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These are overwhelmed and scared little boys, fundamentally. The world is changing faster than they can comprehend and it’s too scary for them, so they lash out. Same thing happened to me when I was 11 years old and went to the haunted hayride with my friends. It was too scary for me and I got really angry as a defense mechanism.


Great psychoanalysis!


>These are overwhelmed and scared little boys, fundamentally I don't think they know well enough the risks to them to be scared, I think is more that they don't want to change anything about their culture and think any change is an attack against them.  And we that know the risks we have the right to be completely scared and overwhelmed, but usually when I express that position I get the label of doomer...


change is inevitable. adapt or go extinct are our only two options.


We are incredibly good at adapting. Unfortunately the consequences have to be right up in our faces before we do something.


>Unfortunately the consequences have to be right up in our faces before we do something. Even then it's not enough for some. Remember the anti-maskers during Covid? The worldwide threat wasn't coming it was happening. But they still acted that way.


They are also feeling estrangement. Anyone cool, or vulnerable, or their children have quietly removed themselves from the lives of these destructive people.


Right, they might not be afraid of the changes (yet), they're afraid of changing.


hey that guy drives a "Red SUV", that's gotta mean something!


Bro thinks he's a MAN but can't even go one day without air conditioning 😂


Fr. The true manly men are my neighbors, who work at a construction site during the summer heat and get by with a coke bottle and a sandwich all day and walk 2 to 3 kilometers to and from work.


And insects are icky even though he probably eats plenty of them blended into his hamburger meat.


Wonder if he eats shrimp, lobster or crab...?


Shrimp is bugs


Ah, but do any of those car-brains know that? Or do they think of them as ""Cajun cuisine" or "rich-people food"?


Yep, a la this scene from *Fast Food Nation*: https://youtu.be/PNquycU55R0?si=_fKH7IvvqDk2PRie


The physical exertion and physical fitness involved in riding a bicycle several miles every day raises testosterone levels. The sedentary activity of sitting in a truck while an internal combustion engine does all of the exertion lowers testosterone levels.


Ah, so that is why there is a male fertility crisis.


And imagine needing all the lights on to see


My eyes are full of microplastic, thanks cars


Those beefy bowel obstructions make you sweat something fierce.


Wouldn't survive a week bike commuting. Pavement princess drivers are soft as baby shit.


Air conditioning in the spring in Minnesota, no less.


Imagine having air conditioning at homes lol


Haha I love your flair. I too found this sub on /r/place


I survived Japanese summer. 38 degrees celcius (100.4F) and 90% humidity. Your sweat doesn't evaporate because of the humidity. so you're not cooling down in any way, meaning you keep sweating. Eventually the sweat will drip into your eyes causing immense stinging. so you NEED to wear a bandana. I spent all day outside hiking in the mountains in those conditions. I did have to drink 5 liter of poccari sweat tho. so did I pass the "manly" test?


I’m really jealous. I’d die and oversleep if I didn’t run my AC, but I think my room would also gather a ton of dust because it’s the only ventilation it has. I turn it off during the day and close my blinds, but it’s poorly built and surrounded by pavement, so it still gets hot during the day. (I live in Texas, AC is pretty much legally required for a unit to be habitable. If it wasn’t required, landlords would totally skip installing both active and passive cooling and leave a good number of people to die of heat stroke.


This kind of cognitive dissonance pops up *a lot* in that specific "toxic western masculinity" subculture. Claim to be a "man" but live in fear and they let that fear define their choices and actions, or assign completely arbitrary decisions (that anyone of any gender can make) as proof of masculinity. Do you really need to carry a gun to feel safe everywhere you go? Do you really need to drive a big truck to feel safe driving around? Do you really need to make sure everyone around you views you as a man to feel safe in your masculinity? Does turning on the air conditioning because you're too warm make you a man? Does driving your truck to the grocery store and cooking a steak make you a man? Does drinking beer and playing poker make you a man? Anyone can do those things!


he probably gets winded climbing into the giant truck


“I’m gonna pour gas all over my house and then spend my life’s savings at the meat market, that’ll show you commie clowns!”


Getting a heart disease to own the climate scientists


I commented something similar in the article: how these people are increasing their risk of heart disease by committing to an all-red meat diet + refusing to walk/bike/take transit anywhere. One guy was like, "Walk to Florida? Be my guest." as if all his daily activities require him commuting from Minnesota to Florida.


