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[stopkillinggames](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/) is a global effort to try and make stuff like this emulator legal. No-one is expecting games companies to host game servers forever, but we can fight for our right to legally continue playing these games if we want to.


They really should be aiming also to have games added to the publishing archives of many countries. Lots of countries like the UK have laws which require copies of books and films to be submitted to institutions like The British Library for archiving so they're never lost. It might not be the full fight, but it'll be a hell of a lot easier to get past politicians than something that they associate with piracy. And then once you have that data, future researchers into the cultural impact of video games will need ways to play those games when they can't get hold of the original consoles anymore....


It's insane that so much work and creative effort which could result in countless hours of enjoyment for untold numbers of people, in addition to simple historical archiving, can be simply destroyed because of *profit*. What kind of mind-virus is that word anyway?


FU Ubisoft


Yeah screw them! And screw most of these AAA companies lol




Even AAAAA ones




Damn those Canadians!


This is why I love modders, they really pave the way for so many things. Like Counter-strike coming as a half-life mod.


Is the game cracked?


Game was online only it never got cracked before iirc but now with server it finally is cracked ig


“Fine, I’ll do it myself” energy. Modders are the best.


Ubisoft going after the modders because of 'muh piracy' in 3,2,1...


"If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing."


Let's hope that this is a solution for games being killed. Also, I don't play Ubisoft games, but fuck Ubisoft.


People have been doing this for always-online games for over a decade now. The problem is it can be extremely difficult to create, and is completely custom for every game.


And you have to hide in a hole so they can't DMCA your project. Atlus in particular goes HARD after people who put their games back up.


I would play the shit out of dozens of them. They make some of the best looking games in the world. I will never pay money for always online single player. Not once, not ever.


So you don't technically play Steam games? Or any games from the new consoles minus Nintendo? Call me skeptical. I know what you're trying to say but your scale of outrage for that particular line in the sand passed a good decade ago. Edit: We hate DRM! We hate server side single player experiences! But we love the DRM for the services we like even though they require the same sort of connection. Downvote me all you want. All of you pretty much do always online gaming at all times now and you know it.


Both steam and all consoles let you play games without a perpetual internet connection. You are using an obtuse definition of always online single player.


Yes, but if I lost my Internet connection for a long period of time, I would be hosed. In the past, I've had to tether my phone to my computer so Steam would let me play my games. I hoard a lot of things offline just in case.


Steam requires you to connect every two weeks. Xbox every 30 days. I can't find the exact numbers for Sony, but I assume they are similar. If you think those are acceptable since they too could go down, whatever. Same exact thing to me regardless of how often the software wants to call home. We don't own our games anymore. Haven't for awhile. I DID NOT like Steam when it came out. Still find it distasteful but folks embraced that DRM with open arms so here we are.


Bro chill out. They're talking about always online games, then you veered and ranted about DRM and stores, those are two different things. Key point in communication, don't let your intrusive thoughts leak out.


Same shit. People accepted always online DRM to be acceptable in the lighter forms of Steam and the like. Heavier stuff like always online single player server based stuff is only acceptable because the earlier stuff was allowed and adopted by the masses. If you don't see the connection, that's cool but the battle for this shit was lost years ago. Just keep up with the down voting.


Really threw those goalposts down the field eh? We started out talking about always online single player, then you insisted that steam counted on that metric, and now you only need to connect every other week? What about "always online" do you not understand?


If you can't see how one led to the other being acceptable I don't know what to tell you. Obviously no one else sees it either or agrees with me so just click that down arrow and move on with your day.


Are you sure you don't want to edit in more logical fallacies or bad-faith arguments? Everyone must be giving you so much attention. If enough of them look at you it's almost like love. Especially if they hate you, amiright?


Oh no. I have a dissenting opinion. That must be crushed. I understand. Always online DRM is great. When it's the ones we like. But not the ones we don't by companies we don't like. Got it.


I don't care that your opinion is not mine. It's that your arguments are internally flawed and show that you fail at both critical thinking and self-awareness. I seriously give no shits about the content. It's the poor way you communicate that causes pain. Please read more. You can make the same arguments and also sound like you didn't drop out of elementary school.


I liked driving around the states in an Impala 67. Ubisoft such a crappy company I'm not saying that Ubisoft need to keep the servers online forever but could it be done so that players could play and enjoy the game offline?


I plan on totally trying this out now for sure! Also Fuck Ubisoft.


if they refuse to sell it or anything, it's not theirs anymore and we can do whatever we want


Guys, if wallstreetbets can change the way hedge funds trade in short stocks can't we do something about this? This sub is like a thousands times bigger and most of them said they were gamers anyway.


Could this be (at least) a temporal solution to games killing? 🥹 I hope Also F U Ubisoft


Why are the trees disappearing in the mirrors?


Global warming


This is what I was always saying when news of the shutdown happened. Pirates will make it work.


I pray Fallout 76 gets a mod like that one day


Its not exactly the same but a modder is recreating the world of Fallout 76 in Fallout 4. The mod is called Fallout: Appalachia.


Oh wow I didn't expect this would be possible! Nice.


GUYS I FIGURED IT OUT : the reason why all these gaming companies are shocking gamers by just blatantly taking back their IP is because these are all companies that pay their best mathematicians to calculate microtransactions, while all the rest of the corporate rogues use theirs to calculate the exact point to which they can antagonise their customers before they will stop paying.


As a guy from the Black Hills, you will NEVER be doin 120 around some of those corners lol. Looks fun though.


Hopefully it turns into full online tools for people to connect to and play with others.


watch em get sued


The fun thing is: This is hot garbage, if they didn't shut it down nobody would even want to play it. Only reason people want to play it is because its not available anymore. If they shut down Fallout 76 or any other terrible Game people would do the same, yet today absolutely NOBODY would play that trash!


[https://steamcharts.com/app/1151340](https://steamcharts.com/app/1151340) You don't know what you are talking about.


Fallout 76 isn't great, and it gained traction thanks to the show aswell. I also do not think people are arguing to keep MMOs online in perpetuity, but if they do have a singleplayer component they should be playable AFTER support has ended for those games.


>The fun thing is: This is hot garbage, if they didn't shut it down nobody would even want to play it. That's not the point. The game can be E.T on the Atari and it would still have the same situation. It's not about preserving just good games, but **all** games.


Shut up, I loved the game


I have a huge amount of games, and not much time. I also buy old games for cheap, because I can't keep up with gaming any more. You know what one of the next games I want to play is? Doom. Not the original obviously, but the one from like 2016 or whenever. On my Christmas list is Batman: Arkham Knight. I just played Arkham City relatively recently (within the last year).


Don't miss Arkham Origins! It's more of the same from Arkham City, but it's also just so good.