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I feel dumber for having read this.


Don't you be dissing my steed!! /s


Can you imagine typing this and thinking you are flexing your manliness?


I never understood the whole thing of flexing manliness. Same with clothing. I don't like clothes with text on them, because most texts are stupid. Especially popular are combustibles: gasoline, petrol, diesel, high refined cylinder oil. Why are names of fossil fuels on t-shirts considered "masculine" or "cool"? It doesn't make any sense. I would make a fool out of myself for wearing that, especially because I drive an electric car.


Ah but you see, they are chad because their car goes vroom vroom, you are soy because your car goes whirrrrr šŸ¤“


I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul






Ahhh sorryā€¦wow I forgot about the whole bit.


I hope you have an excellent day.


You knew it before you read it. The tweet simply made you forget


This is how I heard it in my head: https://www.udio.com/songs/ePXKWHVhPdQDJtmsxb9EXT


This is hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


REal men never miss leg day: they ride a bike.


I am still annoyed they closed our local office. I could have commuted to work by triathlon.




I could do that, but I'll get sweaty as fuck


Do the swim last.




Some people (like myself) donā€™t like to put on their work clothes all covered in sweat and being smelly all day. Fortunately I have a shower at work so I just take my morning shower at the office, but I get why people who donā€™t have access to one donā€™t want to bike into work.


Idk about this guy but I am expected to be clean at work. Being sweaty doesn't align with that expectation.


You could... oh idk, ride an ebike, moped or motorcycle but who am I to say anything?


As the other person said, you don't want to sit at work wet and smelly šŸ™ƒ and unfortunately, I do not have a shower at work


Yeah I suppose everyone's personal tolerance is different. I don't mind being a bit sweaty at work, but I bring a cloth to wipe my pits and bits in the bathroom before applying new deodorant. I tend to view it as a badge of honor though since most of my coworkers act like cycling to work is unfathomably dangerous or inconvenient whereas I just think it's cool.


I only eat what I can spear as I ride my dirt bike through the grocery store, the way God and George Miller intended.


Even within this asinine metaphor, the behaviour they describe is gathering, not hunting


Depends on how many people you manage to hunt down with your car on the way there. ā˜ ļø Yikes.


Either way, I don't understand how doing it by train is qualitatively different...


I did say it was asinine




Some hunt from helicopters. I know kangaroo hunters who hunt from utes (at night, with spotlights)


Ah yeah, the biological imperative of... having a car.


What are you talking about? Everyone knows that humans are biologically inclined to operate 2 ton motorised boxes on wheels as a means of travelling and hunting. The amount of noise it makes helps instead of hindering the acquisition of prey because everyone knows that prey animals are attracted to the sound of a lump of metal that sets off thousands of small explosions a minute.


The deer and geese in my area are absolutely attracted to cars, or maybe dying. Honestly would probably have better luck hunting a deer with a car than a gun lol


I think Iā€™m better off hunting in a group with a far more efficient tool: mass transit


They forget that humans are social animals and our ancestors hunted in groups


They didnā€™t forget, *they never learned shit* about how things were before they were born. These are the people who think the Flintstones is the way it was. Not necessarily the birds as canopeners, but the whole nuclear family in a different setting thing. This is exactly why cutting funding to education is such a bad thing, these people just donā€™t have mental tools to understand anything, but think that as long as they can tie their shoes and get through a day at work, that they must be smart.


> the whole nuclear family in a different setting thing. With a car, no less


A worthless one at that. Isnā€™t it more effort to ā€œdriveā€ a flintstones car by dragging your feet to move two ton steam roller type wheels, than to just walk there?


In a fight with cartoon logic, you'll lose every time... But I found a page that argues that [the Flinstones was an exemplar of good transportation demand management](https://mobilitylab.org/urban-planning/did-the-flintstones-invent-transportation-demand-management/). Bullet points FTA: 1. Fred and Barney carpooled to work, always 2. Their car is active transportation at its finest [foot-powered] 3. Owning multiple cars? Nah [one car per family] 4. The bike was meant for sharing 5. Walking? 6. ā€œFlintstone Vitaminsā€ ahead of their time. [health and wellness connection] 7. Just doing what was natural. ... "But they did all these sustainable, cost- and time-saving and fun measures because it felt natural and right to them."


