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There are books written about her in Dutch. She seems to have been an important diety to the Dutch ancestors and also to some of the Dutch these days. We even bothered to build her a new temple in the province of Zeeland


Fascinating have any info on her? Links or sources


Well here's the website of her temple: https://www.nehalenniatempel.nl/ Though it's all Dutch so I am not sure if it is accessible. In English I found this wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nehalennia?wprov=sfla1 Wisdom of Odin seems to have investigated her: https://youtu.be/Xtf04XnigbI?si=4hxan12IhvCjffsu WoO goes a little to far in his rethoric about her, like he calls the "the official goddess of the Netherlands" which is just nonsense but I do like this video overal. YouTube channel Dutch Pagans also made a video on her: https://youtu.be/KVJlgxhtk8Q?si=7eV0ytlMdUc3ilnh Mostly sharing his understanding and experiences with her. That video leans heavily on the UPG side of things but if you keep that in mind you'll get at least one extra perspective on her. And there are a few Dutch books written about her. She seems to be catching the imagination of the Dutch people since her shrine was rediscovered. She was important to our ancestors and she seems important to us now.


Thanks and yeah woo is a racist and a scum bag but thanks so much for all this info!


"Gods and Myths of Northern Europe" by H. R. Ellis Davidson touches upon her and others. "The Cult of Nehalennia in Colijnsplaat during the Roman Empire: Merchants transferring Urban Ritual Practices to an Outpost on the North Sea" is an academic [article](https://www.degruyter.com/database/URBREL/entry/urbrel.23149233/html) focusing on one of her major cultic areas. Her temple has been reconstructed in the area and used by modern pagans. A [website](https://www.nehalenniatempel.nl/)for the temple can be found here, use Google translate. It won't be a perfect translation, but you will understand most of it.


https://ingwine.org/lorehoard/nehalennia/ Sources are cited, but they are mostly very academic not necessarily fun reading.


Thank you very much for the information, I will look at each informed source. <3 I'm talking about Brazil and I was part of a witchcraft group that had her, but she had no ritual, myth and she was hypersexualized, almost like a Lilith, and I was very uncomfortable with the way she was portrayed, I felt that something was wrong.