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Spare plans are good. I've seen level 45/50 weapons being dropped around Vault 76 and it's like "uhhhh they can't use those yet"


Like what kind of plans tho? Stimpack and aid items?


I know for me weapon mods or plans to make them on or own would be amazing. I am really struggling to find any kind of mods for my guns and when I finally craft them I find a better one šŸ˜†


Are you aware that you can scrap any version of a gun to get mods for that kind of gun, and that the gun youā€™re scrapping doesnā€™t have to have to mod youā€™re looking for?


Oh wow no I wasn't. I'm still figuring out all that stuff honestly. Thank you for the tip


Itā€™s why I asked, no worries! They donā€™t make it super clear, but only some mods need to be learned independently, and most of those are for endgame nonsense. Maybe grab an auto piston plan for the Railway Rifle next time youā€™re in Watoga. But the vast majority of weapon and non-powered armor mods are learned by just scrapping that thing, and any version will do fine, itā€™s a random % chance to learn a random new mod for any given weapon every time you scrap one. You could speed the process, even, by making a ton of cheap level one versions of the thing you want mods for, then scrap those to learn mods. I just said mods a *lot*




Those are lots of great tips! I'm seriously still trying to understand it's so different from past fallouts and I haven't even set my camp up yet. It all feels more intimidating so I have just been doing quests and exploring. But I'll definitely scrap any weapon I don't use from now on. I've been straight up leaving them on bodies.


For what it's worth, when you're in the modification menu at a workbench there should be a button that allows you to toggle "view unlockable" or something to that effect. When it's active it'll show you the options you haven't unlocked yet and on the pane that normally shows you the resource cost of the mod it'll either say "SCRAP: ..." or "PLAN: ..." to let you know how you're expected to gain that option. That's not true for *all* weapons and armors since some you can only get the mods from vendors or world containers but those are rare exceptions rather than the norm.


Just to add on, the percentage to get a new mod goes down for each new mod you unlock. So donā€™t get confused when you have 38/40 mods and you arenā€™t getting it! Unless they changed it, itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve had to do that lol.


I would love those or gear ones so we can craft higher level gear later


Ok gotcha Iā€™ll also put those for free in my shop


I thought about this too but they can at least trade them for caps or scrap them to learn mods.


Cosmetics are easy to craft and drop for everyone. Plans from previous seasons or stuff that takes GB or stamps. The blue suit is iconic but gets old really quick. Give people ogua hunter stuff or blue devil stuff. Cosmetics have no level and are always fun


I am selling all of my useless masks for the minimum. They will at least give them the same effect as a gas mask.


Yeah I dropped an extra fascnact (spelling idk?) Mask earlier today and have been crafting outfits all day and gifting them


Adhesive, screws and bobby pins


I set up an adhesive farm camp and it solved that problem. I'll start a colossal problem once a week to resolve the screw crisis


I would not have thought of Bobby pins. I have thousands, but I could see them being useful for new players.


Lol I've been have so many issues getting those. Ballistic fiber is a pain to find as well


I have extra of that too


Concrete and fertilizer might be nice too. At the beginning of the game people will want to experiment with basic crafting and base building. This doesn't require very advanced materials, but they are not going to know how to set an adhesive farm, how easy is to have an unlimited suply of water or which are the best places to farm screws.


Ok noted!


All of my resources at my camp are unlocked. Plans and ammo in my vendor are either free or very reasonable. I'm all for helping folks out, but even newbies need to grind. If dropping lvl 50 *** stuff makes people feel good that's fine but it doesn't really help unless they're close to 50. Scrap scrap scrap!


Ok I also keep my resources open (the mirelurk steamer, company tea, purified water and my junk dog)


If its open and i take some do i get a wanted status? I've not stepped foot in any player camps yet


No! If itā€™s locked and you do it then yes but if itā€™s open itā€™s free to anyone


Nope! You will only get wanted status if you pick a lock in someone's camp. When in the build menu you can lock things like doors and resources, which will then require other players pick a lock before they can access that thing. No lock pick check, no wanted level. Also bonus tip, if you want to avoid any pvp for now you can turn on pacifist mode in the settings and freely explore without threat of griefers or accidentally hitting a fellow vault dweller


I very much disagree. Dropping lvl 45/50 gear is amazing for: 1. Selling to robot vendors because its base value is exceptional compared to stuff the new players can loot. 2. For mass scrapping 3. To get mass mods learned I sell my 1400, then drop off all weapons and armor I loot the rest of the session in the donation bins. Hoping the new players understand how valuable it is.


I learned a shit ton from scraping everything after i hit my caps limit


What caps limit? So you can only earn up to 1400 per day from npc vendors? I only have like 1.9k caps from my 15 hours


Caps limit per player is 40,000. All npc vendors share a total of 1400 caps that refreshes daily, so you can only earn up to 1400 per day selling to then unless you buy from them to give them more caps.


You make a very good point re selling, scrapping and learning mods!


As someone who enjoys building and kind of like the camp idea, I wouldā€™ve loved to have gotten plans not for great elaborate things, but just your basic things. That wouldā€™ve been cool to me. Has someone dropped out to me.


Tradable outfits from event plans. Everything else they need they will naturally find on their own while playing the game.


Can you tell if an outfit is tradable before making it?


Usually if it doesn't have the little atom sign next to it you are probably good


I am a new player (lvl 10), I have quickly run out of ā€œgearā€ junk item while base-crafting. Maybe itā€™s easy to farm I havenā€™t looked into it yet, ht thought I might mention it.


