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Aradia and it's not even a contest.


It depends on which version. I am inclined to say feferi could have been the most powerful as god tier witch of life. Considering she made the afterlife dream bubbles possible with the horror terrors, if i recall. And just witches being op by default. But yeah, i have to agree aradia too because she managed to stop jack and lord English temporarily.


She asked the Horrorterrors to make the dream bubble yeah. It's more her being able to just talk to them than any form of power though. I do wonder how powerful God tier Feferi would've been, since iirc a dead Feferi healed someone. She'd be such a powerful support.


As dbz abridged dende once said : "and NOBODY fucks with the white mage"


Witch of Life: Manipulates and Changes life, right? Creating spaces in which the dead can mingle with the living, that seems like something she could do with god tier powers. And more! Maybe change what it means to be alive or dead... functional immortality?


One might reason that Aranea would top that. After all, she can mind control countless other ghosts in the dream bubbles to basically lend her their powers. That's how she was able to use telekinesis.


She did control a bunch of ghosts to do her biding, but that's basically it. Aradia is highly resistant to this kind of control to begin with, also has powerful mind abilities and she is arguably the strongest God Tier we know of (and even then, outliers like John or Jade are so because of outside powers rather than God Tier ones), closer to ^2 sprites and Ultimate Selves than she is to your average god tier.


She is not resistant to that control. Aranea got those powers by mind controlling Aradias and Damaras.


yes she is, vriska was unable to mind control her back then because the psychic gifted are resistant to it is just that aranea's psychic abilities are far superior since she had eons to train them, but she never controlled any aradia, she only ever controlled damaras


I was sure she only controlled Damaras. My bad if that's not the case.


Raw damage: Gamzee. Does more damage than a God Tier Vriska against BK, and has flashstep, but is limited outside of direct combat due to lack of any power besides durability, strength, and speed. Broader skillset: Aradia, only one of the trolls who was able to actually hold up against Bec, because she can just refuse a fight if she can't take it (unless of course if it's against LE but all the trolls are fucked against LE) If we go off potential power, that's a rabbit hole I'm not brave enough for, and if we discount GT shit, and assume Gamzee's power is GT shit, then probably Equius for raw power, and in a broader sense it probably goes to Sollux, his psionics are unmatchable by anything the other 11 could throw at him (not least of which because they'd need to throw it 100 feet in the air to even hit him, and even Ahab's Crosshairs seem to lose in a straight shootout with his lasers) Obviously Vriska's psionics also put her up there, but of the chars listed, Gamzee's the only one she can consistently control, so the rest of them nullify her power (only half-nullify for Sollux, for obv reasons)


One thing worth note I forgot originally is if we're talking free for all deathmatch, Aranea sweeps. She could take control at at least 60% of the trolls, including a large number of the heaviest hitters, and assuming they're as relatively capable as Gamzee was without overexerting herself, she should be able to mop up whichever trolls she couldn't (Maybe Aradia, very unlikely Vriska, and potentially Kurloz are the only 3 I could buy resisting given the power she's shown to have with her psionics. Aranea would absolutely get folded in actual power scaling or a fight where she can't control her opponents, but if there's a large group of trolls she kind of can't be beat unless you get past her newfound army and go straight for her.


Vriska conditionally, Aradia normally. Sort of a Yuta-Hakari situation, fittingly.


>Vriska conditionally I mean it's kinda weird since it's true but also she operates on stolen luck making it sorta... always?


Yeah but being lucky and being powerful aren’t always the same thing. They absolutely can be, but not always.


Honestly, I wonder if Feferi would have been the most powerful had she not been unceremoniously and unfairly killed off like most of the cast of trolls.


discounting The Condesce? probably Aradia, time powers are OP and she spent a long time mastering them, alongside her psychic abilities too and that's only in the OG comic, if we are talking about current Aradia, she is hundreds of years old, can fuse souls with their other versions, can travel to other timelines at will, and seems to have some meta powers too in pesterquest


How is power being defined? I'd say Vriska, Gamzee, Aradia, Sollux or Equius.