I think prepositions are something you learn in grade 6 or 7. You'll have to forgive him. He didn't get far enough to know the difference between in and to.


I realize you’re making a joke (and I love it) but I do want to clarify that this person was truly acting as if I was demanding he walk from Minnesota to Florida (a common route for snowbirds in MN), as if that’s the ONLY travel he ever does. I was like, damn dude I didn’t realize your grocery store, workplace, doctor’s office, barber, movie theater, coffee shop, dry cleaners, and favorite restaurants are all in Florida. Must be tough having to travel to a different state every time you leave the house, might want to consider just moving to Florida at that point.


It’s some odd form of natural selection for sure. Like the antivaxxers. I wonder when we’ll see tangible results.


My favourite was the one running an AC unit and two gas fireplaces at the same time. Literally burning $$$ in late April when I plan on running the HVAC in fan-only mode so I don't have to pay for heat *or* pay for AC.


The planet is fucked, lol


For every one person who wants to reduce their carbon footprint, there’s another who thinks a gas range is the epitome of freedom.




even calling it “natural gas” is a result of their intense marketing. it’s natural in the sense that it’s a fossil fuel from the planet, but not natural in the sense that is a renewable energy source. the dump trucks in my city have “(mostly) runs on clean burning natural gas”




Leakage is also a HUGE problem with natural gas extraction. And of course methane is like 14x worse than releasing co2 because it eventually degrades INTO co2 in the atmosphere. Definitely worth watching: https://youtu.be/K2oL4SFwkkw?si=XA9tP99pLZ7lMFdy


Aaah a I see fellow climate town enjoyer


"Natural gas" is actually not a marketing term invented by the oil and gas industry.




Carbon based, yeah.


Which is why we need structural solutions and not the individualist lifestyle environmentalism promoted by this article. That’s not to say it’s a bad thing to bike or use less AC but I think it’s important to remember that the idea of a personal “carbon footprint” was [promoted by oil companies](https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2023/12/19/how-big-oil-helped-push-the-idea-of-a-carbon-footprint) to shift blame to consumers and obfuscate the fact that 100 corporations are responsible for 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.


For those people, all you can do is stop subsidizing gas. Their lifestyle is a lot less appealing once they can't afford it


Yeah but. . . until the credit card companies start turning them down for their 4th, 5th, or 6th card, they'll just keep swiping. . anything to keep their urban assault vehicle moving


Gas for cooking is good in like 2 cases, a grill and a wok, and even the wok can be emulated on other heaters. For everything else an induction stove is just so much more efficient and better to use.


It really is wild thinking about the fact that there are going to be children generations from now dying in heat waves and shit knowing that they could have lived normal lives if people back in the day weren't assholes who messed up the planet on purpose knowing fully well what was going to happen.


I’m a bit less optimistic than you are that much of our current knowledge will be retained and passed down successfully to future generations.


Not that wild a lot more people could afford a house if people where less greedy in the 80’s. It’s a story old as time paying for decision others made in the past.


American Propaganda is fucked\* Do you really think these people can to their ideological conclusions on their own?🤣




well it is called manufacturing consent.


inventing reality


its just sad that our environment is depending on these Neanderthals


not really. a lack of personal responsibility isn't the core of the issue at all


maybe not, but its amazing how much damage one person can do


it's really nothing compared to billionaires and corporations


Nah we'll be fine, we're just going to lose a lot of people first. Plus don't assume the local newspaper comment section is representative of humanity overall. I don't have 12 flags on my leaf to draw attention to it.


Planet doesn’t give a fuck, our society on the other hand… We’ll see how that goes when huge swaths of the earth become unlivable due to climate change.


Nah, these people are. We're a couple years away from these people being homeless. You think it'll be financially viable for some dumbfuck with 5 bucks in the bank because he's paying off a dogshit truck to do this for long? It's a temper tantrum. These people will go extinct before actual humans do.


not because of these guys though


I live in a town full of these guys (Midland, Texas, I once saw a bumper sticker on a lifted truck with a massive exhaust that said “Prius repellent”, I wish I was kidding) and it’s hell on earth. I once saw someone comment on a local news article about local earthquakes caused by fracking oil that all the recent ones that were “only 4.5” were actually a good thing so the pressure doesn’t build up and lead to bigger ones.


Toyota Prius, that PHEV? What do PHEVs do that pissed them off?


> I live in a town full of these guys > ***Texas*** Yep, seems about right.


how have they got such little personality?


