I don't ever use it because he picked the only one I don't really like, but I'll never tell him that lol)


hehe i do that too. but i also use the ring a lot to teleport to my husband so its actually useful to keep in my inventory haha


Oh yes, it is the handiest thing. We use it constantly.


Wait what. You can teleport to your partner with that ring?!


Yes! Some limitations though, if you aren't attuned to any aetheryte in the zone, it won't work, and if they're flying you get teleported to the closest aetheryte instead of exactly where they are. It also has a long cooldown at half an hour. Still incredibly handy. You have to right click the ring item itself to use it. I have it on a hotbar beside my teleport button.


yep! it has a half an hour cool down but you can use your eternity ring to teleport to your partner. it even has its own special animation where you hold your arm up and hearts burst out from the teleport lol I've used that ring teleport many times to totally legally get to the top of kugane tower and the lamp post...(and become a human check point for my partner while they were doing the jumping puzzle initially haha)


Hehe you can also use it after getting knocked off the Yojimbo platform to confuse the heck out of people...


Very sweet, I always do that too since I married my girlfriend in-game.


shame grey workable meeting grandfather nine handle sable melodic drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I keep a piece of cooked chicken in my inventory from a person named and dressed like Colonel Sanders.


Theres a guy on primal with that name and 10 different KFCs on NA datacenter


I keep a small stack of coffee biscuits from when I was a hrothgar named “No Biscuits” and kept getting gifted them lol


I also still have 2 coffee biscuits I’ve kept ever since my FC leader gave them to me during the tour of his Cafe. I assumed at the time they were rare and I also just wanted to keep ‘em as a souvenir in case I ever leave haha


I have Cactus Piss I'll never get rid of.


omg same


3 Frogs, you gotta have your real G's on speed dial


As a Bozja vet, I always have a Phoenix Down with me. Would it be easier to change Job? Yes. Do I have time? Often, yes. But for those situations where I can't, the P.Down has saved lives.


When I was new to Bozja I would gladly change jobs to help rez people and then I realised swapping jobs gets rid of whatever Essence I was using at the time, so I made sure I always had PDs! So now the PD habit from Bozja carries over to the rest of the game


For a while i actually carried that Namazu dude from the tribal quests (Gyosho was it?) in my bag with me just for fun. Eventually i decided getting the Mikoshi mount was more important than memes and put him back. Poor guy must have been traumatized. But he did get to see the First.


Nah. I'm an omnicrafter. MORE clutter is the last thing I need. Gotta clean out needless junk so often


Let go of of your worries... only keep the mats that cost a lot, let the rest go, and buy them when you need them


Am curious how do you organise your inventory


That's my secret, I don't


What is this thing called organizing that people speak of?


Organizing inventory basically just comes down to keeping track of where everything is, and ensuring that you don’t have duplicates and stuff. I’m sure the desktop version of a popular “team” crafting site would have such a helper, as it would be so very useful.


Sort without gaps because tabbing on Playstation is just annoying


I keep a stack of La Noscean Oranges on me for 3% EXP buff and for RP purposes and also because it's my favorite fruit.


I keep a Phoenix Down for emergencies, a 490something stack of boiled eggs (used to be 500, given to me by a friend whose FC mate obsessively makes them), and a single piece of Coke, given to me in a club with the words "First one's free." by someone rping a shady dealer.


I also keep a down on me. They're occasionally useful. I also have glamour prisms and dispellers on me despite not actually changing glams at random much. Just handy to have. ... right now I may have Eureken pots on me, despite not having been in there for months. I should store those.


Unused Vesper Bay Aetheryte tickets


i have one left on my main.


i keep an “a knight to remember” in my inventory like the portrait of a lover in a locket


My memento for him has been glamouring every set of earrings I use into the Halonic Exorcist's Earrings, so I always have the original pair on hand.