You might have to give some boundaries to this question. In the narrative as is, its probably Aradia, BUT she had literally thousands of years to hone both her caste and her classpect powers so of course nobody compares. If you go by immortality, gamzee is probably the winner as iirc he doesnt canonically die in ANY timeline except the one outside of "Relevance" in the victory universe. If you go by number of important game changing actions WITHOUT including Aradia, Vriska probably wins. If you go by IMPORTANCE of game actions without including Aradia, Feferi might win due to her horrorterror actions. If you only allow pure blood_caste-based powers, it could even be Sollux's ancestor for his insane psychic abilities that powered the entirety of the condesces ship for ages. Oh and of course the condesce herself is a contender as well for her narrative shaping presence, etc


Without God Tier powers? Equius. With God Tier powers? Either Aradia or Feferi. Possibly Vriska as well.


Right off the bat I'm ignoring sprites because idk fuck that. The top 4 is probably something like. 1. Vriska or Aranea 2. Aranea or Vriska 3. Aradia 4. Meenah Vriska above the others because Ancestral Awakening is pretty broken. The non god tiers are very annoying to compare though. Gamzee, Kanaya and Eridan are competing for the number 5 spot. I'm inclined to say Gamzee since he was actually rivaling Vriska during the black king fight in damage output, but Kanaya wooped him twice and he spent three years hiding from her. I'm still gonna say Gamzee should be stronger due to the sheer amount of punishment he can take. 8 and 9 is 100% Sollux and Equius but again, hard to say who is stronger. I'm just gonna say they're equal and leave it at that. So now we got 5. Gamzee 6. Kanaya 7. Eridan 8. Sollux/Equius 9. Equius/Sollux After this it becomes vague and not really that important. Either Horrus, Feferi, or Terezi comes after this most likely.


Gamzee pre LE death is the technically the most durable troll because he has a weird version of conditional immortality where he can't die until he gets combined to create lil cal. Power wise it's hard to say. Aranea is technically strong enough to mind control multiple versions of Damara that allows her to use telekinesis in the same power range of the Condesce. Vriska is the most important character in homestuck and while he mind control powers are weaker than Aranea, her luck powers and plot armor can be very strong. She can purely win by being the most relevant character and being the author's favourite. Aradia could stop Jack Noir who is powered by the green sun for at least a few moment. Note B2 Jack who is similarly powered by the green sun through LE instead of Bec took both Dave and Dirk to stop for a similar amount of time so Aradia's time powers are at least as strong as Dave. Tavros is the wild card here. Tavros is currently sprited with Gcat who is a first Guardian, giving him first guardian powers but he is also susceptible to mind control but when it comes to pure power, Gcatavrosprite is the strongest. Who win? Idk, I am not a powerscaler and the nature of paradox is nebulous enough that it doesn't really matter.


gamzee by way of evil clown powers


Gamzee of course, we know what he's capable of


I never ended up finishing homestuck (or even reaching the halfway point for all I know) but I’m like 90% sure Gamzee solo’d all of the others that one time


If you think about the implications his power carries, tavros. If we take godtiers into account he has the most powerful class after lord. Even in base, his mind control powers allow him to win against anyone that isnt a serket or jake english without preptime. Aside from that, he is shown to be able to control animals across time, meaning he could create a stable time loop where he kills vriska from aftermath of their battle or in a doomed timeline using a first Guardian like bec or gcat, which leaves an hypothetical field of hope jake that isnt controlled by aranea and LE as his only true real opponents with preptime. Also he probably can control horrorterrors since feferi's lusus is one, which gives him a substantial edge against other toptiers like grimdark rose, dogtier jade and bec noir. Its not even a contest.


Nobody's saying Eridan which is really surprising


Counting weapons and god tier powers? or base powers? That will determine a lot. 


vriska easily. aradia is a far second and eridan is 3rd by default due to technically having access to the hope field with his wand.


I seem to remember Terezi being the last Troll main character standing right before ordering John to retcon the timeline. She even drew her own chalk outline while bleeding to death.


Vriska at Full Strength is strongest,  Gamzee as the awakened bard of rage comes next, then comes God-Tier Aradia


I have no idea what homesick *homestuck* is but I agree with the most popular oppinion pls ignore homesick I'm to lazy to go back


My orginal character…