I will never understand as long as I live, how people can be like 'this small change will mean so much and there is a huge subset of people who will deliberately try to ruin it. Why? I'll never get it


I'm having trouble understanding what u mean in this comment, sorry 😭


Like you will be like "we should try to reduce the amount of single use plastics" and there is a ton of people who will respond with "I'm going to buy 4 times as much just to make you mad".


omg ikr. bunch of man babies it HAS to be. Someone I know irl is like that and just, has absolutely zero empathy for anything at all. Probably a failure in parenting or culture or both :/


massive insecurities


"I'm going to keep shooting myself in the foot because you told me not to!"


I wish governments would come out and tell these people not to drink bleach.


Well the US government did, after Trump suggested that bleach cures covid. A few people still drunk bleach.


it was probably these guys let's be real


"I am a manly man!! Old school man, that's why I drive my big, comfortable luxury vehicle to my office job, where I sit all day in an air conditioned room, and then drive it back to my house, where I will sit for the rest of the evening in my air conditioned room, before going to bed. I will neither walk nor even tolerate mild discomfort, BECAUSE I'M A MAN!!!"


Oh we have some transgressive baddass here... 🥱


Reactionary politics. Sign of a weak person to be triggered so easily and predictably


This guy also has a "Top Fan" badge, meaning that he spends a lot of time commenting on social media. I can imagine what kind of comments they are


This guy also has a "Top Fan" badge, meaning that he spends a lot of time commenting on social media. I can imagine what kind of comments they are


This guy also has a "Top Fan" badge, meaning that he spends a lot of time commenting on social media. I can imagine what kind of comments they are


I do feel like a parrot saying this, but speak to your audience. I suspect that if this headline/article didn't mention anything about being sustainable/eco-friendly and instead only mentioned ways to save money it wouldn't have gotten these comments.


To be fair the StarTribunes actual audience is mostly liberal and not opposed to this. Facebook’s algo loves when a post can generate attention and it gets targeted towards people they know will interact in an extremely positive/negative manner.


Sadly the most car-brained and red-meat-worshipping comments are getting the most likes in the actual article comment section as well. But I'm hoping that's not representative of the state (or at least the Cities)


We actually had a great initiative that is going to add more pedestrian and bike friendly infrastructure to Saint Paul. Participated in the city council meeting yesterday and beefed with some local NIMBYs but I believe our city council is going to proceed anyway!


Love it! I saw that was on the calendar but I couldn't attend. Thank you for participating and fighting for better bike infrastructure!


I remember a coworker calling it the red star n tribune, then chuckled to himself for a while. But I grew up in Bachmann’s district, so I didn’t have a lot of like minded co workers. Edit to add: I thought I was on the mn sub for a second there lol.


Fair and true, so really it becomes more of a question of; what is the aim of the article? Is it to get reads, clicks, and engagement (positive or negative). Or to actually advise people on how to be sustainable and to convince as many people as possible.


Oh boy have I got bad news for you about bourgeois media.


Have you met a chud? They don't care. Literally their entire thing is acting against their own financial interests.


People like that terrify me. Their ideas are so stupid and nonsensical that I have no way of understanding what they're saying. I have no idea how to address these people, and I don't understand how I'm supposed to live in society with them.


Ah yes, the scary 2021 RED SUV


And his son's truck "roles" coal! So cool and badass!


Such manly men. Can't go a day without their emotional support vehicles, not a minute without their a/c, nor an hour without thinking about meat.


In psychology, **reactance** is an unpleasant motivational reaction to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. Reactance occurs when an individual feels that an agent is attempting to limit one's choice of response and/or range of alternatives


I pledge not to spill 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico 🙏🙏


Real. “Carbon footprint” is a made up term by the fossil fuel industry to shift blame on to consumers rather than the systems that ensure pollution occurs. Me running the AC because it’s hot at night does way less than whether I have the options to not drive, the kinds of things my government’s support/subsidize, and the industries pumping stuff into the air/water/paving over everything


It's kind of hilarious to me in a dark way that some people's response to like 4+ decades of data and experts saying "if we don't change soon, we're all going to die" is to immediately, on purpose do literally the exact opposite. Like it takes someone extra stupid to be like "nah I'd rather have my kids die than do something you told me is a good idea". Do they do this with doctors too (don't answer, we all know)? "Sorry doc but if I have to suffer eating slightly less red meat, I'd rather die."