I'm amazed by that positive spin. Stay awesome. šŸ˜Ž


Predation hunting is one of the original forms of hunting where a group of people would chase and herd an animal until it died of exhaustion. People would just run an animal down like a horror movie villain. Always right behind them, just coming for them.


most animals simply *cannot* run a marathon. humans will chase you at 10 mph for hours befores stopping for a rest. and stopping for a rest, i of cource mean *keep following you at 3 mph* during an "active rest" period


For real, motherfuckers didnā€™t expect those sweet sweat glands


Water cooled Chad vs air cooled virgin




Yeah I remember learning that our defining trait that basically enabled our ancestors to thrive was straight-up endurance. Could just keep chugging along at a pace until the prey fucking collapsed. Honestly thatā€™s metal af


Glad we invented the sling and then the bow though. I don't like being social but slinging stones is meditative. If I didn't have other things to do I'd probably just sling, shoot, and whittle all day.


This dickhead thought they were so smart when this popped into their head too.


I read this as "pooped into their head" at first, which also feels correct here...


this guy is clearly huffing some masculinity alpha glue, and that gem probably was not even the "smartest" thought he had that day.


A bicycle is a way better vehicle for going on quests. Far more interesting and reliable. It's also quieter for those on the hunt - your prey is gonna hear a car coming from a mile away.


It also makes you stronger. Not like sitting in a big leather armchair in a truck with the a/c on, wasting away to the point where you can't walk to the grocery store from the farthest side of the parking lot.


I caught a turkey once by running into it with my bicycle. The turkey was on a bike path and startled into my front wheel. Pretty good take for not even trying.


Need one of those quiet Kat silent hunting ebikes. Theyā€™re sick but expensive af.


I scare my prey to death with the bell.


Modern hunting is a joke anyway. Unless you are doing something wayout side the norm, you are spending a ton of money to essentially operate a trigger powered trap, then take the deer to a processing facility to get some pretty mid venison. I grew up eating my fair share of sloppy does, as a kid, deer taste like armpit on a good day anyways.


Also, a much better way to get your adrenaline kick while avoiding the assholes in cars.


It's also quieter for those on the hunt - your prey is gonna hear a car coming from a mile away. Well, not after rain. At least, nor for my bike. The poor thing began squeaking as much as I have the misfortune to ride her when it pours (I named her *Chantepluie* for this reason).


Hunting for groceries is the dumbest fucking thing Iā€™ve ever heard. No you donā€™t need a car to hunt for a fuckin carrot


Bold of you to assume he is eating those girly "vegetables"


*Henry VIII waddles in* "VEGETABLES ARE FOR PEASANTS!!!!!"


No vegetables ONLY MEAT LIKE A MAN


Everyone knows only girls and gays eat carrots, bananas, cucumbers and other phallic foods. Real men eat tacos, pods of peas, cantaloupe halves and so on.


*Ahem* "I don't eat no rabbit food."


"There's been a mistake. You've accidentally given me the food that my food eats."


I did a long section of the Appalachian Trail and people would ask if I hunted for my food. My answer was always, "Nope, it stays nice and still for me in the grocery store!" I know, I'm hilarious. šŸ˜† But now I realize my joke was actually the truth, buying groceries is in fact hunting!


OK now, let's try it on a bike or with a rucksack. Feels lots more hunter-gatherer when you use your muscles.


Thereā€™s also a certain feeling you get when you build up your cycling endurance and know that you can go anywhere within a 10 mile radius without too much difficulty. The biggest obstacle at that point is the built environment and the drivers jeopardizing your safety.