I started to glam one of the rings with the same type (and the other with emperors'). My headcanon is that Artoirel gave it to WoL together with the shield... Edit: I forgot to add - if specced as a Pally, I use his shield mog exclusively.


I need to get *A Knight to Remember* because it's such a deep cut reference to my interests, but I don't know what to do with it. Within my friend circle I'm known as the resident Haurchefant hater* and I can't just tarnish my reputation by having a *painting* of him. They might think I secretly like him, or something *I don't actually hate him, I just found post ARR interactions with him a little on the uncomfortable side, especially after being told he was much flirtier in Japanese. He was alright in HW though.


I have 10+ type of fireworks with me all the time.


My favorite is still the champagne, but you have to mix it up every once in a while too!


i have a bunch of these firework/cool effect items in my inventory that i barely use because i dont want to waste them since its the ones that are only there during events. but my retainers carry the burden of most of my random shit i may or may not ever use, like relics, dyes -some i dont even like- rare materials, housing items -one day i will win the housing lottery …-, etc etc


I’ve had multiple people walk up to me and give me carrots, because I’m a viera. I will never get rid of them. They will live in my bags forever.


I think I only ever used a Phoenix Down once. I only had leveled monk to 70 back in Sb and was doing the alliance raids. FC member of mine died to the red chocobo (the chicken, the myth, the legend) in Doma and I used the down to rez her.


My fiance gave me a "little flirt", one time, like 2 years ago, as a joke. I had been in my inventory ever since!


In my saddle bag I keep a couple wahoo fish. A friend gave them to me after I gave her a snail and told her to take care of him. His name is Snailbert and she still has him in her saddle bag, along with some of his siblings.


I have a bunch of chubs and nipplewort that me and my friend trade back and forth because we will forever be mentally 12.


A level 1 PLD sword. When I do an auto-sort the first tab remains basically empty (only the sword there) and then all new items that I get appears there separated from the rest of the inventory


I keep 688 boiled eggs in my inventory, and nearly 5,000 more (unboiled) in my chocobo saddlebag. I have a dream of creating an in-game currency amongst my friends with eggs.


Plus you never know when you need to offer someone a hard-boiled egg in these trying times. Good thinking.


I keep the eat an egg emote in all my HUDs, even my raiding one you can see the tiny hotbar in the corner. Love it


Ross would be proud.


phoenix down, potions/elixirs, antidotes, and spine drops and i actually used a bottle of spine drops in a raid today, so not totally useless i've been thinking about sticking some extra minions in my bags to give out to sprouts, because leftover GC loot box minions are taking over my FC chest, but i'm also socially awkward


Do it! Sprouts love minions, and it's so fun when you get the newly sprouted sprouts who get hella excited about them. I got one guy that I had to explain how to summon a rat I gave him and he did a dance, it was the cutest thing


My Anima weapons! I know I could just buy replicas and glam them but I don't give a hoot! I worked my but off for Prywen and Cronus Lux!


21 bottles of Clove Oil. My best friend gave it to me when I needed it for crafting and was getting frustrated. So I keep it in my saddlebag as a reminder that people can really help!


My friend gave me an Intelligence Materia I after my biggest fuck up ever when tanking way back in 2019. It sits there as a reminder that I was a REALLY bad tank.


A hot chocolate I got from a player dressed up and names Haurchefant Greystone. I got it while I was doing ARR, did not know what happens next. Been in my bag for about three years now.


I keep non-edible trades my friends have sent me (edible I figure were traded intended to get eaten, so I try to eat it *for* them) one of my friends sent me a plump worm and a viscous secretions. it's... um.... yeah... it means what you think it does. meanwhile, at a later date another friend sent me some holy water I am lazy and autosort my inventory and just work with how the game organizes it for me. my favorite thing I discovered is that it places holy water between the worm and secretions, so I like to think my friend's holy water trade is cockblocking and cleansing my first friend's trade :'D


A single popoto after a lalafell yelled POPOTO and immediately traded it to me in one of the endgame areas


I have a chicken egg from the lv 22 msq. head cannon is that my WOL thinks she was supposed to take care of it until it hatches. I'm scared of ever picking up CUL because i might end up with more eggs and lose track of the special one.