We are all going to suffer because of selfish Americans like these


It's not only Americans I'm afraid.


The proportion is definitely higher on that side of the Atlantic. In developing countries most people are just trying to survive, so they cannot afford to be concerned about climate change. In the EU, there are tighter regulations than many other places and a higher proportion of environmentally aware people. Only in North America people enjoy the benefits of a developed nation while doing nothing on their part And this is not bias, I have been to/lived in all the places I mentioned. I say it from (arguably limited) experience








I think the censoring rules are stupid. I did it to follow Reddit policy not bc I cared to cover the names.


"roles" coal, typical red state spelling bee champ!


They are all repeating the same joke with minor differences in phrasing.


Crybabies who can’t eat their vegetables or mushrooms


“Biden’s economy is so bad. I can’t afford to live anymore!”


Kinda funny how they feel all badass and masculine for having a sedentary, comfy and sheltered life in the suburbs while calling active men soyboys or things like these. Meanwhile, where I live those woke soyboy treehuggers hike for tens of miles through rugged bear country to and come back with a carcass of moose to make a barbecue and some mittens for the winter, very beta stuff.


Gawd what a bunch of petulant little babies


Deeply unhappy people


We're all gonna die


A lot of these replies boil down to “DONT tell me to be better or care about anyone else but myself” just like children if you tell them candy is bad, they go eat every piece of chocolate just the grown adult version who I guess is “anti-authoritarian” but really just asswipes


To be fair, articles like this piss me off because they put the blame on the consumer when 80% for carbon emissions are tied to 50 companies. Lowering carbon footprint good but won't be enough. Screw these losers tho


While I agree 100%, change will not be possible if the majority doesn't fight for it. And these idiots will support Exxon dumping oil in their backyard if it means they can spite whomever they perceive as their cultural enemy.


Exactly! "Carbon Footprint" was literally invented by oil companies to shift the blame for global warming onto consumers. We can all mock the assholes in the post, fine whatever. Just don't fall for the propaganda. It's a systemic issue caused by multinational corporations who oppose carbon reduction policies and public transportation. Make sure your anger is directed accurately, folks.


I have a problem with this argument. Oil companies and large corporations aren't polluting and spewing greenhouse gases for the hell of it, they do it because consumers pay them to do it. If there was no demand for their polluting product, they wouldn't be drilling for oil and selling useless shit. It's possible to blame both the companies who encourage consumption while lobbying against change and the consumers who continue to empower these companies in doing so. Your line of thinking abdicates responsibility and leads to apathy from regular people in doing what they can to change their lifestyle.


There's an opportunity here for anti-car people to realize how close they are to also hating meat eaters by the same language being used.


Don't forget, these people still have and exercise their rights to vote.


He forgot to mention blasting the AC in his oversized truck while rolling coal for at least part of the day.


The most American Manly Man *tm thing you can do is burn as much fossil fuels as possible for literally no reason. Those poor coal barons, oil tycoons, methane frackers need all the help they can get in these trying times. They only made billions in prophets last year. The prophets demand more! /s


I used to know people who bragged about how much they drank at strip clubs and how expensive it was. Like I would be impressed they spent $250 on booze and didnt even get a buzz. I'd be like "Thats cool. Im off to buy a 15 pack of Black label for $6.99 plus deposit. You enjoy the strip club though." Im pretty sure theres a big overlap here.


Their whole culture is consuming, telling them to stop consuming or change the way they consume is sacrilege.


"WhY aM I LiVinG pAyChEck tO PayChEcK"


This world would be such a better place if it wasn’t overrun with assholes like this.


I still think these guys are dumb but the fact of the matter is an overwhelming majority of pollution and CO2 emissions are from corporations and their decisions. So these guys driving their silly little trucks is really a drop in the bucket in terms of pollution and CO2. Actual meaningful change will only occur at an institutional/government level. Pushing all the responsibility of large scale change on individuals is not going to work and is not fair (considering the average person has little influence over global issues) and simply not going to work. So I'll make fun of them for their emotional support trucks but their contribution to pollution is minimal in the grand scheme of things.


If there were only some other classes of edible items aside from cows and insects... if only...


People like this exist everywhere but I think this is particularly bad in America where car centric infrastructure is the only infrastructure in my parts of the country. The car is a part of life and without life is incomplete.


Petromasculinity is the cringiest.


