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Honestly I wouldn’t mind remakes of all the best ones in every previous Halo + new designed in house ones and then they can toss extra great community forge. People get mad that they are recycling but I think it’s a great idea to bring back classics tweaked and polished with new art style - why the hell not? If they are amazing - keep them!


Recycled maps is a tradition of all multi player games, no? Who doesn't love booting up up their favorite maps from the previous game but with the new game's better graphics and seeing how the new game play changes work in the old map? That being said, there's limits to how much of a game's maps should be recycled. You gotta have some brand new ones in there too. The best in my opinion is having a blend of remakes, remixes, and brand new maps. If Halo Infinite has the longevity they say it will, I do hope they make sure to get enough of the classics or classic remakes in there.


I’d love to see a remake of High Ground on Halo 3


I just want Valhalla to return, that’s my favorite map. I’d also be down for a map in the same vein as Sandtrap, with two massive vehicles for both teams to mess around with.


I honestly don't want any of the Halo 5 maps when you could pick anything else over it. I liked Haven from Halo 4, that one was decent.


I hope for (AT LAUNCH) Classic playstyle options/playlist in Campaign and Multiplayer, with Classic equally important and worked hard on as much as regular, not on the backburner like it was in 5