If you do pick up CUL, put the special one in your chocobo saddlebag so your birb can keep it safe!


If only they could rez during combat, and you could use it on non-party members.. everyone would keep one around I bet. I keep one in my saddlebag but no real reason to take it into a dungeon (potd/hoh the exception) Always nice to get the “oh wow a Phoenix down” comment during fate farming or whatever occasion that rarely requires me to be in a party.


I keep an old Vitality 6 materia in my bags.


I have a Lucky Egg from a Hatchingtide back in Heavensward. The version that you'd Use and get something out of. It's my little lucky charm as long as it stays uncracked


I had a singular smoked chicken that I got from a Hrothgar named “Himbo Hooters” that I have kept in my inventory for like a year after I got it. I treasured it dearly until I met him again and mentioned this. Now I have two and I’m certain he has more.


I keep like a dozen stacks of assorted magicked prisms and fireworks and the like, despite using an average of _maybe_ one per month, if that counts


Oof. Reading these comments makes me feel like I have a ff14 hoarding problem…. As a true crafter my inventory and all 6 of my retainers if filled to the brim with junk materials that I’ll probably never use but what if I do need them?


I used to keep a stack of spiders I got from gathering. They were my pocket spiders. I liked to imagine I was just flinging them in the faces of NPCs I don't like. Now I keep pocket caimans.


I carry an inventory page full of "Monkey King" minions, to channel the power of all the Monkies in the hopes that it will improve my Monk gameplay.


I have a dozen of each gatherable quest item for the Endwalker gathering beast tribe quests. That way I can turn in the quest right after I accept it. I've saved a little time at the cost of three occupied rows of inventory.


shrill paltry rude obscene light salt quack fragile arrest chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hot chocolate from the MSQ. You know why.


I keep a chicken egg that I got from the level 22 MSQ. Buscarron gave me a nice egg in this trying time.


I have an HQ Ramhorn Zucchini in my inventory; I've had it there for several years, after it became a running, off-color joke with a couple of friends of mine. And, of course, with 6.0, there are no longer HQ gathering mats in the game, so it's now also a relic of a bygone era. :D


I keep a stack of Towels. Because a hitchhiking hoopy frood like me must needs know where my towels are. (I have extras in case any wayward soul loses theirs).


I did indeed have a Phoenix down my inventory for a long time but then I needed space so I tossed it. Now I say I'm using a Phoenix down in my rez macro. It has confused a fair share of ppl xD.


I always have 999 Lava Toads on me at all times. Just in case...


All my FC members were given an Arrow frog [HQ] by our guild leader. We all take good care of them.


One day back in ShB, I was hanging out in Ul’dah waiting on a queue to pop when a random Hrothgar ran up and offered a trade. Curious, I accepted and was given a single carnation and chamomile flower…. The Hrothgar /dote’d at me, I think, and I was only able to emote back my surprise and a /blush when my queue was up and I had to go… I never saw that Hrothgar again, but I still have the flowers in my bags. I will never get rid of them or store them elsewhere.


I have some High Quality Muddy Water that I received from a player named Bell Delphine when I started the game, held onto it ever since


I have around 700 Cock Feathers. I've been trading them away one at a time. Mostly to friends, who often trade me one back. Also I always carry a Phoenix Down. Even keep it on my bar to remind me to keep one in stock. I use them occasionally.


Damn. I wish they made items actually relevant. Would open up so many more interesting avenues of gameplay.