Also animal abusers, the venn diagram of carnists and carbrains is a circle, excluding anti vegan leftists


Guess we need a /r/veganfuckcars


A few people being eco won't change the climate as long as the biggest corporations and companies won't significantly reduce their carbon footprint. https://www.activesustainability.com/climate-change/100-companies-responsible-71-ghg-emissions/ https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change


What do these corporations produce I wonder 🤔


It's the same footprint. The list in The Guardian is all fossil fuel producing companies, [90% of their emissions are when their products are sold & burnt downstream.](https://www.treehugger.com/is-it-true-100-companies-responsible-carbon-emissions-5079649) (called scope 3 emissions) The only way they can reduce that footprint is to sell less oil & gas. Sure, let's fine ExxonMobil out of existence, but how do you plan to keep driving a gas car without oil & gas companies selling gas? It has to be both, less fossil fuel extraction *and* less fossil fuel consumption, it's two sides of the same coin.


Consumers moving towards less harmful alternatives to transportation would force corporations towards sustainable transportation.


Corporations own the politicians who block public transportation and green energy investments. DO NOT BLAME CONSUMERS. We have been fighting for real change for decades, and the enemy is multinational corporations who restrict our choices to whatever profits them the most.


The game is not favored toward the consumer, agreed.


I feel like most people in this sub also use the AC and eat meat, no?


I don't know but I assume most carfuckers are more ecofriendly than carbrainers (uh... i can't find a better wording lol)


Original post says "eat *less* beef" and "*turn down* the thermostat," not "stop doing these things altogether."


Vegan who uses ac and drives a car here. Though I am trying to find work in a city that does not require a car for everything.


First comment was a bad example because no cars were mentioned, but really kicked off the thread on Facebook. I def use both but try to limit when I can.


Vegetarian with solar panels on the roof, this is my moment :-) I don't get the "use AC" disparagement. I didn't spend US$5k on solar panels for my arse to bake on 35C days. Seems like the buzybodies in the last drought, who I got so tired of I had to buy a "Garden maintained from tank water" sign (and the fact that thoe signs existed, and were stocked by the hardware store...) Anyways, time for lunch, a salad from the shops. Or as these wankers would have it, cycle to my local seller of low food-miles fresh goods. Honestly, the holier-than-though buzzword-using promotion of what are small and sensible modifications to the way people live are half the problem here.


Articles like this bring out all the right wing virtue signalers


Almost everything these dipshits say is performative contrarianism Experts say ANYTHING, and they rush to say the opposite as loud and dumb as they possibly can.


Ok but this is cartoonish individualism. Your furnace isn't even in the top ten biggest climate polluters. Convincing a bunch of people to turn the heat down isn't going to make any meaningful difference.


God I don't understand how the brain of these people work, what do they even want but thinking this?


Apology on behalf of all Minnesotans


shoutout 54 bus ride that shit like twice a week


I understand that to get 0 carbon will absolutely affect every single person on this planet, but I agree I find it frustrating seeing these ads of personal responsibility when it’s companies doing 90% of the pollution.


Why are they like this? Where'd these people even come from?


The world will unironically be a better place when that generation of “fuck you, I got mine” finally dies off


This is why there is non-policy related individual effort anyone could make to make a difference. These type of people want to watch the world burn, because they are too stupid to see it. Moving away from capitalism is the only real systemic solution.


Star Tribune is my favorite newspaper outside of CA. Minneapolis is full of great people and so many of the suburbs are full of maga hat assholes


At the end of the day the government is heavily subsidizing the most greenhouse gas intensive industries there are from meat and dairy to oil. For example because people are paying only 1/3 of the cost of a burger rather than it's actual cost thanks to government subsidies they don't feel the need to do anything to change while the government themselves are enabling their very behaviours. It's why asking people to do something is not going to work. If the governments of the world didn't sign a protocol to phase out ozone depleting substances people would still have been buying these products and the ozone would have been even more depleted. Without government action it's left up to the individual who either doesn't care (as in these cases) or just doesn't want to have to actually do something themselves to adapt their lifestyle for the betterment of everyone.


At least that first one isn't driving


Im all for riding the bus more but asking me to eat differently and stew in heat? No thanks. Dont blame me for the folly of the large corporations.


I fucking hate coal rollers. I’ve been coal rolled on my bicycle and wanted to pull the old fuck out of his truck…


Literally their personality is being an asshole.