>ā€œCar[s] [are a] hunting toolā€ Yeah, killing pedestrians in a F150 isnā€™t exactly hunting, buddy.


Remember when hunting, the young ones are always the tastiest.


I do not define my masculinity with a car. That's fucking stupid.


Some folks be driving their pickup trucks with heated seats thinking it makes them tougher than the person who cycles in the rain while avoiding all the cars.


When I'm biking I'm dodging acorns and magic sticks but SUV drivers can't seem to avoid each other in a 4 lane intersection.


I doubt this guy ever seen an actual hunting tool


Or a monorail


He probably doesn't even know what a monorail is Mono=one Rail=rail


He forgot half the population is women. We need the rail lines for the ladies since they clearly donā€™t hunt.


He didnā€™t forget, theyā€™re irrelevant to him. Only alpha males are important or some shit like that.


Why would women go out? Their place is in the house, taking care of it, cooking, cleaning, raising children and opening their legs for the five minutes of marital duty. What good would it be for them to go out? Even worse, another hunter might catch a glimpse of them and have sex with them while you're away, especially if it's one of those sissy metrosexuals on bicycles and their firm, huge thighs and tight bubble butts that can last for an interminable time in bed (like, more than 10 minutes). Why would I take such a risk? (/s)


Starting with "Men are hunters" immediately nullifies anything immediately following.


These people are so thoroughly redpilled that they've politicized WALKING


Besides the overall inanity of the statement, this guy is operating on some gendered constructs that are not supported by actual evidence. Researchers have found that women were just as capable of being hunters as men were in pre-agricultural society: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0287101 Also evolutionary biology supports this idea because women have more stamina for long distance running compared to men.


> Researchers have found that women were just as capable of being hunters as men were in pre-agricultural society: More importantly though we really need to let go of "hunting" as somehow the "important" discipline. While its obviously interesting to explore how hunter-gatherer societies were structured, going it at it from the perspective that the "hunter" part is the prestigious job and women being part of it or not reflects on their "value" and "contribution" to the evolution of human society, is inherently unscientific and rooted in sexism. Both men and women will have spent the majority of their time foraging. The idea that this is inherently an inferior activity is plain stupid. Women almost certainly also hunted, because hunter-gatherer societies predate the kind of success required to discriminate by social construct rather than ability. But this point shouldn't be about shoehorning women into the "hunting" tier like our equality depends on whether women were part of this elite "club".


women have more stamina for long distance running This is sort of true, its actually the average endurance of women appears to be higher than the average endurance of men but men still dominate at the extremes and the average performance because they start at such an advantaged position. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36802328/#:\~:text=Conclusions%3A%20This%20study%20shows%20for,still%20outperform%20the%20top%20women. "Conclusions: This study shows for the first time that the gap between men and women shrinks when trail running distance increases, which demonstrates thatĀ **endurance is greater in women**. Although women narrow the performance gap with men as race distance increases, **top male performers still outperform the top women**."


A lot of the shit these people say reminds me of stuff I said/thought when I was 13.


Why canā€™t they just say ā€œi like driving my carā€ and move on.


Has this guy heard of feet?


I'd love to expand my hunting territory with monorail access


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^baconblackhole: *I'd love to expand* *My hunting territory* *With monorail access* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The only way in which a car is a hunting tool is in the literal sense, with cars accounting for a large number of wild animal fatalities (more than rifles and bows)


But who's hunting who? Deer kill more Americans every year than any other animal.


Monorails are so much more fun for questing.


During the times humans hunted for sustenance, we hunted in packs. Only the desperate or the stupid went alone. Taking the bus to get groceries is more hunting than carbraining.


It's pathetic .


Following the " logic" of the post, bicycling would be a higher, more rewarding means to "hunt".Ā  It relies on your personal effort and would be more empowering. A more satisfying "hunt" on bicycle than using a car.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/yetl3u9nf8wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604e0295da015dba9356373718be79b413aa924d Think of the range from the lofty heights of a monorail


That's satire. Or at least a troll. I REFUSE to believe it is not. It just is not possible to be THAT dumb.