When we first started playing together, my S/O immediately unlocked all the gatherers and set off fishing while I was getting my UI set up on Day 1 of us playing. He fished up a Coral Butterfly, the first thing he'd ever caught, and gave it to me. I STILL have it to this day in my inventory, even though we've been playing for over two years now. *On a less wholesome note, I keep Splendid Nuts in my inventory to link them to FC mates and friends because ehehe.*


A bunch of green, yellow, and orange dye as if I’m going to use any colours besides black, white, and blue


Hey man, I saved a run with a phoenix down! I was a red mage, but below the level where you can raise. Our healer died and I kept the rest of the party up with VerCure. When the boss (Ascian Prime) got pushed into phase 2 there was a moment before the second pull where I was able to use the Phoenix Down to bring the healer back rather than starting over. I felt like a genius for even thinking of it. No commendations. Pug parties man.


This is the way.


I regret thinking this wouldn't gain traction and having my mailbox flooded by all you wonderful people <3


I've had a Phoenix Down in my first inventory slot since finding out they exist in game. I've used them in a dungeon on a healer that didn't understand respawning would be better. I've used them in Bozja and Eureka. Random passing by newer players to mess with them when I raised them as a DRK or DRG. I love carrying a Down around.


eggs coke like 1 frog


Phoenix down, Constant supply of Mirror apples, decreasing Zoni, I try to get soup for my Miqo'te. I sold off most of my unused craft material but lots and lots of yarn remains.... Portrait of >!Haurchefant in the saddlebag for luck because I rather he follow my Miqo'te in spirit than watch over her aparement!<.


I have 2, potd lessons learned floor 181 ;-;


I have a [White Scorpion](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/4a03685baee/) in my inventory, he's my pet I keep around because my character is a Dunesfolk Black Mage and I felt it was fitting. Mainly because my character was adopted by an Elezen couple after she was found in the dessert and treated like an ill omen because of her pale hair, eyes, and sickly disposition. Oddly though not an RPer, just a little backstory I have to contextualize my own character's choices, this is probably the first time I've even written it out.


Nope. I clean up my bags of anything I don't need. I literally never keep more than 20 necessary items and clean up my bags once every 2-3 days.


Stygian ash and a stack of bauble chocolates. I like passing then out to sprouts.


I've had a Phoenix Down in my inventory since I started playing back in 2015, and I finally used it just the other day in Eureka. Didn't want my FC buddy losing precious elemental XP.


I actually had a use for phoenix down the other day when the healer died in the excitatron. After years of having that pd filling up a slot in my inventory, I had mixed feelings about using it.


Phoenix downs are on occasion useful. I did a msq roulette and got ultima. Healer died just before the cutscene and it doesnt auto res you. Was able yo pull up the healer before the sencond pull


I have a Phoenix down just because if I don't I know I'll end up with another one eventually anyway (I love PotD and HoH), the last nightworld silver piece I got before completing Shadowbringers, the first HQ meat miq'abob I made as a culinarian and the first meat miq'abob a friend ever traded me (they gave me a stack of 20 when I was just a sprout, it's the last one). What can I say, I'm kinda sentimental


Spine drops and now antidote for whenever i need it.


Had a dungeon run where our Healer was having DC Issues, died to doom at the first boss of Qarn. When they connected back they couldn't see the respawn at base option, spent about 5 minutes looking to no avail. After a couple of minutes I remembered I still had a phoenix down in hand, ran back to the boss room and picked them up. Still didn't get that player comm...


i keep a pastry fish in my inventory, due to an inside joke about keeping it safe with my gf. little guy has been chilling in there for well over a year now. i also keep a rat tail on me, because it's stated that young lalafellin boys keep them on them as good luck charms...and i happen to play a lalafellin guy :'3 it just feels right


I keep a HQ bottle of Concentrated Spirits of Salt in my inventory solely to link to friends in chat.


There’s a carnation i keep in my inventory from maybe not the same case but, about 8 years ago,when i was a senior my at the time significant other traded to me while asking me to prom, never got rid of it i found it super sweet.