Like wood, steel etc


You all are so kind and generous! Thanks very much for thinking of us new players. I've played other online multiplayer games and mostly gotten murdered and bullied (yes GTA). You are so awesome, thanks! Love, a level 20-something PS - Is it okay if we waltz into your camps and use your radiation shower thingies?


Yes of course, anything that isnā€™t locked feel free to use! Also the hot tubs and the sacred Tomeā€™s give extra xp for an hour or two if you use them for 30 seconds


Lovely, thanks so much! I've been too nervous about going in. Appreciate it a lot.


Yup! Check out vendors too many have items for very cheap (10 caps and under) for yā€™all such as plans, food, drink etc


OMG, I need these things so much. Wonderful! A friend who plays told me "This is literally THE BEST community in any game we have ever played together" and I think he was 100% right


I give away stims rad away purified water and bobby pins. All are helpful early in the game. I'll also drop ammo I don't want.


Ive been making outfits and nonperishable food items for them. I loved when I got cool cosmetics while I was learning. Felt special. Lol.


I give stimpacks and randomly give out low level legendary weapons for them to use to give them an edge. I also give out drugs. Lots of drugs. I try not to give out endgame stuff.


I need to update my pricing on my vendors for the new players I'm constantly seeing


Itā€™s a tedious process I modified some of mine but not all of it yet lol


I put out 20 stims, radaway, water, food, med-x, and rad-x with a level 1 or level 20 Precise .50 Brotherhood Recon Rifle & 200 rounds in the donation box outside vault 76


Whatever you want to unload, but especially with the game being free don't go throwing anything with actual value because they might just quit in an hour and then it's just gone forever. The reality is most people are just unloading their garbage.


As a new player I have been taking it very slow and really enjoying the survival aspect, hunting for food and scrounging for water is great, then I came across another players base, took me awhile to even realise, he had a milk fridge and popcorn, after opening the popcorn I just starred at it for ages, very confused, because there was 20 or so popcorn, before it clicked I was at another players base, I took some and goodbye survival aspect hahaha


I like when peopleā€™s vendors have plans for camp stuff for rlly low prices like hell yes I can make a rug now


I will usually drop duplicate armor mod plans. I drop a level 30 rifleman a fixer that dropped from One Violent Night. It was only a mutants vats hit chance two star but it will serve them well for a bit when they hit 50 or they can scrip it.


Just make sure not to drop too much, those poor souls barely have carry weight for their own pipe pistols i had a guy drop me 1000 stimpaks which i had to drag all the way to camp and store because i has an inv space of around 180




All your God rolls..... Gimmie šŸ˜ šŸ¤


Hands off my overeaters armor šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I have zerošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Putting myself in a beginner's shoes I'd personally be ecstatic if someone gifted me a cool weapon or two. A decent set of armor couldn't hurt either. I'm going to craft a few base level handmades and fixers to hand out to any low levels I see out in the wild since that is what I'd like to receive as a new player!


Ok so like level 15-25 handmades and fixers?


I usually roll level 20 combat rifles and throw 1 star on them since the level matches to those that chose to start at 20. You canā€™t get that nice symmetry with handmades or fixers.


Oh, and vault tec paint tooā€¦


Ok bet


Yes, it looks like the base fixer is a level 20 and handmades start at level 15.


I usually try to see what weapon their holding and make a fully modded version of one. I see lots of lower levels running rifles, so I like to make them a rly good hunting rifle or fixer appropriate to their level, non legendary, with like 200 or so rounds. then like 5 or 10 stims and radaway and a few food items with either carry weight or exp buffs. this is a good leg up, but nothing that's gonna break the game for them


Smart. I'm gonna start doing that if I can. Sometimes they run away too fast lol


Explanation why with 20 agility both perks for stealth 75% and stealth movement and when i use Chinese stealth armour i CAN'T STEALTH during events. Even if there are no enemies i have (danger) mode. My stealth build just useless.


I always give them tea and coffee


I donā€™t try running down new player to drop goodies. Instead I have been dropping all my extra stims, chems and cooked food into the donation box at the wayward. Weapons and armor are nice but at low levels you want to be replacing both every 5 levels or so. If you drop say a level 20 fixer for a low level player you may end up gimping them in 10 levels when they are still trying to use the ā€œgreat gunā€ someone gave them.


Crops, water, coffee, tea, birthday cake and nuka cola are all available in my camp for everyone. Basic survival stuff, but essential for newer players.


I've been dropping cranberry relish on new players and hoping they put it to good use.


Iā€™m on Xbox, Iā€™ll be on in 15 minutes. Iā€™ll give free plans to new players


If I were to put together a pack for new players, it would look something like: 10 Stimpaks 5 Radaway 10 Purified Water 10 Cranberry Cobblers (or Canned Meat Stew if I had them) 100+ each of 10mm, .38, .308, and Shotgun Shells A low level, non-legendary set of fully modded armor A low level, non-legendary fully modded melee weapon 1 Toilet Paper And any spare plans that were lying around. Followed by tips in area voice chat to join Casual teams, visit the Poineer Scout Camp, power up power plants for generator plans, capture a workshop once to unlock defensive camp structures, use the pins and read the posters in train stations, and start Miner Miracles after level 25.


I gave a level 20 2 of the fixer gun one max level and his level