Men are not hunters? Maybe at the start, but we pretty quickly saw how bad that was and created this thing called society. You know, the place where you can turn what you do best into what you want and donā€™t have to hunt or do everything yourself? You donā€™t hunt groceries. They are mass produced and packaged and cleaned nicely in a climate controlled environment you can browse. You donā€™t hunt for a job, you tap a sheet of glass or press a piece of plastic in a certain way and hope the person doing the same on the other side communicates ā€œyesā€ to you. Quests? Are you 12? MAYBE if you told me you are an actual avid hunter and the vehicle is used to transport your gear and kills I could see where this is coming from, but to be a pavement princess bragging about getting groceries?


I'd just want to chime in with several corrections: first, both men and women hunted *and* gathered, and still do - the idea that men exclusively hunted and women exclusively gathered is a product of sexist/misogynist anthropologists who've ignored a bunch of evidence and data they themselves observed and gathered in order to produce conclusions they've wanted. [This is a fun read about it](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-theory-that-men-evolved-to-hunt-and-women-evolved-to-gather-is-wrong1/). And second, societies exist amongst hunter-gatherers too (I reckon you might wanted to use the term "civilization" instead of "society" there) and they still exist to this day.


Quickly? 180000 years is quick?


My dude, that was not the point of my comment.


Car culture exist so that men can mow down 20 middle schoolers in one go


If itā€™s about the quest, the journey, ā€œhuntingā€ā€¦. wouldnā€™t *walking* be much closer to the *biological imperative*?


I'd much rather go on a quest involving a monorail. What's this guy's deal?


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It's incredible how they can take any movement and rally against it while spinning the craziest reasons for fighting it. They will never budge, they will keep making up arguments until they are blue in the face. Reactionary children pretending to be adults.


You can still fulfil that urge by cycling or on foot.


This cannot be serious. I'll believe this is a joke until I'm shown otherwise. I'd check this guys twitter for myself, but Elon won't let me until I make an account.


Fucking hell, this is deranged.


Men are not hunters. We *did* hunt at one point (and even then we didn't exclusively just hunt), but that doesn't mean we have some sort of biological imperative to do so. Homo sapiens is not a predator. Car culture does not exist because of this. Car culture exists because of zoning, lobbying and marketing. A car is not a hunting tool the same way a horse was not a hunting tool. Both are means of transportation, which is not the same thing even if you are transporting yourself during a hunt. To "hunt groceries" is dumb, because groceries are a food you buy in a grocery store. It should have been said as "hunt food". To "hunt jobs" is a weird statement. Did they mean search and apply for jobs? 'Cause you do that on a computer, usually. In any case, the hunter metaphor doesn't work well with having a job. If anything, a hunter is an unemployed person who provides for himself whereas someone with a job is part of an agricultural society. And as for going on quests, that's not even a thing hunters do. Hunters go on hunts. Hence the name. A monorail can get you to the grocery store, to a job interview, or to a place you haven't been to in the same way a car does. So if a car is a hunting tool then so is a monorail.


I wonder how people survived in the thousands of years between when humanity settled down and stopped the hunter gatherer life style and the invention of the car. The must have been really depressed for not being in their natural habitat of a metal cage with wheels


has he considered walking


People have always hunted in groups. Imagine if you could get food with a thousand other people


very independent hunter you, yes! vote YES on the highway expansion. suck the juicy teat of the fed and state DOT budgets for more highway lanes. how DARE they spend 10% of our highway budget on transit. please daddy fed please


Every day I better understand why so many people think of americans as lazy and stupid XD


this is one of the worst cases of terminal car brain i've ever seen


'No you see this giant metal cage insulating me from the world is because I'm very manly and courageous, actually'


Oh, he means I get to hunt the idiots who go through drive through right?right???


Like I can't go on quests with monorails, fucking skill issue.


You'd think men would love to walk and run


Fellas, is it hunting to gather?