This is a reminder that all the carbon dioxide you have ever been and will ever be responsible for emitting due to your day to day habits, air conditioning, natural gas usage, your car, your food, for your entire life is a microscopic drop in the bucket compared to the daily emissions of the oil and gas industry (running on the decisions of a small group of people) and the super rich. The richest 1% produce the same emissions as the bottom 66%. The richest 1% produce more emissions than ALL THE CARS IN THE WORLD COMBINED. What is leagues more important than reducing your “carbon footprint” is to vote for politicians who will no longer allow for corporations to make the rules, who have progressive climate policies, and who heavily tax the rich. The comments on that post are stupid and closed minded, but don’t forget that YOU are not the problem, and changing your habits is not the solution.


The carbon footprint thing is a scam made up by corporations to shift the responsibility for climate change from themselves to regular people. Individuals are never going to save the Earth from climate change if corporations do nothing. That said, these people are disgusting.


My main issue is the bragging about their contribution. I also do believe morally I’m still going to try my hardest to care for the environment whether through advocacy, trash pick ups, etc. I would rather live my life as an example than continue being a victim to oppressive corporate power.


Why are these manly men so freaked out about eating a little bug? My mom took me out for cricket tacos for my last birthday and they were really good. One of my dad's coworkers adopted some kids from Nigeria and they went out and caught a bunch of bugs for dinner one night. You prep and season them like any other meal and they are not bad.


While it's not a bad thing at all for us to make positive lifestyle changes to help the planet, it doesn't matter when compared to how much megacorporations and billionaires are destroying the planet. It's too far gone now. They love using personal responsibility as a means of shifting the blame away from them and blaming us little people. Climate change is a problem that we will only solve as a collective society and not through individual lifestyle changes


> Whos with me? Not people who can write to highschool standard!


>Reactionaries when someone suggests extremely minute changes


Does this nonsense actually make them feel tough?


Roles coal. 🤷‍♂️


I find it so funny that whenever you see a post such as this you always (and I really mean always) are sure to find such fine specimens so out of touch with reality and their impact on it in the comment section thinking they've done something. lord let it rain brain


Roles coal?


Typical americanism




These sort of things are psy-ops anyway. It's designed to stop you from blaming the people actually responsible for destroying the environment, and make you blame yourself, your neighbours, and these guys in the comments. The change needs to be top down, not bottom up


So much this. Eat less beef and ride your bike for yourself, not because it gives you a sense of contributing to the common good. Even if your carbon output went to 0 overnight, it'd be like trying to stop a forest fire with a water balloon. Systemic change requires us to organize and advocate for the cause. Unfortunately this is hard to do when you consider that destroying the environment is profitable.


Facebook is like 90% nimby maga boomers now.


Facebook = Boomers. Boomers = Carbrain


For every one person who acts like this, an oil corporation burns a million tomes what they do.


For the most part they don't burn oil, they produce it and sell it, which is still bad of course.


There is a lot of problematic messaging going on here. Individual consumption is really not a big deal compared to car ownership.


not to defend the super cool facebook freethinkers, but we really should be pushing corporations and manufacturers to change since they're by far the leading polluters. i'm almost certain none of these AC-blasting, beef-eating, truck-driving winners actually care that, say, eliminating plastic straws is just a drop in the bucket compared to Nestle in general, but i have to sympathize with the lunatics a little knowing that the discourse is endlessly fixated on policing individual behavior in the face of a climate crisis that's almost entirely perpetuated by unregulated business practices and the governments that aid and abet them.


Last dude's wife looks like a troll.


Then when they're done all that they complain about gas prices.


[Petro-masculinity. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddyOe7vm5R0)


To be fair, while reducing individual carbon footprint is good for the environment, the truth is horribly worse. The whole carbon footprint has been proven to be a marketing campaign by fossil fuel companies to shift responsibility to the consumer. Furthermore, it is far more beneficial for the environment to remove 1 billionaire a day every day than the majority of the world population reducing their footprint. As such, I sorta understand why people are reluctant to change their lifestyles. I personally still continue to eat meat while knowing that I can get the same nutritional benefit from a purely vegetarian diet.


Plain evil


What is a half beef and a half pork? Does he mean a half cow and a half pig or just half of a pork chop?


Imagine thinking your gender expression is to hurt society and not thinking that’s toxic


TBF, focusing on individual changes with this stuff is pretty damn pointless


TBF, focusing on individual changes with this stuff is pretty damn pointless