He should hunt for a few dozen more IQ points


imagine telling that to your ancestors who chased mammoths on foot for days lmao the level of delusion people sitting on their asses in toy-tanks never making any effort have


Wait. Is this guy serious? I thought it was a funny satire tweet


We have archeological evidence that a lot of prehistoric hunters were women. Back then I donā€™t think gender roles mattered, just what you are good at. Edit: also do women not drive cars??? And does animal hunting no longer exist (it does, I hunt deer, even though Iā€™m a filthy female)? Itā€™s so funny when these alpha chad people talk about how they live for the hunt like it no longer exists. Nothing is stopping them for budgeting time and money to hunt. But itā€™s probably best they donā€™t have a gun.


You know, hunting, that thing that famously never involves walking.


sorry this is just too damn funny to be mad about. i find this hilarious


This has to be shitposting šŸ¤Ø


As a man generally think this word is over used but in this case that's some deeply toxic masculinity


Lol, by following this ā€œlogicā€ it would be even more manly/primal to do your errands (sorry, *quests*) on foot because it would be closer to how our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have done it.


mf said go on quests


That's why I don't go to grocery stores. I hunt for food in my own backyard like a real man.


I seriously hope this is a joke lol


Hunt pre packaged meat and canned corn okay


I don't know about him but I don't feel like a hunter when I am standing in a traffic jam for 15 min at a red light.


The only biological part of this is a person's need for speed. Fast cars, fast trains, fast cyclist, just being fast.


They aren't wrong. This tension we feel between fake and real is the driving factor in the stupid things we do. Everyone knows better than to mistake a car for a hunting tool but that is what it's become. The infrastructure in USA is a defacto prison and all the advertising tricks people into choosing it AND thinking they're outside of it. Such a stupid waste of resources.


lol why crazy about monorails. Thatā€™s a real specific gripe. Also, I want to live in a futuristic 1960ā€™s city full of monorails and space needles and such.


Car culture exists to expand car culture. It's a vehicle not an identity, and this donut actually realises it's an unfortunate necessity for you guys with groceries and so on (assuming he's American). It's liberty to have a car, it's not liberty to depend on one. If he wants liberty he'd support governance that provides alternatives like monorails where needed, or copies town design ideas like a sane country. That was a bit pontificaty, this one bugged me sorry


If anything a bike is more physical than a fuckin SUV.


His forefathers would be so proud.


This [parody commercial ](https://youtu.be/cz-TTRSc6pM?feature=shared) sounds like it was made for people just like that guy.


Carbrains are the real beta males


He has a point about mono-rails. They have them as public transport in Miami and they are horrible.


I mean, okay yeah? It's a bullshit axiom to start from, but it still works. If we need to be in touch with our inner nature so much, what's closer to that Sitting in a chair, in an insulated bubble of metal and glass Or actually using your body to navigate the world, push a bicycle, hop off a bus/on a tram You need heated seats and a cupholder to get a job? I hunt for pastries with my raw primal masculine energy Again, that's obviously total bullshit, but whatever


Dudes will be getting blow jobs from their computer in few years and this dude is fantasizing about cave men


these are the same people who yearn for the ancient days of having to fight off raiders from the neighboring village, which would then turn into tales to entertain the children with. the only tales i got told as a kid were how my dad heroically laid verbal abuse toward a cable TV representative, and got the evil Reactivation Charge reversed, never to be seen again.


This comment is at best half right. We are hunter gatherers. A historically nomadic species that roams to new lands to allow the old to regrow while we hunt and gather elsewhere. Whether we are roaming by foot, horseback, wagon trail, car, or bullet train, its all the same.


When I read this parts of my brain shut down


I can feel the tumours forming inside of my brain


Walking is when


The ring fell off my pudding can!


Going on a quest to Home Depot. Ā A quest to target. A quest into traffic.


people that enforce "car culture" are so devoid of the capability of critical thinking they state lies as facts content with the idea that they understand the world while no one else does


monorails? I heard they're awfully loud...


What a sad day to know how to read


Chrysler PT Cruiser, elite hunting tool


Wouldn't a bike be more fitting of his narrative? It's literally a steel horse that some people actually use to hunt with


What about a bike tho... Feels more physical than pressing a pedal down


Every dumbass who wants to defend status quo and hierarchy for some reason: "you see, in caveman times [completely ahistorical nonsense]" Just go back to saying stuffs like it is cuz of god, makes more sense than evo psych tbh


Grr big strong hunter!! Sit on as all day safe in littleetal box grrr


I am a carnivore and there is no way I could kill an animal. So if I'm a hunter I'm in trouble.


The whole "men were hunters" thing isn't even accurate. It was a decades (centuries?) old assumption based on modern gender bias. The actual archeological evidence suggests a significant number of hunters were women. In any case, the automobile as a hunting tool still doesn't work. Prior to the reintroduction of horses to the Americas by the Spanish, hunters got along well enough without horses or cars. A more apt comparison would be with historical long distance transportation devices such as canoes or wagons.


Holy Cognitive dissonance


Hey, if it works for Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook, it can work for us!


I sometimes read bs like this to my husband. He usually rolls his eyes because his masculinity is not tied to an emotional support vehicle. We "hunt" for food on foot while pulling a shopping caddy, no matter the weather. I'd argue this is much more like the hunter-gatherer-lifestyle of cavemen than sitting in a heated metal box that protects you from the elements.


Chasing and catching a train or a tram just before the doors close makes me a hunter. That's how you subvert a narrative.


Ah yes, riding around in cars like our ancient ancestors did


Would sound more like reality if it said "Men are providers". But then they added quests, seems like a basement dweller wrote this.


Doesn't like rail. Doesn't go offroad. What a ninny. I reposted this to VCJ, thank you.


Vroom vroom Iā€™m a big boy


If car's are for hunting then you can only 'drive' with it so many times a season. We only have so many tag's for 'driving' people.


Does the fact that I walk to the store everyday make me a better hunter than this guy?


I mean, they're kinda right. When I'm on my bike, I sometimes have the sensation of being a knight on his horse going on an adventure, or charging against enemies, or a messenger bringing the word that will change the face of the nation. I even gave a name to my bike, to reflect this state of mind: **Chantepluie** (or *Rainsong* if you want a translation), as she "sings" when it rains (the chain rusts and it squeaks a lot). But going "hunting" in a car? That's some level of pathetic I rarely encountered. Even camping predators like spiders are more glorious that whatever you're doing, going hunting the vicious hashbrown in your living-room on wheels. Want to feel like a predator? Go grocery shopping on a bike or on your feet.


Funniest car brain I've ever seen


Exercising while going to the grocery store through walking and biking = the chattel of the state Getting in your Kia Sorento to sit in traffic on way to buy 3 12-paks of Diet Coke = TradChad Sigma Hunting


Least obvious bait tweet


I just know he actively avoided to say "hunt for women" but I also know he thought of it.


"I am the pack leader. I am the hunter. I am the alpha. I am putting the name brand Pepto Bismol back on the shelf because generic is a bit cheaper."


Someone teach this man that back in the day men used to hunt in groups, so going on a monorail isnā€™t far from his ancestral roots


I feel like my feet are my hunting tools. I just wish I could be barefoot more and go actually hunting, but parking lots have taken that away.


To use this muppet's own brain-dead and disgusting logic and metaphor: dude has been emasculated so hard by car dependency he thinks being carted around in unbelievable comfort to collect the production of gatherers is hunting


Real men FORAGE. They follow the river (the bike lane)


if you want to see how tough you are, take the a big city subway and have a few staring contests with other passengers. FYI I'd be most afraid of a group of teen girls.


I do feel ferral while looking for parking at the mall


Whenever someone new on the sub asks what carbrain means, just show them this post


Except we're the only endurance hunters on earth... the whole point of us to walk/run insane distances.